• Published 24th Mar 2013
  • 1,886 Views, 35 Comments

Xero's After-the-Final Fight - The P Co

It had been 71 years since he had to kill Omega and escape, Xero, a young man with un-imaginable speed, is now old, he is in his last fight, one that will lead him somewhere he never would have expected

  • ...

My name is "Xero", prepare to die! Part 1


Trotting into the building, kimono on, the ninja came up to the front desk, staring intensely at the worker tapping away at his keyboard.

"Can I help you sir?" the indifferent stallion asked flatly.

"Yes, actually, how much would it cost to level the building and brutally murder everypony here?" the cyborg asked bluntly.

The desk-jockey was shocked speechless, looking at Xero even as his turquoise eyes and sharp toothed mouth faded into a normal plus sign 'face' of a Homo-Xionus.

A scary mask quickly covered the solid grey surface, the scared pony didn't have much time to react.

The last thing that went through his mind was a diamond blade.

Industrial sounding clanks and clicks came from forming the Joy Colt, which killing 8 guards who had conveniently (for Xero) and unfortunately (for themselves) lined up tight enough.

A quick thrusting throw of the Justice sent it killing 2 more guards, a third had the misfortune of a foamy blooded death by the Hand of Death impaling him through the forehead.

Bringing out the Gravity Hammer, which crushed the second-to-last guard's body in a single strike, the technologically advanced brit brought out the Pincer, his copy of the Halo Energy Sword.

The handle had been modified to easily fit a human hand, the middle spike replaced with a button, he merely pointed it at the remaining soldier, who was frozen in fear, within reaching distance of an alarm interface.

Aiming the sword's 2 half-blades at his enemy, Xero merely held the button on the handle down.

The light blue blades slightly darkened in color, then transitioned from blue to green, a jolt of energy buzzing between the tips of the 2 blades.

He had outfitted the thing with covenant 'directed energy plasma' technology, allowing it to fire flesh devastating plasma bolts.

The enemy soldier? What enemy soldier? There's just a pile of smoking ash.

Xero prepared an EMP and went to hit the alarm, when better judgement got ahold of him.

He wasn't like Omega, no, sure he had a suit of armor just like his american comrade's, but the brit lacked the heavy weapon's deadly 'kill everything everywhere in a few seconds' stuff, his skills were with melee weapons, not guns.

His friend's best skills were endurance and strength.

His own best skills were speed and stealth.

Prepping the EMP, which was designed to disable the alarms and comm systems, but leave the lights on, Xero waited.

He heard the sounds of hooves thundering towards the building, had that failure of an ambush really not gotten here yet?

The glass doors were blasted open, peppering the soldier with razor-like shards, which sliced a few small, shallow lacerations into his face, forming a set of wounds which would definitely scar.

Ignoring the 6 cuts that, if viewed right, would spell 'XM', he wasn't sure how he even came to that conclusion, but the other conclusion was that he needed to keep his mask on.

"XERO, are you okay?" Rainbow Dash quickly tackle hugged him, luckily not toppling him over.

Xero was confused at first, but then the dots were connected immediately when he saw the rest of the Mane 6 there as well.

"I WAS okay, but then the lot of you showed up, what the bloody hell are you doing here?" Xero was a bit pissed off by this new development.

These 6 weren't prepared AT ALL, no defense, no offense, no plan.

"We came to help you, after Rainbow explained everything, we knew that we couldn't just let you come here to die." Twilight revealed.

"So you came here to die yourselves? I thought it was PRETTY LUNA-DAMN CLEAR THAT I DIDN'T WANT HELP! You're not even armed." Xero retorted, setting the EMP to a timer.

Nopony had a response to that, it was true, none of them had though about bringing weapons.

"Alright, listen, I have some reserved stuff, so each of you will get something, here." Xero summoned the Elements of Harm, passing them out along with a few normal weapons.

Twilight received the magical star blaster rod thing, along with an AutoMagV, which was practically a magic wand itself, just point at the enemy, chant 'Headius Explodicus', and pull the trigger.

Rarity received the ballistic kunai knife, as well as a FAMAS, a fashionable french bullpup assault rifle.

