• Published 24th Mar 2013
  • 1,884 Views, 35 Comments

Xero's After-the-Final Fight - The P Co

It had been 71 years since he had to kill Omega and escape, Xero, a young man with un-imaginable speed, is now old, he is in his last fight, one that will lead him somewhere he never would have expected

  • ...

Live by the "Angel", Die by the "Blade"

Xero was ready for tonight, it was the darkest night of the year.

Nightmare Night, the Equestrian equivalent of Halloween.

Xero had his costume ready.

Summoning the heavy suit of armor, made of super-parameter alloys, able to block any projectile that wasn't an explosive or a .50cal round, the ab lights lit up blue, the flattened templar cross visor glowed blue, the gloves were his own, dark leather-like material and the mechanical parts for the Blood Wires and the Sonic Blasters attached to them, the boots were a similar dark leather, the heavy-duty rubber sole was replaced with a metal plate sole, thin-yet-durable spikes were placed upon each small platelet, the rest of the boot was just dark leather, with electricity insulation.

It was a perfect copy of Omega's armor.

The Power armor, as opposed to the Speed suit.

Xero made his move.

<<festive transition>>

Xero could still fly in the suit, he had even dyed his hair red, though he kept the ponytail.

He sped through the streets, he wouldn't dare parkour on the buildings, as the 2000 pound suit would easily break the straw-thatched roofs.

Ponies left right and center were all dressed up, having fun.

He ran into Twilight first.

"Hey Twilight." Xero tried and failed to make his voice sound like his heavy-weight friend.

"What the? Xero? What are you wearing?" Twilight was confused at the human's strange attire.

"A 2000 pound suit of super-parameter alloy armor, capable of protecting me from whatever Equestria could throw at me, it's my costume, I'm going as my old friend Omega." Xero explained.

The tall-ish man departed into the sky with nary another word, he wanted to find the others.

Twilight was dressed as Starswirl the Bearded, Xero read a lot of history now because the stories were like RPGs.

Sailing through the sky, Xero went to his friends 1 by 1, the Mane 6 were wearing;

Applejack was a scarecrow.

Pinkie Pie was a chicken, Xero found this to be funny, because now, Pinkie Pie and Scootaloo were absolutely nothing alike, they were like 2 peas located on different continents.

Twilight, was, again, Starswirl the Bearded.

Rarity was going as Princess Celestia, though with darker mane and tail, and much shorter stature.

Fluttershy was a cat, a scaredy cat, to be exact, at least that was what Xero thought about it.

Rainbow Dash, wait, where was she?


Xero almost pissed himself in shock.

Turning around, ready to smack someone, in the face, with a sword, he found Rainbow Dash laughing like a fool.

"HAHAHAHahahahaaaaa, oh dear Celestia, that was awesome." Dash choked out, she was overtaken by giggles and guffaws.

"Riiiiight, I wasn't scared, you know that, right?" Xero asked rhetorically.

"HA, like hell you weren't, the way you jumped and spun around." Dash argued.

"Oh yeah, I just heard lightning and thunder, I'm not going to be shocked at the sudden loud-ass noise at all; said nopony ever." Xero countered.

"You're just trying to be fancy-shmancy to score points with me." Dash changed the subject of the conversation with her joke.

"What, does my posh brimish accent, rugged good looks, and extremely amazing flying skills not do enough?" Xero joked back.

"Sadly for you, no." Dash replied.

"Damn, I'll have to use intelligent charm then." Xero sarcastically changed his plans.

"Tch, like you have 'intelligent charm', you're just as dumb as me." Dash shot down the fake plan, not realizing what she just said.

"Bah, I think you don't realize how much you've insulted yourself." Xero pointed out.

"Oh, fuck you." Dash went simple with her response.

"I bet you would like to." Xero retorted.

"Really? You don't have much charm." Rainbow's replies were getting shorter because she had to resist laughing like a maniac at the ridiculousness of the conversation.

