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Unexpected Changes- Part 1

I was standing with my mother on the side of the street. I held a ball with a small turtle figurine inside, and tossed it around. After bouncing it a few times, it fell into the street...I chased after it. My mother reached out to me and screamed, “VERILY THY FEAST IS MOST GLORIOUS ON THIS DAY OF LUNAR CELIBRATION!”

My eyes broke open in realization it was a dream. I looked around to see I was in my bed, nothing special, just a small wood frame bed with a pillow and blanket. All the while, Luna practically laid in the Taj Mahal. Pillows surrounded her on a dark blue bed, silk screens hung from it, standing on the corners were wooden pillars, each engraved with a spiral design. I didn't care about any of it, what I did care about, is that she woke me up.


“LUNA! SHUT UP!” I screamed. She continued Royal Canterlocking in her sleep, “LUNA!” I screamed once more, but to no avail. I sighed to myself, “I guess now would be as good a time as any” I smiled to myself, pulling some small fireworks from underneath my pillow. I went into the bathroom, a mere ten feet away from Luna's bed. The inside was as white as snow, the porcelain walls and floor almost blinding in their radiance.

Where would be a good place to put these, I thought to myself. I looked over to my right to see the toilet, that works. I made a small hop to it, lifted the seat up, charged my horn with magic and put the fuses to it, lighting them. I then placed them in the toilet, making sure the fuses were safe from the water. I walked out whistling a kindly tune, and flew onto Luna's bed. I shook her a bit, and in a childish, groggy voice said, “Luna..” I yawned for effect, “Celestia says she wants to speak with you, she's in the toilet...”

Luna barely opened her eyes and got up from her bed, she made a slow trot into the bathroom. I heard Luna groan, “Yes, dear sister?” followed by the sound of an explosion. I made my way to the bedroom door, I had a feeling things were going to get out of hoof.

“SHIFTING SAAAAAAAAANDS!!” She screamed, causing the room to quake.

“We need more lemon pledge!” I shouted as I ran down the halls like a bat out of hell, turning as many corners as I could to keep her off my tail. This was a daily occurrence, it's how I kept fit. Passing through the halls of Canterlot Castle, the majestic panned glass, and the ruby colored rugs with golden accents on the edges. The eggshell colored walls and the occasional painting. This was my home for the past five years, Canterlot Castle.

I noticed a mirror, it must have been new because I'd never seen it before. In-fact, a month after I started living here, Celestia made sure to keep certain furniture out of the halls. I ran up to it and began looking at the edges, it looked like liquid space. Stars and the sun and moon floating in it, I thought it was pretty cool. Then I looked to my reflection, it took some time, but I finally adjusted to my new form, at least a little, “Hey, sexy changeling,” I said, making kissey faces at myself, “You are one sexy mother- shut yo mouth! I'm only talkin' about you! I can dig it.” I was honestly impressed my holes had managed to close up, it almost made me look normal.

I heard a sudden crash, I looked around to see what it could've been. It was just Luna, she smashed into one of the hall walls behind me, “MY WRATH SHALL CONSUME THEE IN A CLEANSING FIRE!”

I looked to myself in the mirror,“Run, Sands, RUN!”

I quickly threw up a brow and said, “How in the hell...”

My reflection leaned out the mirror and grabbed my face, “Don't question it, just run!” I listened to..me(?) and ran down the hall, Luna chasing me down. I turned the next corner on the right and flew onto the ceiling. Hopefully she wouldn't find me. Once she turned the corner she stopped, and started looking around. My heart was pounding, pulse racing, and I was sweating.

She began walking through the hall, her gaze going over almost everything in view. A bead of sweat rolled down my forehead and onto my nose. I took quick notice, and my heart began to beat even faster. It dropped off my face, and struck the ground. To me, it sounded like an atomic bomb. Luna, however, didn't notice. She just continued walking down the hall, as if nothing had happened.

And then I fell to the ground face first, I pulled my face out of it's new indent and screamed, “YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO NOTICE WHEN A DROP OF SWEAT TOUCHES THE GROUND!” The sapphire alicorn turned around with bared teeth and fire in her eyes, “Why on earth did I just do that!?” I facehoofed myself, “Luna, can we start ov-” I noticed she didn't have the usual look she gave me. A look of slight annoyance, she looked angry, ready to snap, “Luna...” I whimpered. I don't want this, I don't want this at all! I thought to myself.

Then things began to change, I started to see everything in thirty-two bits. A red ring surround the ground where Luna stood. The walls, window and everything around us, now gone. And in their place, nothing but white. I saw a white box with black edges appear above Luna's head, and mine as well. Inside them were green bars, our names were over them. Next to Luna's name was, “LV 32” and mine, “LV 28”. There was a return of familiarity, it comforted me, I no longer feared Luna, I stood my ground ready for battle.

