• Published 11th Nov 2012
  • 8,069 Views, 226 Comments

Space Ponies - Boss_Hoss1

Something is watching Ponyvile and Pinkie calls them Space Ponies. One day she goes to find one...

  • ...

Chapter 12. Lyra Confessions

Space Ponies

By Boss Hoss

Chapter 12, Lyra Confessions


After lunch, Scott accepted the map drawn on the spot by Twilight. “…And, when you leave their place, follow these streets right to this sign. It means the “Ponyville Day Spa”.

He peered close at the map doodle of an elegant mare with windswept mane and tail with five green stars and a horseshoe above her back. “Amazing job Twilight, you are a good artist too. I can find my way easily with this. Thank you!”

Hearing this, Twilight blushed lightly at the praise, a faint *Squee* sounding from somewhere again. Rarity took the initiative and spoke up, her horn shining to add a spot of color to the building marked with the sign icon.
“Oh darling, it’s not like you can miss it. It’s a cream-colored building with a rose-colored roof built to look like a pavilion tent for royalty. If you still manage to get lost. Just close your eyes and follow the smell of roses and perfume.”

With that, Scott dipped down on a foreleg in a bow to both mares as he had taught a horse to do once. “Thank you both! See you girls soon.”

As they waved goodbye, Rarity looked to Twilight. “Well, dear? If you have nothing pressing, shall we see to his lodgings?”

Still flustered at the situation Rarity pointed out, she nodded and went along with Rarity. “*sigh* I guess we have to…” It wasn’t making that dream she had any easier to deal with either…


One thing Scott quickly found out about Ponyville once he was on his own was that, when not seen at the extreme angle from the show opening, the town layout was more orderly than it looked.
When he actually had to walk through the town instead of seeing it through jump-cuts on a TV screen, the town was actually laid out so that everything radiates out from the Town Hall, with the major streets laid out in broad “wagon wheel” spokes from that center. He suddenly had to wonder why the clock tower was off by itself, almost out of town, though. “I wonder if that’s where the old town hall was or something? As often as Ponyville attracts monsters, did it almost get wiped off the map at some point?”

After resolving to check into the history of Ponyville later, he bent his head to look at the map now that he had one corner tucked into the thong for his pendant “Okay, one more street, and left…”

There it was, halfway down the street. -An overhead wooden sign with wrought-iron fixtures bearing Bon-Bon’s Cutie Mark in full color.

As he trotted closer, he saw the candies on the sign were actually stained glass set into cut-outs in the thick wood and probably lit up at night from that wireless grid Twilight mentioned.

Looking to the storefront revealed a brightly painted sign hung on a peg next to the door with a plastic clock face on it showing 1pm. “I’m going to guess the sign says “Closed for lunch…”
Underneath was tacked a paper note showing his Cutie Mark and some more blocky script, and an arrow beneath apparently pointing around the building.

Shrugging, he made his way around the building to the living half of the place. There was a sign beside a more ornate Dutch Door, with cursive script that likely said their names below two carved versions of their Cutie Marks, a lyre and two bon-bon candies

“Well this has to be the place… Here goes!” He stepped up and knocked on the door, and waited for a few moments.

Through the door, he hears “Coming!” and rapid hoofbeats before the top half of the door opened. Lyra and Bon-Bon both poked their heads out and looked at their visitor. Excitedly, Lyra grinned down at him. “Hiya! You are right on time Scott! Come on in!”

With that, the lower half of the door opened for him.

Giggling, Lyra was nearly bouncing with excitement, and took his right hoof in both of hers after he stepped inside. Her hoofy telekenetic fields gripping him like fingers as she pulled him along to the Living Room. "Please, come in! We have so much to talk about, Scott."

Bon-Bon led the way to the couch and smiled as she beckoned toward it. "Please, have a seat Mr. Skybright. Would you like something to drink? We have tea and lemonade."

Smiling, Scott nickered happily as he sat down "Both please, about half tea and half lemonade in the same glass."

Bon-Bon went wide eyed for a moment, seeing the stallion sit in the same odd, casual manner as her love, then trotted to the kitchen.

Meanwhile, Lyra grinned at seeing this too and peered closely at him with her amazing golden eyes. No wonder she has landed Bon-Bon in what seems to be a very devoted relationship! He could hardly take his eyes off of hers!
After a moment, she brought out the pink invitation she had been given the day before, levitating it before his face. "I apologize for the sudden notice, but with all those ponies there, I knew I could not get a decent chance to ask you at the party. Is this true? When it says that you are from... another world?"

