• Published 24th Mar 2013
  • 1,886 Views, 35 Comments

Xero's After-the-Final Fight - The P Co

It had been 71 years since he had to kill Omega and escape, Xero, a young man with un-imaginable speed, is now old, he is in his last fight, one that will lead him somewhere he never would have expected

  • ...

Xero says; You need to know your limits, for me, they're very high

Hot damn, I went back and counted, the last chapter had, like, 10 episodes spread across about 3 and a half thousand words, I'll slow it down, like, a lot.

Okay so back to the story now.

Soaring through the skies, Xero found Cloudsdale, it was easy, really, the mass of structures was very un-natural, even a foal could tell it was Cloudsdale, granted if said foal knew what Cloudsdale was.

Flying casually through the city, Xero found a lot of pegasi staring at him, apparently they hadn't heard about Equestria's first and only human.

He made his way to the Cloudiseum, he was going to sign up for the BYFC.

"Name." the hag of a mare asked.

"Xero." he replied.

"Age." she continued, she hadn't even looked up.

"19 years old." Xero answered.

"Alright, your signed up, the Competition starts at noon." the mare finally said.

"Okay then, nice to know." Xero responded, flying away.

The old mare didn't even know.

<<dark transition>>

Xero was flying through the air, it was great, flying, he still had plenty of skills in aerodynamics, and that helped.

He felt a sharp pain in the back of his head.

He blacked out.

Waking up to see bright white walls, Xero waited for his hearing to return before he made a move or even an idea of where he was.

Standing slowly, Xero found his wings numb, he sensed they were sedated, he looked around, there was a lot of machinery around, kinda like a factory.

"Welcome to Cloudsdale Weather Factory, human thing, scum." a dark pegasus greeted harshly.

"Tch, fuck you, I'm leaving." Xero greeted back harshly, walking away.

"In a body-bag maybe." the grim stallion replied.

"What do you do here?" Xero querried, not giving up, but now curious, still facing away from the stallion.

"We make clouds and rain, snow and fog, and most importantly, rainbows." the dark stallion answered simply.

"Right, tell you what, I'll comply." Xero lied, he had to put his deception skills to work.

"Alright then, follow me." the unnamed stallion directed.

Xero followed the pony to a hallway, down said hallway, and through a door, in which he was pushed into a room, his night-vision in his visor helped see.

The room was gargantuan, rafters leading all the way up to the ceiling, some were walkways, leading to doors.

The room was full of scared pegasi, he noticed one in particular.

Scootaloo, the spunky little filly that reminded him of himself, she was looking scared, he liked her, she made him feel like a guardian every time the CMC's shenanigans got out of hoof.

He looked at the wall.

"Next harvest: 1 hour."

Xero merely ran over, nopony objected, they couldn't even see.

He grabbed Scootaloo and slunk through the clouds with her.

Upon being in the light, the little filly slammed her eyes shut, letting them adjust slowly.

Xero flew the pair far away from Cloudsdale.

He was NOT going back there.

<<light-bringing transition>>

Entering his base, Xero turned on the lights, everything was still going.

Setting Scootaloo down on one of the carpets, he checked that all of the machines were still fully functional, everything checked out.

"W.w.w.what? What's going on? Where am I?" the scared and confused filly looked around the unfamiliar area.

"Don't worry, I'll keep you safe, that factory place won't hurt you, they'll have to go through me first, and I don't let anything get through me." Xero assured the still shaking pegasus.

"I, you, you're Xero, right?" she was still shaking, meek.

"Chin up, there you go, look at me, alright, now, yes, yes I am, I'm Xero, and I will protect you like a brother, I like you, Scootaloo, you're a good kid, and you'll grow up to be a good adult, I'll contact the bullshit with the government, and don't worry, I'll take care of you. Wait, where are your parents?" Xero would gladly have taken the little pony in, but he couldn't if she already had a family.

"They, well, they disowned me, after 7 years of abuse, negligance, violence, and other shit, they disowned me." Scootaloo had gone from shaking in fear to crying.

"Where do they live?" Xero would not tolerate cruelty against the innocent, his discipline was to destroy all evil, and these ponies were very much evil.

"At the corner of Hashtag and Plothole." Scootaloo recited the odd address.

