• Member Since 27th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen May 27th


I write commissions and sometimes write stuff I come up with too. Nuff said.

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Pear Butter wants to bake a special birthday cake for her husband, one which has been made in the apple household for generations and that she knows he loves, but learns that sometimes things don't go exactly as planned...


Contains mild sexual implications, hence the T rating.

This is a contest entry for the Ancestral Tribute Contest.


This was based on idea by my friend RainbowFire1999, and cowritten by me and them. Uploaded with permission.

Chapters (1)

Rarity is in quite a dilemma: her little sister got into trouble, and she has to help her out of that mess!

However, life often takes strange curves, and sometimes, the most innocuous thing can lead to a huge change in your life...


This is my joint submission for the May Pairings Contest with LGZ, who came up with the idea, wrote the original draft, and I helped co-write and edit it. Uploaded on my account with their permission.

Chapters (6)

Royal Guard Boot Camp is hard, and Royal Guard Advanced Training is even harder. Obsidian Aegis -a determined pegusus- managed to prevail through it all with flying colors. Now it's the first day of his dream job of guarding Canterlot castle, but it's off to a bad start already. His alarm didn't go off...

This is my first SFW slice-of-life, and it revolves around an OC I just made up, It also details a headcanon I have of why all the guards are either white or dark-gray, while all other ponies are various colors.

This is very likely only going to be a one-shot, unless I happen to need a basis for another story I think up one day.

I mainly wrote this to see how well I could build a unique character from scratch. Please lemme know how I did.

Chapters (1)