Pinkie received the miniature cannon, and the Nether-Realm-Translator, a device which worked like a mouth covering, and when the wearer were to blow air at a certain velocity, it would spew flames out, the name was based on daemons using fire breath rather than words to communicate.

Applejack received the sledgehammer thing, along with a .500S&W revolver with a six shot chamber.

Fluttershy received the poisonous balisong knife, as well as a Barrett sniper rifle with a collapsible barrel, meant to slide in on itself, like a collapsible baton.

Rainbow Dash, with Xero having saved the best for last, received the gatling revolver chambered in .357 magnum, loaded with cloud-tracer/HE rounds, which left behind a smoky cloud of whatever color, and blew up, Xero loved the rounds, as they seemed like rockets to him, alongside that was a pair of wing blades, made of white mithril, so as to not be heavy but still be protective and attacking.

For comedic effect, the colors of the tracers in the gatling revolver cycled around, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and back to red, making a rainbow.

Theme spamming was at work here.

"Alright, and some nanobots to make into some sort of armor." the soldier turned commander continued.

Releasing the nanobots to form into armors for the group, the end result was something starkly resembling regalia.

Each of them had gotten a set of shoes and a neck-plate.

Twilight got royal-purple adamantium shoes, as well as a skullcap, though it didn't do much to cover her dark blue mane with pink and purple highlights. (an unrelated added effect, a permanent reminder of her temporary alicorn-ness, her highlights had stretched out further than the main part of her mane, like so.

Rarity received a sapphire-blue colored set of platinum shoes, and a masquerade mask, with blue tinted lenses and plating that covered her whole face. The focus of this piece was a decent amount of fashion, not overpowering the primary function.

Applejack got a set of leaf-green deitite shoes, which would amplify her natural skills at bucking by an unholy amount, the metal was found to amplify force on a scale of newtons, a 4 newton tap with deitite would be powered up to 400 newtons, a 1,000 newton blast would be amplified to 100,000 newtons, how in the hell, heaven, earth, and all of the universe this material was allowed to exist, Xero did not know, nor did he care, as his gloves were now laced with thin plates of the stuff. AJ's hat also received a vibranium coating.

Pinkie received a set of chocolate-brown ozium shoes, a strange element that, in tests, amplified sound waves, it could help her with jumping. A head-covering made of Kevlar was provided, as head armor made of ozium would not be tactically smart nor safe.

Fluttershy got a set of raspberry-pink vibranium shoes, the design would render her motions completely silent, even a set of wing blades would reinforce that fact, her helmet was, funny enough, a greek spartan soldier helmet, made of the same pink vibranium, it would keep her noggin safe.

Rainbow Dash received a set of rose-red colored 'light gold' shoes, the element was another strange one, found to have the effects resembling the Flash, the superhero, I mean. Her mane was kept together by a chainmail hairnet of sorts, made of titanium.

With the strange bits of armor distributed, and Xero with no nanobots left to give more, the group split into 4 teams, AJ and Pinkie, Dashie and Fluttershy, Twilight and Rarity, and Xero on his own.

Xero needed to give 1 last order before they split off.

"Now listen, don't be afraid, don't be afraid to kill, that's what you'll have to do, because these people don't accept friendship, they won't be tried by 12, they'll be carried by 6. We are death's advocates, and we won't be ignored. And you ladies cannot be ignorable, so toughen up and mow 'em down." Xero gave the inspirational speech.

Many gulps and small prayers for forgiveness were given during his speech, the Mane 6 wished they had stayed home, but their wishes were in vain, they were here, and they had to fight, and kill, or they would die.

"Alright, be careful, and keep an eye on all angles, MOVE OUT!" the commanding officer ordered.

Everypony split up and galloped through 3 of the 4 hallways, leaving Xero with one way to go.

The building seemed starkly familiar, like he had advanced through this hallway before.


A quick look to a sign on the wall confirmed his suspicions.

: Machine-Biology-Olio Research Federation (MBORF):
: Biomechanical Intelligence Studies Corporation (Bio. Int.):
Bonded under the common goal of eradicating all zeroes

"Wow, I'm a big enough problem to warrant a political bonding of 2 companies that have been competing since the bloody renaissance. I feel honored." Xero remarked, taking a swig from his flask.

