• Published 24th Mar 2013
  • 1,886 Views, 35 Comments

Xero's After-the-Final Fight - The P Co

It had been 71 years since he had to kill Omega and escape, Xero, a young man with un-imaginable speed, is now old, he is in his last fight, one that will lead him somewhere he never would have expected

  • ...

It's time for your "Execution", Xero

Since nobrony posted any armor ideas, I'll just go with my own.

On with the story.

Xero looked to his companions.

They were ready for the Grand Galloping Gala.

He had shaved extra cleanly for this, put on his suit, a almost-black-it-was-so-dark blue tuxedo, with knife shaped buttons, and a combat knife for a boutenn'iere, the male version of a corsage. (not sure how to spell those and don't want to look them up)

The Mane 6 and Spike were travelling via carriage.

He looked to Scootaloo, his dear little sister, she was growing like a weed on steroids.

She had a really nice dress (whose illustrator I credit fully, Veggie55 made this and I did not, check him out on deviantart for more.)

Xero was ready, Scoots was ready.

The Mane 6 were probably already at the Gala by now, it had been about 10 minutes.

"So, how are we getting there?" Scootaloo querried as Xero fed his tiger and phoenix.

"Simple, I'm a ninja who owns a ninja." Xero laughed, summoning his awesome motorcycle.

(Which is supposed to have front-facing machine guns and back-facing rocket mortars)

"It's a beauty, isn't it? Come on sis, let's rock and ride." Xero directed, guiding the motorcycle outside.

Sitting upon it, Scootaloo holding onto him from behind, he activated the Rider's jet flying function.

Flying to the Gala faster than the speed of sound, the pair hollered.

"WOOOOOOOOHHHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" they shouted to the heavens.

It was thrilling.

<<Gala transition is fancy>>

Scootaloo departed from the bike when they were above the Gala itself, opting to fly down rather than wait, Xero said he had a 'nice surprise' for the Gala goers.

Scoots knew his well enough to know that a 'nice surprise' wasn't nice at all, it probably involved surprise heart-attacks and bleeding bodies.

Landing on the ground and entering the front hall, Scootaloo saw that Twilight was standing next to Celestia, she was trying to talk but Celestia kept greeting those stupid guests.

Scootaloo looked at all the pretty and fancy decorations, she looked pretty and fancy too, she walked up the greeting stairs.

"Oh, hello, I don't think I've seen you here before?" Celestia was always happy to have new guests at the Gala, somepony to stir things up.

"Yeah, first time, I'm here with my brother Xero." Scootaloo revealed.

"Oh, okay, that's great, siblings, is he new to the Gala too?" Celestia was easily enthused at first-time Gala goers.

"Yeah, he is, I need to go, I think he's arriving, I don't want to be here for the Fecal Trifecta." Scootaloo dismissed herself with the cryptic message, leaving through one of the side staircases

"What is a 'Fecal Trifecta', Twilight, do you know?" Celestia asked her student.

"I have no idea princess, it must be one of those new slang words, stupid butchering of the Equish language." Twilight lamented.

Then it happened, the Fecal Trifecta.

The Fecal Trifecta is when;

Shit gets real, then, the shit goes down, and lastly, the shit hits the fan.

It started with a song.

Then the real chaos happened.

Xero rode the Rider INTO THE GALA FRONT HALL!

Jumping off of the speedy cycle, letting it go forward and giving it some altitude, he dismissed it a millisecond before it broke through the greeting stairs.

He crashed his own body into the stairs, breaking a small Xero sized hole through it, he pulled himself out from the perforation.

"WHHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" he yelled, getting up the stairs.

"What's up!? *faces Celestia* suck a DICK, *faces the crowd* go fuck yourselves. *faces Celestia* So, princess, I don't like you, why? I don't like daytime, yeah it's useful for seeing and stuff, but the NIGHT is FUCKING BEAUTIFUL! LOOK AT THAT SHIT!" Xero commanded, grabbing Celestia under the chin and forcing her to face the window, which gave a perfect view of the night sky.

"Right, oi, I hate you, go suck a bag of dicks, I'M JUST KIDDING, DON'T DO THAT, IT'S A REALLY BAD JOKE, I'm outta here." Xero dismissed himself, taking flight and swooping down the elaborate halls.

"What the hell just happened." Celestia was shocked at the man's utter insanity.

"I, I do not have a single clue." Twilight responded, she didn't even know what to feel about this.

Xero departed to find the pony he would eloquently describe as 'She who brings the night'.

He spread his royal blue wings and took to the sky.

<<night flying transition>>

Gliding calmly through the peaceful air of the night sky, Xero found it.

The gray tower with silver accents, as opposed to the blue-tinted white tower with gold accents.

This was where Luna was.

