Star Dust
Chapter 5
Hearth's Warming Eve
“There you go, you two,” Joe said as he lowered two plates onto the table, “and if you can just wait for a bit, I'll bring the hot chocolate.” With that, he returned to the kitchen.
“Thanks a lot Joe.” Twilight smiled at the unicorn stallion. She turned to Star, who was now looking more comfortable around Twilight than when they had left the Dropping Cello shop. She certainly reminded Twilight a lot of Fluttershy, more specifically the time when she had first met her and when they had became friends.
She was about to ask a question when Donut Joe came back with their hot chocolate. “Now there ya go," he said, placing his tray on the table. “And don't mention it, Twilight. It's really good to see little Starie with somepony else than just Octavia or Vinyl.” Joe gave a heartrending laugh, which caused the poor Star Dust to have another blush on her face, wearing what looked like an embarrassed smile. “But I'll leave you two alone, just call me if you need anything else.”
And with that the older unicorn left the two other unicorns with their own privacy. “Alright, thanks a lot,” Twilight called over to the older unicorn before turning her gaze back to the blue, still embarrassed looking, unicorn. “So, how did you exactly get to know Donut Joe?” Twilight decided to ask. While Donut Joe had already told her how, she wanted to hear it from Star Dust's mouth.
“Uuuh...” Star Dust started, finally controlling her small blush. “Vinyl and Octavia brought me here at some point and I guess I just started to visit this place from time to time,” she explained, to which Twilight nodded. She knew what Star Dust was talking about. Donut Joe was one of the nicest and funniest unicorns around Canterlot. At least the only one that she knew at the moment, Twilight thought with a chuckle.
“But how do you know him?” Star asked, sounding bit intrigued, while her voice still held some doubt.
Twilight smiled to that, as the question brought rather pleasant memories. “Oh, I've known him almost my whole life,” Twilight explained happily. “He certainly is nice company, don't you agree?” Star nodded in agreement.
“So...” Twilight began, deciding to bring up the question she wanted to ask earlier before Donut Joe had interrupted them. “I was wondering: what exactly does you Cutie Mark mean?”
Star Dust seemed to be surprised, almost shocked, when hearing Twilight's question. “I mean, does it have something to do with magic or stars, or are you an astronomer?” She quickly corrected herself, believing that she hadn't asked the question in the right way, but she also couldn’t help that her voice was tinged with excitement.
For a moment Twilight didn't get an answer, as the other unicorn seemed to struggle with her words as her mouth opened and closed couple times. That seemed rather strange for Twilight, as even Fluttershy didn't seem to be this shy about her Cutie Mark, but then again, she had some time to actually open up to everypony when she became her friend.
“Y-yes...” Star's voice stuttered a bit. “Sort of...”
“Sort of?” Twilight raised an intrigued eyebrow at the answer. “What do you mean?”
“Well, I do like to watch the stars and make some notes about them,” Star sounded very unsure this time, rubbing her shoulder with her hoof. “But it, uuuh, mostly has to do with magic...”
“Really?” Twilight asked, feeling even more intrigued. “What you mean by that?” Star shuffled uncomfortably in her chair at Twilight's question.
“It's... it's a little too hard to explain,” she muttered. “Maybe... maybe I could, show you... some other time? Maybe?” Twilight was becoming almost nervous as Star Dust, considering the way she acted. It was just weird for her, as it somehow reflected back to Twilight. It was almost as if showing how she would have been if things had been different, if she had never been sent to Ponyville.
“It's OK if you don't want to talk about it," Twilight tried to say reassuringly, reaching her hoof towards Star Dust. However, she quickly stopped herself when realizing she didn't have enough reach. Again, the awkward silence filled the space between them. Twilight tried to figure out what to ask so that she wouldn't make Star Dust too uncomfortable.
“Sooo...” Twilight tried again to vanquish the awkward silence between them. “Have you lived your whole life here in Canterlot?” she asked carefully, hoping that this wouldn't be too hard of a subject for the unicorn.
“Yes...” Star answered, beginning to sound more comfortable, much to Twilight's relief. “Well, not most of my life anyway. I moved here couple years ago,” Star explained, opening up a bit more.
“Really?” Twilight asked. “Then where exactly did you come from then?” Star Dust tensed from the question, while her eyes started moving around, as if looking for something, while her hooves were rubbing against themselves. “Oh no, I did it again?!” Twilight could feel her own distress rising, trying her best not to show it.
