• Published 12th Nov 2012
  • 893 Views, 3 Comments


Two of Ponyville's biggest foes are back and, this time, intend to destroy Equestria.

  • ...

The Humans are Here

Rainbow Dash landed at the doorstep of Zakura's hut.

The door creaked opened, and Rainbow Dash walked inside the warm hut, freezing and soaked.

Fluttershy was siting, smiling uncontrollably next to a warm, small fire. Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Zakura sat up.

"Dash! You got the last three elements?" Twilight gasped.

"Had a bit of trouble, but I sure did, Twi!"

Zakura smiled, and walked over to Dash. She took the dripping wet Elements from her, and threw them into a cauldron over a fire in the middle of the room. Just like that.

Before everypony's eyes, the liquid in the pot dissolved the Elements of Harmony, cracking open the crystals. As soon as that happened, the green liquid began spinning and glowing. It slowly became purple.

Everypony gasped, but Zakura admired her handiwork.

The purple liquid spun faster and faster, and slowly rose out of the pot in a whirlpool. It cautiously began to form in the shape of an oval and thinned out. It stopped spinning, and hovered there, a big purple glowing circle.

"The portal is here. Humans can come to Ponyville far and near", Zakura smiled.

"Wow", Twilight whispered. "Here we go."


All over earth's computers, chatrooms and blogs were filled with shocked bronies.




In just minutes, the news made it's way to... the news. Reporters on TV screens flooded the world, describing a very bizarre story.

"Just minutes ago, a strange portal of some sort was opened that reportedly goes to... This is not a joke... The land called Equestria from My Little Pony. It turns out, this land of "Equestria" is very real, and just as it is in the hit TV show. My Little Pony fans, or, "bronies" are beyond excited, and have figured out that if you go to the My Little Pony page on www.Hasbro.com, and right click the "Meet the Ponies" link, and hit "Open link in new window", you will, as crazy as it sounds, be sucked up into a portal and appear in the land of Equestria. Again, this is not a hoax. We will tell you whether the portal is safe in not soon. More details in one hour."

Those who weren't fans of the show were not educated enough and not aloud to go to Equestria, but bronies were aloud to go.

Chatrooms and blogs were completely erupting.



Back in Equestria, the Mane 6 waited excitedly. The humans were the only things that could end this chaotic nightmare that Princess Luna, and the now dead Discord started.

Twilight began devising a plan. She took a scroll, sat on the ground, and started writing with a quill.

"One by one, the humans will be coming out of this portal", Twilight started, everypony else listening closely. "We will get them all to group together in times square... Or, whatever's left of times square."

Pinkie Pie jumped up, raising one of her hooves in the air. "I call being the leader!"

"Um... Sure", Twilight said. "Anyway, once all the humans are in times square, we'll march and arrive in Canterlot. From there, we'll all charge the castle, and we'll end this whole thing. Deal?"

Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie all nodded with a smile.

As soon as Twilight finished her paper, the portal glowed up and and a large male pony, yellow with messy red and black hair, flew out of it.

Everypony stared at the pony.

"Wh-what... IT WORKED!!!" the pony cried.

"You're not a human!" Rainbow Dash said, confused.

The pony looked at his yellow hooves.


Twilight realized that, all the humans were being turned into ponies on their way through the portal.

"Guys" she said. "I think this is a human, the portal just turns them into ponies like us."

The new pony laughed and said, "That's even better! I'm a pony! In Equestria! WHOOO!"

On that note, another pony flew out of the portal, and another one after that.

"Well, it looks like the portal works, and the humans seem happy with the fact that they're ponies, so I guess we could call this a success", Twilight shrugged.

Another pony shot out of the portal.


Back on Earth, on the news, TV reporters explained, "The portal has been deemed safe, but from what we understand, when you go to this land of Equestria, you will be turned into a cartoon pony half way through the portal. At this time, the portal is filled with humans and these ponies, on their way to Equestria."

All chatrooms and blogs were almost vacant; Just about every brony and pegasister were in the portal, on their way to Equestria.

The plan was in motion.