• Member Since 29th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen March 29th

Jet Howitzer

If you close your eyes, it's like nothing's ever changed.


Another Update for Fireflies · 4:02am Jun 14th, 2013

This time with 1,759,174% more content! (Guaranteed or your money back!)

Things are going well, word count is at 7,972, and there's still plenty to go. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the two little things I've got for you.

First off, a snippet of what I've got for Fireflies:

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Fireflies Update and Other Shenanigans · 4:23am Jun 7th, 2013

First we'll tackle the heart of this blog post: Fireflies

Now, as some of you may have noticed, and I'm only talking about the really observant folk, there is no real history to Icarus' relationship with the girls. I just, kinda, jumped right in there. No preamble, just BAM! Plot! I am now working on fixing that problem in the only way I know how. By taking down the entire story and doing something totally different in every way...

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800 of You · 3:05pm May 27th, 2013

I woke up this morning, rested and restored, and I happened upon a startling fact when I checked my notifications.

I, Jet Howitzer, have achieved 800 followers.

Not bad, if I do say so myself. Now, in honor of this little event, I will do something special for all of you... What, I don't know. Make some suggestions, I guess, and we'll go from there.

Sursum Aeternum!
-Jet Howitzer

Report Jet Howitzer · 271 views ·

Fireflies Chapter 10 Update · 4:24am May 22nd, 2013

Word count is at 11,491 for chapter 10. Aim to have it done by tomorrow evening, so be on the lookout for more fun stuff.

-Jet Howitzer

P.S. Since this is so short, have a picture of Woona and her moon.

Report Jet Howitzer · 211 views ·

Fireflies Chapter 10 Update, and Preview · 6:51pm May 15th, 2013

The chapter is.... going. No real release date yet, but it's in progress. I hope to get it done by this coming weekend, but I make no promises.

Now, have a 625 word preview.

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Chapter 10 Progress Report, and a Preview · 4:50am May 1st, 2013

Faster Than Light

Just figured I'd get that out of the way first. By 'sort-of' popular demand Faster Than Light was the highest voted story from my list. I've had this sitting around for a while, so I decided to just put it up, and work on it when Fireflies isn't taking my attention.

As for the latest chapter? Well, we're at just under 2K words, and I have yet to get to any real substance yet.

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Report Jet Howitzer · 213 views ·

Chapter 9 Progress Report MK II · 5:28am Apr 23rd, 2013

Chapter 9 is at 10,064 words. That's Ten Thousand Sixty Four. And it's still not done yet. I'm covering an entire day in a single chapter, so be ready for a sit down drag out read. I aim to actually finish it within the next couple of days, and then I'll be giving it a nice long once over to see any glaring mistakes, and then it's out for publishing.

No promises on release date, since I wouldn't be able to meet it if I tried.

-Jet Howitzer

Report Jet Howitzer · 215 views ·

Fireflies Progress Report for Chapter 9 · 6:36am Apr 20th, 2013

Current word count sits at 4,724 (EDIT: Sunday April 21, 1:36 AM Current word count sits at 6,397). And it's close(r) to done. However, I don't know how long it'll be till it's done, so I'll supply you all with a tantalizing taste of what I've got so far. Since I'm such a nice guy.

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Viral Mother-ship of Awful · 5:02pm Apr 16th, 2013

Yeah, you read that right. I am full of disease. Sucks majorly, since I've got finals and shit to do. Ah, well, I only get sick once a year, so I suppose it'll be nice to get it out of the way now.

Now, since I don't feel like simply telling you about my viral status, I'll also share some details about the stories I'm working on. (Not in any order)
All of them...

1. Fireflies

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Chapter 7 Progress Report · 5:45am Apr 2nd, 2013

Fireflies chapter 7 is more or less done. That means that the editors now have some time to do what they do, and then I take their edits into account, and post the chapter up on here.

Oh, and since I'm a nice guy, enjoy this 500+ word sneak peek:

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