Star Dust
Chapter 2
Telling Friends
It was one hard and long night for poor Twilight. At first she couldn't sleep, and once the sleep came to her, they were her rather usual nightmares — often about her not sending a letter in time, or Princess Celestia scowling at her about not taking her invitation seriously, or something of that nature...
Or, she and her friends had arriving late, making the Princesses look bad and, because of that, being banished from Equestria. The worst was her friends turning her down, making her go alone, and leaving her with a completely disappointed Celestia and Luna.
But her various “nightmares” quickly stopped when her alarm starting ringing, forcing her to get up. Twilight moaned loudly as she reluctantly peeked her head above the covers, missing its warmth instantly. Her brain activity still working on low energy, she felt like she needed some cold water splashed her face...
She looked at the clock. “...six-thirty.” Good, she was right on time. Now she needed to wake herself up before she getting Spike up. Unfortunately, getting herself up would take about five minutes, while getting Spike up would take thirty to forty minutes at least. Or, if she was lucky enough, less than fifteen minutes. Just as she had scheduled. And if waking up Spike should take longer, she was prepared to use her, “Emergency Wake Up Call” as she called it.
Twilight then slowly, almost crawling, hauled herself to the bathroom. She winced when the suddenly brightness of the lights stung her still sensitive eyes.
After getting used to the lights, she proceeded to pour ice cold water into the sink. Taking a deep breath, she dipped her head in the water, and almost immediately Twilight could feel the effects as it awoke her senses. Feeling quite awake again, she pulled her head out and then proceeded to brush both her mane and teeth, thanks to her magic. Soon she was done, now left with only one more thing to do: wake up Spike.
As she suspected, the baby dragon had slept well, like a bear in a hibernation. “Okay, let's start,” Twilight thought.
“Spike...” Twilight started with a sweet tone, “It's time wake up, my little, baby dragon.” What she got in return was some unintelligible mumbling from Spike, who turned on his side and wrapped himself tightly within his blanket. Twilight let out an annoyed sigh, suspecting as much.
“Wake up Spike,” she said, louder and less sweetly. “We need to get ready to head over to Sweet Apple Acres.” Again, the dragon mumbled something unintelligible, this time with a bit more volume, before burying himself under his blanket. “I hate it when you force my hoof Spike...” she sighed.
“Go away Twilight...” Spike muttered. “...Just let me sleep...” the snoring quickly started again.
Twilight groaned as her horn lighted up, picking up the sleepy dragon. “Noooo...” Spike whined, tiredness dominating his voice. “I wanna sleep...” He tried in vain to reach for his bed.
“Sorry sleepyhead,” Twilight giggled, “But you really need to get up. We’re almost behind schedule,” she said as she walked from the room, a sleepy Spike levitating right behind her. He again replied with unintelligible mumble. Twilight just shook her head.
“I just don't get why we have to wake up so early...” Spike groaned, finally seeming to truly awaken.
Twilight breathed a sigh of relief, usually he would fall asleep while still hovering above ground. This meant that she didn't have to use the “Emergency Wake Up Call”, which usually was a bucket of cold water to the face.
“Oh you silly, baby dragon, did you forget we have to head over to pick up our firewood?” Twilight asked. “We need to be there early so we can acquire the best pieces.” She clapped her hooves together, “and I can also inform her about Celestia's invitation!”
Spike groaned as the kitchen lights blinded and pained his eyes as they walked through the house. “Urgh...” he groaned as he started rubbing his eyes, as if trying to stop the lights from hurting.
“I still don't get why we need to wake up this early for some stupid trees while we live inside one...” Spike groaned.
“I don't think turning library into a pile of lumber is really a good idea,” Twilight replied sarcastically. “And I also don't think the town, or at least the mayor, is going appreciate our work.”
“Oh ha ha ha... Very funny...” Spike replied unamused as Twilight finally lowered him down.
She gave him an apologetic smile. “Sorry Spike, that was a pretty horrible joke,” she admitted.
“But we should also eat a bit, so we can get some energy in us before heading over to Applejack's.” Twilight opened a cupboard, looking to prepare something for breakfast.
“I can agree with that,” Spike replied, sounding a little more awake than before.
Later that morning, Twilight and Spike were fully dressed for the cold weather, hat, coat and all. They were heading towards Sweet Apple Acres, with Twilight pulling a cart in which Spike was sitting. But even though they were dressed up warmly, the baby dragon was still shivering. ”Wh-wh-why c-co-couldn't we g-go-go g-get-get those stupid t-tr-tr-trees later w-w-when i-it's not so c-c-c-co-cold?” He asked through his chattering teeth.