Summoning the Steven and the Justice, he continued on.

<<magical transition>>

Twilight and Rarity, same as their friends, were tasked with kicking ass in all their finery, namely, armor in the form of regalia.

They both had to spend a few minutes learning how to even use their weapons, Twilight had blown a few pots to smithereens testing out the power of the AutoMagV, Rarity had written her name in the wall with her FAMAS.

PDSA, Xero had left the note attached, the magazines were empowered with a PDSA system, Twilight recognized the term, Pocket Dimension Storage Access, a sufficiently 'arch-y' archmage could craft and enchant a pocket dimension opening in a small bag, known to some as a 'Bag of Holding', though Twilight detested the redundant term, as any bag ever was made for holding.

The guns would never run out of ammo, so they could spray-and-pray all they wanted.

Good thing too, they were ambushed by a group of guards who immediately opened fire. The unicorn duo hid behind a concrete divider placed conveniently near the entrance, probably left during construction. Safe from the 5.56 NATO rounds for a while.

"Rarity, do you have a mirror or something?" the lavender archmage inquired.

"Of course I do, but that's not very important when we might get OUR HEADS BLOWN OFF!" the fashionista dramatized.

The highlights-on-blue maned mare rolled her eyes a little bit, took the mirror, and cast a spell.

A set of small devices formed out of thin air, the spell casting pony continued her work.

Attached the small sight-like objects to the muzzles of the 2 firearms, fitting them like laser sights, the mirror duplicated into 2, 1 of them floating to Rarity, the other staying with Twilight.

"Just look into the mirror and aim your rifle over the barrier." the scholar instructed, doing the same with her pistol.

The white unicorn did as told, the mirror filled with the image of their attackers, 1 of which was coming for the barrier.

Shooting the cad, Rarity asked what the spell was.

"It's a spell called 'mirror mirror, anywhere, let me see what's over there.', it creates an input in the form of whatever the first lens sees, the output projects whatever the input sees." Twilight explained, taking shots at the guards throughout her small speech.

It was basically a magic-based CCTV camera.

The .50AE and 5.56 NATO bullets flew from the guns and into the enemies over yonder, less than 10 seconds and they were all dead.

The magical duo continued on, their mission was simply a slaughter, kill as many soldiers as possible so that as few as possible will help the ones that Xero was no doubt also slaughtering.

It was almost a massacre, really, the poor mooks were just cannon fodder.

<<strong transition>>

Another gout of fire lashed at the ammo-less soldiers, Pinkie Pie was rapidly assaulting the opposition simply by using her powerful, rapid speech patterns.

Applejack had foregone unlocking doors to simply bucking them into shards, the force was great enough to break metal into shards, and metal is MALLEABLE, and was now smashing heads in, her techniques were getting smoother, less hesitant and more fluid, she was, to her slight dismay, getting the hang of killing.

Pinkie blasted an armored enemy with her miniature cannon, the 90mm HVSBC missile devastated the foolish mook.

That's what they got for messing with 90 millimeter High Velocity Smooth Bore Cannon missiles (the same missiles fired from the Halo Scorpion tank).

Picking off the stragglers with her .500S&W magnum 6-shot revolver, Applejack calmed her pyromaniac friend.

"Pinkie, I think that's all of 'em, c'mon, let's go." the orange farmer-mare insisted, placing a hoof on her friend's shoulder.

"Okie doki loki then, come on Jackie, I think I saw some more meanies going through the halls, c'mon, last one there's a rotten cupcake." the clearly insanified party-obsessed earth pony ushered, zooming off.

The more serious of the pair sighed at her partner's enthusiasm, continuing through the halls after the bouncing fuzz-ball of energy.

<<flighty transition>>

Another volley of the 9mm magnums (.357 inches, do the math) tore through the opposition, which to the spectral maned speedster seemed like petty obstacles rather than deadly soldiers.

She was tackled by a straggler, who was missing a foot, but still managed to pin the cyan mare, headbutting her.

The crazed enemy reared up for another headbutt, only to head-splode (now a word).

Not a very wide entrance wound, only the front of the skull left from the exit wound.

Fluttershy gasped at the power she held in her hooves.

