• Published 28th Oct 2012
  • 7,885 Views, 372 Comments

Meet the Team: Pony Fortress 2 - The Usurper

Now with its MvM-based sequel, Pony Fortress 2: A Worthy Cause. Meet the mercenaries from Team Fortress 2 - except this time, these ones aren't the ones from Earth. This isn't the same situation as Earth either. Heck, they aren't even

  • ...

Meet the Medic (Part 1/2)

Luna's luminous moon bathed all of Canterlot Mountain in its soft glow, bringing much-needed light to those who were navigating the occasionally perilous path to the capital city that spiralled around the mountain. It was, of course, constructed in such a way that it was completely stable and safe, but it tended to be anything but that when one was galloping down that path at top speed, trying to evade rockets, grenades and sentry gun fire while making sure they didn't force you over the edge.

Besides, the light from the explosions were enough to see by anyway, provided the source didn't kill you.

"Move it, zebra!" Rainbow shouted impatiently. "This Bonk cupcake isn't going to last forever!"

"What does it seem like I'm trying to do?" Zecora snapped back angrily while keeping up with the pegasus as well as she could. "Or does it look like I'm crawling to you?"

"Stop arguing!" Diana growled at both of them. "It's just the three of us here and what may as well be the whole RED team up on those ledges! The last thing we need now is to make enemies with each other!"

They both shut up. Diana sighed in relief. "Thank you."

"I still think she's slow." Rainbow muttered. A few moments later, she noticed Diana's irritated glare. "What?"

"I may be slow, but at least I'm not you instead; all your words are just as empty as your head!"

"Look, just shut up, okay?" Diana hissed. "And I mean the both of you. When I said keep quiet, I meant-" All of a sudden, her eyes widened. "Move!" She shouted, pushing Rainbow and Zecora out of the way just as a rocket obliterated the ground between them. The explosion pushed the unprepared Diana back several meters, almost sending her off the edge off the path.

"Well, at least that's over."

beep beep

Diana turned her head to see a RED sentry gun swivel on its tripod mount to face her. "Damn."

She managed to fling herself over the edge, finding what little support she could along the jagged, uneven cliff face just as a couple of rockets whizzed through the air, right where her heart would have been a moment ago.

"Rainbow? Zecora? You there?" Come on...

"We're here!" The Scout's familiar voice floated down from above. "Just let us wear down this sentry and then we can get you!"

"Don't worry, you'll get out of this today, especially since the Engineer's away."


Diana didn't have to look to know what that was.

"Ah wouldn't count on that."

Two more impacts followed, eliciting a startled gasp from both Rainbow and Zecora. Oh no...

"You're not going to be able to dodge my rockets now." Diana could almost feel the grin on the RED Soldier's face.

"I can outrun your stupid rockets any day!" Rainbow shot back.

"Maybe, maybe." The pony Diana immediately identified as the RED Heavy replied in his characteristic drawl. "But ah'd like ta see ya outrun mah bullets."

"Both of you may have been too far away before, but you can't hide anymore." Diana heard the clink of metal against metal as Zecora lifted her grenade launcher.

"Who said anythin' about hidin?" The RED Engineer retorted. "Ya'll are between a rock and a hard place now. Are ya'll goin' ta face us or run and get shot down by mah sentry?"

She's right. Diana realised. Is there any other way out? Left, right, up down... She hung her head low. Well, looks like I can give up all hope of being able to see the Medic n- Suddenly, as she took in the sight of what was at least three hundred meters below her, something clicked in her head. That's it!

"Jump!" Diana hissed, just loud enough for Rainbow and Zecora to hear.

"Are you insane?" Rainbow whispered back. "I know I'm awesome and all, but even my wings aren't going to be able to support all three of us with our weapons and equipment!"

"It's not like you're strong enough to fly even without us. Maybe if the gravity were a little lower..." Diana shook her head. "Look, just jump, okay? I've got a plan." She paused. "Did you hear that, Zecora?"

"I heard you loud and clear, my friend. I just hope this won't be our end."

"It won't, trust me." Diana assured her. "Just do what I tell you when I tell you. Okay?"

"Okay." The two BLU team members replied simultaneously.

"Zecora, fire a couple grenades at them when I give the command, then jump. Rainbow, you can just jump straightaway."

