• Published 25th May 2024
  • 174 Views, 72 Comments

Escape from Arora Ridge Quarry - Glimbursts

Earth Ponies are mysteriously vanishing, and Sunny has the bright idea of playing bait. However, this backfires and she finds herself in over her head. Will her friends be able to rescue her and the other creatures trapped in the Arora Ridge Quarry?

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Chapter Four – Meet Moondust Twinkle

After that morning’s meeting, despite their reservations, Zipp and Hitch threw themselves into planning. If Sunny was going to play bait, they were going to ensure that she was as safe as possible.

Meanwhile, Misty spent time working with Sunny throughout the day. The messaging spell was simple enough and once it had been explained to her, Sunny had no issues casting it. Despite this, Misty had her practice and practice over and over, just to be sure.

They started to look at teleportation. However, just like every time previously, Sunny continued to appear the wrong way up. Misty was starting to think Sunny's mind was wired differently from hers, nothing seemed to work.

Izzy and Pipp meanwhile started planning Sunny’s disguise. The problem was they had far too many ideas and options. Therefore, Pipp decided they’d just go with the flow the following morning.

So, the following morning, Pipp led Sunny and Izzy towards Mane Melody. All three were excited but Sunny seemed to be even more so. She giggled and laughed as she walked along and wasn’t paying attention. Pipp grunted as Sunny bumped into her for the third time. “Woah, Sunny. It’s a good job you’re not skating. You’d be crashing all over the place.”

Sunny laughed as her powers activated. “I’m sorry, Pipp. I’m just buzzing! This is all so exciting, eee!”

Izzy looked on worriedly as Sunny fluttered her wings. “Sunny, I thought you had control of your powers. They’d better not pop out like that later.”

“Oh, don’t worry, Izzy. I do have control of them,” Sunny responded reassuringly. “I could have easily stopped them just now, but I feel like a big ball of excited energy! I want to let it all out before it gets serious later. Honestly, maybe I should have gone for a quick skate around town this morning. Going really fast would do it!”

“Yas, that’s the way, Sunny,” Pipp grinned. “I often try to work through performance jitters like that. Get them all out of your system before it’s time to get serious.”

“But Sunny doesn’t look jittery to me,” Izzy frowned. “She’s excited like it’s the first day of Wishiehoof, or it’s the first day of Summer. Ooh ooh, or the first day of Autumn with all those crunchy leaves to play in. You can make great big piles of them then crash into them to make them go flying!”

Sunny laughed as she shook her head. “It’s nearly the same thing, Izzy. I want to rescue the missing Earth Ponies as quickly as possible. If Minty Cloudstrike doesn’t appear then I’ll need to be taken, then I’ll be able to have a one-on-one with her.”

Pipp suddenly looked worriedly at Sunny. “What? Are you serious, Sunny?” she gasped. “Can’t we just catch whoever tries to take you?”

“Maybe, but it will be fine, Pipp,” Sunny reassured. “I’ve got the messaging spell down. Misty made sure of it. If things look really bad I should be able to escape.”

“Ooh, like teleporting away?” Izzy asked.

Sunny groaned and looked frustrated, “No, not yet. I still appear upside down and it’s massively disorienting. I can’t go far either.”

“Okay, well we’ll make sure this is the best disguise ever,” Izzy smiled. “I trust you, Sunny. I know you’ll talk some sense into Minty Cloudstrike.”

“I’m not sure it’s a case of talking sense into her,” Sunny admitted. “It’s reassuring her that Pegasus history is important. Also, hearing what problems there are and making sure that things are done about them.”

“Like houses,” Pipp agreed. “Mum already knows there’s a shortage. There’s a whole neighbourhood of really old tower blocks she wants to knock down and replace with new ones. Most of the flats and apartments there are so disgusting. It’s no wonder nopony wants to live in them.”

“Okay, so what this situation needs is for everypony to sit down and talk,” Sunny grinned. “If Minty and Queen Haven have a discussion, I bet all the problems can be solved.”

