• Published 18th Feb 2012
  • 2,428 Views, 105 Comments

Random Worlds in Equestria - ezio dementay

A bunch of characters from differernt worlds end up in equestria.

  • ...

3 groups of reactions.

Each group went to the area that they were assigned last night after agreeing to meet back at sugar cube corner at midnight to discuss anything that had happened.

Group one: Marston, Apple Jack, Pinkie Pie and Travis.

Marston, Apple Jack, Pinkie Pie and Travis were checking the area's near Pony Vile such as the Ever Free forest and the nearby rivers,fields, and roads.
Travis and Marston were searching in the Ever Free while Pinkie Pie and AppleJack were searching the nearby rivers,fields, and roads.

"We’ve been searching for about two hours now and no sign of this Trixie chick! How do we even know that she's here anyway?"
"The idea of searching for someone is to find them. She might not be here but we have to be certain." said Marston.
There was an awkward silence between the 2 for a while until Travis said something.

"Look I’m just going to ask this but I’m guessing you and I don't see eye to eye." said Travis.
"nope." said Marston. "Really that's all you have to say?" asked Travis. "Look why don't we rest for a minute. Were both tired and we ain't gonna find her if we don’t stop bikering and calm down." Travis nodded and sat down with Marston.

Trying to start some chit chat between the two, Marston got out a bottle of whiskey.
"Want some?" asked Marston. Travis nodded and drank some. "So Travis, at the camp last night you seemed... annoyed. Care to explain?" asked Marston.
"Okay look, I want to get home and that's all. It’s just... not what I’m used to how things work here that's all. It’s just too different to what I’m used to that's all. I never thought I would miss Santa destroy." said Travis. "Same with you?"
"Nope, exact opposite in fact. I want to start over and stop chasing people for revenge. Just for once I want to live a peaceful life." said Marston.
"Well I can't argue with that. It is nice here but it's just not for me that's all." said Travis who took another dose of whiskey.
"It’s your life, not mine." Marston took the whiskey back and they both continued searching.

Meanwhile with Pinkie Pie and Apple Jack...

"Okay we have searched 3 rivers, 1 waterfall and a swamp and still no dang sign of Trixie!" said apple jack slightly angry.
"Calm down apple jack. Here have a cupcake!" Pinkie Pie pulls a cupcake out of thin air.
"Thanks sugar cube but not now. I swear if I find Trixie, time for some pay back for the hog tie!" said apple jack getting a slightly menacing grin on her face.
"Apple jack, remember we have to find Trixie and bring her back with us to explain the situation. We can get revenge later, pinkie pie style." and then pinkie pie devoured the cupcake.
"I know, I know. Sorry, just thinking about something that's all." said Apple Jack who sighed.
"You mean Marston staying at your place for a while right." Pinkie Pie was just bouncing higher and higher now.
"How did you... your pinkie pie that's why." laughed Apple Jack “and I couldn’t ask for a better friend like you."
Pinkie smiled at Apple Jack and patted her on the back. "Well that's me for you. Hyper , 4th wall breaking, multiple personality's and a good friend who can tell the future with pinkie sense." they both laughed and relaxed for a bit

They relaxed, throwing a stone or two across the water. “pinkie pie, when was the last time we hung out?" asked apple jack.
"Well we’re hanging out now but other than the times with the other's, then not for a while. Still it's nice, just the 2 of us. I wish I could have more moments like this with you apple jack." Pinkie Pie smiled.
"Same here sugar cube. I’ve always thought of you as being a lot more hyper though. But right now you’re so calm and peaceful."
Pinkie smiled at Apple Jack. “There’s a lot you don't know about me apple jack, and I can't explain it all now. Would you like a cupcake now?" Pinkie pulled 2 cupcakes out of thin air and handed one to Apple Jack. They ate the cup cakes and let out a sigh. "So were to now?" asked Apple Jack. "Well there's a cave near here, perfect for hiding stuff." and with that they went off to the cave.


Group two: Rainbow Dash, Sonic, Fluttershy and Krona.

