• Member Since 25th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen May 20th, 2023

Knight of the Raven

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Found 7 stories in 18ms

Total Words: 31,695
Estimated Reading: 2 hours


There are two problems in Ponyville today.

First problem: yaks just declared war on Equestria. Second problem: Strawberry Sunrise needs to make room in her drinks cabinet.

Sometimes problems cancel each other out.

Chapters (1)

Rarity is overworked. Saving the day on a regular basis doesn't do her schedule any favors; on the contrary, it brings in several customers. She appreciates that, both for the additional income and ever-increasing opportunities to live her passion. But the emergencies keep piling up as well and any moment Rarity has to herself is spent cornered against her backlog.

She will not rush or botch any order though. That was simply, irrevocably out of the question. Her customers will get the marvels they asked for and deserve. She'd just have to soldier on, like so many times in the past.

She's swiftly reminded that even heroes need rest, along with one fateful, foreboding proverb: desperate times call for desperate measures...

Chapters (6)

Princess Celestia is in danger, and it's up to the best thing since zap apple jam to save her.

Chapters (1)

Following Twilight's coronation, she and her friends ask Princess Celestia about her own ascension.

The tale is slightly less grandiose than they expected.

Chapters (1)

The god of chaos was cast down his throne and his reign of terror ended. Everypony celebrates the newly restored peace and freedom, but one pegasus is left reflecting.

An exercise in writing the same scene from two points of view. Rewritten.

Chapters (2)