• Member Since 24th Aug, 2015
  • offline last seen Dec 16th, 2024


I love Fallout Equestria, the Austraeoh series, and enjoy some strange ships. I'm incredibly inconsistent with updates and Minuette is my favorite pony.

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Sometimes we choose who we fall in love with, sometimes life chooses for us. Minuette and Limestone Pie find themselves coming to grips with the latter.

Note: This takes place after the series finale. More specifically, after Twilight's coronation, but before the time skip, so expect a few spoilers. Also features Lyra, Sweetie Drops (or Bonbon), Moondancer, Twilight Sparkle, Princess Luna, Cloudy Quartz, September (y'know, the comic background cameo from Fringe), and doubtless many more in the future the way things are going. I even plan on big things happening for and to some of them.

Credit for the art goes to a great friend of mine, Uma, or @UmaYorokobi on Twitter. If you like the new cover art and maybe wanna support the artist (please do), go check out her stuff. She doesn't do a ton of pony stuff, but she's a huge Wander Over Yonder fan, so if that's your thing, definitely check it out.

Chapters (10)

The story picks up when Twilight was returning to Ponyville after visiting with four of her old friends from Canterlot. This leaves just Moondancer, Twinkleshine, Lemon Hearts, and Minuette to hang out until Lyra is scheduled to arrive.
Moondancer wasn't always the closest with these three, so she ended up missing out on some pretty important events. Fortunately for her, they're more than happy to share a story at their favorite donut place.

All of this is based off of headcanons I developed looking at information I found in the Wikipedia entries for these background ponies and what little we've seen of them in the show. Also, I was a bit confused as to how I should tag this story. If you think a tag should be added or removed, please say so in the comments or PM me, thanks and I hope you enjoy. It's not necessary for the first chapter, but here's a link to the original story this branches off from.

Chapters (2)

Starlight Glimmer has been living with Twilight in the weeks since the whole time travel incident. Twilight went to Canterlot for a couple of days so Starlight used this time to sort through some of her feelings and think about how things will be going forwards. But no matter how she tries there's one question she can't quite understand. How did she change my mind when nopony else could?

There's also a side fic I wrote called Only Time will Tell, feel free to head on over and check that out. :twilightsmile:

Chapters (3)