“Of course they can,” Izzy beamed optimistically.

“Sure, they can, mum can’t fix things if she doesn’t know what needs fixing,” Pipp agreed.

They soon arrived at Mane Melody and headed inside. Pipp grinned as she saw Jazz had pulled out multiple trollies of supplies and positioned them around one of the treatment chairs. “Oh, thank you, Jazz. You didn’t have any trouble clearing the morning appointments, did you?”

“Well, there was one,” Jazz smiled. “But I came in early and gave Posey’s mane its weekly shampoo.”

“Came in early,” Pipp echoed with concern. “You didn’t need to do that. Especially for Posey of all ponies.”

“Oh, no it’s fine, Pipp,” Jass reassured. “Besides, I’d prefer to keep Posey happy. When you get trapped with somepony you learn things about them you never realised.”

Izzy frowned and looked confused, “Trapped?”

“Posey and Jazz were caught by Opaline,” Sunny reminded. “They spent the night trapped in her castle together.”4

“Not to mention the struggle getting back,” Jazz shuddered.

“Oh! I completely forgot about that,” Pipp gasped. “I’m sorry, Jazz.”

“It’s okay, I’d prefer it if we forget about it,” Jazz responded brightly. “But on the bright side, I learnt things about Posey I never realised. Things I promised to keep to myself.”

“Ah, say no more,” Pipp grinned. “Make sure you log down that extra time though.”

Jazz gasped and looked surprised. “Oh, okay. I’ll do that. So, what’s happening here? Why did you need me to clear the appointments and get all this ready? Everything we have that’s washable is here, are you experimenting on somepony?”

“You might say that,” Sunny grinned as she sat in the treatment chair.

Izzy narrowed her eyes and smirked seriously as she got close to Jazz so she could whisper. “Don’t tell anypony, Sunny has a secret mission and needs a top-secret disguise.”

“When we’re done, we need to ensure nopony will recognise her,” Pipp gushed excitedly. “We’re about to give her a whole new look!”

Sunny grinned as she bounced up and down in the chair and clapped her hoofs together. “Okay, as long as these will all wash out then let’s do this.”

“You’re a braver pony than I am, Sunny,” Jazz gasped as Pipp and Izzy got started. “But if you’re serious, I’d suggest coat colour first.”

That afternoon, Queen Haven was sitting trying to enjoy a cup of coffee when Zoom burst through the doors to her throne room.

“Sorry to interrupt your coffee break, Your Majesty,” Zoom gasped as she skidded to a stop. “The Marestream is on approach, you said you wanted to know.”

“Oh, my hoofness,” Queen Haven gasped as she put down the cup. “Yes, I did want to know. Thank You, Zoom. We must head out to meet them. Come, Cloudpuff.”

Cloudpuff yapped in response as Queen Haven got up from her throne. Then, she hurried from the throne room with both Zoom and Cloudpuff in pursuit.

Outside, the Marestream was just touching down on the landing pad as Queen Haven exited the castle. She hurried towards it as Zipp, Pipp and the others exited. Her daughters ran towards her and flung their hoofs around her. “Mom!” they chorused.

“Oh, my darlings,” Queen Haven smiled as she put her hoofs around them both. “It has been far too long again. I can never get to see you as often as I’d like.”

“We know,” Pipp smiled. “It just makes seeing you feel even better.”

Queen Haven sighed as they pulled away and she looked around the group with worry. “Oh, I wish it wasn’t under circumstances like this though. I don’t think Sunny acting as bait will work. Especially as we don’t know for sure what’s happening.”

“Err, Your Majesty,” Zoom frowned. “Sunny Starscout isn’t here.”

Queen Haven looked around the group with concern. She looked questioningly at Pipp and Zipp as they were accosted by Cloudpuff. Suddenly, she realised there was a pony in the group she didn’t recognise.

Hiding shyly at the back with Misty was a black Earth Pony mare with a silver-grey mane and tail. “Wait, who’s that with Misty? Is it a new friend?”