"Not for long, you just rest up here, take a quick trip through the sanitation chamber too, it's labeled so it shouldn't be hard to find it." Xero replied.

"Okay..." Scootaloo wasn't sure what Xero would do, the other 2 CMC members had heard of his violence complex, it sounded serious.

She didn't really care, as long as they stopped being like they were.

<<bloody transition>>

Smashing the door down with the Masamune, Xero entered the run-down house.

"Smashing, time to unleash bloody hell upon you." he had stopped suppressing his accent, a time when he was completely serious.

The 2 earth ponies stopped yelling at eachother to stare at him.

Summoning the Catalytic Lens and the Muramasa, Xero went berzerk, using every weapon he had, even the Sword of Weakness to Swords and the Gravity Hammer.

The ponies were reduced to bloodstains, Xero pissed into the mixture, then set the house on fire.

He had had fun with his actions.

He flew into the sky before anypony could see what had happened or who did it.

'In like a shadow and out like a bullet', it was all part of being a ninja.

Unless he was being a soldier, then it was 'In like a shadow and out like a horseman of the apocalypse'.

He went to do some errands, Scootaloo no longer had a family.

He would change that himself.

<<caring transition>>

Stepping silently into the HQ, Xero saw Scootaloo curled up sleeping, he felt his heart melt, she looked so happy.

She would be even happier when she found out about the changes that had been made.

Putting in the last few specs for his personally designed motorcycle, capable of going 750 meters per second, designed like an army motorcycle, with front-mounted .50 calibur machine guns and a single laser cannon, and rear-mounted rocket launchers and flamethrowers.

Done up in dark blue paint, with a neon cyan 'X' on the front, the rims of the wheels were also neon.

When I say neon, I mean they're neon lights, grey material that lets light through, and it lights up with bright cyan lights, like Xero's visor eyes, or Omega's visor cross.

It was called the Rider, Xero had it, and one other last weapon.

Utilizing all of the tech he had, he made a gun as a tribute to Omega, making a 1 foot wide barrel firing a circular spread of .50 BMG bullets, about 360 per shot, firing the massive things at 6000rpm, or 100 rounds a second, the projectiles were hell-flare, 'water caps', and acidic, 'hell-flare' referred to how explosive the realm was, being made of sulfur, a key component in some types of gunpowder, 'water caps' were so hot that, in some tests, the projectiles actually liquified while going through the air, thus giving the name, the acid was highly corrosive to anything but the special material the bullets were made of.

He considered calling it the 'More Dakka', but dismissed the thought, putting a large 'X' on the barrel, the whole thing looked like a massive flare-gun, he called it....

The Blue Death.

DIsmissing the weapon of MDLA (mass destruction, limited area), Xero brought forth the adoption papers.

Gently rousing the little filly, he presented the papers to her, she took them slowly, still in the process of waking up.

"Hmmmm? Whas zis?" she mumbled, wiping her eyes of sleep.

She read the paper.

Equestria Civil Services.

Familial Help District.

A change in the system has been authorized.

Upon the return of this file (signed by all parties involved), we decree that:

(rank) Citizen, (name) Xero, the (race) human, will be the (position of family) brother of (rank) Young Citizen, (name) (to be signed), the (race) pegasus. They will be officially bonded upon redeeming this document with all signatures acquired (no fields left blank).

"All you have to do is sign this, and me and you are siblings, what do you say?" Xero simplified, he really did want this.

"I say, do you have something to write with?" Scootaloo answered cheekily, she really did want this too.

Xero instantaneously placed a pen gently into her hoof's grasp, the suction-cup like appendage was surprisingly dextrous and grippable.

She signed the paper in her best hoof-writing, using Xero's back as a stable surface, the tall-ish man did not oppose.

Removing the paper from Xero's back and returning it to his possession, Scootaloo smiled.

"Give me a few moments." the surprisingly compassionate man requested, leaving with extreme speed, flailing the little filly's recently cleaned mane and tail in the wind his velocity had created.

Coming back after exactly 9 seconds, Xero landed gracefully (if a bit hard) on the ground in front of the couch, whipping Scootaloo's mane and tail again.

"Well then, let's go home sis." he directed gently, his voice regained some of its age.

"R-r-really?" Scootaloo couldn't believe it, Xero would actually take her in.