Scott glanced at Bon Bon, who did not look shocked at the question.

Giggling, Lyra waved a hoof "Oh, she knew what I would ask. Don’t worry about speaking in front of her. She has heard a lot of strange things already."

The bay stallion nodded and cleared his throat "Yes, yes I am. I was a creature that Pinkie Pie had named "Space Ponies" simply because she was aware something was watching her and her friends and... Well, it was a good guess actually. My species are a form of bipedal ape, bare skinned except for the head, and with long-digited appendages like Dragons and Minotaurs have called..."


Scott laughed at Lyra's interruption "Yes, hands, and my species name was..."


Stunned, Scott’s eyes went wide in surprise. "How... How did you know?"

Lyra looked at her life-mate with a knowing grin, wiggling an eyebrow in triumph, and Bon-Bon blushed sheepishly as she spoke "Lyra has told me that story before, I just was not sure I really believed it. -Until now."

The turquoise mare turned to Scott and smiled "So, there are people back on Earth who watch us? Did you see me and my Bons? Am I famous?"

Giving them a puzzled look, Scott nods and hopes he is doing the right thing, admitting it. "Yes to all of the above, actually. -But since the show follows the six heroines, you are what I hope to pass as until the series ends; Background Ponies." He raised a hoof to forestall any questions or outbursts "The fans have still built quite a following around you and your… Wife? Life-partner?”

Lyra and Bon-Bon smiled warmly at each other and put a hoof around each other’s shoulders before Lyra spoke “Either way suits us, Scott. Go on.”

Nodding, Scott continued “For some reason, since they saw you sitting in a Human-style slouch, they somehow built you up as somepony obsessed with Humans. Even more so after a fan comic of you pointing out most pony tools are not meant for pony use. -Some even wonder if you are totally and completely obsessed with Human hands and Humans, period."

Bon-Bon and Lyra looked at each other wide-eyed for a long moment, then burst out in laughter that soon had them rolling on the floor.

Lyra looks up at Scott, wiping tears of laughter from her dazzling eyes. "How did they get it so right and so wrong at the same time? Just give us a minute to catch our breath and I'll tell you my story."

Scott relaxed and sat back, deciding to answer Lyra's likely-rhetorical question. "Well, I figure a lot of those Bronys are tapping multiple Alternate Realities or just making stuff up just to be trolling the Lyra fans." His eyes went wide as he thought back over what she said. "Umm, you said "Back on Earth..." I never said where I am from! How did you know about Earth? How do you know about Humans and hands?”

After a long pause, Lyra took a deep breath and held it for a moment, like she had known the question was coming.
Suddenly she gave him a mischievous grin “It’s not that I’m obsessed with hands, I just miss having them…”

The look on his face must have been spectacular since the mares bust out laughing all over again. It took long moments before Lyra could control herself to float over a camera and take a picture of him.

After his vision cleared of bright spots, a color photograph of himself was floated over and he gave a sheepish chuckle over his stunned expression in the photo “Ehh-heh-heh, yeah you really got me there, Lyra.”

He looked up at her expectantly as she stood casually on her hind legs and rested on her elbows on the arm of the couch, looking at him with a grin. Scott coughed politely and spoke “Soooo, Care to share your story? I’ll tell you mine after up to this point, Miss…”

Nodding, the smirking mare stood back up “…Heartstrings, Mr. Skybright, and I have a question on that name when I am done.”

Quickly, she stepped around to pick up a family album and held it to her narrow chest as she looked at him. “Okay Sherman! Let’s set the Way-Back Machine to eleven years ago, when I was nine years old, and my name was Kyra…”

She opened the album to the photo of a fifty-foot sailing yacht, with a Upper-Class family of three humans dressed for tropical vacation travel. “This is us, the Liberheart family. My Father, Andrew owned a company that made Million Dollar luxury yachts. That’s my Mother, Lucinda, and that little girl is me, of course.

