• Published 24th Mar 2013
  • 1,886 Views, 35 Comments

Xero's After-the-Final Fight - The P Co

It had been 71 years since he had to kill Omega and escape, Xero, a young man with un-imaginable speed, is now old, he is in his last fight, one that will lead him somewhere he never would have expected

  • ...

Y to X and back to Y

Title is a reference to human genetics, males have XY chromosomes, and females have XX chromosomes.

Standing straight up, Xero looked at her wife.

"What? What's wrong? Seriously, do I have something on my face?" the brit querried, serious this time.

"You have a face." the spectral maned mare replied flatly, not sure what to say or what to feel.

"Of course I have a face, you just can't see it." Xero didn't get it.

"Yes I can, actually." Dash corrected, still staring in awe at Xero's appearance.

"Ha, good one, only female MadnessXionic-Sapiens have visible faces." Xero looked at her fingers, noticing how slim they looked.

"Then you may have a vagina, just saying, you might want to check, and can you even hear yourself right now?" the cyan pegasus stood up again, getting closer to the oblivious woman.

"What? Of course I don't, I'm a ma-" Xero had jokingly grabbed her crotch, and felt no protrusions that were normally there.

And it would be noted that her voice was like that of a woman with... a nice voice? IDFK shut up and keep reading plz.

Rainbow Dash stood in front of her.... wife, and got up on her hind legs, supporting herself on Xero's shoulders.

"I don't know what happened in that explosion, but you and I both know that you were a guy as recent as midnight last night." RD assessed, not blushing at the implications or memories.

"So, I'm a woman now, this is so left field for me, I don't know what to feel about it, so I'm just going to see if my wings still work." the soldier looked down at her body, noting her features.


Yep, they still worked.

"So, what now?" they asked eachother at the same time.

Xero took the initiative and flew the pair home.

<<typical post-change reaction transition>>

"Okay, so, I wanna see how good I look." the altered brit insisted, finding the nearest body-length mirror and staring into it.

She looked nice, slim figure and somewhat longer hips, though this meant little to a madnessxionic-sapien such as herself. Fingers were slightly longer and noticeably more slender, feet shorter and more compact. His hair, something that he had really liked for a long time, had changed by some amount, the normal locks reaching not to her chin, but to her shoulders, the long ponytail was even longer, going from 6 inches off the ground to 1 inch off the ground, maintaining discipline had only gotten her so far, she inspected her breast, and found them small, only about AA-cup, but perky.

The most daunting feature was her face, looking at it for a long time, she looked good, cockiness not having mitigated from losing his own. Her eyes were turquoise, I.E. blue-green with green being dominant. Her slim mouth was filled with sharp teeth, a rare trait, but it was pretty damn cool.

"Well, I'd fuck me." her personality hadn't been altered in the slightest.

"Even now, you're a rude, crude dude. Come on, let's go try to find some way to fix this."

"Awwww, I was hoping for a chance to do some dancing." the watery turquoise eyed woman complained, her eyes said 'sadness' but her smile said 'trollolololol'.

"Dancing? Of all the things you would want to do, you choose dancing?" the spectral maned mare lightly criticized.

"Yeah, is there a problem?" the long haired brit querried, stepping closer to her wife.

"No, I'm just confused, most ponies say that, if they were in your situation, then they would immediately analyze themselves, and explore their bodies, but not you, you just want to dance." the cyan pegasus explained.

"Well, I just feel like dancing." Xero said, doing various physical health movements, stretching, bending, and the like.

"Alright then, if you want to, hell, I'll dance with you." the speedster pony joined the enthusiasm.

"Excellent, we'll start with the waltz, then the tango, the mosey, the ballroom blitz, the street sweeper, the aerial aggregation, the consternation of glory, and finish off with the sideways-monster-mash." the slim cyborg listed.

"Okay, wait.... what was that last one?" RD questioned, not sure if she had heard correctly.

"The sideways-monster-mash." the kunoichi repeated.

"And that means?" the magenta eyed mare questioned further.

"It's a colloquial term for 'The Depredation of the Flesh', it's quite fun." the brit clarified.