"Fuck yeah, come on, let's rock." Xero directed more forcefully, but jokingly and still mostly gentle.

"Alright!" the little filly agreed, jumping up from the couch and onto Xero's shoulder.

The pair left the building, Xero faced the cliff from the ledge he had built.

"Alright, let's fly." Xero commanded, jumping off of the ledge and spreading his wings, he felt like an assassin doing so, with a leap of faith, except he could fly.

Scootaloo did not follow, she couldn't fly, she feared she would never be able to.

"Sis, do you even fly?" Xero sounded like a beefy lifter now.

"No, I can't." she replied, sad again.

"Bull-SHIT, come on, fly." Xero responded with force, pushing his little sister off the ledge.

After several seconds, he had an awful realization.

She was telling the truth.

Flying down at Mach 4 speed, though he felt like he was going 4 mph, he chased the falling pegasus down the mountain, he caught her less than halfway down, though it might as well been mere centimeters from the ground from the way he was reacting.

"Oh dear bloody fucking hell, sis, I'm so god-dame sorry, I had no idea, I should have believed you, I promise I will never let anything bad happen to you, provided if I'm able to stop it from happening." Xero had regained some sense during his spewed apology, he felt like shit, almost causing the pony whose life he had saved to die, though he had to make it clear that even he had limits.

He couldn't do everything, but he could try.

He would try his hardest.

Letting Scootaloo ride on his back, the Raymanian human flew to his town-house.

Ahem, his and his sister's town-house, now.

It was like raising Enid all over again.

<<transdimensional transition>>

Enid charged another Klien Star grenade, putting massive amounts of electricity into it, which would come out in explosive force rather than electrical charge.

She felt something rip through her, like a needed to the heart, she wasn't bleeding and her skin hadn't been pierced.

Raising her bright orange eyes to the sky, she felt Xero's presence, like he was there....

....Like he was taking her out of his life, replacing her with another.

She didn't feel sad, she was a grown woman, she could handle herself without Master Xero.

The old man probably found a new person to take care of anyways.

She continued her fighting, using the Malice to break another tank.

<<Equestrian transition>>

Waking in the morning with Scootaloo bouncing on his uncovered chest, Xero gently picked his little sister up and placed her next to him, sitting up and stretching his spine out of old-man-habit, he felt satisfied at the pops and cracks his bones made, if he were still about 90 years old, he would have been abso-fucking-lutely terrified at the sounds.

Picking his sister up again, he hugged her, she giggled and hugged him back.

Breaking the embrace, Xero directed his sister out of the room so he could dress.

Pulling his clothes on, he looked at himself in the mirror, he didn't even have the 3 clawed scar on his face, his facial hair, which had started to actually grow the day before he and Omega escaped, was growing even and thick.

Running a hand through the short black and white hairs, the tall-ish man considered shaving, dismissing the thought after a few seconds.

'I should grow it out a bit more first, see how it looks.' he thought, discarding the razor and shaving cream he had unconsciously picked up.

Having satisfied his hygeine needs, it was time for breakfast.

Something simple, Xero had developed many skills while raising Enid, he had found her when she was just a small child, no more than 3 years old.

Cooking, cleaning, cosmetology, tailoring, forgery, smithing, programming, wiring, physics, etcetera.

The first one was the only skill he needed right now.

The meal was finished in a small amount of time, only about 5 minutes, he had learned how to abuse thermodynamics to suit his needs, the food cooked faster and more even than normal.

The pair ate their breakfast, only occaisionally taking a break from filling their bellies to filling the silence with idle conversation.

"So, what day is today?" Scootaloo asked her big brother, she had quickly adapted to the smaller changes, the larger ones would take some time.

"It's.... Monday, and if my mechanical clock/calender/a shit-tonne of stuff is correct, you have school in half an hour, my GPS tells me it's just a mile away, so we should have plenty of time." Xero answered his little sister at length.

"Mechanical clock? What are you talking about?" Scootaloo was confused about her brother's choice of words.

"Oh, right, you know machinery right? Equestria HAS reached that level of indutrialization. Well, I have advanced machinery inside my body, making it more powerful and efficient than a normal person's body, that's also how I do a lot of the stuff I can do, like going at Mach 5 speed and summoning weapons from seemingly nowhere." the older sibling explained.

