• Published 25th May 2024
  • 171 Views, 72 Comments

Escape from Arora Ridge Quarry - Glimbursts

Earth Ponies are mysteriously vanishing, and Sunny has the bright idea of playing bait. However, this backfires and she finds herself in over her head. Will her friends be able to rescue her and the other creatures trapped in the Arora Ridge Quarry?

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Chapter Two – Stick to the Basics

Whilst Sunny and Hitch were opening a new building, Misty was walking through Bridlewood with a massive grin on her face. She was heading towards the Crystal Tea Room for what had now become a weekly occasion. Afternoon tea with her dad, Alphabittle.

She was still beaming as she entered the tearoom. It was mostly quiet, but it was clear Alphabittle was in conversation with somepony. A strawberry red unicorn mare with a light cream mane and tail. Misty took no notice of the conversation; she looked over to the table they normally used and smiled as she spotted the reserved label. Other than the word ‘reserved’ there was an image of a butterfly on it.

Therefore, she trotted over and sat down. However, as she waited, she couldn’t help listening to the conversation.

“Strawberry, it doesn’t matter that you’re teaching at the magic school,” Alphabittle sighed. “The books that are coming out of the old Canterlot library need to be vetted before they are reproduced.”

“So why can’t I help vet them?” Strawberry grumbled. “I’ve got a treehouse full of magic books. I’ve studied magic my whole life, now we can actually use it I’m the most advanced of any of us.”

Alphabittle sighed as he poured water into a teapot. “Need I remind you that the school can only teach magic from officially vetted books.”

“Oh, I know that and it’s another stupid rule,” Strawberry frowned. “I told you. I know more than anypony.”

“You don’t know more than Starlight Glimmer or Sunset Shimmer,” Alphabittle argued. “They taught magic to the Guardians of Unity. That means they are the ones who know the most about magic, not you.”

“Oh, it always comes back to the Guardians of Unity,” Strawberry huffed. “What’s so special about them?”

“They’ve seen what magic can do in the wrong hoofs,” Alphabittle explained. “Queen Haven agrees with the Elders, we need to be careful as we rediscover magic. One wrong spell could cause serious harm. The Guardians have been taught what to look out for. Therefore, they ensure the books that are reproduced are safe. Not you.”

Strawberry narrowed her eyes, taking a step back from the counter. “You know, I thought you’d support me,” she growled. “It seems I’ll have to take this up with Queen Haven on my own. I’ll show her what I’ve learned and that I understand magic just as much as those Guardians.”

With that, she turned and flounced away. The doorbell tinkled as she exited.

Alphabittle sighed as he retrieved a tray of cakes from under the counter. He picked up the teapot in his magic too before heading towards where Misty was sitting. He sighed as he placed the cakes on the table and began pouring the tea. “I’m sorry you had to hear all that, Misty.”

Misty looked on worriedly as she watched the tea pouring into her cup. “Who was that? Why’s she so upset with me?”

Alphabittle sighed as he placed the teapot on a mat. “She’s Strawberry Sunflash. She’s a teacher at the new School of Magic.”

Misty couldn’t help frowning with confusion as she blew on her tea. “There’s a School of Magic?”

“It was Queen Haven’s idea,” Alphabittle explained. “When Pegasi started flying again they had lots of injuries. So, they set up a flying school in Zephyr Heights for those who are struggling. She thought something similar would be good for Unicorns to learn magic.

“Strawberry was a teacher before magic returned. We never realised that she’d been collecting magic books from somewhere and studying them. I’d say after you, she’s the most advanced magic user.”

“So, she’s upset because she wants more books,” Misty frowned. “But I’ve been working so hard. I…I even made myself ill.”

“Oh, Misty no,” Alphabittle sighed looking worried. “How?”

“I was staying up too late,” Misty admitted. “So, I wasn’t getting enough sleep. Sunny made me promise to spend only so much each day going through the books. There’s a storeroom full of them at the Brighthouse and they keep bringing more. I don’t think I’ll ever get through them all.”

“Can’t the other’s help?” Alphabittle asked.

“Not really,” Misty sighed. “Starlight made sure I understood how spells are written so I know what they will do. Izzy’s magic doesn’t go far enough for her to understand and she gets sidetracked. Whilst Sunny can cast more advanced spells, she struggles to understand written incantations. I’m basically on my own.”