Just as I had begun taking my steps toward Luna, there was a flash of red and orange. I couldn't look at it directly so I turned away. When the light had faded, everything had gone back to normal, and in the place of the sudden light burst was a bird. Philomena, Celestia's pet phoenix. It looked at me for a bit, then turned it's head to Luna, who had lost the angry look and had the “Somewhat annoyed” face on. Luna's expression must have been another glorious gift from my mother, no doubt. Philomena leaned it's head to the right, gesturing us to follow, and flew off down the halls.

Without hesitation I followed it, and lo and behold I ended up in the throne room, before Celestia. Luna just teleported in. Celestia looked at us from her throne and said, “What is it with you two? Every day and every night, it's the same thing. You two end up getting into some sort of argument and then, one way or another, destroy part of the castle.”

“We didn't destroy anything, today...” I lied, Innocently.

“'Tis true, sister, we've not destroyed anything.” Luna said, her eyes still half shut.

“Oh? Then mind telling me what the crash and explosions were about?” Celestia said expectantly. It was clearly a trap, there was no way I was gonna answer that.

“Shifting Sands laid waste to the throne.” Luna yawned out.


Celestia sighed, “What am I going to do with you two? You're family, yet you act like enemies.”

“It's not my fault Luna doesn't like me. I don't like her either. It's a simple matter of conflicting interest,” I folded my hooves, “I'm sure she'd try to get rid of me, if you weren't here.”

Luna perked up a bit, she seemed genuinely shocked at what she had heard, “Don't like you? Get rid of you? Shifting Sands, whilst we have our problems, I love you just as much as Celestia does.”

“You tried to spear me, just last week!”

“'Twas a fake! I've no intent to harm ye!”

“Enough!” Celestia shouted, “I think the problem with you two lies in your relationship. Perhaps you should spend more time together.”

“What's option B?” I asked, stroking my chin with my hoof.

“Would you really like to find out?” She gave a sly grin.

“No ma'am...” I withdrew, giving a smile and a small squee.

“Good,” She smiled, “Luna, at sunset I want you to go get a cake, bring Shifting Sands with you. It'll be a good way for you both to connect.”

“Yes, sister...” Luna barely managed to get out before collapsing to the ground, sleeping. It's not that she was just that tired, she was just that eager to end the day. I left her where she lay and gave my response to Celestia's suggestion

“Mom, I'm not so sure this is a good idea, me and Luna just don't like each other. What if she tries to hurt me while we're out?”

“Shifting Sands, come with me.”

“Can I take the usual spot?”

“Of course you can.” She said, giving a leisurely smile. Her horn began giving off a soft golden light, and I was covered in an aura of magic. I gently floated over to her, where I took my usual spot in her mane, “You know, one of these days, I'm going to break this little habit of yours.”

“Are we talking any time soon?”

“Maybe~” she giggled slightly.

The Canterlot Gardens. The place where flowers of all sorts, colors and effects grew, the place where even exotic wildlife lived. The scent of this place was more beautiful than anything back home, but I only came here if I were dragged into it. I preferred to stay away from it, for some reason.

“Shifting Sands, why do you think Luna hates you?” Celestia asked, walking through the garden, past the statues and flowers.

“Never really thought about it, I guess it's because I'm a changeling. My kind attacked Canterlot, and ponies haven't forgotten about it. Maybe Luna just wants to kill me to please her subjects, or to show she's not Nightmare Moon anymore.”

“Shifting, it would bring Luna to tears if she heard you say such things. You may not know this, but she worries about you more than I do.”

“What do you mean?”

“Remember when I told you about how you were kidnapped?”

“Yes, Variance, do you remember that day?” A genderless voice from my mind intruded.

“Yes, I remember...” I answered to them both.

“Well, after Luna learned about it, she created two enchanted statues of you. One of them lets her know where you are, the other tells her if you've been hurt.


“She worries you'll get hurt.”

“But she always attacks me!”

“So I've heard. But thinking about it now, I'm wondering if that really is the case.”

“What reason would she have for attacking me?!” I shouted.

“Tone, Shifting.”

“Sorry...what reason could she have for attacking me?”

“Hmm...” Celestia opened her wings and took to the sky, flying directly over the hedge maze, “Shifting Sands, look at the maze and tell me what you see.”

I squinted my eyes and concentrated as hard as I could, then it hit me, “I see it! I see! Absolutely bucking nothing.”

“Shifting Sands, watch your mouth!” Celestia said sternly, giving me her sharpest glare.