Dash, Sonic, Fluttershy and Krona were heading to the further parts of Equestia such as appaloosa and ponyigo. The first stop was ponyigo. while it was a bright, with hundreds of lights and dazzling signs and would be a perfect home for a show pony like Trixie but surprisingly they had no luck at all, even after searching for about two and a half hours.
The two biggest cities aside from Canterlot that they could reach and investigate by night fall were Appaloosa and Cherawood.

"So who wants to go were?" said Sonic. "well seeing as you guys are faster than me and Krona, you should head to Appaloosa and we'll head to Cherawood, seeing as it's closer." said Fluttershy.
"Sounds like a plan. Sonic, first one to appaloosa is the best flyer ever." said Rainbow Dash. Before another word was said, they both raced to Appaloosa.
"So should we head off Krona? Cherawood is about 50 miles from here and if we go now, we'll make it there in about an hour... if you want to go now of course." Krona nodded and they set off.

"Fluttershy can I ask something?" Fluttershy nodded. "When you found me, you could have left me there and gotten a doctor but instead you looked after me instead. Why?" Fluttershy stopped in mid-air.
"Because you remind me of me. In flight school, during a field trip, I tried to fly but I broke my wing. I was in serious pain but I was on my own. The bully's in my group had called me a bunch names and made me cry, so I ran off into the forest. I thought no one was going to find me but then rainbow dash helped me back to the nurse’s office. She even stayed there with me."
"She’s a true friend." said Krona who continued flying and then Fluttershy caught up with her.
"Well I owe her for a lot of things in my life. Though all I can do now is be her friend, give her support here and there but nothing much." Fluttershy sighed at this. "Fluttershy, have you ever thought about being more then friends with Rainbow Dash?" this caused Fluttershy stop in mid-air and get a bit stressed, so they set down on a cloud.

"W-why would you ask something like that?!" Fluttershy was stuttering here and there from this question.
"Well she means a lot to you?" Fluttershy nodded. "So why don't you think of that option. If you love something, you should chase it and not waste your life thinking what could have been. Look at me. My life has just been an experiment. I never had a childhood, I never had kindness or love... until maka saved me. I owe her for saving my life. I love her but she's got soul so my love is gone but I still love her. Even if dash doesn’t feel for you in that way, she still loves you as friend." Krona smiled.
"Thanks krona. Maybe your right." Fluttershy hugged Krona and they set off the Cherawood.

Meanwhile with Rainbow Dash and Sonic...

Sonic and Dash were racing each at incredible speeds, both surpassing 200 mph easily. They were heading through a forest, ducking and diving through the forest, avoiding the trees and such before heading skyward.
"You’ve gotten better at this!" yelled Rainbow Dash. "I know. This time, the blue blur is going to win." said Sonic.
"Nope, it's the rainbow blur that's going to win this time." Rainbow Dash was just being smug now.
"Blue blur sounds better then rainbow blur by a mile." Sonic went faster but Dash also got faster until they were barely neck and neck then a couple minute later they saw Appaloosa

"Last leg of the race. Got enough energy left dash?" said Sonic.
"Heck yeah I do! You?" said Rainbow Dash. "I’ve got enough to go on forever." the final part of the race was intense. They matched speeds, both were equal and both were slightly exhausted.
They both got to Appaloosa but the race ended with draw.
"I got to admit, dash you a fast racer. Maybe as good as me." Sonic was exhausted from the race but kept a winning smile on.
"Don’t you mean better? I beat you in a race already so that makes me a better racer then you." Rainbow Dash did have a point there. "Well that's a rival’s job. To keep improving until one us beats each other than repeat." said Sonic.
"Well you’re getting better that's for sure but you won't be as cool as me. You need to be 20% cooler to be as half as cool as Me." smiled Rainbow Dash and then grabbed Sonic. looking exactly like a cyan copy of a pink mare sitting next to a river hundreds of miles away."Now come on! We have to find Trixie and than we can race back home!" she than ran off into Appaloosa to search for Trixie while still hosting Sonic above her like a trophy.