"Okay, I think I get it, I know some of those words." the athletic pegasus unsurely accepted.

"Trust me, it's bloody great, almost as good as sex, mainly because it is." the cheeky cyborg sneakily revealed.

"Alright then, let's start." the nimble pony took the initiative.

And so they danced.

And they danced.....

And danced......

And danced............

And danced..............................

And fucked.

And now they are cleaning up.

And now they're off to get help from Twilight.

<<sky to ground transition>>

Twilight was enjoying a nice, normal breakfast.

It felt good to not have to deal with anything out of the ordinary.

She could get used to this.


"TWILIGHT XERO'S/I'M A WOMAN NOW AND WE NEED YOUR HELP!" Xero and Rainbow Dash had burst in through the front door at the same time, interrupting the lavender archmage's breakfast with their simultaneous cries for help.

Calmly chewing her oats and drinking her juice, Twilight finished her simple morning meal and walked calmly into the main room, half-mindedly putting away the dishes.

Staying calm and collected, she cast a simple scanning spell over Xero's body.

Laying on more advanced magical levels to the scanning, one by one, to pinpoint the cause of the transformation, she finally came to a conclusion.

"I cannot help you, this is outside of normal magic, if you were to come back in a week, after my studies into the eldritch, I might have something then." she stated stoically, walking past her friends on her way to the market.

"Well...... shit, I have to put up with this bollocks for Luna-knows-how-long, and I can feel the estrogen decaying my badassery, and this is just bloody fantastic." the cyborg complained.

She walked over to the center table, laid out a book, and.... well..... you get the idea.


Smacking her head a few times more than necessary, the blunt trauma knocked something loose in her mind.

"Fuuuuuuuu....." she was disoriented, looking around with bleary eyes, she saw her wife, standing there.

"Hey, you know, I put up with a lot, it's kind of necessary with you, but you can be just as badass with a vagina as you could with a penis." the cyan mare was quite offended at her spouse's claims.

"Uuuuugh, I know, just give me a minute, I need to run an algorithm, and done, and now...." Xero rubbed her head, moving one hand out to summon a weapon.

Summoning the Lunar Zanbato, Xero delivered a short prayer and dismissed.

Shifting inside of her kimono, which, due to her proportions, was still quite comfortably fitting, she straightened it and looked at her wife again.

"So, I guess this is the time for the typical 'going out and doing stereotypical girl things', which will be followed by the 'keep being yourself' part, and finally the 'turning back into a man' part, which is sometimes followed by some sex with their restored genitalia, but I'm willing to just be normal again." the brit had described pretty much every special/episode/movie where a person gets genderbent.

Every single one of them, ever.

Willing herself into pony form, the ninja formulated a plan.

<<feminine transition>>

Rarity whistled an orchestral tune whilst she worked.

*ring ring*

"Just a minu~ute." she chimed, she felt great, on a roll with her work.

Gracefully trotting into the foyer, she found Rainbow Dash standing next to a mare that she didn't recognize.

"Ah, Rainbow, darling, what brings you here?" the fashionista was confused at her friend's presence, as the pegasus would usually make it a point to stay at least 100 feet away from the boutique.

"She wants braids, don't ask." the athletic pony replied, pointing to the strange new mare.

"Ah, well then, Miss......" Rarity waited for the name of this new, strangely familiar pegasus.

"Oi, bloody mauve maned harlot don't rekanize me wit a new gabber, do I need to show you where my nob used to be?" Xero went british ghetto on the white unicorn.

"Um, wha-" the indigo maned unicorn was cut off.

"LOOK AT MY ASS." the turquoise eyed cyborg commanded.

Rarity reluctantly obliged, observing the pony's cutie mark.

A simple, black, roman numeral X.

"It's XERO TIME YA ROTTER!" the transformed soldier boisterously informed.

"What happened?" Rarity was... confused, she couldn't summon up any amount of emotional response, it was just too damn weird

"I got turned into a female, that's pretty much it, and I want some braids in my mane please." the bluish-black maned pony explained, making her request self-torturingly polite.

"Oh, that makes sense, or least as much sense as some of the shenanigans that go on in this town. Well then, come with me, darling, you are in luck, I was going to go to the spa today, but I shall take you with me." the posh pony accepted, flaring up her magic.

