• Published 17th Oct 2012
  • 10,426 Views, 572 Comments

Turning Point - ZachTheBrony

A God of War and Pony crossover. Oh geez...

  • ...

Chapter 2

Twilight was now walking back to the hospital, after a good night's sleep, and a letter sent in the morning to her royal highness. Today was like any other day in Ponyville, the sun was shining, the skies were a vibrant blue, the clouds were distant, and the mountain that supported Canterlot stood with a sense of warmth over Ponyville, even though it was almost coated with the mountain's shadow on the Eastern side of town. The birds were chirping their lovely chirps, and the ponies were talking their lovely talks. It was simply a wondrous day in Ponyville, though days like these were anything but different to Twilight Sparkle and her friends.

"Good morning!" the purple unicorn smiled as she entered the hospital. Walking up to the receptionist who sat behind the desk, she paused, thinking of what to say. Eventually, she got a sentence out. "I'm here to see the creature that was very badly injured yesterday?"

"Okay. He's awake. Just down the left hall, room 14. Here is the key to the room." the unicorn receptionist levitated a key to Twilight, who took it into her own aura of magic.

Smiling, Twilight replied, "Thank you." she then walked down the left hall, and found room 14. She paused. 'It's okay, Twilight. Just calm down... Calm. Calm.' She repeated the word in her mind, until she felt ready to enter the room. Placing the key into the keyhole on the door, she turned it to the right. A click was heard, and she slowly opened the door.

Once the door was open, she stepped inside, to see the creature in a full-body cast, aside from his head. Its eyes were closed.

Twilight walked to the bed's side. "Good morning." she said quietly, sitting beside the damaged being.

In response, the creature opened its eyes, and turned its head towards her. It groaned, and moved its head back in place.

"Can you speak?" she asked, curious.

The creature didn't respond.

"I'll... take that as a no."

"If you haven't realized, horse," the creature spat harshly, its eyes now closed, "I AM IN NO CONDITION TO SPEAK!!!" it yelled. Loudly.

Now cowering behind the seat, Twilight whimpered. "S-sorry!"

The biped groaned in response.

A long silence ensued between the two of them.

"Um..." Twilight broke said silence. "A-are you okay..?" she poked her head out from behind the chair, looking at the biped.

"I. Cannot. Move." the creature sighed.

Twilight almost giggled. "Well, being in a full-body cast does that to ponies..." she sat back down in the chair as she said this.

The creature looked back at Twilight. "Have you come to torture me?"

'Torture him? Why would I...' Twilight thought, going wide-eyed. "Why would I do that?" she asked.

Chuckling turned into coughing as the creature responded. "I'm no longer able to defend myself. Someone has removed the Blades from me." he nodded his head to a small metal table, where two bloody blades with chains hanging off of them laid. He sounded quite angry...

"The doctor said you'd get tetanus if you had those chains on for long."

"That doctor must not know about Ares..." he spat. "The Blades have been on my flesh for years!" he growled as he raised his voice.

"C-can you p-please stop doing that?" Twilight's ears flopped down. She didn't like when he raised his voice. Not one bit.

"Doing what?"


"You're wasting my time, talking horse," he said. "ZEUS!" he yelled.


- - - -

Zeus chuckled. He stood around a circular pool of water that had a green, glowing image of Kratos and a purple unicorn on it with his Olympian brothers. "Kratos is no longer a threat to Olympia." he sounded as though he could never stop saying it.

Hades joined Zeus' laughter. "He has been banished from our land, and even better, the Blades of Athena are no longer in his grasp!"

"Morons," Hera sneered at the Gods.

"Says the one who gulps down wine and spends her time tending to the gardens all day long!" the messenger of the Gods, Hermes, smirked as he ran past her with lightning-quick speed.

Hera just rolled her eyes, taking yet another sip out of her golden, jewel-encrusted goblet.

"Thank you, Hera." Zeus nodded to the goddess.

Hera sighed. "It's not a problem. At least someone appreciates me." she chuckled.

Hades groaned, and walked off.

"What do we do about the seas?" Helios asked.

Sighing, Zeus responded. "I'm not certain there is one who is worthy of taking the place of Poseidon. His death will not be forgotten."

Helios nodded, leaning against a carved stone pillar. "Now what about Kratos? You're just going to leave him in that strange land?"

"For as long as I breathe."

- - - -

Kratos was starting to get a slight headache. This horse kept asking questions, like, "Are you okay?" and "What's your name?" and such.

He didn't respond to any of them.

"I heard you talk." Twilight pushed on.

"I do not want to answer any of your questions." Kratos growled. "I need to get u- AGH!" he tried standing up, but in turn, yelled in pain. "U-ugh..." he groaned, laying back down in defeat.

"You need to relax." Twilight said. "You're going to re-break your bones if you do that too much," she advised.

Kratos just groaned. "How long will I be incarcerated in this personal hell!?" he demanded.

"A couple of months..." Twilight said carefully.

Kratos' eye twitched.

"Maybe six... Or more..." she continued in a low tone.

Kratos was glaring daggers at her...

Nope, scratch that, glaring swords at her.

No, scratch that, too. Kratos was giving her the 'I will rip your legs off, and shove them down your throat, and use you as a bloody maul.' look. In other words-

"I-I-I gotta go." the unicorn said nervously. "H-hope you get better!" she stood up.

And bolted out of the door.

Kratos shook his head. 'What manor of trick is this...' he wondered. He groaned, and laid his head back down onto his pillow.

Author's Note:

"All of my stories run on my theories, and my ideas. If you have a problem with them, move on, and have a good day. If you don't like it, don't read it. It's as simple as that.

"If you spot any grammatical problems, tell me. If you spot any punctuation problems, tell me. If you have a problem with the plot, I'll give you this and this only: It's my story. Not yours. If you want <insert your idea here> to happen, write it yourself, or stop bugging authors to make a story that they enjoy writing, into something that you would enjoy. In other words, your ideas are your ideas, and my ideas are my ideas. Don't try to force anything down my throat, or another's. Write it yourself, or it isn't going to happen."