Group 3: rarity, Taokaka, twilight and Viata or noble 6 as most know her by.

Rarity, Taokaka, Twilight and Viata had almost approached Canterlot, only about a miles worth of tree's and road to go until it was replaced with stone walls and pavement. However for the whole journey, Viata was silent to everyone, as if she was in deep thought or something of that level. The truth was she was talking to someone very important.

"în cazul în care ne îndreptăm?" (Translation: where are heading?) Asked the voice in Viata's head.
"Still learning English I see? We are heading towards canterlot to meet the princess and possible this Trixie person."
"Voi invata limba destul de repede. acum ne sunt armele tale?" (Translation: I’ll learn the language soon enough. now we're are your weapons?)
"I don't know and at the moment, that's not important. We need to get to the princess that's all. Maybe Twilight knows what happened to my weapons?" Twilight trotted over to Viata.
"Are you okay?" asked Twilight. "You haven't spoken through the entire trip."
"I was thinking about how I got here that's all. If you want I could tell you." twilight nodded. "I was on a mission with George and Emile to bring an important bit of data to a ship called “The Pillar Of Autumm”. On the way we got attacked and we had to jump out of the pelican. On the way down I got shot by a plasma bolt and somehow ended up here."
"Well that explains a bit." Twilight got out of her bag some of the stuff that belonged to Viata."I had to leave some stuff back at my house but most of it's in here."

Viata looked at all of the items. They included: two energy swords, a drop shield, camouflage, a jet-pack and a couple of sticky grenades plus a magnum pistol. "Thanks Twilight. I owe you... again." Viata tipped her head to twilight in respect while contemplating how to use the weapons with her new body...and then mentally face-hoofed when she remembered she was turned into a unicorn and could just use magic to use them.
"It’s no problem." Twilight smiled at this until Tao spoke. "Hay guys, I found something!" Tao grabbed whatever it was and brought it to the group. It was what appears to be a scarf with a name tag on it saying "Trixie".
"I do have to admit, for pony with such a horrible personality, she has a good taste in fashion." Rarity quite liked the scarf but Tao had other ideas. "I can smell her! She’s hurt and possible ill. She’s this way!" Tao ran off with Rarity, Twilight and Viata in quick pursuit. "She’s one fast cat that's for sure." said Viata.
"I got this." Rarity got out a freshly made bun from this morning. “Tao, I have a fresh bun for you." Rarity held out the bun and Tao came rushing back and grabbed the bun. "Now Tao, I have more for you but you have to go a bit slower that's all, okay?"
Tao nodded and walked next to Rarity.

"It seems Tao has grown on you rarity." said Twilight.
"Well she is like a child, full of energy and life. Plus, she is rather helpful." rarity smiled. “she’s found us a clue to the were about of Trixie and on top this, she's good at climbing." Tao smiled at Rarity. "Tao’s just a cat person that's all. Good at climbing and smelling and playing with yarn." Tao laughed a bit.
They were approaching Canterlot. The size alone of this place would make it impossible to find any pony but without flight or any sort of way of getting an over view of the city, it would be difficult.

"Deci, ce se va întâmpla cu noi?" (Translation: so what's going to happen with us?) Asked the voice in viata's head.
"Cortana, I’ll be going with twilight to the princess to see what to do. Until then, maybe you could learn to speak English."
"i se poate învăţa limba destul de uşor, e doar tot ce se intampla. face e nici un sens." (translation: I can learn the language fairly easily, it's just everything that's happened. it makes no sense.)
"I don't understand ether but a true Spartan can fight in any situation and must adapt. You of all people should understand.. just put it down to some form of unknown ancient form of machinery or unknown power like the creation of life. iIt’ll take time to figure it out so for now let it go."
"stiu. Deci, acest amurg, ea este de încredere." (Translation: I know. so this Twilight, is she trustworthy?)
"She took me in and looked after my weapons but I don't know if she should know about you though." Viata stared off into space until she was brought back by Twilight. "You and me are going to princess Celestia while Tao and Rarity track down Trixie. Is that okay with you Viata?" she nodded and they set off.

