• Published 24th Mar 2013
  • 1,886 Views, 35 Comments

Xero's After-the-Final Fight - The P Co

It had been 71 years since he had to kill Omega and escape, Xero, a young man with un-imaginable speed, is now old, he is in his last fight, one that will lead him somewhere he never would have expected

  • ...

The Wrath of "Jebediah", "Immolation" is the only way

(NOTE: look up immolation before advancing further, it makes a HELLUVA LOT MORE SENSE that way)
(NOTE: be cautious of a bit of author tract, I try not to make it bad)

Holding the Jebediah in his hands, they were trembling in pain, as giant-ass nails were stabbed through them, 1 inch thick and 9 inches long, though they didn't affect his ability to hold things.

Holding it above his head and letting go, the disc floated, the middle dissolved into a ring, a halo.

A silver halo above his head.
Grey shirt below white belts, white belts on his jacket, jacket black as dead.
His eyes ripped open, like tunnels of blue.
His mouth revealed, teeth ready to chew.
Long hair, black as night.
He used to be old, so it's tipped in white.
A cyborg soldier britishman, to himself, his fate revealed.
He's a demi-god, died and brought to the battlefield

The door opened and in came a team of medical professionals, using his invisibility mechanism, he (what else could he do with said mechanism except) turned invisible, waiting for them to get close.

Revealing himself and killing each of them with the nails impaled in his hands and feet, the bloodshed seemed to make his stronger.

Xero Termveli, that wasn't his name.

His name was....

Jebediah Christoff.

A former doctor, and now, he held the power of the world above his head.

The silver halo hummed with energy before dimming again.

Discarding the nails in his body, he watched the wounds fill in with impropability energy and dim out, revealing normal flesh underneath.

Summoning the Binary Sword and the Joy Colt, he exited the room.

A few guards were trotting quickly to the medical ward, apparently a few screams of pain were enough to cause a panic.

Jebediah stopped them.

"Thy sins will drown in the blood of the lamb." he delivered the odd threat quite well, his newfound fatherly voice could sound very menacing.

Shooting 2 of the guards, the 3rd cried for help before being silenced by a blade through the diaphragm, rendering him unable to make a sound, or even breathe.

Taking a few moments to enjoy the fading of life from the guard's eyes, the expert soldier covered his tracks well, being a ninja helped with more things than one would think, and the red carpets were a convenience.

Tossing the bodies out of a window into a secluded area below was also convenient.

Sprinting, his boots equipped and adding to his traction and maximum speed, his gloves more gripping than his bare hands, he couldn't control himself as he ran and slaughtered all right after they yell.

He felt like a monster was possessing his body, he wasn't Jebediah Christoff, he was Xero Termveli, he had accepted that his past was irrecoverable, but this.... thing, wanted to use him.

An evil smile crossed his revealed face when he willed himself into pony form, a look at his flank told all he needed to know.

A charcoal black cross, with the binary code 100111100 printed along the vertical limbs.

'Oh shit, I'm being possessed by Jebus Christ, why me? why now? why this? why at all?' the desperate thoughts raced across his mind.

"Too much faith, young Xero." the fatherly voice said, apparently only able to communicate to the original owner of the body through talking out loud.


"You and I are not so different, I too spare the innocent, it is the wicked that are my target." Jebus replied, his power was locked, but he had plenty of plain skill to make up for it.

'And who here is wicked?' the brit was furious, anyone would be furious at being trapped inside their own body, its power being used and abused by another being.

"Everyone, all of these.... ponies, they are wicked, wickedly pure, they have cheated at life, jumped the gun on advancing to prosperity, they lack the required secondary power, I am here to fix that, WE ARE HERE TO FIX THAT XERO!" he shouted, willing himself back into human form and taking off again.

<<bloodbath transition>>

Jebus, having 2000+ years of experience being an angel, knew how to fly with immense skill, diving to the guard barracks, he found only a handful of them there.

"Ah, General sir!" they stood at attention, but backed away when they saw Jebus's face.