The rifle had been re-chambered in a new, more powerful cartridge, the 'Double 2-86' or 22.86x194mm XCR, or Xero Custom Round, the overall length of the cartridge was 245mm, 51mm of bullet extending from the casing, the diameter of the thing was 1.4 inches at widest, the reason was because, through the power of math, this was a '90 caliber' cartridge, so the extensions of the casing came to 0.5 inches, a lot of powder, and thusly, energy was behind this thing.

It was based off of Omega's Grudge rifle, the one Xero had kept, but that one was '80 caliber', the collapsible barrel and stock could shorten the whole thing to 18 inches, about the length of the yellow mare's leg.

Using Total Cannon (fully hard metal) / Straight Tracer / Discarding Sabot rounds were useful for high accuracy firings, and the DS part meant that there was no ejection port needed in the cycling process.

The enemy soldiers lacked ammunition, but Fluttershy had plenty to spare.

Getting closer, the pink maned pegasus was like a beast with her collapsed rifle in her hooves and balisong (butterfly knife, in case you didn't know) tucked into her wing.

Dodging swipes from combat knives, jumping over 1 swing and ducking under another, the normally shy mare shot the mook's head off from under the chin, turning around and no-scoping the next one through the chest.

Using her wings to switch the position of her massive knife and slash her opponents in sync, she was moving and massacring like a machine.

Shooting at an enemy sniper standing about 50 feet down the long hallway, she took out 1 of the giant cartridges and looked at it, loading it back up and firing before realizing her mistake.

She had really liked that particular round, she called out to the dead sniper.

"Oh wait, that was my favorite bullet, could you send it back? Or... just, just don't lose it, okay? * " she felt a bit crazy after saying that, but calmed down when she saw that her childhood friend was okay.

"Wow Shy, that was... that was... just... awesome." RD was left speechless at seeing her normally shy, peaceful, reserved, and pacifistic friend take on about 10 or so armed guards like that.

"I... I guess, I was just so mad when that 1 guard tackled you like that, after the first shot, I just couldn't help myself." the animal-carer admitted, unconsciously continuing through the hallways.

"Well, let's go, we've got more to do, and I'm ready for another volley." the athletic comrade assured, giving Fluttershy a pat on the back before flying forward, revolver at the ready.

The not-so-timid-anymore pegasus steeled herself, rebuilt her resolve, and flew off behind her sister-in-arms.

<<fancy stealthy cursing transition>>

"How many bullets ARE IN YOUR HEAD?" the ninja shouted, shooting the heavily armored goliath soldier in the aforementioned body part.

The 11 foot tall behemoth gave a beastly growl before trying to hit Xero with its (relatively sized) steel sword, it was 1 handed for the mutated beast, but the thing was bloody six feet long.

Xero aimed before getting knocked off target by the shockwave of the giant blade carelessly striking the ground.

His .80cal shot pierced the monstrosity's chest 10 times, the 'bounce' effect had been strengthened to 10 rebounds, allowing that many strikes to occur.

The stupid goliath roared in pain and anger.

"If I hit you chest I'm sorry, I was aiming for your crotch! * " he shouted, not sure if the giant soldier understood him.

The beast was killed by a 20kg slug blasting its torso to bits.

Xero recognized the concept of a 20kg slug, but from what?

He remembered Omega telling tales from his old roommate, stories about a zombie clown, a shadow skinned demon, Jebus Christ himself, and giant soldiers.

Giant soldiers...

A 20 kilogram slug......

From a giant shotgun............


Xero dodged the many, many pellets from the gigantic shotgun shell that was fired at him.

The soldier looked at his attacker, and was a bit spooked at what he saw.

Mag.Torture cocked the 5 inch-diameter-barreled-shotgun, it was an M1014 resized to fit its titan stature, at 22 feet tall.

Armed with an 11 foot long shotgun, chambered in some ridiculously low number of a gauge, probably 0.1 or something, the giant mook was a force to be reckoned with.

Jumping into the air and slashing away with the LZ, its 29 inch long handle and 90 inch long blade easily doing heavy damage to the Mag.Torture.