"Ya know what ta do, right Spike?" Diana heard the RED Engineer ask. Oh no. Did they hear me tell Rainbow and Zecora the plan?

"If you mean shoot, then yes." The Soldier replied.

Thank Luna, they don't know. Okay, we need to do this now, and fast. Diana counted the seconds in her head. Three... two... one...

"Go!" She shouted.

Instantly, everyone exploded in a whirlwind of activity. Diana saw Rainbow silhouetted against the bright moon above her head for a moment before her outstretched hoof met that of the pegasus', and the Scout hung onto the appendage for dear life. The sound of two grenades leaving the barrel of the launcher reverberated through the air a second before Zecora herself tumbled over the edge and into the relatively safe embrace of Diana's back leg.

The instant Diana caught Zecora, the entire cliff was engulfed in the explosion.

"Rainbow, do you have another Bonk cupcake?" Diana called over the deafening sound.

"Yeah, why?"

"Eat it, now!"

"Now? But we're not in any danger-" She looked down. "Oh."

"I hope you're ready, because I'm letting go now." Diana said.

"Wait, wait! I didn't eat the cupcake yet!"

"Too late." As if to prove her point, Diana waved her two free forelegs about in the air. "How fast can you eat that thing?"

"It'll take me about two seconds."

"We've got ten seconds until impact." Diana crossed her hooves. "You'd better hurry."

Rainbow looked like she was saying something, but by then the roar of the explosion had been replaced by the howling of the air as they plummeted towards the ground at fatal speeds, so in between the extreme danger and the noise, Diana missed what she said. It couldn't have been important anyway. I hope.

"I'm done!" Rainbow hollered. "What now?"

"Get below Zecora and me!" Diana ordered. "You're going to cushion our fall!"

"Wait, what?! Hey, like I said two seconds ago, just because I won't get injured doesn't mean I don't feel any pain at a-"


The world froze.

Slowly but surely, Diana got back onto her feet, surveying her surroundings as she did so. The BLU team-occupied Canterlot Valley comprised of a single, shallow sinkhole that was surrounded by small hills on all sides. The camp had been set up as close to or directly beneath the path to Canterlot to make life as difficult as possible for enemy Snipers. The downside was that they had to deal with constant ambushes from the underground sewers that emptied its waste adjacent to the camp. Despite the presence of allied sentries all over the base and even in the sewer system itself, enemies always managed to sneak in with the aid of their Spies.

But for now, thankfully, the area was as secure as it could be. BLU team was too busy watching their backs to mount an assault on Canterlot, and RED team was more concerned with securing the capital than wiping out the opposition. At some point, when they were certain that their defenses were impenetrable, they might attack - but until then, the valley was safe.

What was even more reassuring for Diana was the feeling of cold, hard steel under her hooves. To be specific, the cold, hard steel that made up the roof of the makeshift clinic that was the medical hub of BLU's temporary base. She had landed exactly where she had anticipated. She was pleased, to say the least. It proved that her skills hadn't diminished in her time as an interviewer.

She turned around. "Is everypony okay?"

"I owe you my thanks, for I still live." Zecora nodded. "But that is all I have to give."

"How about you, Rainbow?"


"Suck it up." Diana leaned over the side of the surface she had landed on and peered down. "Well, looks like we're exactly where we need to go. Come on, let's-" She was suddenly interrupted by a beep that came from the bottom of the structure. "Now what was tha-"

She managed to pull her head in just as a flurry of bullets riddled her mane with dozens of tiny holes. "Zecora! Rainbow!" She hissed. "They got a sentry down there!"

"It can't be." Rainbow replied. "This is our base. There's no way those REDs could get into here and build a sentry."

"Then explain this." Diana waved her mane in front of the two of them.

"Hm... This is most intriguing. I will have a look." Zecora gazed over the edge and waved a hoof at whoever was down there before turning back to Diana. "There are no enemies down there. One glance was all it took."

"But... but... then how..."

"There is only a BLU sentry there, so as we now know," Zecora aimed her grenade launcher at Diana. "You are no friend of ours. Only a foe."

"Wait, what?"

"The zebra's right." Rainbow commented after examining what Zecora had seen. "There are no REDs down there. So since the sentry shot at you..." She whipped out her scattergun. "You must be RED."

"Hold on. Are you two crazy?" Diana snapped. "You saw the RED sentry shoot at me on the cliff. I can't be RED."