"HAH, I got charm comin' outta my ass." Xero went posh, just to contrast his words.

"Yeah, real charming." Dash broke, she started laughing uproariously.

The pair just laid on the cloud, laughing their asses off.

This continued for several minutes, the insane laughter died down eventually, Xero's mind was void of thoughts, he sighed and stood up.

"Heheh, a-ha-alright, I need to go, check on stuff." Xero dismissed himself about to fly off.

"What kinda stuff?" Dash querried.

"Thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnngsss." Xero replied, quoting the Walking Dead like a pro.

"Okay then...." Dash trailed off, looking across the ground to remember what she was doing before Xero showed up.

<<arriving transition>>

Xero landed on the ground with the grace of a master ninja, which is logical, because he IS a MASTER NINJA.

Walking through the town with his armor glinting in the moonlight, un-necessarily shined, because he cared, it was an unconscious respect to Omega, as it was literally a carbon-copy of the older man's armor.

Entering town-square, the tall-ish man felt a disturbance in the force.

Looking to the sky, he saw his favorite princess rolling up on the scene.


The night-inspired decorated chariot glinted in the light, made of silver, with black engravings, the crescent moon with a black background, Luna's cutie mark, was painted gloriously on the front of the chariot.

The lunar princess jumped from the chariot as it passed over-head, landing softly with flared wings.

"*ahem* Greetings, subjects, it is I, your Princess of the Night, Luna." she greeted, raising her voice slightly to make sure everypony heard her clearly.

Everypony heard, and they panicked.

Ducking down, trying to make themselves as small as possible, Luna frowned at the evasion.

"Excuse these assholes, your majesty, they just don't 'rekanyz', I, for one, greet you with open embrace and warm heart." Xero greeted, bowing briefly.

"Yeah, come on, you highness, this place is full of dumb-fucks anyways, let's go do something cool." Scootaloo added, gliding into the conversation, she was dressed as a Royal Guardpony, specifically a Lunar Guard.

"Hmmm, I am please by your offer, alright then." Luna accepted, she trusted Xero, and anypony Xero brought up, which would only be Scootaloo, but it was enough, the young pony was a good soul.

"Your Princess of the Night departs, try not to cower in fear next time I just want to hang out with the common-folk." Luna said to the ducked ponies.

The trio spread their wings and flew away.

The ponies cheered that the beast had gone.

<<high altitude transition>>

The man, the mare, and the princess flew through the sky together, enjoying eachother's company.

Landing on a large cloud, at least a few meters in diameter, the group stopped to breathe.

"So, well, you 2 get along great, for opposite-sex-siblings." Luna observed, Xero ruffled his sister's mane before responding.

"Yeah well, I'm a good guy, mostly, she's a good pony, mostly, and I'm the older of the 2, so I like to think we get along much better than most siblings do." Xero explained.

"Better than the royal siblings, I know that." Luna trailed off, looking down.

"So, should I beat Celestia halfway to death then? I need an excuse." Xero asked, he was being serious.

"No, it's just, when she made her big mistake, she tried to blame it on everything else, and used her superior magical power to brain-wash the ponies into thinking so..." Luna trailed off again, she looked up, anger marred her visage.

"But when I made my big mistake, she makes a MOTHER-DAMNED HOLIDAY ABOUT IT!" the dark alicorn shouted in fury.

"Fury, Strife, War, and Death." Xero said for no immediately discernible reason.

"The 4 Horses of the Apocalypse? Why are they being mentioned?" Luna's anger was replaced by confusion.

"Well, I possess the powers of Fury and Strife, Darkness God powers from the Nightmare Spirit, and Chaos God powers from Discord, the other 2, War and Death, I wish to possess those powers." Xero sounded un-nervingly calm, though his words were of an insane heretic.

