• Published 8th Apr 2013
  • 3,061 Views, 88 Comments

The Great and the Generous - Cheer

Trixie and her imaginary friend are chased out of the forest they have been living in. Can Trixie bring herself to trust another pony again? How would others deal with her hallucinations?

  • ...

Chapter 3: A Moment from the Past and a Bed in the Present

Trixie and Rarity came to a stop outside the Carousel Boutique with yet another squeak from Trixie's wheel. Pixie had long ago taken to covering her ears with her hooves to block out the noise. Trixie herself was fairing little better. The scowl that usually held a constant place on her face had intensified three fold due to the constant squeak and her current inability to fix it.

'If Trixie had her magic this would be nothing! ‘Trixie thought as she remembered the many times she had been forced to fix her own cart’s wheels. She never could trust them to do much else but break. In the middle of nowhere. In the rain. At night. ‘Two times is a coincidence. After the same thing happened five times Trixie is sure there is a conspiracy going on somewhere.’ She thought with a deep frown.

When the two mares entered the Boutique, Trixie had to consciously keep her mouth shut from complimenting the clothes on display. Pixie however had no such reservations.

“Oooh. Pretty!” Pixie shouted as she hopped towards the ponnequins on display.

Rarity took her time looking ahead of her, where a strategically placed mirror was usually used to gauge the reactions of her customers while they thought she wasn’t looking. What Rarity saw on Trixie’s face did not disappoint. While she didn’t voice her thoughts on Rarity’s work, her face announced it to the world all the same.

“So…” Rarity began; continuing to look forward into the mirror as Trixie quickly trained her face into her normal frown. Holding in a laugh at Trixie’s change in expression Rarity continued, “Welcome to the Carousel Boutique. Where everything is chic, unique and magnifique. What do you think?” Turning around, Rarity awaited her answer with a small smile

After taking a moment to think Trixie finally answered. “It’s…nice. Perhaps one day you may even design something up to Trixie’s standards.”

Rarity rolled her eyes at her comment, having already seen what her new employee thought, thanks to her mirror. While she was doing so however, she noticed one of Trixie’s ear flinch away from something before glancing behind her angrily.

’Again.’ Rarity thought as she remembered when she woke Trixie in the hospital. Acting on her curiosity, Rarity left the room with the promise of being right back. After she left the room, she stayed on the other side of the door.

“What was that for?!” Trixie whispered harshly to Pixie as she rubbed the ear that had been hit by the angry brown filly.

”Because her stuff is really pretty and you were being mean about it.” Pixie complained with a pout as she looked up at Trixie’s face.

With a roll of her eyes Trixie began to explain. “I was not being mean. I was giving her the impression that she didn’t impress me with a room filled with clothes that all probably cost more than a years’ worth of shows. This way she won’t think she can try to bribe me with clothes instead of paying me.” After Trixie finished explaining herself she was met with a deadpan stare. Coming from a small filly it was a bit unnerving. “What?”

Pixie gave a sigh before beckoning Trixie closer with a hoof. Once her head was close enough, Pixie let a hoof loose at Trixie’s other ear.

“Ouch!” Trixie yelled as she reared up rubbing her ear.

On the other side of a door, Rarity stood with her eyes wide. ’Okay. Think Rarity. There has to be a logical explanation for this.’

‘She already seemed a bit mad before all this. Now it’s just more obvious,’ a part of her mind reminded her.

‘But she seemed fine up until now. Maybe she’s just talking to herself a little. Everypony does that now and then.’

‘Yeah. However, that’s talking to themselves. There is half a conversation going on in there. That’s not normal. Don’t lie to yourself for her sake. Besides you could still just put her up in a motel or something’.

‘I will not. That place is barely suitable for ponies in general. They don’t even change the sheets daily. I won’t put somepony healing from injuries and magic exhaustion there.’

'You might still be able to convince Twilight to take her in.

'No, no. I agreed to take her in and a lady does not go back on her word. Besides aside from all this she's been much better than I expected.'

