• Published 24th Mar 2013
  • 1,883 Views, 35 Comments

Xero's After-the-Final Fight - The P Co

It had been 71 years since he had to kill Omega and escape, Xero, a young man with un-imaginable speed, is now old, he is in his last fight, one that will lead him somewhere he never would have expected

  • ...

Falling into Equestria

It started as a normal day, Xero and Enid woke up, did their exercises, Enid for training, Xero for his health, he was old, but still fit, they did their exercises like usual.

Enid still wasn't ready for the Joy Colt, and honestly, Xero wasn't really feeling like giving it to her, not because he was greedy, but because it held too much sentimental value to him.

Suddenly, something happened.

Xero had fallen into a daydream, remembering the events that happened those 70 something years ago, he didn't remember how long, but it was spring of 2013, he narrarated his thoughts until Enid snapped him out of it, then, MBORF attacked.

"Come out with your hands in air!" a vorpal soldier leader yelled into a megaphone

Xero set off the bombs.

"OPEN FIRE!" the leader commanded

"Enid, it is time to fight." Xero informed, he coughed, Enid was by his side in a second.

"I will die here, in the heat of a glorious battle." he continued.

"We both will, master." Enid replied.

"No, not you Enid, you will live on and destroy what this bastard has created and called the new order." Xero corrected his apprentice.

"I understand, Master." Enid responded, Xero coughed, she was at his side again.

"Good, good..." Xero stayed still.

"Will you be seeing your friends again soon, Master?" Enid querried.

"Heh heh heh, yes, I'll be joining them finally, tonight." Xero laughed.

The pair jumped from the ledge, landing on the ground, they looked out for any soldiers.

"Master?" Enid stated more than asked.

"Hmm?" Xero looked to his apprentice.

"Heaven or Hell?" she said with doubt.

"Heh heh heh, LET'S ROCK!" he shouted.

They charged forward and fought the army

<<a few minutes later transition>>

"BLACK HOLE BOMB" Xero heard one of the soldiers scream into a megaphone, he saw the small black object flying high up in the air.

"Enid, run." he instructed calmly, immediately knowing that he was up shit creek with a flaming shark completely demolishing his boat

"But, Master, what about you?" Enid asked, though ready to run.

"RUN, get out of here as fast as you can!" Xero commanded, Enid ran.

Using the Aeroblade, Xero focused his energy, and, over the course of 5 seconds, had made several hundred slashes, obliterating a quarter of the attacking army.

The bomb hit the ground, all Xero could hear was a 'whoosh' before he vision was filled with blackness.

He felt his body shift, pain, pain all over, then he felt a dozen times better, his body had miraculously repaired itself whilst he was in this darkness, the darkness faded to bright blue, and he had the sensation of falling, he WAS falling.

He did the only thing he could think of at this point.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!" he screamed, his voice sounded different, though that was probably the wind whipping past his ears.

He hit the ground.

"FUCK!!!" he shouted so loud it would give Jebus a headache, birds across a quarter mile radius flew from their resting places at the noise.

Getting up, he realized he had landed comically in a lake of water, and had hit the surface as though it were solid, sinking slowly while standing.

Swimming to shore, he looked around, he saw 2 flashes of darkness and whiteness, and reacted typically.

"What the fuck is there?" he demanded furiously, his voice was still different, he wracked both parts of his mind to find out why.

"Nope, can't figure it out, might as well look at myself." he resorted, walking over the the water, he looked at his reflection and gasped.

"I look fucking awesome!" he said conceitedly.

Indeed he did, his stubble was gone, shaved, his hair was back in it's old style, clean cut with a long ponytail and dreads to the sides of his face, though the color was different, bluish black with white highlights, like someone took the ends of his old man hair and attached them to his young man hair, he looked amazing.

He heard a noise, an animal, he brandished his Bloodwire, ready to attack.

A beast, a manticore, if Omega's occasional rants about mythology were anything to go by, burst from the foliage, Xero grabbed it's head with the wires and sliced it's skull into pieces, it was dead before it hit the ground.

He pulled out his A.P.S. to cut it up, he could use some good meat right now, even if it was raw, he could simply kick the disease's ass.

He rubbed 2 silver colored barrels across it's face, that wasn't right, he looked at his object, it was the Joy Colt, he instinctively checked his sub-space ammo box, it still had 12,000 rounds in it, he had taken to learning quite a few gun stuffs after Omega died, out of tribute if not because he wanted to be able to use them properly.

He opened up the handle, inside was the DNA lock, it still said 'Omega', he pressed a few buttons, honestly not knowing what the hell they did, the little screen went blank, then said 'Not Locked', Xero, picking up on what this meant, put a finger to his tongue, gathering a bit of saliva, he put that into the DNA lock interface, the screen went blank again before saying 'Xero', he smiled, closing the handle, the reddish hue to the black grip turned to a bluish hue, signifying that it had worked.

Loading the revolver, he sheathed it, ripped up the manticore's body, dunked the pieces in the water to clean them, and ate messily, not caring about table manners or cleanliness at this point, he didn't care at all, he had his re-obtained youth, his armor, a few weapons, his knowledge, and most of all, his revived abilities.

Drinking the water that wasn't tainted with blood and only-god-knows-what-else, he sighed, this felt a thousand times better than being old and coughing every 10 seconds. He took to the treetops, he had to find a settlement to stay at.

Scoping out a town less than a mile away, Xero made leaps and bounds from treetop to treetop, he was there in a minute.

Not wanting to appear dangerous, he sheathed all of his weapons, he still needed to make sure of what all he had.

Walking calmly into town, visor off, he heard a noise, shouting, it sounded like a mob of fans going after someone, he followed the sound quickly.

He found a crowd of small horses, about 3 feet tall from what he could tell from his highly trained depth perception, there were normal ponies, unicorns, and pegasi, they were colored wierdly and looked quite cartoony, they were talking, that's what got him.

"What in the name of Jebus's outhouse?" he asked himself, he searched his robot mind, which still had a full charge, and found a memory, Omega had, for the 2012 christmas, given Kary some pony things from a cartoon show, a few figurines, and a pair of disks, it was called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, he didn't have any feelings towards it, not really caring who liked it or not, Omega seemed to like it, even though it seemed to be for little girls, like Kary (at least at the time), but Omega always had a good reason for everything he did.

A few seconds later, the crowd cleared out, leaving a lavender unicorn and a small purple dragon, he knew his dragons, he was brought up by 2 of the most dragon-heavy countries of the world, Britain and Japan.

The unicorn walked to a large tree with windows, Xero followed, surprisingly, he hadn't been spotted, it was something wierd, no doubt, or they just didn't really payed him any mind.

He watched the mare, he knew animals, so he could tell that this pony was a mare, she entered the tree shaped building, closing the door behind her, he looked into the window, it was a library, and the purple pony was now reading a book.

'It would be funny if all the paper in the books and all the wood in the furniture was made from the wood that these ponies carved from the tree itself, like taking someone's organs, cutting them up, and putting the pieces back inside them.' Xero thought, laughing a bit.

He walked over to the door, and read the sign.

"Books and Branches Public Library? Huh, if it's public then I don't have to knock." he reasoned, he opened the door, gave a small knock anyways, and took a couple of steps inside.

"Hello, how can I help yo-AH!" she greeted and then immediately shouted in surprise.

"Hi, calm the fuck down, I can explain." Xero greeted rudely, closing the door behind himself.

This was going to be an interesting conversation.

Author's Note:


Okay, time to start with Xero's HiE story.

This is going to be fun.

I <3 all of my readers, byeeeeee