• Member Since 2nd Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen Jan 6th, 2016

Tiramisu Tales

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Found 4 stories in 16ms

Total Words: 54,551
Estimated Reading: 3 hours


Relationships are give and take. Equality. Fairness. Responsibility and desire often clash, and one can only take so much before patience becomes thin, hearts become twisted, and morals are questioned, for even those with the power of the gods have emotions like mere mortals.

Chapters (1)

Mistakes happen, even to the great Discord. A mix of paperwork and a dash of chaos put Discord in the one place he was sure was for other ponies.

Chapters (1)

After another Grand Galloping Gala, Rarity realizes that she's been hiding things, feelings unaddressed. She decides upon a fresh start, a new beginning for a new Rarity. Out with the old and in with the new.

Chapters (1)

Sweetie Belle gets a 'love at first sight' crush on a pegasus known as Show Tail, who seems far more interested in everything else but her. Dealing with one's first crush is hard, when you have to beg for his attention. But if you persevere, just maybe, you can win a heart. Oh the woes of young love. Hope you like this better! I know I do!

Chapters (10)