• Member Since 12th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen Feb 16th, 2023



TOM, Chapter the Fourth! · 10:37pm Feb 27th, 2013

Aww, yeah. Yeah, it's up. Yeah, you love it. It's cool, it's all cool, it's okay to like it, it's good writing. Just let it happen.



Awwwww, yeah.

Report SleeplessBrony · 1,040 views ·

Err... Updates! Again! · 3:39am Feb 20th, 2013

My apologies - that new chapter of The Other Mare I just posted was missing a fair bit of text. Not sure how that happened, looks like some kind of upload error. Anyway, it's fixed now. Sorry if you read it right away - there were some really good lines missing! Give it another look when you have a minute!

Report SleeplessBrony · 963 views ·

Updates! · 12:12am Feb 20th, 2013

Device Heretic has sent me the latest chapter of The Other Mare! It's good stuff, check it out!

Also, new chapter of Clouds/Earth is up... probably a bit less exciting. In fact, I'm pretty sure some of you are going to hate it. Feel free to let me have it in the comments!

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Report SleeplessBrony · 979 views ·

What's YOUR Favorite Episode? · 5:44pm Feb 18th, 2013


You guys should check out this poll.

Far be it for me to attempt to influence anyone's votes, but Best Night Ever could use some more love. Just sayin'.

Except I am not just saying, because you didn't hear that from me.

Now go vote for Best Night Ever Have fun voting!

Report SleeplessBrony · 827 views ·

Dodged a Bullet, I Guess · 1:49am Feb 3rd, 2013

I'm sure at least a few of you are familiar with Cracked.

Now, I'm actually a fan of the site. Check it almost every day, been on their forums for years now, back before those forums were associated with Cracked. Back when they really were pointlesswasteoftime.com, back when David Wong still had a day job and John Cheese had a website he updated. In fact, it was on those very forums where I first heard of pony, before all pony was banned there.

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Report SleeplessBrony · 1,310 views ·

On Documentaries · 5:56pm Jan 28th, 2013

So... a lot of people talking about that Brony documentary. Well, they were talking about it a week or two ago. I guess I'm a bit late to the party.

I don't have much to say about it, honestly. I'm not a fan, for a lot of reasons. Won't sugarcoat that. But other people have explained why better than I could, I think.

The reason I'm posting is this.

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Lyle's Dad is Best Pony · 11:53pm Jan 21st, 2013

Just wanted to drop in and announce a new chapter of Clouds/Earth. Pretty big trigger warning on this one - if you would like to not read a depiction of attempted rape, you might want to skip the opening flashback. My apologies - I know it's a sensitive topic, and not one to be taken lightly. I wouldn't have included it if I didn't think it had its place in the story, but I understand I may be out of my depth here. I hope I've done the situation some justice.

So, uh... ahem. Anyway.

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Report SleeplessBrony · 938 views ·

Another Romance Reports Sequel?! · 4:12am Jan 11th, 2013

Now, hold on. Bear with me.

Some of you may have noticed that I have story ideas listed on my user page. One of those was tentatively titled "Bacchanalia."

Being the incredibly slow and lazy writer I am, that one has been sitting there for a LONG time now, neglected and alone. I almost wrote it for a prompt over at Sexty Minute Ponies, but I only got a few pages in before running over time. Then I continued neglecting it.

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Report SleeplessBrony · 1,165 views ·

So I finally saw The Hobbit... · 12:41am Jan 5th, 2013


Yes, it's a story now. Also reddit! · 2:10am Dec 21st, 2012

Yes, I posted that gingering thing as its own story. It is here.

Also, user-submitted alternate ending! I don't think Rarity and fart jokes have ever occupied the same space in this universe, but that has now changed.


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Report SleeplessBrony · 1,138 views ·