Landing silently on the platform, less than a meter away from the moon goddess, he stood next to her, reaching out a friendly hand and running it through her ever-blowing mane.

"Hello, Xero, he who holds respect only for the night." Luna greeted, her speech patterns had adapted within weeks of seeing into Xero's dreams.

"Greetings, your highness, the majestic, Princess Luna, tis a fine night you have made, as it always is." Xero greeted, not suppressing the tone of his accent, but not sounding posh.

"It is always a wonderful experience, finding new subjects, exploring their dreams, I connect with them in ways nopony else can." Luna revealed.

"That's nice, mind explaining what that big glowy thing is?" Xero pointed out.

"That's the moon." Luna replied, resisting the urge to facehoof.

"I know the one in the sky, but what is that shit way the fuck over there looking pretty damn threatening." Xero lost couth to bring his point across.

"Oh, right, I was about to get to that." Luna informed, she turned to him.

"When I was overtaken by jealousy at Celestia's undeserved love, trying to help her get over the departure of our parents, she cast me aside, I didn't know how to feel, didn't know how to cope with my emotions, I embraced the darkness, let it take me in, give me strength, give me power, Celestia, being in a rage and trying to keep things in their broken state, banished me to the moon, I could have gotten out at any time if the Elements of Harmony hadn't sealed me inside the moon's weak atmosphere." the dark alicorn went at length with her explanation.

"But even when the Elements of Harmony cast the corruption out of my being, they didn't destroy the Nightmare spirit, the darkness that haunts anything and everything, not even the might of the Alpha and Omega power form can destroy it, nothing in Equestria can." the lunar princess continued.

"Alpha and Omega? Isn't that, like, the First and Last?" Xero was confused at Luna's choice of words.

"First and Last is Alpha and Omega existance, Alpha and Omega power is Highest and Greatest, not even the Highest and Greatest of Equestria power can kill the Nightmare Spirit." she reassessed.

"But why are you giving me this information?" Xero had no idea where Luna was going with this.

"That is where you come in, you see, not only has your presence empowered the NIghtmare Spirit, feeding off of your dark bio-energy, a result of your own species's genetices leading to violence and corruption, but you are not from Equestria, no force from Equestria can destroy it, but YOU can." Luna revealed.

"So what, you want to kick that Nightmare Spirit's ass until it dies?" Xero simplified.

"Well, you have a choice, be sent back to your home world, your absence weakening the NS, or taking the risk of death and fighting it, your victory destroying the NS, it's your choice." Luna proposed, her tone was grave and somber.

"Princess, I hold enough respect for you to call you by 'highness' and 'majesty', I have a little sister who I am not done helping, friends that are more genuine than anyone I knew on Earth, besides Omega, I will stand and fight to protect the ponies, and if that means I have to perform deicide, so be it, I fight for honour, purge the wicked, the dark, and the evil, and the NS is about the purest form of all 3, I accept the fight, I will see you after I win." Xero accepted, his voice raising in power as he spoke.

"Good luck." Luna offered as Xero flared his wings to fly to the battleground.

"I don't need it." Xero dismissed.

He flew off to face the NS, ready to fight to the last drop of blood.

<<battle transition>>

Landing dramatically, Xero stared the NS down.

"So, spirit of darkness and evil and shit." Xero greeted insultingly.

"Uh huh, and you're Xero, the one who had given me more than twice the amount of power as before." NS greeted, a mix of gratitude and apathy dripping from her words.

"AlrIght bitch, I'm going to make you an offer, how about I beat the fuck out of you so hard you'll regret ever existing, deal?" he offered jokingly.

"Hmmm, I'm going to have to decline." NS replied, she was not amused.

Xero summoned the Masamune and 1 of the Boomknives.

"Sorry, but, I was being polite, you have no say in the matter." Xero got into a fighting position.

"Well, you're going to fight me? Good luck." NS taunted.

"....... oh right, *long sigh* LET'S ROCK!" Xero was saddened, he was used to Omega saying his own battlecry before Xero followed it up with his own, without the older man, it seemed empty, impotent and meek, even when shouting.

Charging at NS, Xero tried to slice at her, she took to the sky.

She changed to her Nightmare Moon form in the moonlight, it looked epic.

Xero armed himself with the Muramasa and the Masamune, holding the swords while gripping the Boomknives backwards.

Coming at her like a bullet on steroids, Xero slashed and sliced and dodged and parried.

The fight was going like a typical Dragon Ball fight, thousands of attacks were being thrown, but none connected.

The stalemate reached a conclusion when NS suddenly tackled him, sending the pair to the ground.

Stepping on the downed Blitzkrieg Master, NS prepared her final strike.

"Any last words, you impotent foal?" she taunted.

Xero looked up at her.

She was a shapeshifter, and, like the XV, a mimicker.