"But the BLU sentry shot at you. So that means that you-"

"Look, I'm not RED team. I'm the Administrator's interviewer. Besides, there's no way I would have leaned over the edge if I was RED, since I know that there are sentries at every damn corner of this place."

"At the moment, your words do appear to be true. But that doesn't mean that I will trust you."

Diana groaned. "Just call that Engineer up here, please? Maybe she knows what is going on here."

"I'll do it. Make sure she doesn't move." Rainbow ordered. After Zecora gave an affirmative nod, she turned to the Engineer and yelled, "Hey Applejack! Could you come up here for a second?"

"Sure can!" A second later, Applejack came flying up onto the roof, her hooves trailing flames from her sentry jump. She tucked her hooves close to her body as she aimed to land in a flying roll, only to hit her head on the metallic surface and collapse in a heap.

"You alright, Applejack?" Rainbow asked, concerned.

"Ah'm fine." Applejack stood up and dusted herself off. "Now, why'd ya call me up here?"

"We think Diana's RED team, since your sentry shot at her, but the RED sentry attacked her, too. Now we're not too sure."

"Alright. Let me see what ah can do." She trotted over to Diana and examined her. "Nothin' out of the ordinary ah can see. Can ah have a look at yer saddlebags?"

"My - My saddlebags?" As if on instinct, Diana drew a protective hoof around the object in question. "I... uh..."

"Ah'm not gonna judge ya, if that's what ya'll afraid of." Applejack took a step forward. "Unless ya'll really are RED."

"I... Oh, I give up." Diana threw her saddlebags over to Applejack, who caught it deftly with a hoof. "Just make it quick."

"Thank ya kindly." Applejack shooed Rainbow and Zecora away before opening the saddlebag and peering inside. A grand total of two seconds later, Applejack gave Diana a questioning gaze.

"You said you wouldn't judge." Diana accused, a blush rapidly forming on her cheeks.

"And ah never said ah was." Applejack responded. "Now let's see what we have here, besides all this... other stuff... ah! There we go." The Engineer pulled a circular metal device that glowed an eerie red. "Ah think this is what ya'll are lookin' for."

Diana gawked. "Where did you find that? And more importantly, what is that?"

"It was all the way at the bottom of the bag, hidden underneath a pile of fabric. And as for what it is..." Applejack trotted over to the edge of the surface and held the device in plain view of her sentry. She quickly drew her hoof in just before a flurry of bullets ripped through the air. "Need ah say more?"

"Wha... how... huh?" For the first time in a long while, Diana was utterly confused.

"Let me help ya with that." Applejack whipped out her pistol and put a bullet right through the middle of the device. She handed it back to Diana. "Ya can have it back now. Ah have a feelin' that it'll be handy when yer questioning whoever put that in yer bag."

"Yes, I think it will." Diana accepted the device and her saddlebags back from Applejack. "Oh, and by the way: Don't tell anyone about what's in my saddlebag. I prefer to keep my... interests... private."

"Ah swear, ah won't tell nopony."

"Grammatically speaking, that means you'll tell everypony."

Applejack sighed. "Ah won't tell anypony. Are ya'll happy now?"

"I'm still unconvinced."

"Cross mah heart and hope ta fly, stick a cupcake in mah eye." Applejack glared at Diana. "Now are ya'll satisfied?"

"Very. I'll make sure Pinkie comes after you if you take advantage of my trust in you." Diana nodded. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a Medic to interview." Without another word, she leapt off the edge.

As soon as she was sure that Diana was out of hearing range, Rainbow prodded Applejack in her side. "Come on, Applejack, how juicy was that stuff Diana had?"

"Ah made a Pinkie Promise, and ah'm not about to break it." Applejack stated flatly. "The last thing ah want is her comin' after me." The Engineer gestured to the edge. "Ya'll had better follow Diana now before she gets suspicious."

"Hmph." Rainbow hovered off the edge. "You're no fun at all."

"Better off no fun than dead. Now hurry up. You too Zecora."

Diana pushed the door to the relatively small clinic open. The one back at headquarters was far larger and staffed with doctors that probably had more degrees in medical science than the Medic herself. Not that it was hard to outdo her when she had only one that was likely a fake.

She surveyed the waiting room of the clinic. It took her only one moment to identify the resupply closet. Just what Rainbow and Zecora need. Speaking of them...