Rarity sighed as she remembered when she came across the mare.

Rarity looked back at her cart filled with gems and gave a happy sigh.

“Whew. That should do it for now,” Rarity thought as she surveyed the area around her. It had taken slightly longer than before due to finding new areas for gems that were still away from known territories of Diamond dogs but in the end she still managed.

Her ear twitched as she heard some murmurings coming from a commotion somewhere nearby. Quietly, she made her way in the direction of the noises as curiosity got the better of her. As she got closer she was finally able to make out some of the words.

“-broken. It useless.” The broken equestrian and extremely rough voice sent a jolt through Rarity’s body as a menagerie of memories played through her mind.

“Diamond Dogs,” Rarity grumbled. Usually the mere thought of being anywhere near those brutish characters would send Rarity off in a huff immediately. This time however, something spurred her forward. As though something had switched her sense of curiosity for that of Opals. She only hoped that it wouldn’t end the same as that horribly morbid adage.

Peering through a thicket of bushes, careful not to let any of it touch her mane, Rarity gazed across the mostly barren landscape of the quarries.

There, not too far to the left, were three unfortunetely very familiar diamond dogs huddled around something with their backs towards her. As she watched, they spoke once more in their voices that no pony would want to imitate.

“Not too broke. Still useful. See?” With that, the tallest dog lifted whatever it was that had captured their attention to well. To Rarity’s horror, their attention had been captured by a pony. Her eyes widening as a dirtied blue pony with short silver tail was lifted by her hind leg high enough to see it’s – her, Rarity mentally noted with a slight blush- barrel.

If she hadn’t already been worried for the mare behind held by the diamond dogs, she certainly was when she saw the condition she was in. The sight caused Rarity to cringe as she thought of what the mare must be going through. Her eyes widened in worry as the diamond dog started shaking the mare around by her leg.

A sharp crack echoed through Rarity’s ears as any and all plans she had formed to create a distraction or rescue for the mare fell to the wayside as she made her way out of the bushes and towards the group. She wouldn’t let anypony go through what the diamond dogs put her through, and she had gotten off easy from tales she heard. She got closer with her worried mind having only one thought. To help that mare.

“Aw! See?! Now pony broke even more!” the shortest dog complained as he through his paws up in exasperation, not that he knew what that word even meant.

“I sorry Rover.” The tall dog apologized as his eyes watered and his lower lip began to quiver. He had begun to naturally call upon puppy dog eyes. Unfortunately, he had not been a pup for many years, causing the look to come off as more than a little odd.

“Fine! You forgave. Just stop making face. It really weird.” With a toothy smile, the definitely-not-a-pup gave a vigorous nod.

“Put her down!” Came a shout from somewhere behind them. Turning around they came to find an unfortunately very familiar and very angry looking white unicorn.

The three diamond dogs cocked their heads as though she had been speaking a different language. Since the dogs had turned around, Rarity could finally get a better look at the mare in their hold. The sight only served to make Rarity’s already powerfully righteous anger and extreme worry for her even more so. The mare’s ribs were easily seen through her barrel. Her coat, mane and tail were to the point that filthy was the only word that fit. Somewhere in the back of Rarity’s mind there was a sense of recognition. However, after seeing the mare’s closer, Rarity’s look shifted to the Diamond dogs whose instincts told them that this was not a good situation.

“I said down!” Princess Luna would have approved of the volume that Rarity had somehow managed to put out.

Every instinct in the diamond dogs' bodies were telling them to put their bellies to the sky in submission to the furious - and surprisingly frightening – mare. However, their brains- as underdeveloped as they were- had a much better idea.

Rarity looked on in confusion, her anger replaced as she watched the three diamond dogs, the very creatures who caused her to move her gem hunting to less profitable areas, drop the mare and run, their tails seeming to have fused to their bodies.

