• Member Since 20th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 9 minutes ago


Typical Brony doing Brony things.

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Found 3 stories in 21ms

Total Words: 7,745
Estimated Reading: 30 minutes


Sunny Dew was recommended a position at a top secret R&D due to his recent Cutie Mark thesis. He will have an in person interview and hopefully a job. No job means that he may get drafted, so he has one shot to get this right.

Written for Equestria at War HOI4 Contest!

Chapters (2)

This Rainbow mare wished upon a star,
not knowing what was looming just afar.

She soon forgot about her little pact,
Never knowing it would actually come back.

Here is the tale about the young mare,
When all she got was a lot of despair.

Chapters (1)