Using the Justice to give the titan a shock, and the Hand of Death and the Shadow Tears to poison it, the Steven to inflict heavy bleeding, the Sephiroth and Crucifier to hack off its hands, the Joy Colt and Grudge to blast pieces out of it, and the Le-Lob to blow its head off for a finisher.

Twilight and Rarity ended up in the outside area the ninja was in a few seconds later.

"HEY TWI, MAKE ME SUPER SIZED!" the CO ordered, standing by the giant shotgun.

Twilight, without thinking about it first, cast out the spell, which did exactly as planned, it made him gigantic, standing about 20 feet tall.

The cyborg picked up the shotgun and went gung-ho-crazy.

"ALRIGHT, MOVE OUT, this'll be fun." he shouted, his voice was quite amplified by his larger lungs and vocal chords.

Twilight realized the impact of what she had done, Xero was now a gargantuan being, with even larger amounts of power.

"XERO, WHY DID YOU MAKE ME DO THAT?" the lavender mare shouted up to her super-sized friend.

"I didn't, you did that simply because I asked nicely, you were completely capable of turning down the request." the brit reassessed.

The archmage was about to retort when she realized that Xero was right, she hadn't even thought about the 'titanization' spell or what it full impact of it would be on her human friend.

"Shall we continue on? Xero should use this temporary power while he still has it darlings, chop chop, let's move." the fashionista instructed, pushing at her fellows to advance.

Xero loaded up on giant shells from the Mag.Torture's corpse, there was 'mince', which seemed to be .25 inch pellets, 'bird', which was .50 inch pellets, '0 buck' which was .75 inch pellets, '00 buck' which was 1 inch pellets, '000 buck' which was 2.5 inch pellets, and finally 'loonie vampire killer' (odd name, I know) which was simply 3 pellets, with each being 5 inches in diameter.

With 16 shells, 2 of each of those listed plus 4 slugs, he was locked and loaded.

The high ceiling hallways were generous, though the enlarged brit had to push aside a large amount of hanging lights.

The enemy soldiers were, for lack of a better term, like pigs in the slaughter.

The giant shots were practically genocide to the helpless mooks, a single 'mince' shot cleared a whole hallway, a slug blasted the door to a usable height, a 'buck' broke half of the computers and all of the scientists across 1 side of the room, the other 'buck' broke the other half of the laboratory room.

Twilight and Rarity simply followed, observing the destruction their human friend left in his wake.

<<geological transition>>

Applejack and Pinkie Pie had reached a large chamber, holding a giant capsule containing what looked like lightning, a man, looking much more powerful than a measly mook, was standing at the computer interface.

Applejack grabbed the man, tossed him a few feet away, and bucked him in the chest.

The amplified force sent bone shards and streaks of blood blasting backwards like bullets, striking the walls and a few storage bins.

Pinkie Pie began messing with the computer.

[Black Ops Projects: Soldiers]

Scrolling past names like Hank, Jebus, Tricky, David Mason.....

The next one made her stop and click on it.


Name: Adam Boxton, changed to Xero, original name deleted from his memory files.

Age: began at 19, time has passed, presumably 92.

Proficiency: Melee weapons, dominantly bladed and 1-handed types.

Description: 5'11" out of armor, very fast, trained in oriental ninja skills (parkour, preservation and attacking martial arts, advanced stealth, etc.) black hair with insistence on keeping an ankle length ponytail, armor increases his already exceptional skills in ninja-ing, swordsmanship, and being able to not die.

History: Taken into the program after being captured from his group of ninjas, Adam Boxton became known as 'Xero' under the Xero project for Bolverk Squad, alongside 'Omega' (formerly Jonathan Donson), 'Kary', and 'Askad' (formerly Shaun Narkas), Xero completed 26 missions under the command of Omega, the 27th was supposed to be their last, a suicide mission, to destroy our competitor's secret possession, a being that is believed to be alien technology, codenamed XV. Not only did Xero and Omega not die, but when they were taken in for execution, the 2 cyborgs broke out and escaped, stealing their latest armor upgrades, Xero v3.7 and Omega v7.1, in the process, after a furious battle with Kary-08, Omega was found dead and Xero had escaped. Almost more than 70 years later, our pursuit of our most dangerous enemy has led us to this land of 'Equestria', filled with miniature horse-like beings known as 'ponies', Xero is among them, he will be found and eradicated at any cost.

