• Member Since 20th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 15th, 2015


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Princess Celestia never knew what it was like to be feared. Sure, she knew of the anxiety of those meeting her for the first time, but that was a given. That wasn’t true fear. She knew of the fear of defeat shown by past villains she had brought down, but it was never true fear of her or her actions.

This colt, though? This earth pony who just appeared in her castle? He fears her. He fears her above all else, even death itself. Not even Nightmare Moon was feared this way. So why, oh why was this little colt so terrified of her? What had she done? How can she ever hope to alleviate her little pony of his pain, if her very presence causes him to lock up in terror?

Just where did this colt come from?

(So imagine a character from a grimdark story (ideally the victim) ending up in canon Equestria, and you pretty much have the premise behind this story. Do be warned though; this is much darker than my other stories, mostly because of the setting the aforementioned character came from. Seriously, when I thought of a victim of a grimdark story, I really wanted his old home to be as grim and dark as I could make it.)

Chapters (2)

Blacklight had the truth. He knew what he was. He knew Alex was dead, and that he was never human. He knew that Dana was never his sister, and that he was never even slightly related to her. He knew that there was nothing tying him to Dana, no real memories or biological similarities or even species based empathy. For some reason, Blacklight loves Dana like a sister he doesn’t have.

Perhaps this is what keeps him tame when he is brought into a place he does not belong. A scenario where a being of chaos and war brought to a place of harmony and peace is not often a pretty one. Yet with Dana there, somehow he manages not to go berserk and start murdering everything in sight.

Now the Monster of Manhattan contemplates his place in the world, lies to his sister and the ponies, and questions his lack of empathy when he begins to feel remorse for his actions. He is beginning to miss the simple times where the only things he had to deeply contemplate were methods of horrifically mutilating armies with the maximum amount of efficiency. At least that was straightforward.

(This fic operates under the assumption that Prototype 2 and its tie-in comics never existed. If you really have to ask yourself why, play the first game, then play the second game. The reasons should become apparent.)

(Well I'll be damned. Front page on the first day. Thank you all for your support!)

(Well, enough of you seem to think this is funny enough to be a dark comedy, so I added a comedy tag. I have to warn you though, I'm not entirely certain as to how consistent the comedy will be. So don't come into this expecting the wacky misadventures of a murderous psychopath.)

Chapters (9)

Nopony really knows what Big Macintosh does on his free time. Nopony knows about his opinions, his views, or much of anything beyond the obvious. Not even his own family. One supposes he leaves a lot unsaid. Perhaps all of that is his business. But what is Big Macintosh often really thinking? What does he really do when he’s done at the orchard?

Chapters (1)

Sundial is not your average pony. Most would assume this is readily apparent, considering he is the adopted child of Princess Celestia herself. Though not many wonder why exactly Princess Celestia so suddenly decided to adopt a little colt. Nopony really wonders why the Prince rarely makes public appearances. Nopony in Canterlot Castle really questions the strange happenings centering around Sundial.

This is all because, for lack of a better word, Sundial is special. He can use telekinesis without magic, he can fly without wings, he has the strength of ten stallions, and perhaps most significantly... he can see how things work. Sundial is a colt gifted with many more extraordinary abilities. Most would say these are blessings, but when you have to spend the majority of your childhood in isolation so you can train yourself not to kill everypony in the room by sneezing, you begin to rethink such a thing. It most certainly doesn't help that he would prefer to keep his abilities a secret...

(Well, I've never written any fanfiction before in my life, so I decided to try my hand at it. I have yet to see a Heroes crossover on FiMFiction, so I figured 'why not?' Knowledge of the television show Heroes helps, but is not required.)

(EDIT: For the time being, this story is on haitus due to a busy life and general lack of inspiration. I'll come back to this at a later date, but don't hold your breath; you'll suffocate.)

Chapters (3)