Shaking her head out of her confusion, Rarity rushed over the mare, using her knee Rarity quickly checked the mare’s pulse next to her cheekbone. She had a pulse, that much had been established; however that same pulse was the problem. It was incredibly weak. The same as her breaths.

Rarity quickly rushed back to where she had been before, with hardly a thought, she dumped out her cart of gems and pulled it to where the mare laid. As carefully as possible, Rarity used her magic to put the mare inside the cart being especially careful toward the mare’s hind leg. As soon as she was sure the mare was situated properly, Rarity latched herself into the harness and made her way to the hospital and quickly and smoothly as was safe.

The sound of a pony pulling a cart at high speeds outside of a hospital tends to attract attention. Therefore, it was with that logic that Rarity found herself being met outside of it by nurse Redheart.

“Rarity?” Redheart asked, perplexed by the normally extremely well kept mares current state. Dirty, sweaty, exhausted and pulling a cart to a hospital.

Panting heavily Rarity attempted to explain herself. “Quarry… Diamond Dogs… mare… leg… hurt.”

Before Rarity had even finished attempting to explain, Redheart had already looked into the cart. With a blow of a whistle, medical staff came pouring out.

Getting out of their way as quickly as possible Rarity stood to the side, if one could call the wobbling she was doing standing. Quickly noticing her condition, Redheart went up to her and let Rarity use her as a crutch as she led her into the hospital. Rarity wouldn’t even remember being laid upon an uncomfortable and ugly shade of green couch.

A while later Rarity was awoken by quite a familiar voice.

“Rarity? Rarity, what are you doing here? Are you okay?” Rarity opened her eyes to find the lavender face of one of her closest friends.

“Twilight?” Rarity asked before yawning and creating a cacophony of cracks with her back as she stretched. “What are you doing here?”

Twilight opened her mouth to answer before she was called by one of the younger nurses that Rarity was unable to quite remember what her name was. Quick something.

“Your highness!” Quick gave a bow, causing Twilight to give a nervous look.

“Please. Just call me Twilight.” Twilight said with a sigh. Rarity had a feeling Twilight had long since grown tired of correcting ponies.

“Of course, your highness. Just this way.” Quick said with a hoof pointed towards a far doorway. “Also.” She began, lowering her voice to a loud enough whisper for Rarity to still able to hear. “If you would rather we find somepony else, we completely understand.”

“What?” Twilight asked, backing her head away slightly. “It’s no problem.”

“Just-Keep in mind what I said when you see her.” Quick said vaguely as they left Rarity’s earshot.

With nothing else to do since any fashion magazines the hospital had were horribly out of date, Rarity laid her head back down for some much-needed sleep. ’Honestly. How do they expect to help anypony with their fashion when their giving them nothing but out of date trends?’ she mentally grumbled before sleep took hold.

After what felt like mere moments but in fact had been an hour, Rarity was once again woken by the sound of her friends’ voice though her efforts to stay asleep were strong.

“Rarity? Rarity. Rarrrity.” After a couple moments, the alicorn of not-letting-her-friends-get five-more-bucking-minutes spoke to herself. “I wonder; if I mentioned her boutique and the cutie mark crusaders in the same sentence, would that wake her up.” Before her sleep depriving friend could dare utter a jinx such as that Rarity finally gave up on her attempts to sleep more.

“If you ever wake me like that you’ll find the next ten hours of your schedule taken up by ‘model for Rarity because I was a horrible pony.’” Rarity grumbled sleepily as she worked the kinks out of her back before facing thou who shalt not allow more sleep.

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Twilight said with a gulp before flinching as she took in the usually pristine pony’s current appearance. “Wow Rarity. You look-“

“Don’t. Don’t say another word.” Making use of her magic, Rarity smoothed out her hair to a close semblance to her usual look. “There. Now Twilight dear, how can I help you?”

“Sorry about that Rarity. But I was wondering what you were doing here.

With sleep still lingering about her mind, Rarity was having problems remembering. Why was she here? Moreover, why did her sewing chair feel more comfortable than this couch?