“I-I-I come from... North-East coast...” Star replied, or rather stuttered.
“Oh,” Twilight's emotions were now calming down as Star Dust also seemed to “calm down”, which was odd. Why was she this nervous of talking about herself? Was there just something about her life she didn't wish to tell anyone? “Has she fully opened herself to Octavia or Vinyl?” Twilight asked herself. “So, you come from near Manehatten then?”
“Y-y-yes... you could say that...” Star almost muttered, again not meeting Twilight's eyes. Instead, she was looking down at the floor. “It was just my s-sister and mother...” Her gaze shifted upwards and met Twilight's. “After a little while, we moved...”
“To Canterlot?” Twilight queried.
“N-no,” Star replied. “They moved somewhere else...” She paused for a moment, thinking. “...and I moved here...”
“Have you been in contact with them?” Twilight asked worriedly. It sounded almost as if she had left them on bad terms.
“Yeah.” A smile began to form on Star’s lips. “We've been in contact. Sort of...”
The conversation was finally taking a much more positive turn as both Twilight and Star were growing more adjusted towards each other, as the topic was something Star seemed to be somewhat comfortable with. The subject soon went from Star's family to Twilight's, and when she lived at Canterlot.
“So, where do you live then?” Twilight asked, when Star Dust had been curious about where she had lived when she was with her parents.
While Star Dust had been gotting used to these questions, and became better at not showing her distress, this was, however, one of those bad questions. “Oh come on! Think of something...” Star thought to herself. “Well... I...” Star tried to sound thoughtful or considering. “I... you could say that I kind of live around the castle. Or, well, really close to it...” her voice started to turn into mumble again. Doubling back, she quickly gave Twilight a light smile, as if trying to tell her that everything was OK.
“Really?!” Twilight asked, placing her chin on her hooves, finding herself suddenly quite intrigued.
“Y-yes...” Star replied, this time sounding not so sure. She needed to change the subject before Twilight might ask too much.“So, why did you move to Ponyville?” she blurted out, before she could fully think about how to ask it.
Twilight raised an inquiring eyebrow at Star’s question. “Uuuh, sorry if I sound a bit rude, but how did you know about that? I don't think I mentioned any of this to you," Star Dust felt like she was on the verge of sweating. “In fact, how did you know that I even live in Ponyville.”
If things could be any more awkward and bad for Star Dust, she would be shaking. But so far, she was doing a good job hiding her slow “collapse”. All she could do right now was to give Twilight a rather unconvincing grin. “Eheheh... weeelll... you did mention it while we were still walking...”
Twilight looked at her, her eyebrow still raised, unconvinced. “I don't know...” she said thoughtfully, rubbing her chin with her hoof. “I'm pretty sure I didn't mention...”
“You- you mentioned it just fleetingly that you probably didn't notice it yourself?”
“I guess that makes some sense...” Twilight muttered.
“Sooo... what's it like there?” Star asked, hoping this might distract the other unicorn from her pondering.
“Oh, well, I know I might sound weird, but it certainly beats Canterlot,” Twilight smiled, “and now I'm always grateful that I've been able to live in such a place with great friends and many more wonderful ponies that reside there.”
Twilight went on telling Star about the interesting Winter Wrap Up event that was made when Ponyville was founded, about the vastness of Sweet Apple Acres and its apple trees and their famous Zap Apples. She also told Star Dust about Rarity's Carousel Boutique where she made her famous dresses. Then, about the sweet sweets of Bon Bon's shop, and then went on and told Star about the delicious pastries of Sugarcube Corner. After that, she talked about the animals Fluttershy had at her cottage and how she takes care of them all.
While explaining and talking about Ponyville, Twilight failed to notice the somewhat lonely and longing look Star had in her eyes. Slowly her gaze was drawn to the table more and more as Twilight went on. “What I would give for something like that...” she thought sorrowfully. “It must be great...” she said out loud, not intending to interrupt Twilight.
“Oh, yes it is.” Twilight smiled in reply, but it quickly faded when she actually noticed the mood Star Dust was in. “Are you alright?”
“Y-yes. I am,” Star said, trying to compose herself. “It's... it's just the way you described the town... made me bit wish that... I... I could... you know...” She sighed.
“Well, what would you say if I invited you to Ponyville?” Twilight suggested, taking Star completely by surprise.