"RIght, okay, I think I get it." Scootaloo did try to understand what her no doubt wiser brother was saying, and got the gist of most of it, some parts she could figure out on her own.

"Alright then, I don't know what to do now, we've finished our breakfast, the dishes are washed and put away, here's a hoodie to look cool." Xero analyzed, Scootaloo hadn't even noticed the transition of events, she felt better at having some good food in her belly, the dishes were indeed already cleaned and put away, and Xero had just presented her with a hoodie, it was almost 4 sizes too big.

"I gave you one that's too big because you'll grow into it." Xero explained, he knew she would take offense, under all the spunk and tomboyish-ness, Scootaloo was a still a girl, and girls took offense to implications that they weren't perfect.

Sliding easily into the larger-than-needed violet garment, Scootaloo found it would probably fit her for years to come.

"Thanks bro, it's great, I love it." Scootaloo thanked, she really did love it, hoodies were a wonder of stylishness.

"Okay, now that that's over, here's a bag of weight cylinders, carry this." Xero instructed, gently placing the heavy bag on his sister's back.

She almost buckled under the added weight, that thing must have been at least 50 kilograms!

"Carry this until you can do so with ease." Xero directed, this would be important.

He had installed a powerful master-circuit in his sister's body the previous night, he could already see her abilities strengthening, she looked more lean and strong.

Struggling with the bag for several minutes, Xero having moved the pair into a field adjacent to Ponyville, the filly found herself getting stronger.

Practically prancing around after 10 minutes of the lifting act, she felt amazing.

"Now, get into a hover." Xero was sneakily getting her closer to flying.

She discarded the bag and jumped into the air, she flapped her wings hard, getting into a hover.

"Hold it, hooooooold iiiiiiit." Xero carefully lifted his sister higher.

Slowly but surely placing more weight on her back, she stayed hovering, even with more mass to support.

Double, triple, now quadruple the weight to lift, and she was lifting it with little problem, only sweating a few drops.

"Alright now, AILERON ROLL!" he commanded.

The small pegasus spun immediately, the weights dropping off of her back.

She started to ascend.

Xero stayed level with her.

"Look down." the older sibling directed.

Scootaloo looked down, she saw the small dark grey cylinders getting smaller, she looked around, she was flying, she was FLYING.

"WOOHOOOOOO!" she shouted in joy.

"ALRIGHT!" Xero joined in the happiness.

WIth 10 minutes to go, Xero and Scootaloo spent the time teaching the latter the dynamics and other shit about flying.

About 1 minute from the start of school, Xero informed his sister.

"Hey, Scoots, it's time for school in like, 1 minute." Xero informed.

"WHAT? We're, like, 9 miles away!" the young pony was starting to panic, she had to get to school.

"Don't worry, I have your stuff on summon, just hold onto me real tight okay." Xero revealed.

Scootaloo gripped her big brother in a tight hug.

Xero zoomed towards to town at Mach 5 speed.

The thing about Mach 5 is that, it is so fast that nopony really realizes JUST how fast it was.

The speed was 1 mile in 1 second.

The pair reached the airspace over Ponyville Schoolhouse in 9 seconds flat.

Using the velocity reducer dubbed the Dime Breaker, Xero stopped immediately, doing a hundred front flips in 1 second from the lack of frontward force.

Diving downward, Xero released his little sister into the air, she glided down smoothly and gracefully to the ground.

All of the ponies in the school-yard watched as the confident orange pegasus landed with style.

Flashing a confident smile to the crowd, the ponies cheered her for her display of skills.

Nopony would believe she got those skills in less than 30 minutes.

Xero worked fast, some would say the exact speed was impossible.

Xero would reply that nothing is impossible.

The only thing that limits one is thresholds.

Xero had some extremely vast thresholds.

<<caring transition>>

Opening the door to his town-house, Xero directed the Cutie Mark Crusaders inside.

He had agreed to take the rowdy trio in for the night, Rarity would have done it, but she had a job to keep, and keeping a job involved doing said job, and she couldn't do her job whilst trying to manage 3 fillies.

The small trio looked around the living room, on the walls were various weapons, katanas, wakizashis, tantos, tonfas, kanobos, staffs of all sizes, it was a all arranged on the wall next to the kitchen.