"I see, your innate, uncontrollable magics, the ones that are bound to your very own DNA, they give you an insatiable lust for power, do they not?" Luna analyzed.

"Yes, they also give me the insatiable lust for knowledge, and for dominance of all types, everything that I, as a human, am, is all formed from nobody-knows-how-long-of-a-time of growth, development, and advancement." Xero added.

"Why are we talking about this?" Scootaloo asked suddenly.

Xero and Luna shook their head in mental shock, the mental states they had entered where ones of higher imagination, lower perception, getting shocked out of said state would cause one's mind to void all active thoughts.

"Right, hey, let's go back to Ponyville, I think everypony had calmed their tits/balls about all the 'Nightmare Moon' stuff, it's just stupid to assume things, and while it is more stupid to not make assumptions from observation, the former is what we're dealing with." Xero proposed, flaring his wings outward and getting into a hover.

With little-to-no sense being made in his statement, Xero, along with the others, flew freely.

They were just enjoying the little things.

<<Ponyville transition>>

A triple Sonic Boom tore through the sky.

Xero's Sonic X-Boom.

Scootaloo's Sonic Starboom.

Luna's own boom, the (very unoriginal but still cool) Sonic Moonboom, which appeared as though the waxing and waning crescents were attached to eachother via the points on the end.

It was a moon-circle, basically.

The ponies on the ground were amazed, Xero was relieved that his boom was back to being blue.

Landing on the ground again, the trio looked to the ponies staring at them.

"*Ahem* Are you not entertained?" Xero querried.

Everypony cheered.

Taking in the applause, the 3 separated, Luna to go enjoy time with the commonfolk, who were, surprisingly, more loyal and faithful than the high-class and noble ponies that actually lived near her, enough to know what she does.

Xero and Scoots made their way through the city streets together.

They were approached by Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Rainbow Dash.

"Scootaloo! That was..." Applebloom trailed off, trying to find the right word.

"Amazing!" Sweetie Belle piped up.

"Aw, it was nothing." Scootaloo dismissed.

"How could it be nothin'? Ya even got yer cutie mark!" Applebloom pointed out.

The trio looked at Scootaloo's flank, emblazoned upon it still was her cutie mark, the color changing star with the orange wings, grey light trail, and rainbow stars mixed into the trail, running down her leg, ending a couple of inches above her hooves.

"Oh, this, yeah, I've had it for, like, almost a month now, didn't you 3 see my first Sonic Starboom?" the orange pegasus skepticized.

Rainbow Dash landed next to her.

She poked Scootaloo's cutie mark.

It was a cutie mark.

"Well, I have to say, that move was SO AWESOME." Dash praised, making the 'why wub woo' face in the process.

"You really think so?" Scootaloo querried excitedly.

"Yeah, it was amazing, a boom like that, or one like mine, could easily grab ponies' attention, and win them over with pure coolness." Dash informed.

"Heh, well, that's pretty cool, I, I don't even have anything to say, but me and bro need to be somewhere, right?" Scoots tried to dismiss the pair from the conversation, not to be rude, she seriously didn't have anything to say,

"Uuuhh... Right! To the liquor store! WOOOOOOOH!" Xero cheered, taking flight.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH YEEEEEEEEEAAAAAHHHH!" Scootaloo cheered as well, taking flight after her brother.

"Wow, that is so... what." Dash was completely left-fielded by the sudden development.

"Isn't liquor, like, poison?" Sweetie querried the cyan mare of the trio.

"I.... what?" Dash was still left-fielded by the development.

It wasn't the whole 'Xero and Scootaloo drink alcohol together' thing, no...

It was the 'Scootaloo didn't want to talk to her' thing.

Not even 6 months ago, the orange filly had pestered her endlessly about teaching her to fly, showing her tricks, being her Number 1 Fan.

Now she had blown her off, even after she had praised her about her skills and moves.

Xero had changed Scootaloo.

Dash wasn't sure if it was good, the filly was being de-sensitized by the man's regretless attitude.