“Yes, you look like it could do some good for you. I could also introduce you to my friends and other residents of Ponyville,” Twilight explained happily. ”I mean, if that is fine with you, of course.” Twilight smiled to Star, trying to convince her to come to Ponyville. She was really starting to enjoy the other unicorn’s presence and wanted to learn more about her.
Star, on the other hoof, was wondering what Twilight had said. This could be something that she really needed. She wasn’t sure if she could leave the familiarity of Canterlot, but what Twilight had said sounded too good to be true. “I… I think I can do it….” she said, still feeling unsure.
But the unsure feeling soon seemed to disappear when Twilight’s expression brightened even more. “Great!” Twilight said, smiling widely. “So, how should we do this, then?” She started planning Star’s first visit to Ponyville, which, in turn, started to make Star feel very happy and even excited.
Next day…
Twilight woke up with a long yawn, stretching her front hooves. It had been a good day yesterday, but today was the day of celebration. “WAKE UP EVERYPONY!!!” She heard a certain pink pony, exclaiming loudly enough that she probably woke up half of Canterlot. “IT’S HEARTH’S WARMING EVE!!! THAT MEANS LOT OF PRESENTS!! THE BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEST DAAAAYY EVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER!!!”
“AH!” Spike cried and jumped in his basket as he was rather rudely woken up by Pinkie’s loud voice.
“Good morning and Happy Hearth’s Warming Eve to you, Spike.” Twilight smiled to her assistant, giving a quick, but still warm and loving hug, which made the young dragon blush like crazy, hugging the unicorn back also.
“Ehehe… Happy Hearth’s Warming Eve to you too, Twilight,” Spike said, a bit embarrassed. “Could… could you let me go now?” Twilight complied with a smile. Spike quickly darted from their room, towards the living room where the tree and, no doubt, the presents waited.
“Good morning and Happy Hearth’s Warming Spikey-wikey.” Twilight heard Rarity pipe up with a coo, and what sounded like a quick kiss on the young dragon's cheek caused the dragon to mumble something unclear to everypony. No doubt his own version of saying “Thank You”.
“Happy Hearth’s Warming, everypony!” Twilight exclaimed as she stepped out from her room.
“Happy Hearth’s Warming Twilight!” she heard her friends call out.
“Thanks, everypony. I see that everypony is here already,” she said with a small, knowing smirk on her face, knowing how certain ponies might react to this. “Then I guess you all know what this means…”
“Oh yeah! Time to see what I’ve got!” Rainbow Dash said with a giant grin on her face.
“Calm yerself for a bit RD,” Applejack remarked, “an’ same for you too Pinkie.” She looked to her bouncing pink friend. “What if we first eat breakfast before going for the presents?” she suggested. “That’s what we usually do at the farm, makes opening the presents much more fun when ya’ll have full stomachs.” Everypony seemed to agree on that, although Pinkie did pout a bit as she was so ready for opening her share.
Breakfast was quickly created, as Applejack made “Granny Smith’s Special Hearth's Warming Pudding.” Rarity cleaned up and “decorated” the table while Pinkie was warming up the eggnog. “Let’s make sure that we all have a lot of eggnog so we can have a great time!” she said.
Soon the breakfast was ready to eat and everypony seated themselves around the table, and immediately started dining. The breakfast seemed disappear quickly behind the hungry mouths of six ponies and one baby dragon.
“TIMEFORPRESENTS!” Pinkie then jumped from her chair, darting to the tree, where lots of wrapped presents of various sizes lay. “Oh oh oh oh! I wonder what it might be…” Pinkie said out loud, excited as she shook her present with a giant grin.
Pinkie proceeded to tear away the paper that was wrapped around the box, quickly making a loud “squee” noise when she finally opened the box. “OH THANK YOU RARITY!” She jumped and gave Rarity a short, but almost bone crushing hug. “THIS IS THE KIND OF PRESENT I’VE ALWAYS WANTED!!” She retreated back to her present, leaving a gasping Rarity to herself.
“What did you exactly give Pinkie?” Twilightasked. Knowing Rarity, it could have been something that Pinkie didn’t need.
“Oh nothing much, just some really useful ‘party goods,’” Rarity said smugly, “Like some extra confetti for her party cannon and then some really expensive, but quite tasteful punch.” Twilight and the others looked at Rarity like she was crazy. “What?” she innocently asked. “Did you honestly expect me to give something like a one year ticket to the spa or some makeup or even one of those really expensive perfumes or creams, knowing that she doesn’t have any use for those?” Nopony answered to that. “Although, I have a haunting thought that she might find some form of use for them…” she added.