"Wow, you own all a' those?" Applebloom asked in awe.

"I would think so, I made the damn things." Xero answered, closing the door.

"So many designs, there really nice looking." Sweetie Belle added.

"Yeah, bro likes to fight with style." Scootaloo answered before Xero could speak.

"I don't fight with those, they're just for show." Xero corrected.

"You fight ponies?" Sweetie asked, a bit hesitant.

"Yeah, bad ponies, I'm a soldier, like in the army." Xero poorly explained.

"That's really cool." Applebloom respected soldiers.

Being a soldier was tough work.

<<Canterlot transition>>

"GET OVER HERE DARK, STOP TELEPORTING!" Aran Braveheart, the earth pony Class 4 General and one of the largest stallions in Equestria, at 5 feet tall, was chasing his fellow Class 4 General with his huge pole axe.

"Try again, AAAARRIIIIIIIINNN." Dark Gander teased with the butchering of his comrade's, the unicorn Class 4 General was teleporting around the large field-like courtyard, it was huge, the powerful mage of a soldier was no squishy wizard, he was physically fit, if a bit too lean, like an elf, but his golden necklace, complete with 6 pointed star-burst, amplified his magical power, not to mention added a large violence factor.

"Would both of you SHUT THE FUCK UP? I'm TRYING TO NAP HERE." Mogar Rogam complained to his brothers-in-arms, he was the pegasus of the trio, his dual gold-alloy mini-scythes drawn and ready to cut his fellows.

"We're just playing tag, dude, calm your balls." Dark dismissed his avian friend's complaint.

"TAG, YOU SON OF A HARLOT!" Aran, ever the old fashioned, insulted as his smacked his brother-in-arms across the face, leaving a mark that would make a welt, if the magically enhanced armor did not negate flesh-wounds.

"Right, time to run, AAAAAAAARRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIINNN." Derek mocked his earth pony fellow, teleporting away again.

"Well shit." Aran said begrudgingly, the game of tag was easy enough for his friend, he could teleport across Equestria and back and come out with somewhat of a headache.

This was the usual activities of the Class 4 Generals, the 3 highest ranking soldiers in the Equestrian Military, play a school-yard game and take a nap, wait for disaster to do stuff.

<<Ponyville transition>>

"Yeah, so, what do you 3 usually do?" Xero felt a little bad, even after 2 weeks, he hadn't listened to his little sister enough to know what she even did with her friends after school.

"We're the Cute Mark Crusaders, isn't it obvious?" Applebloom asked rhetorically.

"Sooooo what? You smoke weed and manage a coffee shop?" Xero had sounded like he was just being ridiculous, but he honestly did NOT know what exactly that name entailed, it could have been obvious, or it could have been anything.

"What? No! We crusade for our cutie marks, was it not obvious." Applebloom corrected, enunciating the words as though it should have been obvious, granted, it was obvious, but the doubt was that it really could have been anything.

"Well, I didn't know it was that simple, for all I know, that could be the name of your mafia." Xero argued.

"Even I don't know what that is." Sweetie Belle countered.

"It's not important. So, do you have a list of stuff you've tried, anything you found that you're particularly good at?" Xero querried.

"Yeah bro, sorta, hold on, I have it in here somewhere." Scootaloo answered, sitting back onto her haunches and digging through her hoodie pockets and fishing out a folded piece of paper.

Unfolding the parchment, Xero found it to be unfolding an impossible amount of times.

The list must have been at least a kilometer long, he read down the neatly written items, about half of the list was crossed out.

"What the fuck is up with this thing, how long have you 3 been doing this?" Xero asked, almost fearing the answer.

"About 4 months, why?" Sweetie answered the man's question with another question.

"Well, let's see, abacus repairers, who would even do that, bleach makers, blah blah, cookie eaters, a lot of failed attempts at spelling that one, Equestria's New Princesses? Seriously? Fuuuu-oooooh..... please tell me that this item being crossed out in red means you didn't even attempt it. (a nod from all 3) Alright, let's see again, I don't even know what that one is, that looks mispelled, that IS mispelled, so is that one, that one was spelled right the first time and replaced with a wrong spelling, loiterers, that one doesn't make sense, mafia members, neopolitan advocates, blah blah blah, blah bleh bleh blah blah, blah blah bleh bleh bleh." Xero just trailed off whilst reading the list, the items were on a rollercoaster of sensible and insane.