Rainbow Dash was already long gone, so nothing kept them from leaving immediately.

Locking the door with a few quick turns of the key, the fashionista unicorn led the kimono wearing pegasus to the spa.

<<benefactor transition>>

The full treatment, including conditioner for (even more than before) softer coats, manes, and tails, flowery smelling perfume, mud mask, cucumber eye things, hot tub soak, massage, and a light aura of flowery/fruity perfume.

Giggling like school fillies, the pair left in a springy trot.

Xero felt like she was losing her mind, but it all felt so damn good.

"So then, this fool drags himself onto my porch in the middle of a rainstorm, and says 'I'd like to commission a suit'." Rarity told her story.

"HA, what a sod, I bet you had a bloody brilliant response." the brit was too immersed into this.

"No, I took pity on the poor lad, you know, Element of Generosity and all." the white coated pony revealed.

"Oh, well then, your story is finished whether that's the end of events or not, my turn, okay so, this one time, me and Scootaloo broke out of containment, and....." the cyborg let the memories come loose.

The indigo maned unicorn prepared herself for this.

"And then, since she's the smart one, she devised a plan to get our cervical armors back, not cervical like lady parts, cervical like the spine, so I, being the faster one, took the job of melee, dodging bullets and stabbing suckers in the head, and when Scoots got her hands on a gun, she started owning all of those scrubs." the soldier continued, not realizing her memory failure.

"Her... hands?" Rarity was puzzled by this choice of words.

"Yeah, what she used to hold the pistol, anyways, we fought through waves of mooks, our fellow coworkers, though they were mostly desk jockeys and robots, still, when we recovered our cervical armors, we hauled our asses out of the shuttle. A last second coordinate change ended up sending us to opposite ends of New York City, so we had to upload our armors and set off to a rendezvous point at the train station, man, you should have seen us fighting, t'was a sight to behold. Anyways, then we-" Rarity silenced Xero with a hoof placed firmly in her mouth.

"Last paragraph, please." the alabaster mare was not so much requesting, as she was demanding.

"So then Omega died and I lived on, growing old and raising an apprentice, then I died via a black hole bomb and ended up in Equestria." the cyborg recalled.

Rarity was struck silent by this sudden revelation.

Xero was struck silent by the memory.

Tears forced themselves to the grey mare's eyes, shattering her immersion, leaving her feeling hollow.

"I, I need to go." Xero stammered, quickly flying away.

Leaving and going home, the mare collapsed into bed and waited for sleep to come.

Eventually looking at the clock, she found it read 10:12 A.M..

It was NOON.

Sighing and dropping her head onto the cool pillow and somewhat warm sheets, she closed her eyes.

dream reality transition

Xero appeared in a field, walking through the white grass on brown dirt, she peered deeply to see another bipedal figure.

"Omega!" the brit shouted, her rough, tomboyish female voice was inviting.

"What?" the figure turned to face her guest.

Luna-damnit it WAS Omega, and he had been turned into a female too.

"Why does this keep happening?" Omega asked, Xero shook her head in a lack of answers.

"I don't know, but, whatever, you look great by the way." Xero snickered, her CO's voice sounded strange as a female, her hair hadn't changed much, just being much longer, down to her ribs, her eyes were a fiery orange color, and her mouth, like Xero's, held fine, sharp teeth. She was 6 feet even, 6 feet 2 inches in armor.

"Right, thanks, listen, I know this sounds wierd, and probably insane, but, do you have any advice?" Omega asked, Xero was shocked, Omega had NEVER asked for help, well, not true, only once, when he and Xero were captured, he had asked Xero for help unlocking the cell he was in.

"Wow, I, uh, I don't know, just, don't suggest any experimental 'Hey I'm like this now but we can still do this' sex, Dash was up for it, she's bi, but I'm pretty sure Twilight is as straight as an arrow." Xero answered, being blunt, Omega gave a slightly visible flinch.

"Right, follow me, I think Ponyville is over there." Xero directed, pointing to the odd sturctures in the distance, it looked like Ponyville, indeed,,,

...If everything single fucking thing in Ponyville was painted bood-red.

