• Published 23rd Oct 2012
  • 2,752 Views, 35 Comments

The Price of Loyalty - Silentpegasus

Rainbow Dash is having nighmares. But they're only dreams....... right?

  • ...

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

The two messengers were sent flying through the air at an unimaginable rate, the force from the princess’s hooves shot them so fast they felt like they were close to breaking the sound barrier, until they made contact with Nightmare Moon’s palace hidden deep within the Everfree forest. The messengers had crash landed into Nightmare Moon’s throne room. The dark alicorn herself waiting patiently on her throne. She stepped down from her relaxed position and walked over to her badly wounded subjects.

“I’m surprised that it took you two that long to return here.” she said with a cold tone.

“She....she refused your offer, your highness. She means to go to war with us.” said one messenger trying to regain his balance.

“Perfect. You two have played your part. Now, BEGONE!!” as she bellowed, her horn flared and her two messengers had disintegrated into a pile of smoldering ash.

“Hmmm. Looks like I’ll need more guards. Luckily I have plenty of “volunteers.” she laughed at the statement as she left the throne room and headed towards the dungeon to examine her prisoners.

Back at Canterlot Castle Celestia is now meeting with her advisors to prepare for the upcoming war. Scorch stood guard outside the study, The silence in the hall way was relaxing, but he couldn’t help but worry about his team that were at the mercy of a deranged Alicorn. Scorch started to pace the space in front of the door, when suddenly they opened the advisors left leaving only the sun goddess inside with her head lowered in sadness.

“How did it go your highness?”

“The proclamation of war has been approved and we will begin to train our troops for the war.”

“Should I begin to prepare your highness?” Scorch asked with concern in his voice.

“No, instead I need you to meet me in my study in three hours, there are things there we need to discuss.” she said as she began to exit the room.

“As you wish.” Scorch replied as he went back to his room.

The room was average size It held one bed, a desk and a bookshelf stacked with a wide variety of books. Scorch made his way over to his bed, lifted up the mattress and withdrew a picture of Breeze, Flash, Lance and himself at the Grand Galloping Gala from five years ago. He remembered that night.

Flash had lost his, and Scorches invitations so they had to sneak in through a window,in their suits and had to avoid the other guards. They both managed to make it to Breeze’s room and asked her for help.

“You know you two could have just said you were guard ponies on duty.” she said with an annoyed voice.

“Yeah, but wheres the fun in that? Plus I always wanted to break into the castle.” Flash said right before Scorch slugged him in the arm.

“Don’t you have a date to get too?” Scorch reminded Flash.

“Oh Crap! Lily’s gonna kill me! See you two down there.” Flash said as he raced out the door to go meet is date.

“Will he ever learn?” Breeze said as she was brushing her mane.

“Doubtful, he’s always been like that.” Scorch now turned his gaze towards Breeze, she looked extremely different without her armor on and her hair down. She looked up in the mirror and saw that he was staring at her.

“Enjoying the view?” she asked with a playful tone.

“Oh, just waiting for when your done.” he said adverting his eyes from the mare.

“Almost, I just need to put on some make up.” she said as she pulled open a drawer.

“Ok, I’m going to use the gentle colts rom then.” scorch said as he trotted into the bathroom.

Once she was sure the door was locked she looked herself over in the mirror, making sure that she looked perfect. It had taken her hours to get her mane to stay straight, she wanted to look her best fro the princess and for Scor..

“Ugh, shut up brain he’s only a teammate. Nothing more.” she said to her reflection as she held her head with her front hooves.

“You ready to go?” Scorch said as he emerged from the restroom. As Breeze turned around she finally got a good look at his ensemble. He was sporting a jet black suit with a white tie. It fit him like a glove made for his own hoof. Scorch was now looking at Breeze’s dress, it was white with long black stripes going down in a spiraling formation reaching down to her flank and her mane was now straight resting on her shoulders. An eternity seemed to pass between the two as they locked eyes.

“Well....we best be off, don’t want to keep Lance and Flash waiting.” Scorch said trying to break the awkward silence.

“Yes, Good idea.” Breeze sad as she left her room with Scorch.

They both made their way to the Galla it did not take long to find Flash he was at the center of the dance floor with some mare that Scorch assumed was Lily.

“Typical Flash, always the center of attention.” Scorch said as he face hoofed.

“Wonder where Lance is?”

“He’s probably off sulking somewhere.” Scorch said as breeze hit him in the arm.

“Be nice, he’s not a bad guy once you get to know him.”

“Yeah, your probably right.” Scorch said as he left Breeze and found a table to sit down.

Hours passed, ponies came and went, the Gala was almost over and Scorch continued to watch the high class ponies of Canterlot mingle and discuss business. He had a brief chat with Flash when he took a break from dancing. Lance stopped by to try and talk but socializing was never his strong suit. More than once had his gaze fallen across Breeze, who had been dancing with a posh higher up, which she was not enjoying. Scorch decided to rescue his comrade from her predicament. He trotted up to the dancing pair.

“Mind If I cut in Miss?” Scorch asked Breeze trying to sound like a total stranger.