One month, we went on a vacation to the Bahamas…”

A gentle pulsing was coming from her horn, resonating with his own, and suddenly it was almost as if he could see the events… Was this how flashbacks happen? The sensations grew stronger as she spoke…

“We were a week into the vacation when a sudden storm came up…”

A scene appeared of a scrawny, tanned girl wearing summer shorts and a tank top, with sandy blond hair and hazel eyes being pulled into the cabin of a yacht. -Pulled into the arms of a frost-blond woman wearing a one-piece French bikini and a white sunhat.
Mother was screaming at the unnatural greenish light usually seen preceding a tornado or unusually severe storm as she stuffed the girl into a child’s life vest and put an adult sized vest on herself.

Visible through the hatchway window, Father stood on deck in his life vest with a grey workshirt and jeans shorts beneath. His sandy hair was blowing around his head. He ignored his hair as he tied himself to the ship’s wheel and guided the heaving, rolling sailboat. Above, the sails that had been helping them to try and race ahead of the storm began to shred as winds impossibly came from different directions at once.

Sparks began to arc along the rails, then onto nonconductive surfaces, even into the cabin itself. Mother whispered not to be afraid, it was just St. Elmo’s Fire, just static electricity like she got on her socks. Kyra was rocked and her name whispered, that it would all be fine, they would be in Bermuda in no time.

Kyra knew that was not right somehow, the static sparks were a weird green and spreading out like a mist around the ship The tossing of the storm grew weaker as the green mist thickened until there was a sudden feeling of weightlessness and an immediate thump and splash.

The mist was suddenly gone like it had never been and the world bright and colorful like a Disney movie as they stumbled out on deck. Mother quickly untied Father from the wheel a moment before they all began to feel dizzy and sick.

Kyra screamed as her fingers rippled and stuck together, growing into a solid turquoise blue mass while hair that color grew up from her…hooves? …and on up her arms.
Mother screamed too as a horn pushed out of Father’s forehead before her own hands stared changing.

Kyra watched in horror as a horn grew from Mother’s head also, and a sudden headache announced what had to be one forming on her own skull.

Kyra’s vision blurred while her eyes felt like they were swelling and her limbs reshaped faster now, rolling her to the deck on her back. As she lay there on the rocking deck, she found herself reeling with sudden dizziness putting her out of it for a time.
Her dizziness faded minutes later, as she lay clumsily in the pink forehooves of a beautiful unicorn mare as they lay on the deck. She noticed the mare had long white tresses like her mother but with carnation streaks. “M-mother? Is that you?”

The mare sobbed in relief as she hugged Kyra tight, both with shreds of their clothing dangling from their bodies. Clumsy hoof clopping on the teak deck announced a royal blue unicorn stallion in Father’s tattered shirt and sporting a sky blue mane. Somehow he also had a picture of a ship’s wheel on both sides of his hips? flanks? His hazel eyes were now large and a shimmery copper, while her Mother’s were now a beautiful rose.

It was the better part of the day before they had heard the most beautiful singing from the sea. Hippocampus Sea Ponies answering their cries for help while they were still unable to work the yacht or even clear the damaged rigging.
Later that day, the three unicorns stared in awe when a huge airship yacht was led to them by a team of Pegasi in sky blue uniforms with thunderbolt markings. Kyra’s heart leapt at the beautiful sight of the airship with the afternoon sun behind it, and the pegasi swirling around it like a flock of birds before they came in to land on their deck and guide the airship down closer.

Kyra had been so amazed and happy to ride in the flying yacht with the funny dressed Pegasi. She had sat in the lap of one of the mares as they explained they were Wonderbolts called to do a Search and Rescue by the Sea Ponies, with the help of a civilian yacht pressed into service. Giggling, she remembered their kindly and surprised laughter as they had to explain what Wonderbolts were…

It quite impressed her and her parents as they looked down at their yacht in the sea below, pulled along by a line from the airship. The Hippocampi swam and danced in the waves as they followed along to be sure the boat and the family got to shore just fine.

The trip to Canterlot to be questioned by the Princess herself was a whirlwind tour that had dazzled the newcomers. Kyra was literally bouncing as she found herself in a castle any dumb ol’ Disney Princess would be envious of. –And, when the family met Celestia she instantly knew this was a Goddess when they first met her in a private audience chamber. She radiated power and loving warmth like the Sun radiates light.

It had been revealed then that sending them home would be impossible. The parents each had found their Cutie Marks from the trials of the voyage and would not return to their old forms if they were sent back. Sending Kyra back alone would be completely unacceptable.

Promises were made and kept. The family was given extensive lessons on how to live as Ponies in return for taking new names as Citizens of Equestria and keeping their origins quiet.