The cyan mare had to do something about this.

She was probably paranoid, but the keyword was 'probably'.

She took flight, she needed to prepare.

<<threatening transition>>

Xero lounged on the couch, reading the day's newspaper, he was relaxed, a glass of wine, one of many, sat on the couch-side table.

The door was knocked on, shortly followed by being opened.


Xero set the newspaper calmly on the table, downing the glass of wine and standing to face his supposed attacker.

"Xero, I would suggest sitting down." the less-than-feminine-but-still-female voice offered, the tone was a mix of contempt and holier-than-thou, Xero sat down, sighing.

"What have you come for?" he querried, he did not know who his attacker was.

"I've come for your sister." the voice replied.

"I SWEAR IF YOU HURT HE-" he stopped.

It was Rainbow Dash, she looked really mad at him, she was holding a short rifle, which was being pointed right at his head.

"Dash, what are you doi-" he was cut off by the cold metal of the barrel being pressed against his skin.

"I'm here for Scootaloo, I've been watching you, Xero, you're supposed to be taking care of her, not making her an anti-social alcoholic, which, by the way, the latter is highly illegal." the opposing pegasus informed.

"So what? You're just going to waltz in here and take her from me? I'm not letting you take her without a fight." Xero warned.

"I'm the one with the weapon, here, I call the shots, and take them." Dash reassessed.

Xero wouldn't be able to dodge a shot at less than half a meter's distance, his breathing shallowed slightly.

"Right, so, where is she?" RD demanded, letting her anger into her voice.

"She's in school, it IS time for that shit, right?" Xero vaguely remembered that school started around 8am and let out at 3pm.

"Xero, it's sunday, she's either here, or out." RD analyzed.

*click click click click*

"Stop now, Rainbow Dash." Scootaloo entered the equation, keeping her dual Desert Eagle XIX models trained on the older pegasus.

"What? How? You couldn't have gotten a gun like tha-" Dash's outward contemplating was cut off by Xero snatching the gun away and smacking her in the face with it, hard enough to knock her to the ground and make a sick crunch sound.

"You've met a terrible fate, you're lucky that you're so important to the public, or else I would have already shot you." Xero said, his voice grim, he had one foot placed squarely on her chest, keeping her down.

"What.... how?" Dash was confused, sure, Xero was a great flyer, but how did he have moves like that?

"I'm a human, we poison our air and water to weed out the weak." Xero started, jabbing the cyan in the mouth, contemplating fucking everything and shooting her anyways.

"Whaaa......." Dash was still shell-shocked about how the tables had suddenly turned.

"We set off nuclear radiation bombs in our only bio-sphere." the tall-ish man continued.

"I, I don't...." RD stayed silent.

"We NAILED our GOD to a STICK!" Xero shouted in the mare's face.

"Don't fuck with the human race, or you'll end up far worse than dead." Xero warned, his tone was as grave as mortally possible.

The bluish-black haired man straightened up, pushing RD against a wall and sitting her up.

He looked at rifle, keeping the Masamune between the mare and the door, the dark matter it was made of would crush the pony effortlessly.

"The Carcano Fucile di Fanteria Model 91/38, on my planet, the one where all that stuff that I said happens, this is a rifle made in Italy, chambered in 6.5x52mm rifle-type ammunition, made for reliability in an increasingly deadly time-period, this was the same model used by Lee Harvey Oswald to assassinate U.S. President John F. Kennedy while the latter was riding in the Presidential Limousine, not only hitting his target 4 times, but decapitating him, causing the head to rip from the neck out of pure force from the bullets hitting it, it is looked down upon and anybody who owns one is considered at least a mentally ill person, if not heartless and stupid for supporting an infamous murderer." Xero monologued.

He looked down at RD, smacking her across the face again.