Approaching the crimson town, the pair walked through the streets, they reached town-square, they found a sight that was equal parts shocking and odd.

"Askad, put the Pin-Puller away." Kary said to Askad, the orangish-yellow clad man alive and well, Kary still looked like she did right before the fight with Omega and Xero.

"Not until Omega and Xero manage to lapse this far." Asked replied, holding a scoped rifle, not quite sniper but not quite assault, it looked like the dragunov with a shorter barrel, the wood parts were pale birch, the metal was gold, Xero's scan told her the rifle shot .50 BMG High Explosive rounds.

"Hey, psychopath, bitch, we're here, the question is, why are you here?" Xero greeted Kary, and only Kary, the green and yellow pair turned to the 2 females.

"Are you...? Did something...? I.... well, boys, looks like you're girls." Kary stated the obvious.

"The magical energy I am picking up indicates that this is the result of gender-bender magic, all you need to do to reverse it is have a sample of DNA from your un-magicked self, and consume that with your magicked self, and the spell will be countered and reversed, returning you to normal." Askad, ever the smart-as-hell-ass, explained the process.

"Problem, all of the DNA samples in the locks I had were over-ridden to compensate for my change of sex." Omega and Xero answered simultaneously.

"You are both married, correct?" Asked started, he was going somewhere with this.

"Yes." the red and blue pair answered.

"You're married to 2 different ponies of the Mane 6, correct?" Asked continued, definitely going somewhere.

"Yes, your point?" Xero was getting impatient, this shit was useless.

"If my carefully calculated algorithm of the passing of time itself is anything to go by, you both made love to your spouses the night before this happened." Askad was closing in on his point fast.

"Yes, what are you trying to say?" Omega interrogated, angry at Askad's habit of making riddles of everything.

"Well, given that information, and the fact that you 2 were born male and grew up male, you both understand enough of biology for at least a basic comprehension of reproduction, and DNA's part in it, the answer is clear." Askad said, as though he was explaining how 2+2=4.

"WHAT IS IT?" both gender-bent humans were getting very mad.

"The answer is, you have to extract your DNA from your lovers, thus, you must drink your own semen." Askad answered, his tone was normal for him, insane, condescending, and sympathetic at the same time.

Omega and Xero, credit to their parts, were only absolutely horrified and disgusted, well into the point of shock, but not to the point of violent denial.

"I'm sorry, but it is the only way." Askad added, his tone was grave.

"Is, is there no other possible way?" Omega pleaded.

"You could wait for your period to start, the magic wouldn't be strong enough to keep you bent and you'll turn back." Askad began again.

"Phew." Xero signed in relief.

"But the consequence is that the spell will have ruptured your bladder, and you will end up peeing blood." Askad finished, the 2 women looked even more horrified.

"Oh well, it's obvious then, good thing I'm good with drinking non-conventional liquids, I survived in Africa by drinking tiger's blood, some gasoline, and elephant shit-juice." Omega revealed, the other 3 were disturbed by this revelation stated in a casual tone.

"Right, well listen, despite being here for 10 minutes, it's actually been 10 hours, you 2 have to go." Kary informed, pushing the pair of women out of the square.

"Why do we have to leave so soon?" the pair asked at the same time.

"You 2 were lucky, you ended up in Equestria, we were unlucky, ending up in Hellquestria, just like the original except completely abandoned by animal life, the disturbance of you being here has altered the colors, though your numerous visits have slowly been getting closer to the original, you'll see a normal Ponyville soon enough, now get the fuck OUT!" Kary explained, pushing the 2 into a portal that had just formed.

<<plane of reality transition>>

Waking up, Xero realized something.

Her.... fluids...... were lost, due to excretion via RD's highly active lifestyle, some shit with biology IDFK shut up and keep reading.

"Great, I gotta wait until the phrase 'bloody cunt' becomes a reality." the kunoichi lamented.

Standing up again, the soldier went through a series of motions, just some fancy stretches, but they did the job and she felt limber again.

Looking at the clock, she found it was 8:15 at night.

"Just in time for whatever I feel like drinking." she announced with some modicum of recovered happiness.