"Yeah, I'll kill you as cleanly as possible, I want a piece of DAT ASS." Xerp taunted.

NS crushed his ribs, the splinters of bone came forward because they were Good Guy Gregs like that, not piercing his intermal organs or anything.

Xero grabbed NS's foot, tossing her off of him and sending her into an unbalanced state, he stood up, doing some quick field medical work, ripping the splinters off of the main bones, allowing the skin to scar over and stop bleeding.

He was exhausted, NS had an aura of darkness and death looming around her, draining his life-force away.

Breathing a bit heavily, he shot her with the Boomknives, doing no physical damage, but greatly discombobulating her own life force.

Using the Blue Death and the Grudge, he shot her up, again doing no physical damage, but this was like an HP battle, and hers was dropping fast.

Not giving her time to recover, he replaced the Grudge with the Joy Colt, shooting her 12 times with the .500SW magnum rounds, which were still greatly beefed up with full steel projectiles, incineration chemicals, poisonous light-trail tracing chemicals, and being charged with high power explosives.

NS was infuriated, given a few seconds to do something, she blasted Xero with her most powerful life-drainer blast.

Xero tried to block it, using the Aeroblade to use the 2.5 seconds he had to do the most damage possible, the blast still hit him.

He was hit, drained almost to death, he didn't give up, he wouldn't give up until he died, he would fight within an inch of dying, and would continue.

Using the Sephiroth for a series of massive slashes, he still moved, he was exhausted, getting really close to dying would do that to you.

Resorting to the Blood Blasters, using the diamond-cuttingly sharp lines of energy and blood, and the sonic-enhanced punching, he continued doing massive damage.

Getting hit again and again, both of them, they were getting tired, it was getting way too out of hand.

Bringing the pair to another dimension, the Nightmare Realm, made entirely of a flat plain of perfect mirror-like material, the sky was of the night, the moon was full.

NS recovered some strength, Xero still had a full battery, his mega-efficiency carbuerator allowed that, but his bio-energy was exhausted, running out fast, taking an adrenaline shot, Xero overcharged the Angel Blade, using his other hand for the Steven, the heavily serrated blade was doing hell to NS's life-energy.

Keeping it up, he used all of his weapons, Bloodblasters, APS, Muramasa, Catalytic Lens, Masamune, Wolverine, Scorpion, Steven, Boomknives, Sephiroth, Dragon Pearl, Aeroblade, Plasma Pincer, Gravity Hammer, and most used of all of them, the Sword of Weakness to Swords.

NS was getting really close to death herself, she was still regaining energy, though.

She grabbed Xero, injecting him with her purest and most powerful darkness, blasting him and draining almost all of his remaining life-force.

He laid on the ground, his armor was blown to shit, he was weak, defenseless....


'Don't start that self-degenerative thinking now, self, I still need to do this, fight to the last breath' he thought, trying to pull himself up, he found that he wasn't able to do even that, he decided to pull up some dying music.

Notifications (2)

He checked them.

1. Armor update completed, ready to deploy.

2. Unknown Weapon identified, code-number; Kary-4.

Xero smiled maliciously.

He started his theme song.

NS was scared, when your enemy comes walking out of the flames of death looking like a Horseman of the (fucking) Apocalypse, sporting that kind of tune, anyone would be scared.

What did he look like?

Something like this:

But with no belt-bound weapons, mark of magical stuff, hood, boots, or mask.

The boots were still the same ones he had, but with a lot of small, needley spikes on the bottom and the blade reached down to almost the ground.

Xero stabbed the Masamune and the Steven into the ground, the blades pierced through, marring the previously flawless landscape.

He summoned the weapon code-numbered; Kary-4

The Executioner's Mask was a very powerful weapon, when equipped, it increased speed and perception to abso-fucking-lutely immense levels, it allowed the user to teleport, go really fucking fast, fly, and increased energy efficiency and consumption by 3-fold.

Xero's inner workings gave him infinite energy, his new outfit could block as much as Omega's 6.8 armor, so anything besides explosives, .50cal rounds, and 7.62mm round, magnums didn't affect him, and melee hits did nothing.

He equipped it, it attached to his Satanic Visor, creating the Satanic Executioner, a truly badass name for a truly badass weapon.

His hair even became a mass of glowing dark blue energy.

"Let's try this again, shall we?" he taunted, his voice sounded god-like, talking down at anyone and anything, the final piece of his heavens-high mountain of an ego.

NS tried to attack, a series of quick, short teleportations from the enhanced Xero dodged all of the blasts.

Like a ninja bred with an Enderman from Minecraft, he delivered several thousand sonic-enhanced punches over the course of less than 30 seconds.

NS realized she was quickly losing.

Xero used the Masamune and the Steven to finish her off, performing a scissor-blade-neck-slice.

