A Tale of Two Stories · 1:34am Jun 30th, 2014
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
There are two tales that I would like to shamelessly endorse, now, and here they are:
Distant Memories
This story, by Lord of Nothing, features two ponies stranded somewhere without their memories. I don't know the whole plot, yet, but it has tickled my interest, and I'm an active pre-reader for the story. Really, go check it out, and tell Lord of Nothing that I sent you.
The second story is one of my own.
This was written for The Most Dangerous Game competition, and is a Human in Equestria story. It's going to focus on the exploration of Equestria, and will be seeing more chapters added once the competition is over, since I can't really add to it before the contest is over. Or, at least, I'm not going to add to it.
That's all, for now, comrades.
Till next time,
Sursum Aeternum!
-Jet Howitzer
Thanks, man. I thought "Wander" was pretty good, and can't wait to see what else you do with it.