• Published 23rd Oct 2012
  • 2,748 Views, 35 Comments

The Price of Loyalty - Silentpegasus

Rainbow Dash is having nighmares. But they're only dreams....... right?

  • ...

Chapter 13

Chapter 13.

Princess Celestia and Scorch walked into the princess’s private study. Celestia sat behind her hoof crafted wooden desk that was given to her by the king of Gryphonia. Scorch took the seat on the other side. Scorch’s mind raced with anticipation of what his special assignment would be.

“I suppose your head is filled with questions on your assignment Night Scorcher.” Celestia said pouring herself some tea.

“Yes, your majesty. I’m very anxious to get started.” Scorch said as he shifted his position in the chair. “Am I going to coordinate troops at the castle?”

“No. Before I tell you, can you answer a question for me?” Celestia said to Scorch while she sipped her tea.

“What is it?”

“What is the price of loyalty?”

Scorch was shocked at this question. He pondered for several minutes rubbing his chin with his front hoof.

“Well princess I...”

“PRINCESS CELESTIA!!! WE’VE GOT A SITUATION!!” said a guard as he came bursting into the study, out of breath and sweat dripping from his body. “THERES........A..........PROBLEM...........AT.....” the guard tried to say while catching his breath .

“Soldier, take time to collect yourself, then tell me whats wrong.” Celestia said in an aggravated tone.

Scorch sat the guard down and gave him his cup of tea. The guard swiftly drank down the tea scalding his tongue in the process, but he would deal with that later.

“Now, what is the situation soldier?” the sun goddess asked the now mellow guard.

“At the front gate there are two guards they claim to have a message for you.”

“Who sent them?” Scorch asked.

“They said they worked for some pony named Nightmare Moon.”

Celestia froze as she heard the name, she quickly got to her hoofs and started for the door.

“Thank you soldier for this report, tell them that we will meet with them shortly in the grand hall.”

“We ma’am?”

“Yes, Scorch will accompany me.” The guard exited the room as fast as his hooves could carry him. Scorch and Celestia both made their way to the grand hall. Scorch had walked the halls of Canterlot castle many times at night, but tonight felt different, it felt like a great shadow had spread across the royal city and that these messengers were only the least of their problems. It began to storm as the two companions made their way to the main hall. They made it to the grand hall, as Celestia sat on her throne she looked at Scorch with a worried face.

“Night Scorcher, I want to at all costs avoid a diplomatic incident, if these messengers pose any type of threat to us use your “Stare” to incapacitate them. Do you understand?”

“Yes, your highness.” Scorch said as he prepared for the meeting.

The two messengers made their way into the hall. Both of them were pegasus stallions and wearing long black robes that covered their faces and stretched all the way down to their hooves. They made their way to the foot of the throne where Celestia and Scorch were waiting for them.

“Good evening your highness.” One of the messengers said with a smug grin on his face.

“I am in no mood for games, what is Nightmare Moon’s message?” Celestia asked with an angered look on her face.

“How rude, very well then let us get to the point shall we?”

“Make it quick.” Scorch said with daggers for eyes.

“We are here to negotiate your surrender to the one true princess of Equestria, Nightmare Moon.” the second messenger said in a flat tone.

Princess Celestia was shaking in rage at the statement that these two strangers had just said. She was not going to give up so easily.

“What if I refuse?” The princess said calmly, struggling to hold back her burning rage.

“Then Lady Nightmare Moon will have no choice. She will go to war with you.”

Scorch was struck with horror at the idea of the two sisters waging a war against one another.

“And we will have no choice but to execute the spies we’ve captured.”

“Spies? What spies?” Scorch said fearing the worst.

One of the messengers turned his attention to Scorch.

“We captured three pegasi that had a camp not one mile away from our castle. One mare and two stallions.”

Scorch’s mind lurched at the realization that his team, his friends were now at the mercy of the enemy. He could only imagine what horrors they were being subjected too.
Scorch charged until he was in front of the two.


“So this must be their leader, the stubborn one spoke highly of you.” the messenger in front of Scorch said with an evil grin.

“That reminds me, we were supposed to give you this.” he said as the messenger reached into his cloak and withdrew a piece of damaged armor and threw it on the marble floor. It only took a second for Scorch to recognize the item, it was Flash’s combat helmet.

Scorch was about to beat the two messengers until they couldn’t breath, but he then saw two bright beams strike both pegasi in the chest propelling them backwards, through the door and out into the hall. Scorch turned around and saw something that would make an Ursa Major shake in fear. Princess Celestia’s once flowing rainbow mane had turned into a burning inferno, her eyes glowed white hot with rage and magic. Scorch had heard of unicorns using unimaginable power when enraged, the locals called it a “Rage Shift”. In this state the unicorns’ powers are at least doubled in strength. Scorch couldn’t even begin imagine the power Celestia had now. The enraged princess now hovered in front of the two pegasi who were staggering to their hooves, however they were hit by a second beam shot from the royal horn. This time they were cast out of the castle gate and into the cold stormy night.

“How dare you strike a messenger!” one of the pegasi said recovering from the second attack.


“If you don’t surrender then war will fall upon Equestria. Lady Nightmare Moon will hear of this.” one of them bellowed.

“AND YOU CAN TELL THIS “NIGHTMARE MOON” THAT IF SHE WANT’S MY KINGDOM, THEN SHE CAN HAVE IT WHEN SHE PRY’S IT FROM MY COLD DEAD HOOVES!! BUT FIRST ALLOW ME TO GIVE YOU A RIDE HOME!!” Celestia said as she turned around and bucked the two messengers so hard that the force caused the two pegasi to punch two massive holes in the clouds.

Scorch stood there stunned at what he just witnessed, Princess Celestia had just started a war with her younger sister. The sun goddess’s mane turned back to it’s normal color, unlike it’s wavy texture before if fell over her face straight and flat. Scorch galloped over and saw tears running down her face, he could tell even in the rain.

“Princess are you okay?” Scorch asked as he put a hoof on the sun goddess’s shoulder. Celestia then grabbed the pegasus and pulled him into a hug.

“WHAT HAVE I DONE?” she screamed out into the storm, knowing full well that she has just unleashed upon her country and subjects.