Pipp grinned and managed to suppress a giggle. “Oh of course. Mum, you have to meet our new friend, Moondust Twinkle. Moondust, don’t be shy, come and meet Queen Haven.”

‘Moondust’ gasped and carefully walked forward shyly.

“I...It’s an honour to meet you, Queen Haven,” she said in a soft voice.

“Ah, it’s lovely to meet you too, Moondust. I’m sorry we couldn’t meet at a better time,” Queen Haven replied. “Zipp, where is Sunny? I need to talk some sense into her. There is no way anypony is going to see her and not recognise her. This playing bait plan isn’t going to work.”

“I’d like to agree with you, Mom,” Zipp sighed. “But you’ve just proven the flaw in that argument.”

“The talents of Pipp and Izzy,” Hitch sighed. “I don’t like the plan either, but you’ll find you actually know Moondust better than you realise.”

Queen Haven looked at ‘Moondust’ with surprise and shock. “Wait? No, you’re not telling me...”

‘Moondust’ grinned and there was a flash as a golden orange horn appeared on her head and a pair of wings on her back.

“I’m sorry, Queen Haven,” Sunny giggled. “I’ve been arguing with Zipp and Hitch all the way here. I knew you wouldn’t recognise me.”

“Oh, my hoofness,” Queen Haven gasped. “I truly had no idea it was you, Sunny. Even your cutie mark is different.”

Sunny grinned as she looked back at her right flank. It was true, her normal cutie mark had been covered over. Instead, there was an image of the moon being trailed by a streak of dust. A series of sparkles around it.

“That’s my doing,” Izzy grinned.

“We knew it had to be perfect,” Pipp smiled. “This is Sunny’s safety we're talking about here.”

“Okay, if disguises are getting that advanced. I need to review castle security,” Zoom frowned.

Queen Haven pretended she hadn’t heard that and sighed with resignation. “There really is no stopping you from doing this, is there?”

“I’ll be wearing a tracker and will be in contact the whole time via an earpiece,” Sunny explained. “I know this could be dangerous, but I’m doing it to find and save those Ponies who have gone missing.”

“Hopefully, Sunny won’t be taken at all,” Hitch added. “Hopefully, we’ll catch the culprit in the act and get them to reveal the location of the missing ponies.”

Queen Haven let out a deep sigh. “Okay, whilst I don’t like it, I admit I’m deeply worried about the missing ponies and the problems their disappearances could cause.

“I don’t want there to be renewed anger between Pegasi and Earth Ponies and, what with the protests, that’s exactly what’s happening. Sunny, please promise me you’ll be careful.”

“I will, Queen Haven, I promise,” Sunny smiled. “Don’t worry, you can count on me. I’ll do my best to speak with Minty Cloudstrike too and try to calm the Pegasus for Pegasi movement. I’m sure that whatever their issues are, you’ll be able to fix them. You just need them to tell you what they are.”

“Thank you, Sunny,” Queen Haven smiled gratefully. “But the sooner tomorrow morning comes, and you're safe and well, the better.”

Sometime later, a base of operations had been set up in one of the park's buildings. Members of the Castle Guard that had been borrowed for the operation were preparing themselves.

Meanwhile, Zipp and Hitch stood on either side of a map of the park. Both watched Sunny as she studied the red line that had been drawn on it.

“So, you want me to take this exact route?” Sunny frowned. “Why can’t I just walk around anywhere?”

“Because there will be ponies hiding along this route,” Zipp explained.

“They’ll all be ready to act as soon as something happens,” Hitch added.

Zipp gestured towards a small computer desk which had multiple screens on it. “I’ll be sat here monitoring your every step. You need to keep on course so I can predict what’s happening.”

Sunny sighed and looked dubiously at the map. Hitch groaned and shook his head. “Sunny, you need to realise this is really, really dangerous. You could end up trapped anywhere.”

“Hitch, I doubt Pegasus for Pegasi will whisk me off that quickly,” Sunny smiled.