”I told you already, Spike,” Twilight said, turning her head towards the cold, baby dragon. She couldn't help but look at him with worry; the poor dragon was shivering and chattering like mad. If this takes too long, he might get sick, and that didn't sit well with Twilight. And she also had to agree that this morning was really cold. “I guess this is a good time to try another spell...” she thought.
She decided to use it on herself first, not wanting to endanger Spike in any way. She felt the magical field was warping around her body, making it a bit more warmer. Soon, she felt the cold completely leave her body and she was fine... So far. But there wasn't much time for an hour-long check. She then directed her horn at Spike, who gave Twilight a slightly questioning look, before he was also wrapped around with Twilight's magic. Making a pleased sigh as he began to warm up, the rest of the trip to Sweet Apple Acres turned out fine.
And so far, the spell seemed to work, no side-effects or anything. But that still wouldn't stop Twilight from taking a few more tests once she was back to the library. However, her trail of thought was stopped when she noticed Applejack coming towards her.
“Good morning there, Twilight. Nice to see you come so early,” Applejack greeted her friend. “And hello there to you too, Spike.”
“Thanks, Applejack,” Spike replied happily. He was completely ignoring the cold, thanks to Twilight's spell.
“Good morning to you too, Applejack,” Twilight said. “Well, you know me, I plan to stay on time.” she said, smiling.
“Can't disagree with that, Twilight,” Applejack replied with a small chuckle as they started walking towards the barn, where the Apple family was keeping their collected and to be shared lumber.
“I can see that you've been quite busy,” Twilight commented when she saw the large pile of firewood.
“Yes, we have been,” Applejack replied proudly. “So, take yer pick while ya got the time.”
As Spike started loading their cart with logs, Twilight decided to ask about Celestia's invitation for the “Winter Solstice” celebration. “Hey Applejack, there is something that I would like to ask you,” Twilight started, sounding a little awkward. Truth to be told, she was slightly nervous that Applejack might say no.
“Yeah? What is it, Twilight?” Applejack asked.
“Well, you see, yesterday, when I got back to library, I found out that Princess Celestia had sent me a letter,” Twilight explained. Almost immediately, Applejack's happy expression had changed to a worried one.
“Oh, there is nothing to worry about, Applejack. It was nothing too serious,” she continued, quickly glancing nervously at Spike, who again had a “told you so” look on his face before getting back to his task.
“Well, that's good to hear...” Applejack muttered, tipping her hat a bit. “What did the Princess have to say then?” She asked.
“Well, Princess Celestia wanted to invite me and my friends for a “Winter Solstice” celebration for Luna in Canterlot, and while also celebrating the Hearth's Warming Eve,” Twilight explained. “And I was wondering if you could come with me and maybe with others if they agree?”
“Eeeer...” Applejack voiced as she was thinking through what to say to her unicorn friend. She was in really tight spot. She had pretty much agreed with rest of her family that she would spend Hearth's Warming Eve this year, as they've already had everything planned for. But she didn't want to disappoint Twilight... Or either Princess of Equestria.
But they would understand if she decided not to come. “Well geez Twilight... that sounds all real nice, but Ah don't know...” Applejack said, while rubbing back of her head with a hoof. “Ya see, I've kinda already planned to spend Hearth's Warming Eve here.” Applejack held a small pause before adding: “like most of the time.”
The earth pony suddenly started hating the answer she had given, seeing how Twilight's slightly hopeful face fell. Maybe she should re-consider Twilight's offer, since this was supposed to be a celebration for the Night Princess, and frankly she was curious about it. “Maybe Ah should reconsider...” Applejack wondered.
“Oh, okay, Applejack.” Twilight said, sounding a bit disappointed.
“But...” Applejack suddenly cut in, before Twilight could say anything more. “Ah can try to see if that's fine with mah other family members...” Applejack said thoughtfully. “Just how fast do ya need the answer anyway?” she asked.
“Oh eheheh...” Twilight laughed nervously. “Eeeer... today?” She gave Applejack a rather unconvincing smile as she saw Applejack's shocked expression.
“To-today?” Applejack asked, fumbling with her speech.