"You're all," he blasted 6 of 7 guards' heads off. "Discharged, you offsprings of bitches!" for the supposed son of a Lawful Good aligned god, he was quite the asshole.

The last remaining soldier ran to the alarm and hit it.

*(alarm sounds)*

Grabbing the guard with his telekinesis, he made the pony's head burst like a rotten tomato.

"Ahhh, the rush of killing people, I love it." the possessor pretended to drink joy out of the air.

He attempted to dismiss the Joy Colt to summon another weapon, but failed.

"What the hell? I want to use those other weapons!" he was a greedy bastard, but a bit dim.

'They're all locked to MY DNA, cunt.' Xero summed it up and punctuated with swearing.

"Grrrrrr, fine then, my sword and gun are enough." the demi-god made due with his limited resources.

Using the advanced technology to teleport bullets directly into the Joy Colt's chambers, he cocked it and continued on his path of destruction.

The alarm was going off, but the speakers in some areas had been disabled.

"Hmmm, I'm sensing a large source of impropable power near the area where the speakers are disabled." Jebus observed, jogging through the halls and using the Binary and the Joy Colt to massacre anypony and everypony that came running through the halls.

Stopping for a moment and looking in the mirror, Xero was apalled by his appearance.

His beard and hair had gone fully white, a few white belts made his black jacket and plain grey shirt cling tightly to his body. A pair of eyes, turquiose, stared back at him, his teeth were sharp and ready to rip into anything.

He punched the mirror suddenly, and grabbed a piece of glass, it was rather knife-like in shape, which made it easier to grip it tight enough to bleed on it.

Placing the Joy Colt onto his magnetic back plate, he jumped from the window and flew high above the crowd of ponies awaiting something.

'Oh shit, Twilight is supposed to become a princess today, how the bloody hell did I forget?' Xero thought regretfully, of all days, this had to happen today.

Jebus smiled an evil grin, flying extremely high into the sky, he dropped the shard of sharp glass.

Watching the bloodstained makeshift weapon fall, only visible with the bloodstains, it fell.

And fell.

And fell.

Right when Twilight walked out onto the balcony, the glass hit somepony and stabbed through their head and into the ground.

Nopony in the crowd noticed the dead innocent amongst their ranks, they were too busy cheering.

Flying down and around, to where he came out of the building behind the group.

"SPARKLE!" Jebus shouted, causing Twilight to jolt around in shock, before anypony else could react, he tackled her off of the balcony.

The pair tumbled through the air before Twilight could stabilize them.

Armed with only a few quick run-throughs on basic flight from Rainbow Dash, Twilight looked down at her attacker.

Jebus detached from her foreleg and hovered in the air a few meters away.

"This impious peace must STOP!" he yelled at her, bringing out the Joy Colt and doing a few menacing swings of the Binary.

"If you're one of Xero's enemies, HE'S NOT HERE, LEAVE OR PAY THE PRICE!" Twilight was furious at this... thing, that interrupted her coronation ceremony.

"I am THE INSTRUMENT OF ARMAGEDDON, ready to cause WAR, DEATH, STRIFE, AND FURY!" Jebus was hellbent on taking control of Xero's apocalypse powers, but to no avail.

Twilight fired a massive blast of energy at her attacker.

Jebus blocked the attack with the blade of his sword.

Firing a shot from the Joy Colt, the air-distortion properties of the physics and (enter some sort of miracle here) it knocked Twilight's tiara off of her head, the other bullet missing her entirely.

Twilight yanked the Binary from the demigod's hand, using it against him.

Dodging slash after slash from his own sword, he grabbed it by the blade and took it back, firing another shot at Twilight after a few seconds of careful aiming.

Hitting her shiny golder shoes off, he cursed at his misfortune.

He could here a crack, however, both of them had to remember that pure, unassisted kinetic impact could still kill, breaking bones and rupturing skin and veins.

Twilight spent several seconds healing her cracked hooves.

The other 5 of the Mane 6 watched in awe.

