• Published 25th May 2024
  • 171 Views, 72 Comments

Escape from Arora Ridge Quarry - Glimbursts

Earth Ponies are mysteriously vanishing, and Sunny has the bright idea of playing bait. However, this backfires and she finds herself in over her head. Will her friends be able to rescue her and the other creatures trapped in the Arora Ridge Quarry?

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Sugar Moonlight grinned as she led Lily and Rosedust towards a tall block of flats in downtown Zephyr Heights. It had been a long trip from Maretime Bay and all three were looking forward to a rest. However, as they approached the building, Rosedust looked more and more unhappy. “Are you sure this is the right place, Sugar?” She asked as she looked over her sunglasses at the building.

The building looked like it had seen better days. The exterior cladding may have at one time been white. However, this had faded to grey over time. Streaks of black mess ran down it from every horizontal surface. Green streaks also ran down the sides from various outlets. There was also graffiti daubed at various places around the building.

Sugar grimaced slightly but put on a brave smile. “Don’t judge a book by its cover. This is a huge opportunity for us, remember.”

“Well, it had better be better inside,” Rosedust sniffed.

“I think we wait and see,” Lily smiled optimistically. “It’s the only place we could get.”

First impressions of the inside of the building were no better than the outside. The entrance was dank and had an odd smell. Litter was scattered all over the place. The lift had clearly seen better days and had a notice saying out of order.

The trio therefore headed towards the stairs. The stairwells had an even stronger smell. They were concrete and utilitarian, piles of rubbish gathered in the corners. More graffiti was daubed around as well, and they looked worriedly at some of the Anti-Unity slogans.

“The apartment itself will be better,” Sugar promised.

“I’ll believe it when I see it,” Rosedust muttered.

When they found the apartment Sugar opened the door with excitement. She entered first, followed quickly by an equally excited Lily. However, as they looked around their excitement melted away.

“Knew it,” Rosedust sighed.

The apartment was furnished but there was a musty smell. The walls had dated wallpaper which upon inspection had black damp marks in the corners. The kitchen was just as dated too, the oven looking like it had come out from the previous century. However, it looked relatively clean at least.

Rosedust looked disgusted as she looked at the three single beds in the only bedroom. “So, tell me why we left Maretime Bay again?”

“Because the Twinkle Sky Modelling Agency is the best in Equestria,” Lily responded. “We need to live in Zephyr Heights if we want to make it big with them.”

“Lily’s right,” Sugar added optimistically. “This place is just a stopgap. We’re one hoof away from the big leagues thanks to all our hard work with social media.”

“And you’re sure we’ll make the big leagues?” Rosedust frowned.

“Of course we will,” Sugar grinned. “Once we get some work then we’ll all be able to afford our own places.”

Rosedust frowned and turned her nose up doubtfully. “Oh, and how do we get work?”

“We do what our agent says,” Sugar smiled brightly. “Trust me, he’s the best there is. Before we know it, we’ll all be moving out of here.”

Lily grinned as she put a hoof over Sugar’s shoulder. “Sugar’s right, she’s not led us wrong since CanterLogic closed.”

Rosedust sighed and finally looked a little more positive. “Okay, forming the Filly Four to take on social media together was genius. Even though we kept having to get to know new ponies for the fourth slot.”

Sugar held a hoof to her mouth as she giggled, “I can’t even remember the name of that last Unicorn.”

“I think it was Minty,” Lily replied. “Wait no, Milly.”

“No that wasn’t it,” Rosedust chuckled. “I thought it was Marcy.”

“It was something like that,” Sugar laughed. “It doesn’t matter, whoever she was she’s a nopony to us now. Let’s just try and make this place a little more habitable. Then, we’ll find out what we need to do and be out of here as soon as possible.”

However, the first months for the trio were hard. They were paid a basic rate by the Agency for just being on their books. The problem was that even by putting all three pay checks together, they couldn’t make the rent payments. Therefore, all three were forced to use their savings to make up the shortfall and pay for essentials.

They were walking together on their way back from the castle. Having been lucky enough to be in the Together Tree Garden when Sunny and her friends defeated Opaline.

“I can’t believe we got to see the Queen up close,” Rosedust smiled.

“I know right,” Sugar grinned. “I thought it was great to finally meet our Agent face to face too.”

“Oh, that was brilliant as well,” Rosedust giggled. “I knew he was going to be a hottie.”

“He’s married you know,” Lily sighed.

Sugar laughed and shook her head. “From the sound of it, it shouldn’t be too much longer until we get some actual modelling work.”

“You’re right there, Sugar,” Rosedust responded with a smirk.

“Fortunately, I’ve still got enough savings to cover my contribution to this month's rent,” Sugar continued. “By next month, we should be on our way to getting out of that horrible apartment.”

“I hope you're right, Sugar,” Lily agreed.

As they continued to walk, Rosedust started hanging back and indicated for Lily to do the same.

“What is it?” Lily asked.

“Just to let you in on a secret, I’ve already been getting lots of work,” Rosedust smirked.

“Y…You have?” Lily gasped. “Well, I did get a little work last week. I’m worried though, I don’t think Sugar’s gotten any yet.”

“Trust me, we’ll be out of that flat way before Sugar,” Rosedust advised. “If you wait for her, you’ll be stuck there for moons.”