“Ehehehe... Yeah,” Twilight answered awkwardly. “Yeah, I know this is a really late time to ask and I'm also a bit confused why Celestia didn't send this letter earlier...”
“Uuuuuh... Ah'm not sure Twilight, but what if Ah come over to your library later today?” Applejack asked. Already confused about this situation, it perplexed her more whether she should spend time with her family at the farm, or with her friends at Canterlot. And usually Princess Celestia was punctual about these kinds of invitations.
“Yeah, I think that will be fine.” Twilight replied, her tone sounding a bit hopeful. She then turned to Spike. “How's the pile coming along?”
“What do you think?” Spike simply asked, while pointing at a rather large pile of firewood that was gathered on the cart. Twilight stared at it with a shocked expression, because it was quite close to overflowing.
“How am I going to get that thing back to the library!?” she exclaimed, a little too loudly.
“I thought you said we needed a good deal of lumber for the winter, so we don't have to get much more,” Spike said, sounding a bit confused on Twilight's reaction.
“But this simply way too much!” Twilight reiterated, loudly. “We can't simply pull this thing back to the library!”
Spike raised a puzzling eyebrow at the lavender mare. “Well, can't you just ask Applejack to help you?” he asked, nodding his head towards the orange earth pony who was standing right next to Twilight. “Or you can also just make it lighter with your magic?” he suggested.
“Oh...” Twilight replied. “...Yeah...” she admitted, this time sounding embarrassed.
“What do you say, Applejack?” Twilight started, turning to her. “Would you like to help me with pulling all this firewood?” She asked.
“Well... Ah guess I could ask Big Mac...” Applejack said thoughtfully, tapping her hoof on her chin. “Yeah, Ah reckon that can work. Ah’ll just go an' ask if that's fine with Big Mac,” Applejack said as she left the barn.
It didn't take long before Applejack returned back to Twilight, looking satisfied. “Alrighty,” she announced, before Twilight could ask, “Big Mac promised to keep an eye on the lumber while Ah help ya with this here load.” Applejack pointed at Twilight's cart.
“Thanks, Applejack,” Twilight thanked with a small sigh.
“Yer welcome, Twilight,” she replied with a smile.
After some time, the two had found a cart for Applejack and moved at least the half of the lumber to her. Then the three of them had headed back to Twilight's library, which took little longer than expected as Twilight wasn't strong like Applejack, but the soon found themselves back at the library and started moving the lumber to inside.
“Thanks for the help again Applejack.” Twilight thanked Applejack again as they had collected the last pile of wood inside the library. “This didn't take so long as I had originally planned.” she said. “Now I have bit more time to go and ask rest of our friends about Princess Celestia's invitation.”
“Yer quite welcome Twilight. Glad that I could help ya out.” Applejack smiled. “Ye better get going then. Ah'll try to get back to you later. Now Ah need to get back to relieve Big Mac from his duties. Laters!” Twilight watched as her friend closed the door behind her.
“Well, now that's out of the way, I'm going for Sugarcube Corner next,” Twilight declared as she walked to the door.
“Already?” Spike asked. “I thought you would rest for a bit.”
Twilight shook her head in response. “I would rather get it over with so I don't have worry too much,” Twilight told Spike. “And besides, I don't think I'm going to take too long.” She quickly glanced at the clock. Nine o'clock. Good timing, Sugarcube Corner should be open and she could see Pinkie Pie. No doubt she would love to come. But in a way, Twilight wasn't sure if that was a good or a bad thing.
“OK, if you say so,” Spike replied before stretching his arms. “I'm just going back to bed.” Twilight watched as the now sleepy-looking baby dragon walked upstairs with an amused smile. She then herself opened the door and headed towards the Sugarcube Corner.
The trip was quite short, as this time Twilight wasn't carrying something heacy with her. As she stepped inside the shop, she was immediately greeted by the delicious smells of recently baked cupcakes, muffins and of course, gingerbread.
“Good morning, Twilight,” Mrs. Cake greeted her.
“Good morning, Mrs. Cake,” Twilight responded back. “I was wondering if I could speak with Pinkie Pie? There is something I’d like to talk to her about.”
“Oh,” Mrs. Cake replied, sounding slightly surprised. “Well... I'm afraid that she isn't here right at the moment.”
“Oh...?” Twilight said. Or rather asked. This was bit different. Usually Pinkie Pie was baking with the Cakes at this time. “Well, where did she go then?” she asked.