As if on cue, the two of them burst into the room.

"Closet's over there." Diana pointed at the resupply closet. "Knock yourselves out."

"I'd rather do that myself before those REDs do it for me. Thanks, Diana!"

"No problem." She chuckled. "Now that I think about it, you ought to thank the Administrator, too. I mightn't have been there to help you in the first place if he hadn't sent me there."

"The Administrator sent you there?" Rainbow inquired in between gulps of the life-giving fluid contained within a minor health pack.. "For what?"

"It's classified." Diana said curtly. "Now, I don't know where you two have to be, but its probably not in this operating theatre."

"You got that right. Come on, zebra, let's go."

"My name is Zecora, and that's what I'd like to be called. If anypony else did this I would be truly appalled."

"Hey, there's a reason why I don't call you by your-"

"Will the both of you just get out already?" Diana snarled. "I do not want to go into this interview angry."

"Fine, fine." Rainbow pushed the door open. "Sheesh. It's not like us arguing actually got us into any trouble."

Using her very last ounce of self-restraint, Diana just managed to stop herself from strangling the pegasus.

"Goodbye, Rainbow." She hissed.

"Yeah, goodbye, whatever." Rainbow pushed the door open and rushed out, followed by a grumbling Zecora.

Okay, Diana. Just relax. You don't want to become... that again. Not yet, anyway. Not until being a monster is absolutely necessary. Deep breaths. In... and out. In... and out. She sighed in relief. That's better. Now, in we go.

She reached out with a hoof and pushed the door to the operating theatre open. The sight that greeted her was nothing short of bewildering.

The Medic, clad in her normal battle outfit - albeit cleaner - fluttered around a huge machine in the middle of the room that was the source of a ghostly cloud of translucent blue light which flowed into the open chest of the Heavy. "Now, Big Mac, are you comfortable? Or should I-"

"Ah'm fine, Fluttershy. Really, ah am." Big Mac reassured her. "Ah don't even feel a thing. Yer medigun two-point-oh is workin' just fine."

"That's good to hear. I was just hoping tha-"

"Uh, Fluttershy, sorry ta interrupt, but it looks like ya got a visitor." He waved at Diana. "Good ta see you again."

"Likewise, Big Macintosh." She turned to Fluttershy. "Excuse me, miss Fluttershy. I am the pony the Adminnistrator sent to interview you. If I could have a minute of your time-"

"Eep!" With a speed that exceeded even that of Rainbow's, Fluttershy ducked behind her enormous medigun.

Diana sighed. I thought this might happen...

"Fluttershy, it's okay." Big Mac reassured her. "Ah know this pony. She's a friendly one. She ain't gonna hurt you."

"She... she isn't?"

"Rest assured, miss Fluttershy, I do not mean you harm in any way." Diana attempted to coax her out from behind the contraption. "I only wish to find out more about you. As a friend, of course." She quickly added.

Fluttershy's only response was a nearly inaudible squeak.

"Uh... would it help if I just watched the procedure?" Diana ventured. "I won't interfere or even make a noise. I'll just sit there in the corner, I promise."

"You can trust her, Fluttershy." Big Mac said. "You believe me, right?"

"I... I guess." Slowly but surely, Fluttershy emerged from behind her new medigun, although it was apparent that she was still trembling with anxiety.

"Just pretend I'm not here." Diana suggested. "I'll be in that really dark patch of shadow. You won't even notice anything."

"Well... Big Mac says to trust you, so alright."

"That's mah Fluttershy." Somehow, Big Mac managed to smile despite the fact that the front of his ribcage had been completely ripped away, exposing the squishy-looking organs underneath.

"So, um, where were we?"

"Ah think you were about ta test the new medigun?"

"Oh yes, I was checking its ubercharging capability." Fluttershy chuckled. "I have to thank the Engineer for working on this with me. If it works, we might never have to deal with knockback effects ever again!"

Well, this is interesting. Diana watched the scene closely while backing up into the corner. Suddenly, she bumped into something warm, soft and decidedly equine.

"Sorry." Diana apologised. "I wasn't looking where I was goi-"

Wait a minute.

She spun around instantly and unleashed a barrage of punches on whatever was behind her, only to realise a few awkward seconds later that there was nothing there.

