When Princess Celestia comes down with a mysterious illness, Sunset takes it upon herself and Twilight to get to the bottom of it, which would be hard enough if she wasn't dating the other Twilight in secret.
When Sunset realizes she hasn't introduced SciTwi to her family, she decides it's time she brought her girlfriend to meet the closest thing to family she has left: Princess Celestia. If only SciTwi could get past Princess part.
Pinkie Pie finds a mysterious note hidden in Boneless the rubber chicken, written for /her/! But, the foreboding message inside doesn't sound at all like the Cheese Sandwich she knows ...
Sunset Shimmer receives remarkable news: Princess Twilight's becoming the queen of all Equestria! But as her friends celebrate, Sunset struggles with her own destiny when dangerous, new magic leaks through a rip in space-time above Canterlot High.