“She's at Fluttershy's,” Mrs. Cake answered.
Twilight raised a questioning eyebrow at the answer. “What is she doing at Fluttershy's house this early?”
“Oh no, you misunderstood me. She went to her yesterday. She said that she wanted to spend some time with her since she lives so far away from Ponyville. And then there was some mention of a slumber party...” Mrs. Cake explained, with a sweet smile on her lips.
“Alright then. Thanks, Mrs. Cake,” Twilight thanked the elder earth pony as she made her way to the door.
“You’re always welcome Twilight,” Mrs. Cake replied with a bright smile. “And by the way, tell Pinkie that we need her here quickly as possible. We’re receiving many orders for the Hearth's Warming Eve and we can't deal with everything by ourselves.”
“I'll tell her that,” Twilight promised, closing the door behind her.
“This only leaves out Rainbow Dash and Rarity...” Twilight thought as she was nearing Fluttershy's cottage. Soon the cottage was in sight and Twilight could clearly see the lights pouring out of the windows, which told her that Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were still quite awake.
Twilight knocked on the door. For a moment there was no sound. Then, she could have sworn that she heard some kind of noise or a squeal and some hurried hoofsteps coming from the cottage, but she wasn't sure. But she didn't have much time to think about it as the door opened, revealing the yellow, shy pegasus.
“Oh, it’s you Twilight…” Fluttershy said, sounding somewhere between relieved and panicked. “What are you doing here?” She asked, starting to collect and calm herself.
“Well, I was-“
“Oh, hi Twilight! What are you doing here!?” Twilight felt herself jumping a bit when Pinkie suddenly appeared right next to Fluttershy with her usual, over-cheerful expression. She should be used to this already, but this was Pinkie Pie…
“That’s what I already asked, Pinkie…” Fluttershy said to her pink friend. Much to Twilight’s surprise, rather calmly as well.
“Oho, oops. Sorry. My bad,” Pinkie giggled, to which Fluttershy replied with rolling her eyes while wearing small and amused smile on her lips.
“It’s okay Pinkie…” Twilight replied, starting to calm down herself. “Okay, so yesterday I received a letter from Princess Celestia,” Twilight told them, watching as their expressions grew serious rather quickly.
“Is everything alright?” Fluttershy asked. concerned.
“Did Celestia ask us to do some really, really important thing?” Pinkie asked, getting into her “hyper-mode”. “Does she want us to defend Canterlot, save a Princess from many fake castles? Oh wait!”
“Pinkie…” Fluttershy tried to interrupt Pinkie.
“Or do we need to defend a “kingdom of long forgotten and totally forgotten but only she just happens to know” kingdom?”
“Pinkie…” Twilight tried her luck..
“Maybe she wants us to have an awesome party! I don’t know for who, but I’m going to find out!”
“Pinkie!” both of Fluttershy and Twilight said in raised tones, catching her attention.
“What?” she asked. “Was it something I said?”
Twilight decided to ignore that since it would only distract her more, and give Pinkie more time of being… Pinkie Pie. “There is nothing to worry girls,” she reassured them. “It was an invitation to-“ Twilight realized too late of her mistake. And Pinkie Pie was on it again.
“An invitation from the Princess!? For a PARTY!?!” Pinkie was now jumping all around them with excitement. “What’s the party about? Oh! Can I attend it like with Cadence’s wedding!?”
“No!” Twilight exclaimed. Pinkie stopped right middle of her jump. “Sorry…” Twilight apologized. “It's an invitation for a “Winter Solstice's” celebration for Princess Luna,” she said, watching and waiting for the reactions of her friends.
Both Fluttershy and Pinkie had thoughtful looks in their eyes. They turned to each other, as if looking answers from the other, but the thoughtful looks quickly changed into what looked like amused looks. ”Well of course we’ll come,” Fluttershy answered. Twilight looked at both of her friends with a shock.
”You will?” Twilight asked in hopeful tone, feeling her spirit start to rise.
”Well duh!” Pinkie piped in. ”We can't miss something so cool and awesome as a party like that!” Twilight let out a long, and relieved sigh from their answers. ”And besides, neither of us have any big plans anyway. Isn't that right, Flutters?” she then asked, turning to Fluttershy.
“Yeah,” Fluttershy replied. “Although, I really hate to leave Angel all by himself. But I believe I can get somepony to take care of him. How long are we going to be in Canterlot anyway?”