"Get the fuck out of my house before I either force you out and/or rape you." Xero commanded with Fury, being the Master of Fury (darkness of the NS) and Strife (chaos from Discord) had its perks now and again, even if he could not directly control the magic.

He lifted off of the beaten mare's chest, the injured pony made her way quickly enough out of the door.

Xero jammed the gun and proceeded to throw it at the offending mare.

"And don't come back." Xero shouted his last warning like the crotchety old man that he was, but his body didn't show it.

The angry young-and-old-at-the-same-time man slammed the door shut.

"Bloody twat." he said the final insult much quieter.

"So, how fucked are we?" Scoots asked, bracing herself for the answer.

"I would have to say, not at all, you and me, Scoots, we're like 2 peas in a pod, RD used to like me, she was probably PMSing like a fire-hydrant, and got really pissed off that me and you are so close, she's not the Element of Generosity, she was just missing you as being her ego-masturbater, noting more." Xero assured.

"RIght, she seemed like that, anyways, I need to go and help the other crusaders earn their cutie marks, we're still crusading, even if I'm just helping." Scootaloo said, dismissing herself and taking to the sky.

Watching his little sister fly from the house, Xero set out for his day's chosen activity.

He no longer liked living on the ground, and he had the internal magic to walk on clouds, so it was obvious.

He was going to build a cloud-house.

<<handyman transition>>

The acquisition of building materials was easy, turns out, a special device could make water-less clouds for building.


The only real cost was that it used magic, which was infinitely regenerative throughout the planet's entire atmosphere.

Purchasing the best one he could get, getting it plated in gold and diamonds just because he had several fuck-tonnes of money.

Creating the materials, using his strength and dexterity to compress them into concrete-hard lighter-than-air objects, building a veritable fortress.

A greek temple style pation, with fancy pillars and a nice, wide area to roam on, he made the thing very big.

With 3 stories, 1st floor, 2nd floor, and basement, raising the mass itself to rest on top of the large cloud platform.

The roof was designed to hold solar panels and water, not only using it for hydro-electric generators, but purifying it to drink.

Using cube-tonian physics to assist him, the Minecraft style of building, he made the thing impeccably strong, with 1 meter thick walls, nice open windows made of ice, even using a special function on the cloud maker to acquire dissolving crystals that would turn into water, using those for glassware, as it was much more efficient than real glass.

A big kitchen, wide open living room, with a big side closet, clothing rack, a chair and a 2 couches, 1 was a 2-seater, the other was a 3-seater.

4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms;

1 for Xero, with 1 internal bathroom.

1 for Scootaloo.

2 other rooms for either guests, or 'guests'.

1 bathroom on the top floor.

1 bathroom on the first floor.

The last bathroom was in the basement.

Setting up his machines in the basement, setting up a 2nd terminal and everything.

Furnishing the rooms, hauling everything from the town-house to the cloud-house.

The project took a total of about 8 hours, chacking the clock, Xero found it to be 6pm.

This was 1 difference between himself and Omega, Omega was content, Xero wasn't.

Making everything more fancy than Martha Motherfucking Stewart, even adding rainbow waterfalls, running through extremely intricate paths and looping back around to the top and falling again, so he wouldn't have to replace the rainbow liquids every time it all ran out, as it wouldn't.

The construction was complete, Xero looked at his craftsmanship, it was amazing.

He flew off to find his sister. he needed to show her this awesomeness.

<<time transition>>

Scootaloo glided through the air, scouting out a good spot to sleep for the night, she and the crusaders had been out and about later than usual, all 3 filles were experiencing tremendous growth spurts, though Scootaloo got the greatest bout of it, she looked about 16, where as Applebloom and Sweetie Belle looked 14.

In truth, she was, by a few months, the oldest of the group, being born early in the year, on March 10, where as the other 2 were born some time in July and August.

Landing outside the door to the town-house, she opened it to find Xero carrying a cardboard box, the living room was full of poor looking ponies.

