• Member Since 29th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen March 29th

Jet Howitzer

If you close your eyes, it's like nothing's ever changed.


Luna/Pegasus Fic · 10:53pm Mar 30th, 2012

It's still waiting for approval, so hopefully it will be up soon. I'll continue working on Rising Sun when I get back from work. Feel free to read my other stories, though, if you haven't already. Criticism of any persuasion is appreciated, as it will only help to make me a better writer.

Do what you wish.
Live how you want.
You are your own master.
So long as you are yourself no one can bring you down.


Report Jet Howitzer · 122 views ·

Luna/Pegasus Fic Done · 5:25am Mar 30th, 2012

More than seven thousand words later, and I finished up the Luna/Pegasus fic that was the most popular request. It should be up soon, and I hope you all enjoy it. If anyone has a good pic of Luna I'd be most grateful for a link, since I need a good pic for the story.

Anywho, I'll try and get some more stuff up for my other stories soon-ish.

Till next time,

Report Jet Howitzer · 206 views ·

Another One-Shot Coming Soon · 5:09am Mar 29th, 2012

Well, given the paltry number of votes I received on my poll I went with what was most popular. Expect a single chapter for a one shot between you and Luna. It's still in progress, and is currently about 4500 words. As of right now it still feels a bit rushed at parts, so I'm working on it.

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Report Jet Howitzer · 162 views ·

500 Total Views! · 4:27am Mar 25th, 2012

Well, I've reached more than five hundred total views. I'm pleased with this, but I want more! Spread the word of my works to your fellow bronies, and to those who follow you, and who you follow.

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Report Jet Howitzer · 158 views ·

An Update? Well, yes and no... · 1:46am Mar 23rd, 2012

Howdy doo,

I'm still chugging away at Rising Sun and The Long Road, so don't worry about either ending any time soon. I don't know why, but my mind has been acting somewhat sluggish in regards to actually getting the story typed out, so the chapters may slow down a tad. I'll still get chapters up when I finish them, but I may not get a chapter a day up.
In other news:

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Report Jet Howitzer · 654 views ·

A Small Request · 5:20am Mar 7th, 2012

Hey every(pony)one. Just felt like taking a moment to address those of you who take the time to read what I write, and even go as far as tracking. Thank you all. I don't want to seem ungrateful to any of you, so I'm taking the time to thank all of you. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, just let me know. If you send me a message I will do what I can to reply in a timely fashion. Make a comment, and I will do my best to respond to them all.

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Report Jet Howitzer · 176 views ·

News, of an indifferent persuasion · 7:21pm Mar 3rd, 2012

I'd like to start off by thanking those of you who are tracking me. I'm honored.

Now, on to the meat of the matter. I intend to do some major editing on my story, as it has been brought to my attention that it drags. The story takes to long to get anywhere, and I agree. So, over the next couple of days it will undergo some heavy editing. Specifically chapter one, and two, Quite likely an entire chapter will disappear, and I will do so to help with the flow.

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Report Jet Howitzer · 164 views ·

A brief introduction · 5:11am Mar 1st, 2012

Salutations, and good day.

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Report Jet Howitzer · 187 views ·