“Well, I guess about a week or so...” Twilight commented. “So, does this means you two are coming?”
“Of course!”
The two of them answered at nearly the same time. That made Twilight feel now completely relieved. Now she needed to deal with Rarity and Rainbow Dash, and she had a good feeling that they might say yes before either of them knew.
“Good!” Twilight said cheerfully. “We should be leaving tomorrow.” She added in.
“Tomorrow?” Fluttershy asked.
“Yes. I know it's a little early and all,” Twilight said when noticing her friends reactions, “but as I said, I only received this invitation yesterday. Sorry that I couldn't get this out earlier...” Twilight looked to the ground.
“It's OK Twilight, I know what it’s like. I handle invitations all the time,” Pinkie said, trying to cheer Twilight up.
“Thanks Pinkie.” Twilight smiled. “I'll be going then, I still need to inform Rarity and Rainbow about this,” she said, leaving her friends’ sides. “Oh, and by the way Pinkie,” Twilight called to her, “the Cakes seem to need your help on making on some orders!” That got Pinkie's attention.
“Oh no!” Pinkie jumped. “I totally forgot today's orders! Sorry Flutters, but I really need to go!” Pinkie said.
“It's alright Pinkie, I understand.” Fluttershy smiled. “I also need to find somepony who can look after my little Angel.” she said. “I..” she then turned back to her shy-self. “I guess I'll see you later? If that is fine with you...?”
“Of course!” Pinkie said, smiling brightly before darting towards Ponyville while scream “LATER FLUTTERS!” leaving shyly smiling Fluttershy and confused Twilight behind.
The trip to Rarity's Boutique was cold one as the day went farther, the weather also got colder. But she soon was at destination. “Twilight what on earth are doing outside on this dreadfully cold day?” Rarity asked when she had opened the door and noticed the chilling unicorn before her.
“There is something I wanted to talk about with you,” Twilight had said as she stepped inside.
“Well, what is it then?” Rarity had asked once Twilight was inside and taken off her coat. Twilight then went on on explaining the letter she received from Celestia yesterday, and about the “Winter Solstice” celebration for Princess Luna.
“A “Winter Solstice” celebration? For Princess Luna?” Rarity asked. Twilight nodded. “And that is tomorrow?” she then asked again, as if making sure that she had heard everything and wasn't missing anything.
“Pretty much yes.” Twilight said. “So, what you say? Think you can make it?”
“Twilight my dear, do you really think that you can just come to me and tell me that there is a Royal celebration tomorrow?” Rarity asked, soundly disturbingly calmly.
“Uuuh...” Twilight was rather taken aback on how Rarity had reacted. “...Yes...?”
“Well then my dear,” Rarity then started, still calm. “Why on earth didn't you come here earlier!?” Rarity then said in distress. “How do you think I'll be able to make any kinds of dresses for us for this special celebration?! Do you know how much time I need!?”
For some reason, Twilight was relieved on the way Rarity had reacted. “So, does this mean you will come?” She asked, somewhat ignoring Rarity's little behavior.
“Well of course I have to come!” Rarity expressed rather loudly.. “There is no way I'm going to miss something important as this!” She said. “And besides,” she then added. “This is going to give a possible chance of finding myself new clients!” she explained proudly.
But her small determination quickly disappeared like it had appeared. “But I don't have any dresses for us for this important event!” she exclaimed. “How are we going to show ourselves if we aren't even prepared for this!?”
Twilight tried to calm the situation Rarity had. “Calm down Rarity, we just use the old dresses. They still look rather good don't you think?” Twilight suggested. But that idea didn't sound so good when she noticed the horrific shocked expression Rarity wore upon her face.
“Use the same dress!?” she gasped as if Twilight had grown a second horn, third eye and a second mouth. “Do you know what kind of scandal that might be!? No one ever wears the same dress twice, three or four times! A good dresser always changes her dress for every important event there is,” Rarity started explaining. “If she would just use the same dress for every event that there is, it would become a bore, and everypony would start to think that the wearer is a-!” before Rarity could go on any further, Twilight interrupted her.
“But we've only used them twice.” Twilight said bit uncertain. “And besides, you yourself said that you don't have the time to make us new dresses.” she commented. “And besides, I still need to know Applejack's answer and Rainbow Dash's.”
“Oh yes...” Rarity replied, her ears fully raised from the shock.