“No, they won’t,” Zipp sighed. “But there is still a chance that this isn’t them. This could be something else.”

“You said it yourself, Zipp. Minty Cloudstrike is the primary suspect,” Sunny responded.

“Yes, but there’s also innocent until proven guilty,” Hitch groaned. “We’ve nothing that links her to this for certain.”

“I’m still waiting for access to look for anything that could,” Zipp explained. “That’s why this is so silly and dangerous. It’s too early.”

Sunny took a deep breath and sighed. “Okay, okay. I hear you. I’ll stick to this route, and I’ll make sure I’m in continual contact with you. It will be fine though, I’ve got this. If things start looking really bad, I’ll activate my powers and fly away.”

“I just hope you have time to,” Hitch groaned. “There is a complication. For the culprit to have access for this to work the park can’t be closed, it has to be open. You should try to avoid other ponies as much as possible. We don’t want members of the public to get in the way should things start happening.”

“Okay, so how do I do that if I’m supposed to follow a route?” Sunny frowned.

“Turn around and follow the route the opposite way,” Zipp explained. “Only stray from the route if there’s no other option. The park should be quiet though so it should be fine.”

“And I’ll keep you informed at all times,” Sunny smiled. “Got it, instructions all received and understood. Could we get the tracker and earpiece set up? You both want me to be careful. So, let’s be careful and make sure those are hidden and work.”

Zipp and Hitch both looked at each other and sighed. There really was no going back now.

As darkness started to fall over Zephyr Heights everypony got into position. Despite there still being plenty of light, Sunny began walking the route. However, this turned out to be a good thing.

Sunny frowned as she approached a fork in the path next to a bench. She couldn’t remember if she went straight here or turned. She chose the one she thought was right, but an angry Zipp immediately shouted in her ear over the radio. “Sunny! It’s left at that bench, not straight ahead.”

Sunny grimaced, holding a hoof up to her now ringing ear. “Zipp, not so loud,” she protested. “I’m sorry, I thought I turned left at the next one. If I get it wrong, please don’t shout at me.”

“I’m sorry, Sunny,” Zipp sighed. “I just thought you said you understood how important staying on the route was.”

“I do,” Sunny protested. “It’s just remembering all the turns. I’ll get it right, I promise. Just guide me if I go wrong to start with.”

“What, like now?” Zipp chuckled. “It’s a right at that bin, not left,”

“Urgh, that’s because I’m talking to you!” Sunny groaned as she turned around.

“I know, I know,” Zipp laughed. “Come back here to double-check the map. Then we’ll take it from the top.”

It wasn’t that long later until Sunny had gotten used to the route. She was soon making the turns automatically.

This meant that she started to enjoy the park. From the colourful formal flower beds to the wilder-looking shrubbery. She admired the design of it, the way a stream ran through the middle looked natural. Not pony made.

Then, as the sun went down, she began to admire the reflection of the colours in the glass of the tower blocks all around the park. Everything was bathed in a golden aura which looked breathtaking. It was all quite enjoyable, even if she had to keep to a set route.

However, this started to change after it got dark. As it became more difficult to see, Sunny started to hate the fact she was walking the same route. She plodded along with a half-interested expression on her face. Suddenly, she started to wonder how long she’d have to keep going.

Meanwhile, Hitch groaned as he peered through the darkness from his hiding spot. “Pipp,” he hissed into the radio. “You could have chosen a different colour to black. I can’t tell when Sunny’s walking past. I think I missed her!”

“Hey, it’s a completely different colour to what anypony would expect Sunny to be,” Pipp responded. “Also, it goes well with her eyes. Gives her a spooky vibe.”

“Well, safety is more important than spooky,” Hitch hissed.

Suddenly, the radio crackled into life with a new voice. “This is Zoom at the North Entrance. We’ve got a group of five Pegasi entering the park. Appears they’ve been out partying. Let’s just say they’re in high spirits.”