“But let's not think about them. Time for opening some presents!” Rarity said, or almost squealed when she went for her own.
Soon, the room was filled with various sounds of wrapping paper being torn off the presents while different kinds of happy gasps and other sounds filled the room as the seven friends opened up their presents.
“Oh hay yes!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed loudly. “Look what I got!” she showed her friends a small Hearth's Warming card.
“So what RD?” Applejack asked, confused. Changing her gaze from Rainbow to the card and back again. “It's just a card.”
“Just read from who it's from!”
Everypony started carefully reading the card, and so far nopony saw anything interesting, just somepony congratulating Rainbow Dash for receiving a very “special” gift and hoping to enjoy it with a full heart and wishing a very good Hearth's Warming Eve. But then a certain name right on the card’s lower right side caught their attention. “From your beloved Princess of the Night, Princess Luna.” it read.
“Wow...” Spike's mouth hung open.
“That is so cool Dashie!” Pinkie exclaimed.
“It sounds really wonderful,” Fluttershy commented, smiling at her enthusiastic friend, while both Rarity and Applejack stared at her wide-eyed.
“But what is it exactly?” Twilight asked, breaking Rainbow's train of thought quickly.
“Uuum, uuuuuuhh...” Rainbow started mumbling. She quickly then rushed to the tree and started scavenging under the tree for the remaining presents that were still there. “Aha!” Rainbow exclaimed, raising a large and dark blue-colored box above her head. “Found it!” She grinned widely and then lowered the box so she could see it.
“I wonder what it could be.” She stared at the box, giving it a slight shake. There was something big, heavy and round inside the box, which made her even more excited. She started reaching to rip the paper off.
“Uuuuh Dashie...” Applejack called, interrupting her, amused.
“Ah think this might be yer “present” from the Princess.” Applejack was now smirking at the cyan pegasus, holding a small envelope on her hoof, which had “To Rainbow Dash” written in huge letters so that everypony in the room could read it.
“W-what!?” Rainbow almost cried out when she took the envelope from Applejack's hooves. “I-I-I...” She tore her gaze from the card to the large box that now lay on the floor. Before Rainbow Dash could ask, Rarity already had the box in her magical grasp.
“It's for Twilight,” she said, floating the present for Twilight.
Rainbow then turned her gaze back to the small envelope with large, confused eyes. Was this just some kind of prank from the Night Princess? “This has to be a prank!” Rainbow thought and started looking through the envelope, as if expecting to find some kind of trap.
“Uuuuh, Rainbow Dash? Are you going to read it?” Twilight asked, her present still laying on floor, untouched.
“Huh? Oh, yeah. Sure,” Rainbow answered, “whatever.” She muttered the last one as she started opening the envelope. Truth to be told, Rainbow didn't want to sound as if she didn’t appreciate the gesture; after all, it was a present from Princess Luna. But she had been expecting something a bit bigger, not a small envelope wishing her Happy Hearth's Warming Eve.
After what felt like forever to Rainbow Dash, the letter dropped from the envelope and she picked the pieces of paper up, opening it and starting to read it. As soon Rainbow started looking it over, however, her expression started to change and her eyes became wide, her pupils shrinking.
“Are you alright, Rainbow Dash?” Fluttershy asked when Rainbow seemed to have frozen in place, staring absently at the card.
But before Fluttershy could nudge her friend, Rainbow bolted up, almost hitting the roof as she let out a loud “AAAAAW YEAAAAH!” and then charged right out to the door. “Sorry, girls gotta go!” she hastily said, “GOTTAMEETTHEWONDERBOLTS!” And then Rainbow was gone with a slam of the door.
For a couple minutes, none of the mares nor the dragon said anything as their brains tried to register all of what had occured. However, once they took the letter and started reading it, everything seemed to make sense. “My good Rainbow Dash. This is an invitation and my Hearth's Warming gift and thank you for you. It wasn't easy to pull off, but Celestia and I had made sure that today, you can have an entire day with three members of the Wonderbolts. You are abound to meet them at Canterlot's Stadium.
Your Princess of the Night, Luna.
“PS: If any of Rainbow's friends are reading this since she no doubt couldn't finish this letter, I've arranged presents for each one of you as my final “Thank You” and I won't take no for an answer, as it was difficult finding something appropriate, if it weren’t for Celestia helping out.