Father had joined the firm that made the air yacht that had rescued them. His innovations carried over from his old business had him owning the company in a few short years and Knighted when the Royal Canterlot Air Fleet had been revamped to outclass the Griffon Air Armada.

In the meantime, Kyra, now Lyra, had gone to the Canterlot School for Gifted Unicorns due to the powerful Telekenetic talent she had developed because she missed having hands…

As she finished speaking, both Lyra and Bon-Bon were staring at him intently with Pinkie Pie sized grins as he looked a little dazed. “Sooo… How was your first… Um, well, we call them “Flashbacks”. -Just like in a movie, right?!”

Dizzily, Scott shook his head to clear it “Um, wow… That was a-amazing! Does… does that happen a lot with you?”

Giggling, the mares nodded. Lyra continued “Sometimes, more often with Unicorns, but anypony really passionate about the memory they are sharing seems able to do it. You know something? It would be interesting to see if somepony who does not belong here can experience it too. I mean surely there are visitors who instantly hate Equestria as much as you and I seem to love it, right?” She patted her lyre mark for emphasis.

Ears perked, Scott looked thoughtful “Sounds like something to suggest to Twilight, all right.” Filing that tidbit away in his head for later he changed the subject “Since I’m likely going to be going through it myself, how was school for you? Is that where you got your Cutie Mark?“ He then looked up at her with a sudden worried thought “Did you have any problems fitting in?”

She let her breath out in a long sigh and nodded. "...Until I met my Bons, there were times I never really felt I belonged. I felt my body fit me like an ill-fitting… glove. Usually it was when I was teased for not even knowing simple spells, and later for not knowing things that were supposed to be common knowledge and I felt isolated and alone.”

Scott’s eyes went wide as he stifled a gasp, having the same feelings of not belonging to his body or his kind all too often growing up.

Nodding in understanding, she continued. "It was always the young Nobles who made me feel like that. Spoiled rotten bullies! I guess they hated me for being “new money” or some dumb thing like that.
One day in my first year, I found a lyre in music class and began to play it. I was really good at working the strings because I imagined I had fingers to play it with. My music teacher was amazed at how quickly I learned to play.

We had a recital soon after, combined with The Canterlot School of Music. Since both were Schools under Celestia's personal wings, she attended the recital with a purple unicorn filly a little smaller than I was, Twilight Sparkle. I played my heart out that night, and so did the others, including this one grey filly with a cello. My friend, Octavia was awesome! There were quite a few Cutie Marks earned that night as you can imagine!

After that though, it was still business as usual to the jerks. Other than my parents, all I had to pull me through school was my music when it seemed the only Ponies who ever noticed me were the bullies. Then one day, I was playing in the park to unwind. Bon-Bon stopped to hear me play."

She kissed Bon-Bon's cheek, making her blush and giggle "She kept coming to hear me play, and then she slowly sounded me out on my attitudes on Filly-foolers. She asked me out soon after that, and we have been together ever since."

Giggling, Bon-Bon nuzzled into Lyra’s mane “I asked her out because of those incredible eyes and her music, I stayed for her invisible hands and her loving heart.”

Lyra winked and grinned “My Bons also helped me deal with the bullies. She encouraged me to come to martial arts classes and I met this awesome teacher in something just for Unicorns called “The Still Way” –A subtle tug, a nudge here and there with magic and your attacker is down using their momentum against themselves.

…Bullying stopped pretty darn quick after that as you can guess...”

Laughing, Scott nodded “Oh, I can imagine! Too bad I didn’t have a Unicorn horn back in my school days, huh! I’ll have to ask about that. It sounds like a great way to exercise my horn!”

Tapping her chin in thought, Lyra nodded “I agree, we will give you the name of that Martial Arts school and the address, and you can check it out later when you go to Canterlot...”

Lyra grinned at him slyly. “Buuuut….”

Suddenly, she levitated one of Bon-Bon’s unwrapped candies before his nose. “…I do believe it is your turn to tell us your story, Scott... Come on, tell us and you can have the candy!” she finished with a giggle.

Playing along, he snuffled his nose at it like one of the horses he knew back on Earth, then did a comical pout. “…Fine! You win! Well, it began for me…”


After a few minutes of telling who, what, when, and where, he finished and took a long drink from his glass with both hooves.