Sunny frowned, suddenly starting to take notice of what was happening around her. “Understood, thank you.”

Then, there was another voice. “Thunder here at the East Entrance. Got a group entering here too. Three Pegasi, I think they have Pegasus for Pegasi badges.”

“Sunny,” Zipp hissed urgently. “You’re likely to run into the north group. Hopefully, the east group will bypass you.”

“Understood, Zipp,” Sunny whispered. “Thank you, Thunder.”

Sunny was now on high alert and her ears twitched back and forth from left to right. She could hear the group of Pegasi from the north. They certainly were in high spirits and were quite rowdy. Sunny had to admit, she didn’t want to run into them anyway.

She reached the bench where she’d failed to turn earlier. However, she realised the rowdy Pegasi were just up ahead on her route. She stopped and listened, confirming her suspicions. They were coming towards her.

“I’m at the bench, the north group are on my route ahead and coming closer,” she advised. “I’m turning back to avoid them.”

“Understood,” Zipp responded. “Everypony, high alert.”

Sunny did as she’d advised. However, she hadn’t gone far when she gasped and stopped again. The group from the east had gotten behind her somehow.

Her heart racing, she turned around again and tried to think of a way out. Suddenly, she remembered the radio. “I’ve turned around again, the east group were behind me,” she hissed. “I’ll have to go straight at the bench and then try and get back on route as soon as I can.”

“Shoot, yes do th… Wait, no! This could be it!” Zipp gasped. “Sit on the bench and let them come to you. It’s right by where Pipp’s hiding.”

“Pipp here, I’ll still have a visual if Sunny goes straight.”

“No! It’s a pincer movement!” Zipp insisted. “Sunny, sit on the bench then we’ll have control of the situation. Everypony, be ready to move on my signal.”

Sunny gasped as she reached the bench. “But what am I doing on the bench? I’ll look so strange just sitting there.”

Sunny gasped as a comic book suddenly came flying from a nearby bush. “Use this,” Pipp instructed.

“What?” Zipp questioned.

Sunny grinned as she picked up the comic and sat on the bench. Feeling glad there was a light above so she could see it. “Doesn't matter Zipp, sat on the bench as instructed.”

“Good,” Zipp sighed. “Everypony be ready to move.”

Sunny’s heart continued to race as she tried to focus on the comic. She heard the hoofs of the group of three Pegasi getting closer and closer. Then, she couldn’t help frowning as she realised, they’d walked past.

“Pipp here, the Pegasi from the east have walked straight past without paying any attention to Sunny. I can see the North group approaching.”

“Sunny, stay put,” Zipp instructed.

Sunny gulped and continued to focus on the comic. She could hear the rowdy north group getting closer as they laughed and joked with each other. They got closer and closer until.

“Pipp here, the north group have passed by as well. They turned and followed the other group.”

“Okay, situation normal everypony,” Zipp sighed. “They were just members of the public. Sunny, when your ready resume your route.”

Sunny let out a deep sigh of relief. She’d gotten so caught up in the moment, that she’d forgotten that getting caught was exactly why she was there. “Okay, resuming.”

She got up from the bench and placed the comic under it. However, just as she was about to turn the corner, a flash of fire appeared in front of her.

Sunny gasped as a strange-looking creature appeared from the flames. However, before her brain could even process exactly what was standing in front of her, the creature fired a beam of magic at her.

Sunny squeaked with surprise as the beam streaked towards her. With no time to react, it hit her and there was a flash as she disappeared.

Her earpiece and tracker seemed to hover in the air for a moment before falling to the ground. Instantaneously, the creature was enveloped in another ball of fire and also disappeared completely.

From her hiding place, Pipp had seen everything and looked on with widened eyes and bated breath. Blinking she finally realised what had just happened.


To be continued...

Author's Note:

4 - Posy and Jazz were both captured by Opaline and used to test her cutie mark-stealing vines. They spent the night in the castle dungeon before taking their cutie marks and letting them go the following morning. It took them a while to find their way back to Maretime Bay.