"How about you do things you KNOW you're good at? Instead of aimlessly chasing after your cutie marks." Xero suggested.

"That makes..... sense." Scootaloo accepted her big brother's wisdom.

The trio spent some time finding things they were good at, the activity took a few hours, writing a new list and thinking.

With 3 columns, 1 for each of them, the trio listed off many items to add.

"And you can't forget my flying skills." Scootaloo insisted, writing the item on her section.

"And my building skills." Applebloom piped up.

"And my singing skills." Sweetie Belle added.

"And you DEFINATELY can't forget it's FUCKING MIDNIGHT." Xero leaned in to yell at the trio.

He held a glass of beer, he chugged the whole thing in a few seconds.

"Let me direct you to your quarters, ladies." he suddenly embraced the poshness in his accent.

He picked up the trio and carried them upstairs.

Taking them to the room he had specified as his sister's, he showed them the large bed covered in dark blankets.

"I introduce you to the Snooze-o-matic 9001, it will get you to sleep faster than you can say 'this won't get me to sleep', enjoy, here's your tucking, a view of the night sky, everything you need to sleep." Xero sounded like Vince the Sham-Wow guy.

Placing them into the bed, tucking them in, and opening the blind enough to give them a view of the night sky.

Leaving silently and turning out the light, Xero wished the young trio good dreams.

He hoped for some himself.

<<plane of existance transition>>

Xero looked around, all he could see was darkness, broken only by large flashing letters that read:



He had been having this dream for a few weeks now, he long since stopped trying to figure out what it meant.

He drifted off to awakeness.

<<plane of existance transtion>>

Waking up at his usual time, his kinetic generator, known in automobiles as a 'carbuerator', he stretched and went to the bathroom, cleaning and relieving himself, taking a few extra moments to look at his beard, it looked odd, black hair with white ends was great for hair, even more for a ponytail, but not for a beard.

Electric razoring the hairs down to a shavable length, then going over them with the normal razor, he left a small amount on his jawline and around his invisible mouth, it looked good and even.

Dressing in his blue jacket and black shirt with grey circle, he made his way downstairs to make breakfast.

It was a normal life, something he had wanted for a long time.

Normal enough, at least, being the only human in a world of ponies.

It was a peaceful life, at least, normal may not ever come to him.

He was like a magnet for bad stuff to happen.

He dismissed the morbid thoughts, returning to his cooking.

He was prepared for almost anything.

And knowing his luck, he would only be faced with things he couldn't handle.

<<episodial transition>>

The CMC needed help again.

The main reason he wanted to help them was that it was a talent show.

In his own words; Show people how awesome you are show.

He had debriefed them on the plan.

With his own guns, his ingenuity, a lack of creativity, and going over his video memories, he had it.

The 4 would be re-enacting Xero and Omega's escape from MBORF and fight with Kary-08.

In short, Xionic Madness episodes 3 and and the 3 parts of episode 4.

Applebloom would play as Askad's Robot.

Sweetie Belle would play as Kary-08.

Scootaloo would play as Xero himself.

And Xero himself would play as the only one left...


Dying his hair red and creating a copy of Omega's Power armor, Xero was prepared to play his heavy-duty comrade, friendship forged from the fires of battling alongside eachother.

Not much emotion to it, but more than enough trust.

Toning down the fighting scene a bit. the stage was set.

The show itself was for the whole town, the stage was set up in one of the adjacent meadows, it was a big event.

The other contestants were almost mediocre in their acts, juggling several objects, playing music, the likes, of course, every talent show had one, the contestant that did a food talent.

The wall-eyed mare who did so ate about 500 muffins, and she would have eaten more if she hadn't run out, ponies were impressed.

Then came the final act, Xero and the CMC's act.

Ingloriously titled: The Mechanical Escape.

They won, not much to say here, really.

Getting first prize, the group recieved a gold medal for each of them.

Applejack and Rarity stepped forward when the crowd was mostly dissipated.

"Great show, Applebloom, y'all made a purty good row-bot." Applejack congratulated her little sister.