“Did you bring her here?” Twilight asked suddenly.

“Her?” Rarity asked confused for a moment before her mind fully woke up. “Oh yes! That poor mare. Do you know if she’s okay?”

“Yes, she… should be.”

“You hesitated darling. Is something wrong?” Rarity asked with a worried look on her face, fearing that things weren’t looking too well for the mare.

“Well…It’s just- Do you remember Trixie at all?” Twilight asked as she made her way to sit on a nearby couch.

Rarity quirked her eyebrow at the question. It didn’t seem to have anything to do with the mare’s condition. ”Well of course I do. I doubt anypony could forget her. But what does that-“ Rarity’s eyes widened as she realized why Twilight had asked. “No.” Even with how poorly Trixie’s past visits to Ponyville had gone Rarity would never wish whatever it was that had put Trixie into such a state on anypony.

Twilight nodded, “I’m guessing she was too dirty for you to recognize her when you found her. I heard one of the nurses mention that the dirt on her was like a second coat it was so thick. It was cleaned off by the time I got here so I could only guess.”

“That reminds me,” Rarity began, grimacing at the idea of a coat made of pure filth.


“Why did they call for you?”

“Oh.” Twilight’s ears drooped slightly as she shifted a little. “It was because aside from her broken hind leg and magic exhaustion, which isn’t surprising with how weak her body looks-“

“Oh I know dear. She looked to be skin and bones when I found her.” Rarity said as her ears drooped.

“Yeah… Well aside from that there was also something they couldn’t identify attached to her eyes, horn and neck. They found it during there magic scans.” Twilight explained, pointing to each spot as she said them.

“What was it?”

“Dark magic“ It was short and simple but due to the serious look on Twilight’s face, the basic knowledge of that particular type of magic being banned and the only practitioner Rarity knew of having been the evil unicorn tyrant King Sombra Rarity looked understandably worried.

“Dark magic?”

“Yeah, that’s about how I reacted when I found out.” Twilight said as she shook her head.

“I knew she didn’t like Ponyville much but I didn’t think she would go that far, I mean the amulet was bad enough.” Rarity’s body gave a shudder at the thought of Trixie running around with dark magic.

“Actually-“ Twilight began; drawing Rarity from the visions her mind had created. “I think the amulet was based in dark magic or at least it was made with it but what she used was still her magic in a way. I think that’s what’s doing it.”

“But how could it be made by dark magic but not use it?” Rarity asked. Rarity may be above average when it comes to magical precision and slightly above average in power but her knowledge of theory was limited to textbooks from when she was young and the little she could understand from some of Twilight’s impromptu lectures. One of which she felt coming on. “Please, go slowly darling.”

“Okay. You remember how when she was using the amulet her eyes went all red with little wisps of magic coming off them?” Receiving a nod Twilight went on. “Dark magic looks like that too. Before we went to the crystal empire Celestia showed me a little of it so I could understand it enough to stop it from affecting me too badly. The difference is in color and intensity. Dark magic causes purple wisps to come from the eyes while the magic color is changed to an ugly mixture of green and purple. It kind of feels slimy when it’s used” Twilight added with a shiver.

“Anyway. After I remembered how similar they looked I did a little digging into the past of the amulet and what I found out that all the past users died within a year of putting it on.”

“Dark magic. Always has a horrible catch. One of the reasons it was banned if I remember my classes correctly.” Rarity commented as her face turned more grim. “So the amulet caused what happened to her?”

“No, or at least not completely. It had a part in it but its hold on her still isn’t too strong. I hypothesize that the amulet was made with dark magic and fed upon the innate magic of the wearer very little when they wear it to power itself, but when they take it off...” Twilight trailed off searching for the right words. “The amulet: it’s like it causes a deep wound to be inflicted on the pony when they put it on. Therefore, when Trixie took it off it was like taking pressure off a wound and it started to bleed her magic away.

“Oh my. Is there any way to stop it? You did say she should be okay right?” Rarity asked with a hopeful look.