Rainbow Dash finally realized it.

This was Xero.

Keyword: was.

He had been possessed.

Quickly shuffling out of her fancy outfit, she flew down to help Twilight against her lover-turned-evil.

Twilight was still very new to flying so she would have to learn quickly.

Delivering a quick, hard buck to the back of Jebus's head, she quickly flew up, over, and upside down to get to Twilight's side, the latter having already shed her own fancy dress for more mobility.

"Just follow my lead, and keep at him." the spectral maned mare instructed.

Twilight gave a nod and charged up another blast.

Rainbow Dash did a quick barrel roll to avoid the duo of powerful bullets before they were fired, allowing her to get out unscathed.

Zooming at the 'saviour', she snatched the sword from his hand, and, with little proper training, slashed at him.

Unfortunately, lacking the dexterity training to properly wield it, she ended up smacking him with the flat of the blade, rather than the edge.

Holding the sword how she remembered Xero doing it, she kept a steady grip on the handle, formulating another attack.

Another blast from the Joy Colt, Twilight blocked one of the bullets with her magic, the other ricocheted off of the Binary, sending the heavy blade smacking Rainbow Dash in the chin, luckily not on the edge again.

3 shots left, he had to make them count.

Taking another shot, another block and a miss.

2 shots left.

"He's got 2 shots left." Rainbow Dash informed her alicorn friend.

"How can you tell?" Twilight wasn't sure, she could keep launching magic attacks all day, but who knew when her attacker would not be able to retaliate?

"It's a 12 round chamber, 2 bullets per shot, so 6 shots, and he's taken 4, so 2 left." Rainbow Dash calculated.

"Okay, he's probably going to be hellbent on making those bullets connect, so be careful." Twilight would have also jokingly commended RD on her basic math skills, but now was not the time.

Sending several magic blasts at Jebus, not a single one hit, but they got close, really close.

Another volley, and finally the attacker became the attacked.

Taking his last 2 shots in a second, neither one hit due to the efforts of the opposing side.

He threw the Joy Colt up onto the balcony, it was empty and he didn't have time to reload, if he died, then Xero could get it later.

Taking the fight to the other side of the Canterlot Mountain Range, the 2 mares followed him, to make sure he didn't leave and attack some other place and/or some other time.

The barren landscape of the Nopony's Land stretched out for miles, nothing but gravel and dirt, sometimes solid stone, but all of it was useless.

Summoning the Immolaters, he raced towards a large hill.

Positioning himself just right, he spoke the message right as his targets-turned pursuers got within hearing range.

"And they made him carry his own coffin, a cross, to be nailed upon, to bleed dry and die of suffering, to be desecrated and buried in an impenetrable tomb, they failed, as his spirit was too strong, and his body faded into the sky." he started.

Twilight and Rainbow Dash looked at eachother, then back at the chanting Jebus.

"But all was not lost, for he returned, carrying not a cross on his back, but in his hands, a blade inbued with the furies of heaven itself, he would make those who betrayed him pay, with their lives." the chant continued, he took a breath and continued.

"Sharpening the wood of the cross with anger, dulling it with blood, he slew his enemies, the apocalypse had come, and he was its face." the chant was finished, the effects began.

The sky had become covered with clouds, with a single hole through which the sun was shining with great intensity.

An object fell from the heavens, somewhat sword-like in shape.

It landed behind him, the nails shot from his hands point first into it.

Grabbing it from behind himself, he held in his hands.

The cross was about 20 fucking feet long, LITERALLY HOLY SHIT!

The wood burned away, leaving charcoal, he smashed it against the ground, revealing a large, impossibly large sword, about 19 feet long in total.


The Binary sword was nothing compared to it, hell, even the Lunar Zanbato was nothing compared to it.

The thin, 40 inch long handle had no problem supporting the 15 foot long blade.

The pair of ponies opposing him were scared.

Using the blade, he simply reached out and struck Twilight in the cheek.

No response, she fell.

Another reach, another swing, another hit, this time to Rainbow Dash.

