• Member Since 29th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen March 29th

Jet Howitzer

If you close your eyes, it's like nothing's ever changed.

More Blog Posts190

  • 517 weeks
    Spam be Damned

    I said I was gonna do it, and I did it. Not my best run, but I have had worse attempts.

    Sursum Aeternum!
    -Jet Howitzer

    5 comments · 599 views
  • 517 weeks
    I am the make Movie-Film

    First, I am making some progress in regards to writing. Fireflies is more than likely next to get an update, and then some of my other works.

    In other news, I'm going to start doing some recordings of myself playing some games I like, along with commentary. Because I can. And I think that it's fun.

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    3 comments · 611 views
  • 519 weeks
    Democracy: Probably a Dictatorship

    Well, dear readers, I've reached a smidgen of a snag when it comes to Fireflies. Not anything too dramatic, it's still going to be written, and things of that nature. So, don't worry about me abandoning it, or something like that. I'm not that much of a tosser... Most of the time.


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    20 comments · 617 views
  • 525 weeks
    I am now 23

    The title says it all, people.
    As of today, July 4, 2014 I am 23 years of age.

    Please, hold your applause, and just throw money. Can't buy shit with applause.

    Sursum Aeternum!
    -Jet Howitzer

    15 comments · 710 views
  • 525 weeks
    A Tale of Two Stories

    It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
    There are two tales that I would like to shamelessly endorse, now, and here they are:

    Distant Memories

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    1 comments · 505 views

Another One-Shot Coming Soon · 5:09am Mar 29th, 2012

Well, given the paltry number of votes I received on my poll I went with what was most popular. Expect a single chapter for a one shot between you and Luna. It's still in progress, and is currently about 4500 words. As of right now it still feels a bit rushed at parts, so I'm working on it.
In other news, I'm still chugging away at Rising Sun, and The Long Road. In about a month, give or take, I'll start work on my third continuing story. This is an estimate in the biggest sense of the word. I already know who will be the romantic interest, and I'm pretty sure about "you" but I'm still working on it.

Please feel free to ask me any questions (And I do mean any. Seriously, I'll answer anything) you might have. I always enjoy hearing from the people who read what I write.

Follow the Moon, as it will guide you.

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