• Member Since 31st Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Jun 19th, 2020


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Heads up, Gonna need feedback · 10:53pm Feb 19th, 2020

I've been workshopping story descriptions for The Wayfarers, and will probably post some of them here soon. I'd gratefully appreciate some feedback on which you find more appropriate, or maybe how I could edit one to make it better.


Hiatus almost over. · 6:01am Feb 14th, 2020

Just a quick post for anyone who's still looking out for me or my work.

I'm sorry it took longer than I originally thought to make another post. I'm guessing any long time follower of mine would come to expect this from me. I've just been dealing with a lot in my life, as I've probably let on.

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A Happy New Year! · 3:43am Jan 1st, 2020

Hope everyone is having a great New Years! Looking forward to a new year of writing, reading, and coffee drinking. I'll have some news on what I'm up to soon. Until then, stay safe, stay turnt. Much love <3


Requesting Feedback: New Story Summery · 4:35am Dec 6th, 2019

So, I'm thinking of rewriting The Wayfarers summery for the coming year. I've been tinkering with it for a while, but I'm thinking of trying something else completely. Maybe something a little more in the vague side? I want the reader to have an idea of what they're getting into, but I also don't want to be so wordy. I don't know. I'm open to suggestions.

For now, though, bed. Swamped from work.


The Hiatus Blog · 4:59pm Nov 28th, 2019

Perhaps this post is more of a formality than anything, but it's still one I'd like to make, nevertheless. I want things to be stated plainly and upfront.

I'm taking a break from posting content for a little bit. Maybe a month, likely a month and a half. Turns out I might need more time than I thought to get used to my new living, and working, situation. Maybe when things finally settle, I'll be able to feel and be more creative again.

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Having some difficulties · 6:00pm Nov 24th, 2019

I'm sorry for the gap in content. I'll be honest, it's been harder to get used to my new living situation than I thought. Not having my friends and my close family nearby has been... hard. Been dealing with problems at my new job, as well as a bit of a relapse on some old vices. Tried plowing through it with a can do attitude, but it's just been a lot. I feel creatively dry.

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Apology Sneak Peak at Chapter 39 · 4:23pm Nov 8th, 2019

I'm sorry it's taking a little longer than expected to get the new chapter out. I was pretty much bed bound yesterday, sore after my first day on the job, and didn't get to finish editing. As an apology, I'm gonna link a sneak peek at the new chapter. It's almost done, just have to finish some fine tuning. Im gonna try and have it out in the next day or two. Anyways

Chapter 39, Screaming Shadows

Password is password

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Chapter 39, "Screaming Shadows", Release Date · 4:00pm Nov 6th, 2019

Hey, everybody, I'm finally about ready to get Chapter 39 of The Wayfarers out the door. I'm sorry to say it's a bit on the short side compared to the last few chapters, and it's also veering a little bit from the cliffhanger of the last chapter. I'm still getting used to my new job and my new living arrangements. A smaller assignment was what I needed during this hectic time in my life.

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Major Update - Requesting Feedback/ A Wayfaring Side Story · 6:01pm Nov 2nd, 2019

Okay, a pretty big post here. I'm gonna try to be as coherent as possible without venturing into ramble territory.

I want to talk about the side story I've been mentioning in a couple of blogpost, and to hopefully hear feedback on my intentions of developing it. Mainly, how I want to tie it to the Patreon I created.

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Personal blog · 9:06pm Nov 1st, 2019

Just a bit of an update on the lesser literary side of my life.

Finally secured a job in my new location. It's still part time, but it's close by, and the pay and benifits are significantly better than my last gig. So, that's at least a little bit of weight of my mind. Hoping to have more on the writing front soon