Letting the dark beast in a super-model body fall to the ground, Xero did, in fact, rape the body.

Dismissing the Executioner's Mask, he stood still, he felt alive, god-like, satisfied in all primal areas, especially the need to kill.

The Nightmare Realm dissipated around him, leaving only the body he had just desecrated, it faded to darkness and turned into a wisp of black fire, his residue fell to the ground with nothing to hold it, he kicked some dirt over it, in case something walked through this area any time soon.

The black fire entered his body, he felt the power flowing through him, he absorbed the darkness, it felt exhilarating, he felt so much energy it took all of his discipline to not fly as fast as he could for, like, an hour or something.

Luna glided down to the area where the man stood.

"Well, you certainly have a way with fighting, not caring about your own health, so long as you manage to do your duty and deal with the enemy, you look quite amazing in your new armor, I might add, and lastly, twas odd, your raping off the corpse, but I presume it was a way of giving one last, if literal, 'fuck you'." Luna congratulated the tall-ish newly-armored long bluish-black and white highlights haired Raymanian biology man.

"Thanks, it's nice to get some appreciaton, especially from somepony like you." Xero accepting the gratitude.

"Right, well, there is one last step, you need to fill out this form." Luna debriefed, she levitated over a piece of paper.

Using his newfound darkness power, he found that not only were his wings much large, expanding from 2 feet to 6 feet, and changing from pegasus shape to angel shape, the color was still the same, royal blue, he looked at the form, all he needed to do was write his name.

Equestrian Citizenship and Social Security.

Name: Xero
Age: 19
Born: September 21, 981 A.N. (after nightmare)
Height: 6 hooves 0 inches
Weight: 156 pounds
Mane Color: Bluish Black with White Highlights
Coat Color: Light Grey
Eye Color: Blue Turquoise.
Race: Human
Magic Aura Color: N/A
Cutie Mark:

Military: Yes
Rank: Class 4 General

"Wow, thanks, I didn't even think about becoming a citizen, and I doubt I could have done it on my own, thank you, Princess." Xero bowed in respect to the awesome mare.

"Xero, you are a true friend, you were willing to put yourself in front of the face of death to stay here with everypony you care about, you have my respect, as even I couldn't do that, for you, my friend, just call me Luna." the lunar deity informed, giving the tallish-man a slight bow.

"Alright then, Luna, thank you, I plan on staying in Equestria for a long, long, very long time." Xero reveal his plans.

The dark man and even darker pony took to the skies, utilizing their extreme skills of flying, the weaved throughout the darkness.

Xero dismissed himself from the aerial dance, returning to the Gala.

He found the place ransacked, broken, everypony had left, even the Mane 6, only Scootaloo remained, brushing her hooves through the plush carpet, acting like she was on ecstasy.

"Huh? Oh, hey bro, are we going home now?" she asked in a relaxed tone.

"Yeah, come on, let's rock and ride." Xero directed, summoning the Rider and getting on it.

Scootaloo wrapped her forelegs around his torso, he revved the engine and took off like a really fast bullet.

Soaring through the skies, returning to Ponyville, and then the town-house, the siblings entered their home.

Xero helped Scootaloo remove her fancy dress, he removed his own fancy suit and re-dressed in his much more comfortable grey shirt with blue circle, opting not to wear a jacket.

His ponytail wiggled at the slight motions of his body as he stared out of the window at the night sky.

He felt the dark energy within him, as he had not completely destroyed the entity, the spirit was gone, but the magic was still available, it was up for grabs, basically, and he grabbed it.

The very existance of the moon and the stars gave him strength, energy, power.

He was connected to the night, not only on an emotional level, but on a spiritual level too, now.

Xero though over everything he had at this point.

I have a life.

My life is peaceful.

My life is safe.

My life is happy.

I have a little sister who is growing up fast.

I have 7 great friends.

A beautiful home.

I have all the weapons I'll ever need.

I have super stylish new armor.

I have my health.

I have my mind.

I have my technology.

I have happiness.

I have a will to keep my life normal and peaceful.

I'm not going to let anything fuck this up for me.

Sliding from the window-sill to his pillow, Xero fell asleep.

Drifting off to sleep, one last though ran through his mind.

Things might get bad, they might get really bad, downright evil, hectic, chaotic, everything, but the willing and the prepared will make the ultimate success.

But all in all, on a scale of 1-10....

Xero gave the night a 9001, he loved it much more than the day.

Even with the automatic awesomeness boost.

It was the BEST, NIGHT, EVER.

Author's Note:

Well, that's it, eh? season 1 is done, and no, I'm not obsessed with Xero getting laid, don't even think about, and if you never though about it, continuing doing that and making things easier.

It was exhausting to write this, maybe the NS's attacks do work.

Okay, that's all for now.

I <3 you all, byeeeeeeee.