Strange... How... Who... Thoughts began to race through Diana's mind. I know I felt somepony. Those kinds of sensations don't appear out of nowhere. But nopony could possibly disappear so quickly. So... She shook her head. The interview comes first. I'll worry about those other things later. It's not like I could find whoever that was anyway. Not now.

Moving carefully, ensuring that she was alert of her surroundings at all times, Diana manoeuvred herself into a sitting position. Both Fluttershy and Big Mac were in clear view, along with the new prototype medigun, a conveniently located fridge, and that odd, unexplained flash from the opposite corner of the-

Diana sat up immediately, scrutinising the corner as she did so. While she already suspected she knew what had created the flash, which, if she was correct, was not a good sign at all, something did work out in her favour: She managed to catch a glimpse of the mysterious pony's poofy mane, although she hadn't quite managed to identify the colour. She was fairly certain, though, that something in the pinkish-purple spectrum somewhere had met her eye.

Wait... That mane... That colour... could it be... She shuddered. No. There's no way she would have been able to make it in here without me noticing.


Neither Fluttershy nor Big Mac had noticed the flash as far as Diana could tell. The Medic carried on with whatever procedure she had in mind from the beginning.

"...before we test the medigun, though, I'll have to replace your heart. Just in case. Are... are you okay with that?"

"Of course ah am. Anything for you, Fluttershy." A prominent blush displayed itself on Fluttershy's cheeks. "Actually, could ah see the old one? Ah think that Sniper really did a number on it."

"Um, there's really just a small hole over here." Fluttershy produced the organ from within a compartment of the huge medigun. "See? It's not too big."

"That's... Ah think that's the pulmonary artery."

"Huh?" Fluttershy took a closer look at it. "Oh. My mistake. What I, um, meant was this one." She pointed to another gap in the heart.

"That should be the superior vena cava."

"Well, one of these holes has to be the wound." Fluttershy rotated the organ, trying to find a bullet-sized hole that was not originally there. "But they're all bleeding, so it's kind of hard to tell."

"Is it this one?" Big Mac gestured to one of the holes.

"Are you sure?" Fluttershy scrutinised it. "Um, not that I want to make you feel bad, but it looks more like the tricuspid valve to me."

"It's blackened around the edges, and there is a bullet sticking out of it, so..."

"A bullet?" Fluttershy brought the heart closer to her eye. "Oh, so that's what it was! I, uh, suspected that the heart wasn't supposed to have a useless piece of metal embedded in it." She pulled the bullet out with her teeth. "So, um, here's your heart."

"Thanks." Big Mac nodded. "Hm... Ah'm guessing the bullet shot clean through the semilunar valve and almost reached the left atruim. What do you think?"

"Um... I guess you're right." Fluttershy leaned closer. "It's so hard to remember all those names."

"Ah'm sure it is." Big Mac comforted her. "It don't mean that you're any less of a Medic."

"Yeah..." She sighed. "I'm still a Medic." She moved over to the fridge. "Well, we'd better get a replacement for that heart." She opened the refrigerator door. "I'm pretty sure that there's something in here..."

Diana observed the contents of the fridge, which included a wide array of apple-related food products, a few bottles of Applejack Daniels, several hearts of differing sizes, and-

Her heart leapt straight into her throat, ripping through her lungs on the way there, as her mind tried to process the sight before her. Is... Is that the RED Scout's head?

Fluttershy, unaware of Diana's shock, removed a heart labeled Manticore from the fridge and subsequently closed the door. As the Scout's head disappeared from view, Diana snapped out of her reverie and shook her head in despair.

First unidentified assailants breaking into my supposedly secure interview zone, and then Rainbow's head showing up in the Medic's fridge. The Administrator is going to hear about this for sure.

"There we go." Fluttershy dropped the heart into Big Mac's open chest. "Um, if you don't mind waiting, I have to give it a few minutes for the medigun to apply the no knockback effect to you."

"Sure." Big Mac watched the entire procedure curiously. "Just wondering, Fluttershy: Should ah be awake for this?"

"Um... well, it doesn't really matter, I guess. You're not in pain, are you?" She began to panic. "Oh no! Please tell me you aren't!"

"Ah'm fine. Don't worry, you're doing fine." Big Mac soothed her. "This is much smoother than ah expected."

"Oh. That's, um, good." An awkward silence manifested itself in the room.