“And besides,” Twilight then said. “I don't think would be that bad if we use them for one more time. I can assure you that you can make new dresses for us for the next big event that Celestia might call us in.” Twilight said, trying to calm and assure Rarity.
It seemed like Rarity was taking Twilight's words to her heart as she was now calming down. “I see your point Twilight.” she said, taking deep breath. “But that still doesn't mean that I'm OK with this. But as you said: I don't have the time.” she said, adding a bit of bitterness in her tone when she mentioned not having enough time. “But enough of that, I will come with you,” she then said smiling. “I can't wait for to see Canterlot again!” She then said in excitement and then gasped.
“I really need start to think for Hearth's Warming gifts! If we are going to spent our time for another Hearth's W...” Rarity suddenly stopped, noticing that Twilight was still standing in her living room. “Ahem.”
Twilight looked at Rarity confused. “What?” and before Twilight fully understood, Rarity was literally pushing her towards the front door.
“I can't have you here Twilight Sparkle to hear about my surprises for all of you for Hearth's Warming Eve gifts! What kind of surprise that would be?”
“Oh, ehehe. You're right,” Twilight said awkwardly.
At the front door, Rarity picked Twilight's coat and gave it to her. “Well, this only leaves out Rainbow Dash,” Twilight said happily This whole day has been gone really well. Well, except Applejack, but that was beside the point.
“Oh yes.” Rarity replied with a large smile. “I can already know her answer...”
“No way!”
Twilight had to shake her head to make sure that what she had heard couple seconds ago was correct. “Can you say that again?” Twilight said.
“I said no!” Rainbow said rather harshly.
“B-but why?”
“That's just one of those fancy parties that are just so lame and boring! Do you remember the Gala?” Rainbow asked much to Twilight's annoyance and embarrassment. Yes, she did remember all too clearly and in a way she didn't want to, even though Princess Celestia had said that it was the best night ever, it was still for her and rest of her friends the worst night ever.
“Well, what about the wedding between my brother and Cadence?” Twilight asked, panicking.
“Well, yeah that was a cool wedding because something cool was happening!” Rainbow replied, starting to sound really bored. “So, no Twilight. I won't come!”
“But everypony else has agreed.” Twilight tried to counter back.
“Except Applejack.” Rainbow pointed out.
“Well she... she wasn't sure... but I'm really confident that is coming also!” Twilight said, not really believing her own words.
Twilight was beginning to lose hope. She had been so confident that Rainbow Dash would agree, but things have turned out quite differently. And she was actually begin to doubt if Applejack was even going to show up with rest of them. No! She wouldn't start thinking about that. She can worry later, right now she needed to convince her rainbow colored friend.
And she had a small idea. But it was rather large gambling, but she hoped that in the end she would be right...
“Well... what you say if the... Wonderbolts would appear there?” she asked. Trying to sound confident, so Rainbow Dash wouldn’t suspect anything. But her tone wasn't that sure.
“Hmmmm...” Rainbow muttered thoughtfully.”I guess that would be cool... but I don't know...” she then said. “I mean, last time I tried that at the Gala... well, ya know how well that went...” Rainbow muttered unhappily.
“But... what if you could get a private time with them?” Twilight then suggested. “Or at least with one of their members?”
“Hmmmm... I guess that could work...” Rainbow said thoughtfully. “Okay Twilight, you got me. I’ll come too.” she then said. “But, you better make sure that Applejack comes too if I don't get my chance with the Wonderbolts,” she continued. “I might need somepony like Applejack to keep me awake for the whole thing...”
“I'll try my best. I promise Rainbow!” Twilight said, this time believing her own words. But then a bit shocking revelation came to her. She needed to talk with Celestia about the Wonderbolts and if she could have at least one them to accompany Rainbow Dash.
“Cool. Later then Twilight. I still need to clear out some clouds!” then Rainbow Dash was off.
Much later, back at the library a tired looking Twilight entered her home. “Well, you took your time Twilight,” Spike commented when he noticed his guardian had arrived.
“I guess...” Twilight breathed out as she got out of her coat. “Anything interesting happening while I was gone?” She asked.
“Well Applejack was here,” Spike said.
Twilight's ears perked up when Spike mentioned Applejack. “What?! She was here! When?”
“About couple hours ago,” Spike replied.
“What did she say?” Twilight asked hurriedly. “Had she decided yet!?”
