• Member Since 22nd Dec, 2016
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Stellar Wind

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Found 3 stories in 20ms

Total Words: 24,980
Estimated Reading: 1 hour

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After Rainbow's "surprise" for Applejack gets out of hoof, Applejack is left to sort out how she feels about being in love with a pegasus who likes to go too big with every darn thing she does.

Chapters (1)

On a hillside at the edge of Sweet Apple Acres, under the stars, Applejack and Rainbow Dash face the growing feelings they've been having for each other.

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Twilight's brother neglected to tell her he's getting married... to one of her best friends! Not only that, her friend is acting oddly suspicious and the rest of the Mane 6 don't seem to notice. But Twilight is determined to unravel the mystery in an alternate telling of A Canterlot Wedding with a different pony as the bride.

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