With this, I hope for all of you to have a happy Hearth's Warming Eve.
Princess Luna.”
Everypony exchanged looks between themselves, and then back to the letter.
Twilight stared at her gift that still lay on the floor. She picked it up with her magic and started carefully unwrapping it as her friends started looking for their own presents beneath the tree, which were rather well hidden. When the box was free from its wrappings, Twilight opened it, its contents making her gasp. Before her was a dark orb the size of a hoofball. While it looked like it weighed a lot, through her magic, Twilight could feel that it was almost as light as a feather.
Additionally, she noticed a letter inside the box and took it. But, before she could fully read it, she was interrupted by various shrieks and squeals from her friends when they found their own presents from Princess Luna.
“OOOOOOH MY GOSH!” Pinkie squealed, or almost shrieked. “I CAN'T BELIVE IT! TWO MONTH DISCOUNT TICKET TO CANTERLOT'S ‘FEAST AND SURPRISE’ SHOP!” Before anypony could say anything, Pinkie had already darted from the room at almost the same speed as Rainbow, which created another silent, awkward moment in the living room.
But this time the silent moment wasn't as long as last one and soon everyone was back to their own presents. Just like few moments before, Rarity let out her own squeal/shriek when she opened her own present. “Oh this is just fabulous! A very rare cream from the Crystal Mountains themselves! Ohoohoho! Now my personal spa has become even more fabulous!” Twilight and the others couldn't help but laugh at Rarity's reaction. She acted akin to a small filly succumbing to a sugar high, after receiving copious amounts of candy.
Fluttershy and Applejack were a bit more in control of their reactions when they opened up their presents. The yellow pegasus gave out a big smile, big enough to make you think that Pinkie was wearing a perfect disguise of Fluttershy. She picked up a large looking book from her own box, which had various animals printed on the cover.
“No doubt a book about taking care of animals.” Twilight thought, judging by the appearance of the book. It looked like it was at least a few centuries old.
Applejack, on the other hoof, gave out a quick “YEEEEHAA!” pulling out a small bag. “Ah just can't believe it!” She said, grinning madly when she dropped the small leather sack. “Ah never would have though' in a thousand years that I would get mah hooves on the rare “Light Apple” seeds!”
The farmpony noticed the confused looks of her friends. “I'm sorry for asking, Applejack. But what exactly is this “Light Apple” you speak of?” Rarity asked.
“Granny Smith used to tell us that they are very special an' rare apples that glow in the dark like a small candle light," Applejack shortly explained. “An' their taste is somethin' really sweet that ya can't just resist it!”
“Well, the name certainly might need bit more improvement...” Rarity muttered to herself, trying to make sure that Applejack wasn't listening, knowing how involved the earth pony could get with her apples.
“What was that, sugarcube?”
“Oooh, eheheh...” Rarity laughed nervously, trying to find a way out from this. “Oh nothing... just... uuuh... I would like to hear more about them...” She looked away and concentrated back on her gift.
“Well, since ya liked it so much, Ah might just tell ya the whole story Granny Smith told me.” Or maybe not. Applejack’s amused tone told Rarity that she had indeed heard her comment.
While this was happening, Fluttershy had walked to Twilight, who was still inspecting her present. “So Twilight...” she started. “What is that exactly?” She pointed at the orb.
“It is a very rare and special kind of star chart,” Twilight began explaining, her own tone turning fascinated and amazed. “In ancient times, a unicorn would fill this orb with the records about the stars and their positions and just look at the surface of it.” She then pointed at the orb’s surface, which was covered with various markings all over. “The amount of time it took to create this orb and its details must have taken a few years, even longer when they would start filling in the stars.”
While Fluttershy wasn't really interested in astronomy, she still found herself fascinated at the way Twilight explained what it was. She found herself wanting to see how it worked. “So, only unicorns can use it then?”
“Actually no," Twilight answered. “Other species can use it. But there is a small catch, if I might call it that.”
“What is it then?” Fluttershy queried.
“It only answers to the pony it was made for,” Twilight put it simply. “No one else, except it's holder, can use it, as it answers to his or her’s magical presence.”
Now Fluttershy found herself a bit confused. “But Twilight, only unicorns and alicorns have magic around themselves. How could other species then use it?”