Twilight and Viata got to the palace. The guards allowed them in but gave a glare at Viata.
As they walked through the halls, they saw princess Celestia and Luna. "Greetings twilight sparkle and viata."
"How does she know my name!? She must know everyone's name off by heart."
" sau că ea are puteri mintea lectură." (Translation: that or she has mind reading powers.) Viata nodded to that.
"Don’t worry viata. I’m the princess personal protege so don't worry if she asks a few questions about you. I couldn’t explain all i know about you through letters alone." Twilight whispered.

They were approached by Princess Luna first. "Hello twilight. How has thys week been?" said Luna.
"I’m good Luna. Just wanted to explain to both you and Celestia about the situation in person." Luna nodded.
Celestia and Luna took Twilight and Viata to a meeting area to discuss the whole thing without any spare ear's hearing in.

"So twilight what did you want to discuss?" asked celestia.
"Well over the week, viata among 5 other creatures known as humans have appeared in Equestria from there own worlds to here. The cause is a spirit from one of their worlds that has escaped here." said twilight.
"How do we know that this is the truth?" said Luna. "For all we know, thy companion could be this spirit you speak of." Twilight was shocked by this.
"I have proof I’m not from here." Viata took off out some off her items. "With this here, I can turn invisible and this here allows me to take to the skies without wings. I’ll demonstrate." she picked up the camouflage and disappeared.
"What in the stars above?!" said Luna. Viata turned off the camouflage re-appearing right next to Luna’s left shoulder in a bowed position. “I mean only to help capture and dispose of this spirit nothing more” she said taking a step back and straightening up.
"Well that's... interesting indeed. Twilight what about this spirit, does it pose any threat at the moment?" asked celestia.
"Well no but if it takes control of someone, then the power of the spirit can start to grow. We are already searching for possible targets of the spirit." said twilight. "Rarity and Taokaka are close to finding the pony that we believe is the target of the spirit." said Twilight.
"Well that's fine then. Viata, until this problem is resolved, you and the other human-turn-pony that have come here can rest and recuperate in the castle. In fact, I’ll bring them here now." Celestia's horn shown bright and summoned everyone to the hall except Tao and Rarity who were still searching for the target.


"She’s just around this corner rarity, I can smell her." said Tao.
"Tao I’m proud of you but let's not stop yet." said Rarity. They went around the corner to see the dark blue unicorn herself sitting there. In fact she was not breathing, or doing anything what so ever.
Trixie turned around, and opened her eyes. They were completely empty and dead inside. "Trixie’s not home" said a voice coming not from Trixie but sounding almost as though it came from behind her. The voice felt dark and evil as though it had come from the darkest reaches of the Ever Free in a corner of the world where not even Celestia and Luna would tread without great reason to do so. She suddenly started to glow.
"Rarity, quick question how much do you weigh?" asked Tao randomly. "An average weight. Why?" replied a shaking Rarity.
"Because she's about to explode and you’re not fast enough so I’m going to carry that's all." replied Tao as picked up rarity and sprinted as though the gates of hell had been opened on her heals and she had insulted the devil beforehand.
Trixie suddenly admitted a burst of powerful energy that was catching up with Tao, destroying everything in its path. Rarity seeing this realized it was gaining on them. But then suddenly on a stroke of genius she took a bun and held it in front of Tao’s head. seeing the bun she doubled her speed and ran so fast that even dash would've been unable to keep up with her. making it to the castle in 7 seconds flat breaking all known land speed records.

"Tao has good news and bad news. The good part is we found Trixie " everyone cheered slightly.
"The bad part is the spirit has controlled Trixie and now there's a massive crater in your city." said Tao with a mouth full of bun and holding a fainted Rarity in the air like a trophy. “oh and rarity gave me a bun! and then she fainted!."
Viata got over the sudden disturbance first and got out her 2 energy swords while strapping on her magnum and said "everyone get ready. She’s coming."

(Next chapter the final part. expect an ending or something. lunadashscrach, i owe you big time for the edits.)