Suddenly, he gripped his head, Xero was regaining control.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF ME YOU SON OF A BITCH I'M GOING TO KILL YOU WITH THE FURY OF A THOUSAND MOONS GAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!" his lungs cried out for relief, he tore his beard off of his face, the tunnel-like eyes and sharp toothed mouth closed, sealing.

Xero had managed to self-exorcise, banishing Jebus from his body.

A splatter of liquids, red, yellow, black, white, and gray all launched from his body.

The liquid lifted itself into a form, creating the true Jebus Christ, armed with only his 500S&W and Binary.

Xero, with his own silver halo and navy blue wings, against Jebus, with his gold halo and bleach white wings.

The 2 clashed, Jebus was out of spare ammo, but the 5 chambers of his 500 were all loaded.

Xero dismissed the Joy Colt, and brought in the Lunar Zanbato.

80 inches vs. 180 inches, it was a battle of blades.

The Binary was dismissed, as it belonged to Xero, but Jebus still had the Crucifier, his massive sword locked away in his cross, freed by fire.

"You hurt her! And then, you'll hurt ME! Then, YOU HURT SCOOTS, AND LUNA, AND EVERYPONY!" Xero wasn't really sure anymore, but he had read the stories, heard the legends, learned the names, and powers, all of the lore behind his opponent.

"Well, when you say it like that, I will." Jebus replied, giving his massive sword a few small swings.

Swords sparked, bullets were fired, stabbing and slashing and slicing and sawing and chopping and all sorts of attacks oh dear Luna help.

Not many were aware, but a sword sparking was a very, very bad thing, it basically meant that the edge was being compromised, and the sword was actually breaking.

The Crucifier, even with its 15 foot long 1 foot wide blade, 2 foot long handle, and holy enchantments, was no match for Xero's superior swordsmanship skills.

The blade of the Crucifier broke, and the 5 shots from the 500S&W were all fired, so Jebus was left unarmed.

Xero took this opportunity to go in for the kill.

Stabbing the demigod through the chest, lifting him up a few feet, the cyborg summoned the Blue Death and put its massive muzzle against his opponent's face.

"Goodnight, Jebus." the brit recited the finisher, blasting the aforementioned man's head off.

Dismissing the Lunar Zanbato and letting the body drop to the ground, Xero jumped back when it caught fire immediately.

The blood red flames flickered, leaving nothing but a scorch on the stone.

He looked to his friends, who were looking back at him in fear.

"Oh come on, you 2 are my friends, I would never hurt you, intentionally, I may fuck up and hurt you by accident, but I would do my best to make amends, so come here." the soldier assured, walking over and grabbing the 2 mares into a 3-way hug.

The trio slowly flew back to Canterlot, mainly because Xero had sustained severe head wounds from his self exorcism, and Twilight was still a shitty flyer.

Gently moving through the great blue expanse, they agreed to make no hesitations in returning to normal life.

<<light-hearted transition>>

A proper coronation this time, no interruptions, and Xero, a bit grudgingly, received a black kimono for his trouble.

The Crucifier had been claimed, though, and that was something.

But still though, his reward was clothes.

Luckily for his friends, his silk lined black dyed kimono was really comfortable and likeable.

Giving a salute to the newly crowned Princess Twilight, the others giving smiles or even some sort of pony form of a thumbs up, it was touching.

That was a week ago.

Now, Xero and Rainbow Dash were getting married.

They had both agreed that it was the only step forward.

"So, before you 2 will share the kiss of bonding, do either of you have any vows?" Twilight was the officiator, Luna and Scootaloo were the only 2 in the crowd, Luna was wearing her regalia, so she was fine, Scootaloo was wearing her old Grand Galloping Gala dress.

"Yes, I have something special, just for you, Dashie." Xero announced, taking a few steps back and grabbing a microphone that was previously out of sight.

He turned on his radio.

He began to sing.

"Despite the lies that I'm making
Your love is mine for the taking.
Your love is,
Just waiting,
To turn my fears to proses.