Twilight shook her head, entering into her educational mode. “You forgot, Fluttershy, that all species do have their own variant of magic, even if it's presence is quite small.. Like you pegasi: for being able to walk on the clouds and able to manipulate them better than any unicorn, or most of the earth ponies with their connection to the earth and nature.”
“Then what about the dragons or griffons?” Fluttershy found herself asking.
“Well griffons are bit different, as they have same kind of abilities like pegasi, but they also seem to have a good connection with their nature. Well, at least their shamans do. The dragons, well...” Twilight paused for a moment. “The dragons are completely different thing, as they are almost magical beings as a whole...” the explanation went on for a while, but Fluttershy listened with a quite interested look.
While this was happening, Spike was busy with his very special diamond cake that Princess Luna and Celestia had made for him. “Best, Hearth's Warming gift, EVER!” he said as his tongue tasted the cake, and his eyes almost eating it for him.
The rest of the day went by as Twilight and her friends enjoyed their presents. Much later that evening, when Rainbow Dash had finally returned with the biggest grin on her face and rather dreamy look in her eyes, Twilight told her friends about Star Dust and about her impending visit to Ponyville. Of course, as expected, everypony was excited about it, especially Pinkie. “Oh! Can I throw her a ‘Welcome To Ponyville Star Dust’ party?!” she asked.
“I guess you can, although she hasn't come to fully stay in Ponyville.” Twilight explained. Star Dust had made that clear, while she liked the idea of living at Ponyville, she wasn't compelled to move there. Though, she had never fully explained why.
“So, when is she coming then?” Rainbow asked, somewhat intrigued to meet Star Dust.
“We have agreed that she’d come a few days after the New Year's Eve," Twilight informed them all.
After a long list of questions, the ponies (and the full dragon) started to feel sleepy and decided that it was time to call it a day and retreated back to their own rooms. The next day they had started packing everything as their train was leaving in a few hours.
After a long morning filled with stuffing suitcases, they finally reached the station and were ready to board the train. “Wait! Twilight, wait!” they heard someone yell over the crowd. They all turned and saw a light blue coated unicorn trying to reach them through the crowd. That had probably been the same mare Twilight had told them about.
“Star?” Twilight asked, sounding a bit confused as she hadn't known that the unicorn would actually come to the train station. “What are you doing here?”
“Just wanted to say goodbye," Star panted a bit as she finally reached Twilight and her friends. “And making sure that you are still fine with me coming over after the New Years Eve.”
“That's really nice of you.” Twilight smiled, which made Star to respond with her own awkward smile. “And don't worry. It's completely fine, and my friends also like the idea very much.” She turned her gaze to her friends.
“So, you are Star Dust," Rainbow said, or rather asked, hovering right in front of the unicorn, making her rather nervous.
“Nice to meet ya.” Rainbow grinned, offering her hoof. “Can't wait to know you better when you come to Ponyville!” Star timidly and slowly reached her hoof to Rainbow's, giving a small shake. The train’s horn sounded, telling everyone to get on before it departed.
“I'll see you in a couple weeks then!” Twilight called to Star as she entered the train, giving her one wave and receiving one back from Star, before entering the train as it started it's journey back to Ponyville; her home.
Who is Star Dust? Is it Luna in disguise or a completely different pony?
It is unfortunate how obvious who "Star Dust" really is, as I've been ruined by having already read many semi-similar fics. Can't wait to see what's next though.
While its not outright stated that Luna is Star Dust, I'm liking the "almost acknowledgement" that is going on here that practically tells everyone she is.
umm you called Doughnut Joe a Unicorn and an Earth Pony in just a few lines.
2339303 Argh! I guess both I and the proof-readers missed few of them
I just had the funniest thought on what a conversation between Star and Flutters would be like. xD
1783057 The first chapter had "eatable" in it, I stopped right there.
2342758 Well, try to read it again since I've fixed that
And isn't it bit too harsh? I can understand if someone wouldn't like to read this because of my "one million" grammar error's etc. but because of one mistake, that is just...
Oh well, everyone has their preference or whatever...
Well, fuck em' that guy is missing out.
Um, the name of the music shop is incorrect. In the previous chapter, it was called "Dropping Cello" and here it is called "Dropping Bass."
Twilight asked
Ok this is definitely Luna.
100% Luna.
Yeah I don't think it could get anymore obvious that it's Luna.
I have a feeling that if I was ever near Pinkie Pie, I might be deaf.