“Oh not at all kind sir.” Breeze said as she picked up on the charade. “Nice meeting you Mr. Rich.” Breeze said as she followed Scorch away from the stallion. “Thank you so much, I owe you one. If he used another one of those cheesy pick up lines again, I swear I was going to beat the living hay out of him.”

“I’ll take a drink as payment.” Scorch said as he chuckled.

“Deal.” she said as Scorch and herself took a seat at the table.

The two talked for what seemed like hours, they joked, gossiped and shared stories about their friends and family.

“So then, Flash went right up to the drill sergeant and said “You can have a hard case on me as much as you want, as long as you buy me dinner first. Sir!” That landed him latrine duty for a month.” Scorch said fighting through the laughter. Breeze was hysterical.

“I can totally see him doing that.” she said as she took another drink. “Looks like the Gala’s almost over.” she said as she looked around the room and saw ponies leaving. “Hey, do you want to....never mind.”

“What? Say it.” Scorch asked as he raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

“I was wondering if you maybe wanted to...I don’t know...dance?” Breeze said as she bit her lower lip in embarrassment.

“Um....Okay.” Scorch said as he took her by the hoof and led her on the dance floor trying his hardest to hide his blush.

As the two started to dance thousands of thoughts raced through Scorches mind. The most prominent one was the shock that he was dancing with his teammate, his very attractive teammate. Both ponies faces were now as red as apples.

“Breeze I...” Scorch began but never managed to get to finish his statement. Suddenly Breeze had kissed him. Scorch’s mind was going crazy, when she broke the kiss he stood there frozen in place. Breeze now realizing what she had just done started to cry and galloped off the dance floor, tears streaming down her cheeks. Scorch had just snapped back to reality and chased after her.

“Breeze wait. I just want to talk.” Scorch said as he caught up with her as she reached the nearby balcony.

“I’m sorry, it’s just that my emotions are going crazy, then you show up in a suit and rescue me from some posh plot hole. I....I just don’t know what to do.” Breeze said hanging her head in shame and tears still gushing out.

“I do.” Scorch said as he walked over to the sobbing mare. He put his right hoof under her chin and raised her head so they were now eye to eye. Scorch looked at her, Breeze gazed into his red eyes and felt as though the world had stopped. Scorch then closed his eyes and planted a kiss on Breeze’s quivering lips. Breeze then returned the kiss and closed her eyes tears still streaming down her face. The two were so caught up in the moment that they didn’t notice that it had started to rain. They decided to retreat back into the castle only to be greeted by Flash with an annoyed look on his face.

“There you two are! I’ve been looking for you everywhere.” Flash said as he held the irritated look.

“What is it?” Scorch asked.

“This pony has some weird contraption with him its called a “camera” it says that it can make a picture. I wanted to get a group shot of us!” Flash said, he now saw make up stains running from Breeze’s eyes. “Hey are you okay?”

“Yeah, the rain just messed up my make up that’s all.” she said while regaining her composure. “I just need a minute to fix it.”

“Alright, when you’re done meet us over by the stair case.” Flash said as he rejoined Lance. Scorch then turned to Breeze trying to start up a conversation, but Breeze put a hoof to his mouth.

“We can talk later, right now we just need to act like nothing happened.” she said as she moved her hoof into her bag and fixed her eyeliner.

“Alright, shall we?” Scorch said as held the door open for her.

The two joined Flash and Lance near the grand stair case.

“Okay, they’re here.” Flash said to a dark a green unicorn with a picture frame for a cutie mark. He had a box with a lens in the center standing on a tripod. The four friends huddled together Flash was on the far left, Lance was on the Right and Scorch and Breeze were in the center together.

“Hold still......three......two.....one. Every-pony say, Galla!” the unicorn said.

“Galla!” The four ponies said as the unicorn said as he activated the machine.
Scorch and his friends were temporarily blinded by the flash from the box. The unicorn then ignited his magic and the box began to glow. He then took out four pieces of paper that held the image of the four friends. Lance was making a slight grin in the photo. Flash had his typical cocky expression on his face. In the center, Scorch and Breeze both smiled. The four friends soon departed Lance decided to go to the local bar and get a “real drink”. Flash left with his now heavily intoxicated date. Scorch and Breeze both went to their rooms, before they got to their rooms Scorch finally spoke up.

“Hey Breeze I was wondering if....” for the second time that night he was interrupted by his co-worker.

“Look, You probably have a ton of mares chasing after you, so I won’t get in your or their way.” she said as she lowered her head in sadness.

“I was going to ask if you would like to go out for drinks next weekend.” Scorch said as he approached the now surprised mare having a nervous grin on his face.

“ Um...yes I’d love to.”she said with a nervous voice. “Well goodnight.” she said as she opened the door to her room.

“Goodnight.” Scorch said as Breeze closed her bed room door.

Scorch then made his way into his room, sat down on his bed and withdrew the picture that he had just received.

Scorch then began to cry at the memory, worried for his friends, he held the picture close to his heart and tried to fight back the tears but he knew the tears would win, they always win.


“Hang on a second.” he said as he quickly stashed the photo back underneath his mattress and wiped the tears away. Scorch got up and glanced at the clock he had been in there for almost three hours lost in the memory. Scorch opened the door and saw Princess Celestia standing in the hall way.

“It’s time.”