• Member Since 8th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 17th, 2016



A Lil' Update · 4:59pm Oct 7th, 2013

Alright, so I disappeared for a while right after saying that we were going to have a discussion about something. Yeah, sounds like me. First off, sorry about that. Been busy with a second job that's been kinda on and off for the past couple of weeks. That and I've finally started watching Walking Dead and some other amazing shows. Come on, how much can you really blame me for that? A lot? Oh.

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Here's a Title for You! · 6:36pm Sep 19th, 2013

Alright chuckleheads, listen up. Tonight we're gonna talk about something you people have been asking me about since friggen' TITW started. It's a question that I as a gunsmith find to be completely not worth asking because its so stupid, but then again not everyone shares my profession.

... It's still a dumb idea but we'll get to that.

But for right now let me take advantage of some down time to give you ridiculously patient readers some progress reports.

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COTW 19 Preview · 1:38am Sep 10th, 2013

Okay, maybe there's still some confusion going on here, so here's something to start this off for the people that didn't browse the comments of the last post. Yes, I am going to finish COTW, with two large chapters over the course of the next two months (hopefully). But since I dunno when the first half of the finale will come out, I'm offering the first scene of chapter 19 for those of you that might want something to hold you over until then. Of course, you don't have to read it now, it's

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Guess What · 4:57pm Sep 5th, 2013

You know, I was fairly certain my watchers would all disappear in the wake of the last post, but it seems you guys are a little more tenacious than that. Welp, that's a good trait to have.

Sometimes life knocks on our door with promises of opportunity, and sometimes life comes back to say, "Hey uh... Yeah that's actually gonna get postponed for a couple months... Yyyyeeeeeeaahhhhh..."


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Farewell · 2:42am Aug 22nd, 2013

First off, I wanna thank all you guys that took the time to put your two cents in over the matter of the last post. Honestly, I had no idea so many people would be PMing me and showing such concern over COTW, of all stories. But then again, it's been going on for a while now, and people wanna know how it all ends. I completely understand that, and I also understand that I haven't been a very prolific writer and that you guys have more than likely got annoyed with me on several occasions because

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Moving On · 3:33pm Aug 13th, 2013

I actually thought I'd be writing this post a month or two ago, but now it's looking like it's pretty much official now. Well, this is gonna suck, so let's just get it over with.

This is actually a long time coming. I started writing pony with the thought in mind that it was a "fun little side project." However, me and my ideas turned it into something someone with only copious amounts of free time can handle, which is something I never had, and still do not.

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[News] Moving Again · 7:16pm Aug 4th, 2013

To those waiting for updates, I apologize, but I actually haven't had Internet for a while now (on my iPhone now), so I haven't been able to work on much as of recent that hasn't been in Microsoft Word. So this has affected my progress on my upcoming guides, as well as the work on Heroism (which will come back, I swear).

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[Discussion] Creepiest Thing on the Internet · 4:17am Jul 31st, 2013

I haven't had a discussion post in a while, and you chuckleheads seem to enjoy these incredibly vague questions, so here we go!

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[New Fic] Of Revenge with a Side of Brandy · 11:47pm Jul 21st, 2013

So RavensDagger and I were finally able to publish this story. It's a 6300 word oneshot, so yes, you have the time to read it. While you're over there why don't you give Raven a follow. If you don't already know him, he's a very prolific author, and pretty darned good too. Follow the link below for the story.


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[Story Preview] Part Three of the Riflepony Series · 4:54am Jul 17th, 2013

I'd make a "beating a dead horse" joke here, but we're on a pony site and that would just make everybody sad.

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