“Yes ma'am...” I resigned. I really hated the fact they could understand me, “I don't see anything, just a maze”

“Imagine you were in the maze, and there were dangers hidden in the twists and turns, and if you hit a dead end...well, you get the picture. How would you find your way through it and come out unscathed?”

“I couldn't, there's no way.”

“Alone, no. But that's what parents are for, we stay above the maze. And because of this, we can guide our children, teach them to recognize the dangerous traps that await.”

“I see...”

“Luna fell into one of those traps...the pain she felt was immeasurable. I think that's why she worries so much, because she's trying to make sure you don't fall into one. She's been there, and she knows how easy it would be for you.”

“She thinks I can't take care of myself? I can handle any situation that comes my way, and there's no way I'd do anything to hurt anypony.” I defended myself, internally cringing. It was hard lying to Celestia on such matters, but I had no choice. Every time I tried to tell her, Chrysalis stopped me, and I ended up saying nothing more than gibberish.

“Luna was overtaken by jealousy, though it was justified, it consumed her. And transformed her into something she wasn't,” She took a deep sigh, it was clear she didn't want to talk about this. She was really trying to be a good parent...it made me feel worse knowing that I would betray her, “Shifting Sands. Your kind attacked Canterlot and hurt hundreds of ponies. Many of them will look at you, and see nothing more than a monster. If simple jealousy could fester into such a being, then just imagine...”

“Mom, I'm not like that...” I said in a collected voice, trying to calm her down.

“I know, and neither was Luna. The point is, she's trying to guide you away from a path she tread, and she's trying in her own way. I won't claim to know the reasons for everything she does, but that is what I do know, so give her a chance to get closer to you, alright?

I nodded in agreement. Maybe she was right, maybe Luna really was trying to help me, somehow. I decided I would talk with her about this, about the attacks and even the statues I'd never seen. She knows herself better than anyone else, “Thank you for putting that into perspective.” I gave her a smile and hug. But something caught my attention, a sound in the air, it was too loud for me to bear, I covered my ears, “Mom, what's that sound?”

“What sound? I don't hear anything.”

“How can you not hear it!? It's so loud I think my ears are gonna bleed!”

“Shifting Sands?” She worriedly asked, “Shifting Sands are you alright?”

“No I'm not! Make it stop!” I gritted my teeth, that sound...it was getting louder. It sounded as if someone was screaming in anger and sorrow. What on earth could that be? I thought to myself, the more I listened, the more unsettled I felt.

I looked to the maze, wondering if anything down there could be causing it. I surveyed that entire maze, but I couldn't see anything, and that noise was getting closer, and more damning by the second. Where else could it be coming from?! The sky? My eyes shot upwards, and I examined as much as I could. Nothing, where on earth was it coming from? Come on, you must have missed it somewhere! Calm down, where is it? I thought to myself. I tried again and pushed my eyes all over the blue sky, then I saw it. It looked like a blast of green magic flying over head, “Mom! Up there!” I screamed aiming my hoof at the object.

“Up where?” She looked,“I don't see anything.” she looked back at me, her eyes were filled with worry.

“What do you mean you don't see anything?! You can't hear it! you can't see it! Why?!” A realization came over me, “Chrysalis! What are you doing to me?!” I screamed internally.

“I haven't done anything, this time. But it seems your maze just got a bit more complicated.”

I ignored her and looked back at the sky, and the blast seemed to be aiming for us, “Mom, it's coming right at us! Move!

“Shifting, there is nothing there, calm down.” The look of concern Celestia gave me, it worried me even more than that ball of agony coming our way, “I think it best we go inside.” She turned around and began flying back to the Castle, unfortunately she wasn't going at the pace I would've liked. At the speed that blast was coming, we wouldn't escape it. Or rather, I wouldn't. It struck me in the back, causing me to fall out of Celestia's mane and knocking me unconscious.

“Ian...Ian get up, you'll be late for the bus.” Said my mother, my human mother.

“Mom, it's Saturday. I don't need to go to school..” I replied with my eyes closed.

“Ian, it's Friday.”

“What!?” I screamed as I propelled myself forward, eyes bursting open. I looked to see my mother, her magenta eyes, radiant smile, and her brunette hair. As always, she dressed in a suit. She worked as a realtor, and as far as I know, she never missed a sale. She was an incredible woman, so loving and kind. But if I didn't make it to the bus in time, I would be seeing the ugly side of her, “I haven't even picked out my clothes!”

“I already picked them out.”

“What, really? Aren't I a bit old for my mom to pick my clothes?”

“Not if it actually does you a service. Now go take your shower, and get dressed.” She said pulling me out the bed, and pushing me out the door.