“Yeah. I’ll have to work at systematically pick it out of her essence and since dark magic is banned, aside from Celestia and Luna I am the only pony who knows dark magic as well as I do. So I’d have to meet with her over at the next three months or so.”

“Oh my. It’ll be quite difficult to find her while she travels. Well if she still can with that leg that is.”

“And with how her magic is I doubt she’d be able to do any of her shows any time soon. It’d be so much easier if she could just stay around Ponyville.” Twilight said with a sigh.

A moment later Twilight’s ears perked up. “Saaaay.”

Rarity froze as she heard the tone in Twilight’s voice. It was a tone that said ‘I have a Brilliant idea but you probably won’t like it’.

“Y-yes, darling?”

“Well.” Twilight started as her smile began to come under control although it was still a bit worrisome. “What if you took her in?”

“What?!” Rarity shrieked causing a nearby nurse to shush her. Apologizing, Rarity got her voice to a whisper, though it was slightly harsh. Darling, are you serious?” She was answered by a vigorours nod accompanied by a serious look. “Why couldn’t she stay with you? Surely that would be simpler.”

Twilight raised a brow and stared at Rarity for a moment making her feel uncomfortable. “Rarity. Last time she was here I was her target. I doubt she’d be very happy to stay with me. I can easily see things going badly the instant Rainbow or Applejack find out she’s here let alone asking them for favors for her. Either Fluttershy would be scared of Trixie still or she’d be too easily pushed around for me to feel comfortable in letting Trixie stay around her. Besides, as much of a hoof full as she can be, you did save her life. That’s gotta count for something to her.”

“A hoof full? Twilight, I do believe we may be remembering different things. She took over Ponyville and banished you from town.” Rarity countered incredulously.

“That may be true but, did she seriously hurt anypony?”

“I-“ Rarity faltered as she wracked her brain. “I don’t know. I remember what she did to poor Spikey but he seemed just fine.”

“Exactly. Even Snips and Snails who should have had as much of her wrath as I did came out unharmed.”

Rarity was quite surprised at this little tidbit of information. “Wait. They did? But I saw her with that horrid whip.”

“Yes, she used the whip to scare them but there wasn’t a single mark on them from it. Also, don’t forget why your plan to get me back worked in the first place. She allowed those beavers out. She could have ignored them or at worst gotten rid of them but instead she let them out.”

’I do have to admit. For being a tyrant she didn’t do much more than scare us and cast a few spell that she reversed anyway. For goodness sake now that I think about it, all she did to make Applejack work was tickle her. Granted she threw Applejack into a bunch of buckets. But even then Applejack came out fine saying that it looked worse than it was.’

“But what about towards the end? When the amulet was off her neck and she tried to harm Rainbow Dash? She said herself that the spell was supposed to make her ‘writhe in agony’.” Rarity asked, not quite willing to give in.

“I think at that point the amulet was overpowering her own moral code and like I explained earlier, just because it’s off her neck doesn’t mean it’s not affecting her. Though looking at the fact she apologized later that night and helped me impress the princess with her fireworks, I’m quite sure that it stopped influencing her thoughts not too long after it was taken off.”

Rarity heaved a sigh. “Look Twilight. It’s not that I don’t want her to get better – I do, I really do – I’m just very apprehensive about having her in my boutique. Especially if Sweetie decides to come by. Doesn’t she have somepony she could go to?”

This time it was Twilight’s turn to sigh. “I wish I knew Rarity. But the most information I have on Trixie was from Gabby Gums, and you know how trustworthy that was. I tried to find more on her but there wasn’t anything around. No birth record. She just suddenly shows up in Canterlot and applies to Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns on one of their open testing days, went through her classes with quite good grades, graduated and took to the roads. That’s all I could find out about her. It’s really somewhat mysterious. Besides if it makes you feel any better, there wasn’t a single report of her doing a single thing to any of the fillies or colts in town aside from Snips and Snails.”