Pinkie and AJ were quite spooked by the profile, and at the implications it gave about their 'leader'.

The duo left, AJ making sure that Pinkie set fire to the terminal.

If only they had known just where that fire would spread.

<<feathery transition>>

Rainbow Dash was busy shredding through the incoming soldiers as Fluttershy was destroying the vehicles, contrary to popular belief, gasoline was not so flammable as to ignite from being shot with ordinary bullets, a tracer's burning light chemicals or an incendiary's sole purpose was enough, however, and luckily the rifle equipped pegasus had the former.

Another squad of soldiers were mowed down by the rocket-like bullets that were being sprayed like water, the athletic mare was losing her grip, as the Loyalty was numbing her foreleg, a simple fix, she switched hooves.

Fluttershy aimed down the barrel of an incoming tank, setting off the rocket being prepared, blowing the tank up from the inside.

She gasped as small pieces of shrapnel grazed her face, inflicting a few cuts that began to bleed, one on both sides of her mouth, giving her a look like the Joker, a permanent smile scarred into her face, another shard making a small slice on her forehead.

Trying her hardest to not swallow any blood, the pink maned mare raided one of the transport trucks for some medical supplies.

Rainbow Dash covered her comrade while she dressed her wounds.

Her gatling revolver stopped firing, overheated, she waved it around and blew on it, hoping to get it working again before the nearest soldier got too near.

She tossed the high-tech weapon into the air, hoping a quick throw would help it cool off before she got attacked.

It failed, a mook got close and slashed at her with his pistol bayonet, hitting her neck, she was pissed, headbutting him hard enough to crack his skull.

Knocking the mistake-making mook away with a quick buck to the face, further breaking his head.

The cyan pegasus stood still while Fluttershy, aware of her wounds, wrapped her neck in analgesic salve and bandages.

The pair of already somewhat battle-hardened mares took off, ready to finish the mission.

<<front seat passenger transition>>

It was out of ammo, the shotgun had run out of ammo.

Luckily, Xero used the LZ as a knife a few times before the titanization spell wore off.

Using the Justice and the Steven to pry the doors to the next room open, Xero led the way into a freezing cold containment lab.

"Shit, this is too familiar, Rare, Twi, keep moving, I'll deal with this one." Xero warned, getting into a fighting stance.

Rarity and Twilight were a bit hesitant, but they galloped past Xero.

XV, or at least, another alien that is exactly like it, almost like a carbon copy of it, it was here, in this room.

It struck Twilight in the head, not hard enough to do any significant damage or effect, but hard enough to cut her, leaving her half blinded as a head-wound bled into one of her eyes.

Xero shot XV with the Grudge, grabbing its attention.

"HEY BITCH, COME TO PAPA!" the circuit-encased-in-leather armored cyborg taunted.

XV roared and charged, grabbing Xero as he jumped to avoid a punch.

The alien scanned the ninja, dropping him as he slashed its fingers off.

A beastly screech as the monster changed form, turning into a blue skinned Xero with external teeth, black hair cut short.

"Oh motherfucker you did NOT just copy my style, prepare to die you xeno-twit!" the cyborg shouted, feeling a lot more powerful than before for an unknown reason.

Maybe it was fear, and that fear gave him a whole new source of untapped energy, a new adrenaline, if you would.

XV didn't stand a chance, taking about 4 and a half billion attacks in the span of 15 seconds.

Xero had no idea what was happening, but as suddenly as it came, it ended.

Left breathing deeply and quite a bit fatigued, he moved to the next room.

Twilight was there, holding several scientists at gun point with the help of Rarity.

"Alright you smart assfools, listen up, you're all going to be sitting on the floor, against the wall, and not pulling any guns on me, I hate when people pull guns on me, so don't balls it up and we'll be fine." he announced half-diplomatically half-threateningly.

The barely armed scientists did as commanded, not wanting to be turned into diced meat chunks.

Xero took their wallets and guns, having Twilight deconstruct all the pistols and cartridges, and blowing them up with the gunpowder.

"And now we make our leave." the brit announced, walking to the next room.

The pair of unicorns looked at one another confusedly, then turned back and followed their CO.