"Ah, sis, nice to see you got home safely, I would flip a literal pile of shit if you didn't." Xero greeted crudely, adjusting his stance to make the box as easy to carry as possible.

"What is all this? What's going on?" Scootaloo querried, somewhat worried about this development.

"I used Minecraft power to make a cloud-house, because I'm tired of living on the ground, and because I didn't need the town-house anymore, I sold it to all of Ponyville's homeless, leaving plenty of money for food, water, to pay the bills, and anything else they might need, from rags to riches in 9 seconds flat." Xero explained.

"9 seconds flat?" Scootaloo was confused, how so fast?

"It took me 9 seconds flat to pour out a big pile of dark bits." Xero revealed.

"Oh yeah, your *ahem* 'made' money." Scootaloo was completely aware of her brothers extreme counterfeiting, he had enough money to make Fill Gates eat his own out.

"Yep, come on, this is the last of the stuff, my clothes, let's go." Xero directed, tossing a set of keys to the former-homeless ponies, it was a bunch of copies of the house-key, a couple dozen, as the whole town had only about 20 homeless, it was a great town, plenty of space for everypony, almost.

The winged pair flew off, Xero went much slower than normal, only a few hundred miles per hour, the pair loved flying fast, they reached the regal-sky-palace-like structure in a minute.

Scootaloo marveled at the sight.

"It's even better inside." Xero informed, only making his sister more excited.

The siblings entered, the older making his way upstairs, the younger staring in awe at the new things.

"Since when did we have a TV?" the orange pony querried, she was not informed of the change.

"I got it today, it's the best on the market, I could afford it, so I bought it." Xero answered, hooking up the gaming consoles that he had gotten as well.

"It's all really fancy and shiny, I know, you don't have to say." the Master of Many Things bluish-black haired man added.

He connected the wires with ease and skill, the remote of the massive television, about 84 inches wide and 48 inches tall, it was ready.

"So, wanna play some games?" Xero offered, opening up a cabinet that was almost bursting with games.

"Alright!" Scootaloo accepted with joy.

And so they played, everything from Call of Cutie, to Battlefilly, to Haylo, Final Reality, Left 4 Dead, Legend of Celestia, Mareio, Marevel vs. Coltcom, and a lot of others.

Xero's melee skills translated into the games, because whenever he got a melee weapon in any of the games, he won within a minute.

Even in games where it didn't make sense, like LoC, Final Reality, Left 4 Dead, and Mareio.

It was impressive in Call of Cutie and Haylo.

It was hell in Chivalry and War of the Roses, which were both based almost entirely on melee combat, with little range and specialties on the side.

In the end, though, they had a great time.

Xero yawned suddenly, and looked at the time.

"Ooooh, shit, it's midnight, come on, time for bed, you have school in the morning." Xero pointed out, standing up and stretching.

"*yawn* Okay." Scootaloo replied simply.

The pair went upstairs, Xero tucked Scootaloo into bed, and went to his own room.

Stripping off his clothes and tossing them haphazardly to the floor, he laid down and closed his eyes.

Sleep came easily enough.

He only hoped things would stay easy.

Or at least, thing would stay peaceful.

Peace was the one thing he wanted.

That, and impaling someone with a sword.

He wasn't insane, just mentally unstable.

That makes sense, right?


Author's Note:

I know that my version of the JFK assassination is very different from the real story, but blame Madness World differences, okay?

March 10 is Chuck Norris's birthday, FYI.

"RD is out of character" the viewers complain.
I fucking know, same problem in OPHL, reality went into a back street and serviced drama like a copper-piece whore.

Yes, Xero does things in 9 seconds flat, as a sort of 1-upping to RD, who does things in 10 seconds flat, I'm not sure if anybrony didn't get that joke because NOBRONY COMMENTS, Y U NO COMMENT? LEAVE A COMMENT!



See you next time.

I <3 you all, byeeeeeee