Despite the lies that you're making
My love is yours for the taking.
My love is,
Just waiting,
To turn your tears to roses.

I will be the one that's gonna hold you
I will be the one that you run to
My love is
A burning, protective fire

I'll never be alone
When darkness comes you'll light the night with stars
Hear the whispers in the dark

You'll never be alone
When darkness comes you know I'm never far
Hear the whispers in the dark
Whispers in the dark

I feel so lonely and ragged
I lay here broken and naked
Your love is
Just waiting
To clothe me in crimson roses

I will be the one that's gonna find you
I will be the one that's gonna guide you
Our love is,
A burning, protective fire

I'll never be alone
When darkness comes you'll light the night with stars
Hear the whispers in the dark

You'll never be alone
When darkness comes you know I'm never far
Hear the whispers in the dark
Whispers in the dark


I'll never be alone
When darkness comes you'll light the night with stars
Hear the whispers in the dark

You'll never be alone
When darkness comes you know I'm never far
Hear the whispers in the dark
Whispers in the dark

Whispers in the dark.

Whispers in the daaaaaaa~aaaaa~aaaaaark

Rainbow Dash almost cried with emotion.

Almost, but not quite.

Xero, his halo still floating above his head, took the initiative, and began the kiss.

It was only 15 seconds, but it felt like 15 minutes.

Xero and Rainbow Dash were now officially married.

How long until something fu-*punching sound*

"DAMN YOU, YOU CUNT OF A NARRATOR, STOP SAYING THAT SHIT!" Xero had broken into the narrator section and proceeded to beat the narrator almost all the way to death.

Oooooowwwwwwwww, shit, that hurts.

"OF COURSE IT BLOODY HURTS, I PUNCHED YOU IN THE NECK AND STABBED YOU IN THE EYE!" Xero held enough contempt for this sick motherfucker to sink a submarine.

Sinking a submarine is impossible, but his contempt would do it anyway.

Okay, they lived happily, can we please get to the transition?

Yes, narrator, we can.

"OH BOLLOCKS! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?" Xero was confused at the arrival of this new entity.

Don't worry about it, I'm just here to get things back on track, TRANSITION NOW.

<<fallen angel transition>>

Things were looking up, even after the usual 2-3 week time limit for things to go back down to shit status.

Well, kind of.

Twilight had to banish the warring brothers of the afterlife, Angelus and Demonus, thus sacrificing her alicorn-ness to have enough power to do so.

So now, Twilight was back at the library, and Rainbow Dash and Xero were married.

But hey, things were okay.

Walking down the street, opting to wear his kimono in the summer weather, with modesty shorts underneath, of course, he was self-obligated to fly to places, or generally be of a higher altitude than others.

And kimonos were comparable to kilts, in the aspect that people wearing them would be very exposed if they wore nothing underneath.

Walking down the street, ending up at the southern edge of town.

He took a deep breath of the fresh, clean air, he couldn't get over the almost magical healing level of quality of the air.

Looking to the sky, his invisible smile faded as he looked at object in the sky.

A giant ball of energy, coming right for him.

He was shocked, he barely had time to switch into a shirt and jacket before it hit him.

Not even enough time to activate his armor, shame.

Knocked to the ground, Xero took the full force of the blow.

The brit could feel the magic's effects, changing things, but what?

Bio-scans were useless here.

"XERO!" Rainbow Dash had just arrived on the scene, seeing the unmistakable figure silhouetted by the magical flames.

"XERO!" she repeated.

"Ugh, what?" the soldier replied, standing up.

The flames had stopped, and Dash was shocked silent at the sight of her spouse.

"What's wrong? Do I have something on my face?" Xero demanded, limbless (as normal) hand waving in front of her face.

Author's Note:

Don't get offended, it's just something on the internet, and it's a parody at that, a badass parody.

anyone who hasn't read OPHL probably won't get the ending, but those who have, will,

Next chapter coming soon enough.

I <3 you all, byeeeeeeee