• Member Since 1st Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen May 26th


Therapeutic Processes goes SKREEEEEOhnk


We are bruised, we are broken, but we are Goddess-blessed works of art · 6:41pm Nov 13th, 2018

Now I am two - myself, and this other you call 'my lady'. For she is here as truly as I am now, though once she was only a veil over me. She walks in the castle, she dresses herself, she takes her meals, and she thinks her own thoughts. If she has no power to heal, or to quiet, still she has another magic. - from Peter S. Beagle's The Last Unicorn

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(A few) Thousand Words of Noise: Writing about depression. · 8:02pm Nov 5th, 2018

Have you seen this story in the feature box? It's called "A Thousand Words of Noise". It's one of Monochromatic's newest stories, and to be honest, one of her extremely important ones.

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Chapter 18 at the Editors, plus a bonus announcement! · 11:50am Oct 23rd, 2018

Hey everyone!

So after 2 month's worth of quiet from me, I am happy to announce that 18.1 is going to the editors.

Yes, you read that, 18.1!

For reasons that will become clear once the series of chapters are posted, 18 is being broken up into a few different sections. Luckily, I've also been working on completing these sections concurrently, so that I'll be able to post them as soon as the editors are done with them!

How many are there? Well... we'll see!

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How not to get yourself hospitalized, or Just because you like Kraft Dinner doesn't mean you are mentally ill. · 3:35am Sep 28th, 2018

As part of my job as a crisis worker, one of the things I need to be able to do is assist in the process of placing people who are mentally ill and in crisis on a hold. Now... a lot of people probably start thinking of getting '5150'd' - to borrow from California's statutory code related mental health hospitalizations - but it's... really more complicated than that. A lot more complicated. So much so that, after visiting Ebon Quill, I ended up having to drive the entire diagonal length

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Sunshine, Speak, and emotionally deep conversations with your boyfriend at 4am · 8:52pm Sep 24th, 2018

This is a song with the same four chords
I use most of the time
When I've got something on my mind
And I don't want to squander the moment
Trying to come up with a better way
To say what I want to say - "You Were Cool" by The Mountain Goats

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17 coming soon (TM), but not like HL 3 soon · 6:49pm Aug 27th, 2018

I had to do some major revisions to 17, but I got off of my lazy butt to do them. The last few pages of the chapter ended up pushing it past my normal 10k-ish word count, so... there's that? Also I'm moving to nights in September, which will free up a lot of time to do work on Speak. And my goal is to get a chapter out every 3 weeks. Hopefully. Maybe?

please put away your duct tape I'm working on 18 already, too!


17 with the editors · 9:36am Aug 18th, 2018

After writing 8.8k words in 5 hours and doing some consulting with Somber, 17 is going to RoMS and Bro. So... to be released Soon(TM)

Report Heartshine · 262 views · #SOOOOOOON

Speak 17 coming soon(TM) AKA I AM NOT DEAD · 3:09pm Aug 17th, 2018

Hey everyone. I am planning on meeting with Somber to go over some notes this weekend for chapter 17. Knowning us, it'll probably kick my butt into actually finishing the darned chapter, and maybe I'll be able to prod him into writing Homelands as well!


Attachment, AD(H)D, and Confessional Non-fiction · 12:58am Aug 2nd, 2018

There are days that the five minute drive home from work is not long enough. Usually those days have been especially frustrating, emotionally taxing, draining, and/or all of the above. Those are the days that I am highly tempted to drive anywhere but home so that maybe at some point on the drive I can at least pull over somewhere pretty to just sob my eyes out and sit doubled over until my stomach decides to stop hurting. Otherwise I don't want to eat, I don't want to do anything but curl up

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Walking with Hungry Ghosts and Jealous Gods - Writing about Addiction · 10:10pm Jul 17th, 2018

I love writing, as it’s frequently my preferred medium for not only enjoyment, but stress relief. In my job, I spend a lot of time in the darker places of the human mind, and while I am comfortable there, there are days I need to get out of hell for a while. In his book “In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts”, Dr. Gabor Maté (you’re going to get tired of hearing that name from me) writes that addiction is much like the Preta realm shown on the Madala in Buddhist cosmology. The realm of Hungry ghosts is

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