• Member Since 28th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen Jan 17th, 2019


Hi! I love to read science and fantasy books as well as fanfiction. I hope to please everypony with my stories! :)



New Name · 7:55pm Mar 29th, 2015

By the way, my previous name was Princess Midnight Star.

Report Aquari · 217 views ·
Comments ( 10 )
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Your welcome, ave thanks! I actually find you from DA ^.^

Than a lot for the watch!! And cute avatar!!>v<:heart:

Total Words: 920,174,576
Estimated Reading: 365 weeks, 1 days
... I am not so sure this is right... That would equal out to be about 6,300 books and 7 years reading... Tomorrow will be one year on fimfiction... :pinkiecrazy:

Haha! Yeah! :yay: if you want, you could look at her deviant art page, she has a bunch of pictures like it! (http://pixalysparkelz.deviantart.com/)

1729901 XD The cuteness has doubled!

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