With that, Rosedust picked up speed to catch up to Sugar. Lily blinked with confusion, feeling very conflicted. However, she grunted as she felt a tickle in the back of her throat. A tickle she’d been feeling since they’d moved into the apartment and was getting worse. She sighed as she realised, she didn’t have a choice. She had to get out as soon as possible.

Time passed and despite Sugar’s optimism she found work wasn’t forthcoming. She sighed as she exited the Pawn Shop. “I’d better get some work soon,” she muttered. “I don’t have much left. I really liked those sunglasses.”

She sighed as she arrived back at the block. As she entered, she found the lift was once again out of order, not that she trusted it anyway. She grimaced as she avoided the pile of rubbish in the stairwell which was clearly getting bigger. As she reached the apartment she couldn’t help sighing with relief.

“Lily, Rosedust, you here?” she called as she opened the door.

Sugar stepped inside and gasped as she nearly tripped over on a pair of saddlebags. She frowned in confusion before calling out again. “Lily? Rosedust? Where are you?”

Lily gasped as she appeared from the bathroom, clutching a few toiletry items. “Oh, Sugar. I didn’t think you would be back yet.”

“W…What’s going on?” Sugar frowned. “Where’s Rosedust?”

Lily sighed as she headed to the saddlebags, depositing the toiletries inside before closing the flap. She gulped before looking back at Sugar with a guilty expression.

“Truth is, we’re both moving out,” Lily admitted. “We’ve both got enough money to afford our own places.”

Sugar’s eyes widened as she took a step backwards in shock, “W…What, how?”

“Well, we’ve got enough modelling work on to pay for our own places,” Lily replied. “I’m sorry Sugar, I can’t stay here a moment longer. You were right about needing it but something’s affecting my health here and I need to get away before it gets any worse.”

The colour drained from Sugar's face, “B…but I’ve not done any work. I call our agent daily, but all he says is there’s nothing coming up for me. He tells me what to put on the socials but nothing changes.”

Lily sighed before coughing and trying to clear her throat. “I really don’t understand why not. Honestly, you’re a brilliant model, Sugar. I’m really sorry, but I can’t stay here anymore. It’s not doing my throat any good.”

“B…But, Lily,” Sugar pleaded. “I won’t be able to afford the rent on my own. Please, you’ve got to help me. C…Couldn’t I maybe move with you? I…I’ll cook and clean and do all the shopping and… and…”

Lily sighed as she shook her head. “My new place is only for one pony. That’s how I can afford it.”

“Lily, we’ve been through so much together, please,” Sugar begged. “You’ve got to help me somehow.”

“I’m sorry, I can’t afford to pay your rent as well as mine,” Lily replied. “To be honest, I only really became your friend in the first place to get noticed in the modelling world. But you’ve been a great friend, Sugar. I honestly really like you and I’m sorry I can’t help you. If our friendship ends here, I’ll understand.”

Sugar blinked and looked on with shock as Lily picked up her saddle bags. Without another word, Lily walked out the apartment. Then, with a final sorrow filled look, closed the door behind her.

Sugar sat down in shock, her mouth going dry as she stared blankly at the door.

After both Rosebud and Lily left, Sugar phoned her agent daily asking for work. She hadn’t wanted to sound desperate, but as time went on, that was what she became. Eventually, this seemed to pay off as she finally got on a photo shoot. However, it wasn’t modelling anything fancy, just household cleaning products.

Sugar wasn’t sure that they’d even include her face in the advertisements. It was the kind of thing that she had told herself she’d never model for. However, it meant she could just about make her next rent payment with the last of her savings.

Then, after phoning her agent, she got the worst news possible.

“What do you mean I’m being let go!” she exclaimed.

“Sugar, sweetheart, it’s just you’re not wanted by anypony.”

“But…But we have a contract.”

“No, we had a contract. Check your copy, darling. Paragraph 14, subsection 2A. It states that the agency will carry out regular reviews of the models on our books. Anypony not receiving enough work will have their contract terminated.”

“You don’t understand. I need this work, there’s no way I can even afford the rent without it. I did everything you told me to do. How can you just drop me like this?”

“Listen, Sugar. Sweet name ‘n all but someponys have it and someponys don’t. It’s a cutthroat world out there and we ain’t payin’ you for doing nothing.”

With that, the agent hung up, leaving a mortified Sugar standing holding the phone to her ear as the dial tone played.

Knowing full well that she needed money. Sugar immediately began searching for a job. Anything that would allow her to pay the rent.

She searched newspapers, she searched websites, she searched social media. She applied for anything and everything she could. However, she never got a response from any of them. As a result, the next rent payment day came, and Sugar was unable to pay.

She reassured herself that there would be some leeway. That it would be a few months of non-payments before she’d face eviction. However, she returned late one evening to find a letter on the doormat.

Frowning, she picked it up and opened it. Then, her blood run cold as she read it was an eviction notice.

“No, that can’t be right,” she said to herself. “It can’t be.”

She hurried to her bedroom and opened one of the drawers in the bedside cabinet. She searched through it until she found the rental agreement. Desperately, she read through it. Her eyes widened as she read the confirmation that she didn’t want to see.

“How?” she gasped as her mouth turned dry. “How can they just evict me like this?”

Feeling numb, she looked around the flat. Confirming what she already knew, everything she could see had come with it. It wasn’t hers.

“I…I need some air,” she decided.

With that, she headed out the door and walked towards a nearby park. She had no idea the adventure that awaited her.