“Yeah, she had,” Spike said. “She said that it was fine with rest of her family to leave for Canterlot.” Twilight felt like a giant burden was lifted from her shoulders. All of her friends were coming with her and that made her feel happy! But now she was getting really tired, as it has been a long day for the unicorn. But she wouldn't rest just yet.
“Spike, would be kind and take a letter?” Twilight then asked. “We need to inform Princess that we are coming.” Spike nodded at Twilight, before going to get a letter. “And there is also something else I need to ask of her...” Twilight added.
hmmm, no comments yet? well lets change that.
So, in all a good chapter. Almost too dialogue driven and the transition between Rarity and Rainbow was a little too unclear. The Applejack scene I thought was becoming slightly tangental near the end. I'll admit I wasn't exactly expecting Pinkie to go because of what the Cakes said. I'm interested to see if there's a Pinkieshy ship, as that's one that I haven't really seen done. In all, waiting for the next chapter. Hopefuly it'll be a shorter wait
Well, one shouldn't rush perfection. I found this chapter to be enjoyable, and I can't wait to see what happens in Canterlot.
the discussions feels a bit strained, mostly because you use/repeat "said twilight" "twilight explained" and alike quite a bit in every paragraph.
a few quick examples (some more extreme ones that is):
that second part feels a bit too "repeat-y"
the first two underlined part should be obvious, you are basically saying the same thing twice. "this" implies present tense, where it should be past tense, she has already performed her task. "so" should be "as" ("that didn't take as long as i had originally planned").
a few spelling/structuring errors and "tense" errors (gave one small example to both above). you, your editors and your pre-readers should go through the chapter at least one more time.
about fluttershy and dash:
fluttershy seemed awfully good at expressing herself when it came to pinkie, im guessing you have a good reason (shipping them?), but i just wanted to point that out.
i don't think RD would ditch her friend like that. maybe be a bit reluctant, but not outright refuse.
...the words "plot" and "coming" are forever tainted within my mind.
1992489 Thanks and well, the Cakes only needed Pinkie's for one day only, guess I just forgot to add that part and sorry but the third chapter is almost long (maybe bit longer) as this one
1992537 Yeah true, but even if you do it carefully as you want, there are still some points that didn't go as you planned/hoped. Hopefully I was able to make some sense...
1993306 Yeah I know, but the thing simply is, I don't know how else I might explain who is talking etc. my knowledge of english language is bit short. And I kind of wanted the whole Rainbow decline thing to be bit humorous. I guess I should have tried a different approach.
And get that head of yours out of the gutter!
Not sure if pinkyshy ship, or I read too many romance stories.
But all in all a good story can't wait for more keep it up.
Hum...I'm guessing English is not your first languaje.
I think it should be 'Started'
Hum...Before she got Spike up? Before getting Spike up?
'This' and 'take' are okay for a first-person narration. But since this is not, I think they should be changed to 'That' and 'took'.
I would re-arrange the words there. It sounds like the one smiling is Spike.
Something heaVy
I think you mean 'older'.
That should be a comma.
There are a few places where the opening " is inverted.
There are also a lot of situations when you say 'Come to the celebration' or something like that. It should be 'go', as they are talking about a different place.
That last sentence is very awkward.
Coming 'as well'. Also can't be used at the end of a sentence.
I'll be honest with you, finding so many mistakes is decimating my desire to continue reading this story. I'll continue reading, but if this continues I may leave this forever. Sorry.
Some real fantastic pacing here. A lot of the time fanfic authors will just skip straight into the action because they just assume they can define their characterization of the characters while the action is going on. If the author is really good they can pull it off, but usually it feels rushed and forced. For example if you had just skipped straight to the mane six meeting up with Celestia and Luna, either they would fall into bland background characters, or you would be forced to create a reason for all of them to speak while also trying to set up Celestia and Luna's characters. Which would be messy to say the least. By adding a buffer chapter like this you give the characters more time to settle down, and give the reader a chance to figure out your take on the character. Good job!
I suggest you either get a better proofreader or get a spell check program, 'cause the amount of errors in this is astounding; which is quite a shame because of how great it actually is.
lots of grammar errors and missing words but i like it so far
I thought it was 3 days.
Well I guess that means Pinkie Pie can't come, and I'm gonna guess Fluttershy also can't come since she has her animals to take care of, that just leaves Rarity and Rainbow Dash.
... You weren't joking when you mentioned there would be references of season 3.
Well that's surprising.
I have suspicions.
I actually thought none of her friends would go, I'm pretty surprised.