<<quartet transition>>

The 2 pegasi and 2 earth ponies had regrouped, making their way to the back gate, past a huge field of fine gravel, Xero and the unicorns were already there, suppressing the last few soldiers.

Xero flew to the different covers, taking out the stragglers.

"Alright Capitan, what now?" RD and Pinkie asked at the same time.

"Now, I guess, we...... go home......?" Xero wasn't sure about what to do, he had little formal training on ending missions, but whenever Omega said the mission was done, they all just went back to HQ.

"You don't sound too sure, sugarcube." the farmer mare voiced her concern.

"Darlings, it may be because of that." Rarity pointed out the massive airship floating about a kilometer above them.

"What is morale breaking is that I didn't notice that." the ninja admitted, causing everyone in the group to frown.

And then they were grabbed by a tractor beam.

<<lifting transition>>

Stripped of their weapons and with Xero in cuffs, the battalion of guards escorted the group to the chamber of the Omnilord.

"Hey, Xero right? OVER HERE, LOOK AT ME!" a few lines of text entered Xero's vision, he looked to see a guy in a crystal walled cell.

He looked like that Hank guy Omega told him about, except with thick goggles and more clothes, as well as a red arm that looked like a lobster with a fist.

Not to mention the fact that he was 10 feet tall.

"AHEM! I EXPECT YOU TO LOOK AT ME, MAGGOT!" a powerful, stern voice reprimanded, Xero whipped around to see the possessor of said voice.

"Oh Jebus Christ not you." the cyborg lamented.

"Indeed, me." it was Jebus, though his head was covered in scars, making his merely odd visage into downright Freddy Krueger face.

"Hehe, you look like bloody shit man. Listen, I'm not going to let you come in at the last second and win this, it's not the thing that happens." the soldier spat in defiance, anger evident.

He had come here to end his persecution, and if that entailed killing Jebus again, so be it.

Breaking the cuffs with a small thrust of his wrists, he broke the prison of Hank, allowing the titan of a fighter to escape and then punch Jebus.

"I am a GOD, I will not be bullied by a lowly, stupid bea-" the son of Christ was cut off by several overhead smashes, leaving him imprinted in the ground.

"Ow....." he muttered pathetically.

"Puny god." Hank insulted, walking away and giving Xero a tag-team high five.

The ninja walked up to Jebus, still stuck in the floor, pushing a foot hard down on his chest.

"You have no authority here, you son of a bitch." the brit emphasized each word with a punch or slash.

The other bearded xionus was finished off with a stab to the brain with about 14 blades, Xero pulling out all the stops for this kill.

The airship was falling out of the sky, everyone on board could tell because the whole structure lurched and shook, tilting forward.

They needed to escape... again.

<<high speed transition>>

It was saddening to Xero to see his friends fall like this, Rainbow Dash maintained her flight, but Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, even Pinkie and Fluttershy became splatters on the ground

He had just seen 5 of his closest friends die, actually only 4, Twilight had gone in a very different direction, but her fate had little doubt to it.

The high velocity duo slowed their flight into a swoop and landed on the broken, quaked ground, weapons practically negligible.

The cyborg attempted to summon any of his weapons, but the only ones that worked were the Lunar Zanbato, Light Arrow, and Joy Colt.

The other weapons were broken aboard the airship.

A rattling, clacking on the stones of the shattered road, like bone or metal, maybe both.

"Who the bally hell is out there, show yourself you bloody wanking coward!" he shouted the taunt, daring whatever other enemy who had the balls or stupidity to show up at this point to come out.

The monstrosity that stalked towards them was difficult to comprehend.

Xero regressed in memory, to the fight with Omega, they're only physical fight against each other, Omega was infected by XV

XV was back, with a new, more deadly host.

Author's Note:

I'M BACK FROM THE DEAD!!!!!!.... or rather, a long period of my computer not wanting to log on to fimfiction.net, nonetheless, it's here, it was sitting half finished for almost 2 months, but now it's HERE, YAAAAAAAAY
I will be working a lot more often now that my derpy computer has decided to behave.
I was also kind of rushing to push this ship out of harbor, so there may be a few weak points and inconsistencies sprinkled throughout.