I ran to the bathroom down the hall, and grabbed the doorknob, “Ian...” My mother called out to me again. I turned my head to look at her, but instead I saw Chrysalis, “Did you miss me?”

“Chrysalis!? Y-You can't be here! You're...” I put my hands over my eyes, trying to reject this, “This isn't real, you're not real!”

“Oh, I'm very real, Variance.” She smiled

I took my hands off my eyes to see they were hooves again, “This...this isn't right. Earlier today, everything changed...then my mother...why didn't I notice?”

“Variance, do mama a favor.”

“Don't call yourself that! You're no mother of mine!!”

“Shh, my child. There's nothing to be afraid of. Mama's here.” She said as I realized I was back to my changeling form, “I'll make sure you grow up big and strong, and then you'll be the king you were always meant to be.”

I started backing up, “G-Get away...GET AWAY FROM ME!”

“Now, Variance, it's time to wake up!”

“AHHHHHH!” I screamed awakening into the real world, Celestia and Luna standing over me as I lay in my bed.

“Shifting sands, it's alright! It was just a dream!” Celestia said, trying calm me.

“Yes, forsooth, I believed ye to be mortally wounded when my sister broke through the door, raving like a madmare. But thou are free from harm..”

“Oh...sorry, I-I just...h-hey how about we go get that cake?” I asked, weakly.

“I think it's better you stay in bed, just to be safe about your condition.” Celestia stated with a worried expression.

“Mom, I'm fine.” I stood on my hind legs, “See? Perfectly alright!” I wobbled a bit, and held my head, “Mom, please, Luna will be there with me. If anything happens she can bring me back, safe and sound.” she looked to Luna, who gave a small nod, with an unsure smile.

“Alright... you can go get the cake...tomorrow. After you've had some rest.” Celestia said, leaving the room, leaving me and Luna alone. Luna, without much thought, went over to her game systems and began playing Sleeping Dogs.

I laid back down, closing my eyes, thinking about what had happened in my dream, how I hadn't noticed the world changing before me. I wondered if it happened before, and Chrysalis... Something about her didn't sit right with me, she was more vivid this time...was she doing something to me, again? Questions better asked when I have the strength, for now, I should focus on the main one, “Luna.”

“Yes, Shifting Sands?”

“Do you love me?” I opened my eyes and looked over to her. She sighed, sitting there, frozen. She paused the game and walked over to me.

“Shifting Sands, Celestia told me of your talk. Ye truly believed I hated you...”

“Do you...?”

“No. Shifting, I've told thee before, I love ye just as much as my sister. I would lay down my life for your safety.”

“What if I was a monster, what if I couldn't stop myself from hurting others? Would you both still love me then?”

“Though we would take drastic measures, thine place in our hearts would surely stay,” She hugged me, “We have a rough relationship, but a mother always takes care of her child.” She smiled to me and went back to playing her games.

Luna, you really are trying in your own special, psychotic way. It makes me happy to know that your brutal attempts on my life have some merit. I thought to myself and smiled, just as a strange anger started to overtake me. I began gritting my teeth, followed by a strong desire to leave Canterlot Castle. Why? I had such a happy moment not too long ago, I recognized the feeling from my first week in the castle, “Chrysalis!? What are you doing to me?!” I screamed internally.

She gave a small yawn and said, “Don't worry, it's a natural reaction to changelings from other hives.”

Changelings from other hives and a desire to rampage? That's not good, I had to get out of there, before Luna was forced to live up to her words,“H-Hey, Luna! I'm gonna go to the bathroom really quick! Hehheh” I got out of bed and ran out the open door, down the dimly lit halls, the only source of light being the moon through the windows.

“Remember not to leave the seat up! I fell in last time...” Luna shouted in reply.

“Where is this changeling? Who is it?” I asked Chrysalis, barely restraining myself from jumping out the windows.

“Considering how angry you are, only one changeling comes to mind, and if it's her, you've just made a big mistake in distancing yourself from the alicorn."

I stopped in my tracks. “I did what now?”

“Behind you.” A female voice whispered. It was calm and flowed like water, I turned around to see who said it and saw a changeling hidden in shadows.

“Chrysalis!?” I jumped back, shocked.

“Sorry, but no. While it is true we have similar figures,” The shadowed changeling's eyes began to glow turquoise. Soon after she started walking towards me, into a small glimmer of moonlight, revealing a red flowing mane and a long, curved horn, with a large cut down it's side, “The differences between us are much more than you can imagine.”

“Variance, I want you to say hello to Cicada, leading specialist in assassination and intelligence gathering."

“Hello...” I whimpered, uttering nothing more than a small squeak.

“Hello,” she casually said, walking towards me. “Nephew.”