Resigning to her fate, she walked into the living room and selected a bottle from a secret ice storage hidden in the closet.

Sitting on the couch, the brit merely tilted her head all the way back with the bottle to her lips.

"Hey bro." Scootaloo greeted, just now walking in through the front door.

Xero stopped chugging for a few seconds, her mind raced.

'Oh shit, what will Scootaloo think of this? Shit shit triple shit shitx20.' the thoughts rang throughout her head.

"Drinking again eh? Oh who am I kidding, you drink all the time." the orange pegasus joked, doing a little hop and flying over to the couch, sitting comfortably next to her sibling.

"..." Xero was silent (in case you couldn't tell), not sure what to say.

Scootaloo tilted her head at the cyborg, unsure of this silence.

"Aaaaahh, so, how've you been today?" Xero tried to, and it was a Luna-damn shame that she failed to, imitate her OWN MALE VOICE.

"I've been doing well, are you okay?" Scootaloo was worried that her brother might be sick, and involuntarily scooted back about a foot's distance.

"Yeah, just a bit shocked at some developments." the soldier had still failed to imitate her OWN MALE VOICE.

How does one fail to imitate their OWN VOICE!

Luckily, her lithe frame hid the fact that she had undergone a genderbending.

"Why? What happened." the violet maned young mare was concerned over this

"Well, let's go through this step by step, I'm your brother, correct?" Xero was a little heartbroken at the technical lie.

"Yeah." Scootaloo was not sure where this was going.

"And when I married Rainbow Dash, she became your sister, correct?" the kunoichi's small amount of heartbroken-ness was healed 5 times over.

"Of course." the orange pony answered.

"Well, let's just say, now you have 2 sisters." the brit revealed.

"What? Wait, did you... does that mean that you... you cheated on Rainbow Dash?" the smallish pegasus was appalled at her sibling's apparent actions.

"No, Scoot, IT MEANS I'M A WOMAN!" Xero turned suddenly to face her sister, turquoise eyes filled a need for solace.

"AH! YOU HAVE A FACE!" Scootaloo, for her credit, didn't freak out nearly as bad as expected.

"I know, but more importantly, I'm a woman now, and I'll be a woman for 1-4 more weeks." Xero counted the weeks.

It was the middle of the month, so week 2, so 2 more weeks, if it didn't happen by then, it would happen in the first 2 weeks of next month, so up to 4 weeks of waiting.

Waiting to piss blood.


<<walking transition>>

It had been an established fact that Xero had been changed, and that she would change back any day.

Walking through the streets, the kunoichi, wearing her midnight blue jacket and grey shirt, sighed in defeat.

It had been 2 days, but she would get over it, maybe come to enjoy her time as the fairer sex.

She was suddenly smacked in the face by a piece of paper.

Pulling it off, she read it.

"Annual Equestria Music Competition, anyone allowed to compete, rules;

1: groups are separate from individuals.
2: play for as long as you have the material and stamina to do so.
3: winners cannot come back in the year immediately following the one in which they won, I.E. winner of year 2 cannot come back in year 3, but can come back in year 4.
4: have fun and make some noise.

Taking place in Manehattan, thank you all in advance for your participation." the brit read, discarding the flyer immediately afterwards.

"Whelp, sounds great, and it'll possibly be after I turn back, things are looking up." the cyborg was more cheery than usual.

Climbing up a building and doing some parkour, she was feeling better already.

Everything was going to be fine.

Tackled by mech-wolves outside of town.

Stabbed them through the heads.

Why are these robotic beasties here?

"Ah shit, methinks something's going on here." the winged woman was curious.

Indeed, something was going on.

Xero looked the mech-wolves over.

Printed finely on one of the body plates was the inscription;

"Property of MBORF"

The company that built him, trained him, armed him, and ultimately tried (and much later succeeded) to kill him.

"Well...... shit." the soldier said in anguish.

This was going to be bad.

Author's Note:

okay, sorry for delays, but not nearly as bad as SOME chapters.

I rushed to get this out of the door, so forgive any writing mistakes that may appear.

next chapter coming soon enough.

I <3 you all, byeeeeeee