With a smile, Lyra rubbed her head with a hoof “I think you are catching on, I almost saw something while you were speaking... Keep up the effort, Scott.”

Bon-Bon took this moment to ask a question “As Lyra started to ask earlier, where does Skybright come from if you haven’t met the Princesses yet?”

After a moment, Scott set down the empty glass. “Well, being a Furryfan, I’ve had a humanoid Equine avatar for years now, with a decent backstory and a family name of Skybright. I don’t have any of my sketches with me at the moment but imagine me as I am now, just built like a Minotaur.”

Lyra giggles “Now I can see why you love it here already.”

Nodding, the bay stallion flashed a grin “True, true. By the way, I became a Unicorn, you and your parents did too. Is everyone who comes here a Unicorn?” he asked, not wanting to out the Doctor if she didn’t know about him since he wasn’t really a Human to begin with.

Thinking for a moment, Lyra replied. “Mother pretty much asked Princess Celestia that, and she was told families will become the same kind of Pony, otherwise it’s up to chance or the personality of the visitor. I know Time Turner, an Earth Pony is one of us. Another one in town is one of the area’s Weather Team Pegasi; D. Slipstream. Please feel free to look them up, Scott.”

An uneasy expression flitted across her face as she seemed to consider saying something, then made a firm decision. Her face got deadly serious which suddenly worried him. “This brings us to something else, something important. If Pinkie hasn’t told you yet, you need to pay attention!

Ever since the Longest Night, when Nightmare Moon got loose, Pinkie has been trying to keep us aware something is watching us, the “Space Ponies” which you say you are one of. Both Pinkie and Time Turner has been trying to keep us posted on what days to stay inside or places to avoid on those days. I don’t really know what can happen, but I am not eager to find out.

If you are caught outside on a “Pinkie Day”, try not to attract attention to yourself and blend with the crowd. Poor Bons voice inexplicably changed twice so far because she was with me. We think they did it without even meaning to somehow. Some ponies are wondering if she’s coming down with something and worry for her health.
If you ask them to, Pinkie Pie or Time Turner will also keep you posted about those “Pinkie Days”.

Scott was silent for a moment, frowning. It was starting to sound like there was at least a little cross-feedback like high-end physics experiments when the show writers were “observing” things. Had there been potential Coltfriends for the Mane 6 steered off, gender-flipped, or worse by this attention and “story approval” sessions? He wasn’t eager to find out either.

His mind raced over the possibilities? Was it show writers they were sensing? Bronys? Or was it more insidious? More dangerous… Was it something to do with that freaky chimera dragon that was going to be in the Season Two premiere? He shivered at the thought of a creature having that much power to Buck with Reality like that…

Season Two Episodes were still in production at this moment, with Hasbro and HUB still trying to catch up with the popularity of Season One so it sounded like he had better watch his step for the next few months at least…

At that moment, the clock on the mantle chimed the hour. It was now 1 P.M.

Getting up and stretching his stiff legs, Scott nodded to the mares “Oh! Twilight and Rarity are expecting me at the spa, and I’ve taken up enough of Bon-Bon’s business hours. Thanks for having me over! This has been quite an experience you two, so I sincerely thank you for all you have told me.”

The mares also got up and led him to the door, and Lyra spoke. “Oh no, thank you for coming. You have been just as helpful with what you told us. In fact…”

Lyra and Bon-Bon shared a smirk and a look, then glomped him in a farewell hug.

Scott was surprised for a moment, then shyly returned the hug. Lyra released her hug after a moment, with Bon-Bon following suit. “We always hug our friends goodbye. I really hope we will be good friends.”

She winked “After all, like you said, we three are ”Background Ponies” are we not?”


As he trotted toward the Spa, his mind raced as he tried to piece together what he heard, trying to sort out the spinning jumble of information from two days of being here.

At least he had a note with the Martial Arts school address and the teacher’s name he had to contact, as well as a friend of Lyra’s who was an assistant instructor; Moondancer. He had a good feeling about this school which meant it was something he should do.

There was a bigger mystery here, and he was going to need all the help he could get to prepare for it.

Author's Note:

Minor delays this weekend but nothing dramatic so here is chapter 12 at last.
In case anyone wonders about the way the couple acts, I felt the way Fanon presents them, they best fit some of the loving F-F couples I know from Dallas. (I've met a few IRL Gilda-Dash paring types there too but that's another story... ;)