"So, um." Fluttershy tried to banish the awkwardness from her clinic, without much success. "Would you like to hear the story of my last patient who wasn't one of us here on BLU team?"

"You treated somepony on RED team?" Big Mac asked, concerned.

"No, um, as in a civilian." Fluttershy clarified. "She was an earth pony. Purplish, I think, with darker purple hair with white streaks. I remember her because they were really... um... odd... circumstances."

"Really?" Now Big Mac seemed interested. "How so?"

"The Administrator himself sent her to me. He told me that she had a brain tumour, and that he wanted me to remove it. But when I operated on her, I couldn't find the tumour."

"So what did you do?"

"I, um, didn't want to look like I didn't do anything, so I kind of... removed her brain and left her body outside my clinic. And she was never... heard from... again." Fluttershy noticed Big Mac's horrified expression, and backed up a few steps.

"You did what?!"

"... Big Mac, that was a joke." Fluttershy mumbled.

"A... joke... Oh!" Big Mac burst into laughter. "Oh! Ah should have known! You'd never do something like that!"

"Yeah... I wouldn't." Fluttershy muttered something under her breath that Diana, between Big Mac's uproarious laughs and Fluttershy's lack of clear enunciation, was only just able to catch with her sensitive ears.

"I wish."

Diana broke into a grin.

Now that's a little more interesting. I think I'll meet up with her later and really meet the Medic. The real Medic. Hopefully.

Something about her tells me that she's more than what meets the eye.

"Well, Fluttershy, ah think your heart is ready. It's kinda glowing blue and translucent."

"Hm? Oh." Fluttershy placed both her forehooves on the organ. "I'm going to push it in now, so can you hold your ribcage open a bit? Yes, like that." She prepared to apply pressure. "Three... two... one..."

Fluttershy pushed the heart down with all her might, aided by a push from her wings.


"There." Fluttershy panted. "It's in, I think."

"Uh, Fluttershy?" Big Mac held up a rib. "Ah think this came out in the process."

"Oh no! Are you okay? Because if you're not then I'm really really-"

"Fluttershy, calm down. No pain, remember?"

"...what? Oh yeah." Fluttershy breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness. For a moment there, I thought you were hurt."

"Don't worry. Even if ah was in pain, ah would be able to handle it."

"I guess so. Well, now all that's left is to seal up your chest cavity." Fluttershy grabbed the nozzle of the prototype medigun, which was spewing translucent blue clouds of light into Big Mac's chest and pulled it closer. "Let me just set this to overdrive. Um, if you don't mind, that is."

"Fluttershy, are you sure this will work?"

"Well, after running more than a hundred tests, the Engineer assured me that the chances of success are ninety-nine point nine percent. But actually, um, there isn't another way to heal you anyway."

"Okay then, we may as well get on with it." Big Mac fidgeted slightly, trying to get himself comfortable.

"I'm sure this will work!" Fluttershy flicked a few switches on the side of the machine and aimed it at at Big Mac's chest. "It'll be completely painless! Trust me!"

"Of course ah do, Fluttershy. It's just that-"


A bright flash of light blinded Diana temporarily, but her eyes quickly adjusted to the surroundings, the only side effect being a terribly shrunken pupil. At the source of the flash, the medigun was pulsing with energy as it pumped out cloud after cloud of healing energy into Big Mac, pushing his flesh and bones to regenerate at a rate faster than she had ever seen before.

A couple more bright flashes later, the machine finally ceased glowing and returned to its normal, pre-procedure state. Big Mac's chest, however, was vastly different from when they started. Not only was his chest now completely covered in skin and most probably bones under that, but it glowed an eerie blue.

"Uh, Fluttershy?"

"That's, um, a harmless side effect. It should wear off soon."

"If you say so. Ah trust you."

"Well, just in case, for the next few days you'd better not go running around trying to shoot at-"

"Fluttershy! Big Mac!" Rainbow burst into the room, panting heavily. "We have a problem!"

"Problem? What is it?" Big Mac jerked upright.

"The REDs are here!"

An invasion, huh? Well, seeing as I'm not bound by the Administrator's orders anymore, I am going to help the rest of the BLUs hold out. Nopony will stop me. Not this time. I'm going to fight... and I'm going to win.

Or my name isn't Pinkie Pie.

To be continued in Meet the Medic (Part 2/2)...