’An angry traveler with a mysterious past. It sounds like something out of a book. “I…I suppose I could take her in.” Before Twilight could say anything, Rarity spoke again. “But, only if she agrees with it. She will not be staying for free but I won’t make her do anything bad for her.

Twilight gave a nod of agreement “That sounds perfect actually. I doubt Trixie’s pride would let her mooch off you anyway.” Twilight got up with a couple cracks of her back. “I doubt she’ll be up any time soon. You can probably head home. I’m betting that you could do with some more rest. I need to find Redheart and have a little chat about some of the other nurses. Have a good day.”

Have a talk they did. Apparently, a nurse named Quick Shot had told Twilight that they wouldn’t mind waiting for their doctor of magic to come back from Manehatten -which would take at least a week- to diagnose Trixie. Rarity had been able to hear Redheart chastising Quick Shot for her unprofessionalism as she had been leaving the hospital.

Heaving another sigh, Rarity shook her head and made her way back into the room with a plastered smile that she hoped would not be seen through.

“I do apologize about that Trixie.” Rarity said as Trixie quickly spun around to face Rarity, yet again wearing a slightly deeper than normal frown as her ears both twitched slightly.

“Is there a problem?” Trixie asked with some bite to her voice. Unfortunately for Rarity, when one must read a crowd’s reactions and act accordingly to what they liked, one becomes quite good at reading ponies’ faces. This made Rarity’s false smile as easy to read as a Manehatten billboard.

“What? N-no. Not at all. Why would you think that, darling?” Rarity asked, hoping to Celestia, Luna and maybe even Discord that Trixie wasn’t as good as Applejack at seeing through lies. Okay, probably not Discord. That could and most likely would end badly.

“Because your smile is about as fake as Trixie’s Ursa Major story.” Rarity blinked, her mouth forgetting the words she had been preparing. “Look if you don’t want Trixie here, she’s sure she can find somewhere else to stay. After all, ponies l-love Trixie.” Trixie stated, attempting to keep her looks up despite tripping over something she very well knew was a lie.

No longer stuck in her throat and mind, words finally began to come out of Rarity’s mouth. “No, no, no! That’s not it at all. It’s perfectly fine that you are here. I was merely thinking of something unpleasant is all. Nothing to worry about.” Rarity assured, her face showing more concern than unease for the mare in front of her. Trixie’s slipup had not gone unnoticed after all.

After watching Rarity’s face for a moment or two, Trixie finally relented. “Very well then.”

“Excellent!” Exclaimed Rarity as her smile spread across her face. Trixie was finding it hard not to be infected by the smile. “Now-”Rarity began as she pointed her hoof ahead of herself. “If you’ll follow me I’ll show you to your room.

As the pair of unicorns made their way out of the business part of the building and into the living quarters Rarity began pointing out parts of the building. “Over on the left is the bathroom. It has a full bath and shower. You may use what you find in there yourself as long as you do so in moderation. Over on the right is Sweeties’ room.”

“Who?” Trixie asked, interrupting her tour guide.

”Maybe it’s her sweeties’ room and she’s just bad with words.” Pixie offered with a small giggle causing Trixie to roll her eyes slightly.

Rarity stopped and turned her head to face Trixie. “Oh, Sweetie Belle. She’s my little sister. She usually stays with our parents who live on the edge of town near the lake. However, they like to travel so she stays here quite often. She’s still in school. You don’t have a problem with children do you?” Rarity asked, slightly worried that the information Twilight had given her hadn’t been wrong about Trixie leaving the fillies and colts of town alone.

“Of course not. The Great and Powerful Trixie has done many shows for the little ones in her illustrious career. They could not get enough of her and always begged for an encore, which Trixie always gave. She doesn’t disappoint her fans after all.”

Pixie rolled her eyes at Trixie’s arrogant act before jumping on her back and nudging the back of her head. ” You couldn’t just admit you have a soft spot for them could you?” Trixie answered by putting her muzzle up a little higher.