"And Sweetie Belle, you made an excellent psycho-mare, your tone was divine, if I didn't know it was fake, I would have had chills, darling." Rarity complimented eloquently.

"That actually happened, you know, I actually went through all that, and more before then." Xero revealed to the 2 mares.

"How can I believe you?" Applejack was suspicious.

"Your the Element of Honesty, do some divine RPG style scan of my stats or something, I don't know how it works." Xero suggested.

Applejack stared at the man intensely, she felt the EoH magic flare up, he was telling the truth.

"Dear Celestia, it's true. How'd ya even survive that?" Applejack questioned, astonished that Xero had lived to tell the tale.

"Exactly how you just saw, except with the actual Omega and me as me." Xero answered simply.

The 2 mares stared at him in amazement, Xero gave them each a light slap and a bird-flipping, flying off with his little sister.

The pair was in the sky, Scootaloo spoke first.

"Why do you keep doing that wierd finger gesture to everypony, like, seriously everypony, you do that to every single pony you see." Scootaloo could not emphasize enough how her brother practically had his fingers permanently in that position.

"In my culture, it's a gesture of 'fuck you', we do it to people who offend us or piss us off." Xero explained, Scootaloo didn't mind his foul language, he allowed her to speak the same, not in school, of course but anywhere else was okay.

Flying to the main base, he opened the door to let the pair inside.

Sitting at his CPU interface, he made something.

A few somethings, actually.

First was an Assassin's Creed hidden blade, 9 inches long, made of mithril, bone-splittingly sharp.

He called it the Shanker.

Next was a gun, a .44magnum desert eagle, with the XIX model, it was bigger though, the barrel was 18 inches in total, the handle was 6 inches, the chambering mechanism allowed it to be used as easily as the smaller original model.

The rounds were SSAP, or Super-Sonic Armor Piercing, excellent for forcing the projectile into the enemy, despite even heavy armor.

He called it the Capper.

Adding the DNA lock to the 2 pairs of weapons, they changed color.

The blade of the Shankers turned copper-ish colored, the hidden blade housing turned royal purple colored.

The metal of the Cappers turned copper-ish, the grip turned amethyst purple colored.

They belonged to Scootaloo, she was awesome enough to handle them.

2 Deagles and 2 Hidden Blades, and awesome set of weaponry, if quite limited.

She was equipped to handle any trouble she got into.

Xero could handle anything she found that she couldn't.

The armed pair left the base.

Letting loose and going as fast as they could, they didn't care, they didn't care at all.

They were having fun.

<<literally dark transition>>

Waking up on a cloud, Xero looked around and recalled the night's events.

The siblings had flown around until they were completely exhausted, settling down on a cloud, they had slept high up in the sky, above any storms that may have formed during the night, away from any wind that might have blown them away from Ponyville air-space.

Waking his little sister up, he debriefed her on the situation.

"So, who wants cafe food?" Xero asked rhetorically.

"Sure bro, I'm pretty damn hungry." Scootaloo answered, her sibling's speech had affected her own.

"Alright, let's go." Xero directed, taking a leap-of-faith off of the cloud.

The pair sprang into consciousness from the force of the air-resistance whipping against them.

Spreading their wings and taking flight, the purple maned filly and the bluish-black haired man glided down to a cafe, with money in Xero's pocket and not much except acid inside their stomachs, they were eager to get some food.

Luckily it was the weekend, because as it turned out, the 2 had slept until about 3:10 p.m., which was after school let out.

Muching happily on some oats for Scoots, eggs and cheese with toast for Xero, the pair ate their meal ravenously, not caring about table manners or anything.

Xero looked at the ponies who were staring at him, he flipped them off, Scootaloo giggled at her brother's offense to the innocent bystanders.

Life was peaceful.

Xero knew it wouldn't stay peaceful, but he would deal with trouble as it came, using his time and energy to cherish these draining seconds.

He was prepared for anything.

Almost anything, he would try his best.

And if his best wasn't enough?

He would get a better best.

Anything to do what he needed.

And he needed to be a guardian.

Author's Note:

alright, sorry for the massive delays, I got caught up with family shit as good 'ol easter is nearing.

I'm not much of a fan of the holiday, it's nice but I just don't like it all that much.

Next chapter coming sooner than this one, hopefully.

I <3 you all, byeeeeeeee.