• Member Since 11th Jun, 2011
  • offline last seen Jul 3rd, 2014

Sunshine Smiles


Spacegirl and the wait. · 9:42pm Feb 10th, 2012

Sorry everypony, for the 10 month wait. It was rough for me but I had super bad writers block and the shipping isn't my strong suite, so it made for a disaster of a time for me writing. I will be getting back into the place of writing that is more in my comfort zone. So expect a new chapter VERY soon!

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I have bad news for you...

space dead

We should tell Sunshine Smiles to come back.

Went the long way around, and this person was last seen about 8~ months about on YT. Hurray for stalking!

Expect a new chapter very soon!

Jesus Christ if very soon is almost a year, what could be "late"?

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