“Good to know dear. Sweetie can be a hoof-full. I do love spending time with her but as hard as the dear tries sometimes, she somehow always causes trouble but even still she’s my sister and I love her. You know what I mean?”

“Trixie…-” she began as she felt the weight on her back shift slightly. Without noticing, a smile came across her face. “-believes she does.”

‘She has such a nice smile. If only she would show this one more than that arrogant smirk she seems to be so fond of.’ Rarity thought before shaking her head with a smile. “Yes. Well I don’t know when the next time she’ll be here so you won’t have to worry about waking up covered in tree sap any time soon.”

Trixie stopped moving. “Tree sap? Why would Trixie end up covered in tree sap?” Trixie asked through narrowed eyes.

Rarity stopped and took a deep breath before turning to face Trixie. Both Trixie and Pixie both flinched at how serious she looked. “Everything gets covered in tree sap at least once when she and her friends are around.” Trixie could only nod as Rarity turned back around and they both began moving again.

“Anyway. Over there is the stairway leading up to my room.” Rarity explained while pointing to a set of stairs on the right that seemed to spiral upwards. “Do try to refrain from waking me. I do love my beauty sleep.”

”I bet you don’t think she needs it, huh Trix?” As Trixie’s face wordlessly turned a slight shade of pink Pixie began to laugh hard.

“Finally here we have your room.” Opening the door Rarity revealed a very small room with a one pony sized bed on one side and a nightstand reaching from the far end of the bed to the wall which to be fair wasn’t that far.

Rarity fidgeted a little as Trixie looked at the room, her face back in its neutral slight frown.

Some ponies may have called the room tiny, others small, cramped, a closet more than a room kinder ponies may have hesitatingly called it cozy. Trixie called it –


“I know it’s a bit small dear but- wait, what?” Rarity was stunned into a state of utter confusion. She would have expected someone like Trixie to want extravagance, style and lavish decorations. The room had none of this and was extremely Spartan in its design.

Trixie winced a little at the fact she had said such a thing out loud as Pixie made her way to jump on the bed, making a small ‘wee!’ with every jump. With a sigh, Trixie decided she might as well explain this once. After all, unless there were other guest rooms it wasn’t as if she could be moved to a smaller one.

“Yes, perfect. It reminds Trixie much of her cart. Her old cart, the one that was crushed by the Ursa. It folded out as you may remember. So there wasn’t much space on the inside. Thus this is both nostalgic and just right for Trixie.” She explained without looking away from the room before yawning.

“Oh, excellent. I’m glad you like it. But I see you’re still tired. If you would like I can get you when Dinner is made. Would that be okay?”

With the idea of sleep offered, Trixie began to feel the strain that the trip had put on her weakened body. With a nod, Trixie began making her way toward the bed. However before she could even get two steps to the bed the accursed wheel squeaked again. Stopping on the spot, she sat down and began using her teeth to attack the numerous straps that kept her hind leg in the loud contraption. After a few minutes of furious, failed, fiddling Rarity finally spoke up.

“Would you like some hel-assistance?” Rarity asked, correcting herself as to not hurt her guests pride and cause more issues.

Trixie began talking, however due to the straps she was pulling at her voice was mumbled. Rarity’s best translation was, “No! Trixie can get it by herself! If only it wasn’t so fu-“ What followed was a string of curses that Rarity felt no need to translate.

After a few more minutes of dental floundering Trixie finally got the right strap just right. With a declaration of ‘Success!’ Trixie slid her vanquished foe from her hind leg and got on the bed.

With an amused smile, Rarity shook her head and made her way to her own bed for an hour or so of sleep before getting back to work.

Author's Note:


Well. This was really, really boring to write until I started changing things little.

Uhh...It's been a long a long while since I wrote anything in this. Does the longest thing I ever wrote on here make up for it a lil?
uch about

Um. I still don't know much bout romance writing (Unless you consider my one or two romance based one shots as good.

Um...I really don't know what to say at this point...Enjoy?