• Member Since 11th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Dec 16th, 2021

Goof Theorist

I write for the fun of it. Just trying out a few ideas to improve my writing, and hopefully get some awesome, critical feedback!

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Found 1 stories in 12ms

Total Words: 91,402
Estimated Reading: 6 hours


Local D-list villain, mad scientist, prankster and toaster enthusiast- Germane Craft has a lot going on behind the scenes. But when one Twilight Sparkle finds out he's part of a rescue program for reincarnated aliens (instead of, say, running a timber wolf smuggling ring), she finds herself part of an eighty year-old conspiracy which begins breaking apart at the seams.

And then, because it's just not complicated enough already, royalty gets involved...

(A/N): Updating with a cover image soon!

Chapters (9)