“Just keep doing as much as you can,” Alphabittle smiled. “We’re all still learning about the basics. Strawberry is just being greedy, she can wait.”

“She sounds like she knows more than I do,” Misty sighed as she eyed up a jam tart. “I’ve only been using magic for a short time.”

Alphabittle smiled as he passed the jam tart to Misty. “You’ve had invaluable lessons from two ponies who have likely forgotten more about magic than Strawberry will ever know. She’s got a thirst for knowledge which, in her case, could be dangerous.”

Misty frowned as she chewed on the tart and sighed after she’d swallowed. “I know what it’s like though. I’m excited to learn more about magic too. But now I feel guilty, I’ve got access to those books that nopony else has.”

“Misty, that’s fine when you understand what you should and shouldn’t be learning,” Alphabittle smiled. “You are part of the group of ponies that protect Equestria from magical threats. I think it’s right that you should learn as much as you can about magic. That’s the only way you’ll help protect everypony. Got anything you’ve learned recently?”

“Oh, there is one thing I wanted to show you,” Misty smiled as her horn glowed.

Alphabittle gasped as Misty suddenly disappeared completely. He looked around with confusion, trying to work out where she’d gone. “Misty?”

Suddenly there was a giggle and Misty opened her eyes. Alphabittle nearly fell off his chair in surprise as he looked back at the two floating eyeballs. Misty giggled again before she reappeared completely.

“Sorry,” she smiled. “I didn’t mean to startle you.”

“That was incredible,” Alphabittle gasped. “So, you…”

“Turned invisible,” Misty smiled. “It doesn’t work on your eyes though, so you have to close them if you don’t want to be seen. It’s something Starlight suggested I learned. She’s still helping me.”

Alphabittle looked back at Misty with surprise, “She is? How?”

“Zipp identified a code that Starlight has left for us,” Misty explained. “There’s lots of books that she’s either written herself or helped others write. Each one has a message for us. Well, for me. Pointing me towards which spells it would be best to learn next. I’ve got a long list, I just have to find them all.”

Alphabittle smiled as he poured them both another cup of tea. “You see, how could you do that if you didn’t have access to the books?”

“I miss them,” Misty admitted. “I miss being able to ask them questions. I miss their guidance. I wish there was some way to contact them. Sunset’s journal has a message just for us at the start as well. It’s all one-way communication, them telling us things. None the other way.”

“It sounds like they must have had fun leaving things for you to find,” Alphabittle smiled. “When you were born, I never imagined you’d be at the forefront of rediscovering magic. Then you’ve been through so much with Opaline too. Misty, you make me so very proud.”

Misty smiled gratefully, a warm feeling swelling inside. However, her shoulders slumped, and she looked down worriedly.

“It all feels like such a huge responsibility,” she admitted. “That’s why I spent so much time doing the vetting. Staying up late and getting hardly any sleep. I promised Sunny I’d only spend time in the morning doing it now. Then I spend the rest of the day doing what I want to do. Like learning magic or coming to see you.”

“Go at your own pace, Misty,” Alphabittle advised. “The Elders and Queen Haven trust you. There’s no need to push yourself too hard. Ponies like Strawberry Sunflash will have to wait.”

Misty smiled again as she finished eating another cake. “Thanks, Dad, I’ll do my best to remember that. Hoof to heart.” Then she looked down at the now empty tray and gave a sheepish grin. “So, is there any more cake?”

Elsewhere, a still disgruntled and fuming Strawberry had arrived at her treehouse. Situated on the outskirts of Bridlewood not far from Izzy’s.

She kicked the door closed with a hind hoof as she entered, it slammed back into the frame with an almighty bang. “I can’t believe he won’t support me,” she muttered. “I was best friends with Luna1, how could he overlook that.”

At one end of the room, there was a large round rose window. In front of this, there was a reading lectern positioned to get the maximum amount of light. All around the walls, there were shelves and shelves of books. Some looked extremely old. Just like the large one that was currently sitting on the lectern. Its cover was predominantly a dark brown with embossed inscriptions in gold shadowed by a dark green.

“I’ll show them,” she growled. “I’ll prove to them I’m the most talented magic user there is.”

She headed towards the lectern and flipped open the large tome of spells. She flicked through the pages until she came to the one she’d been working on. “I don’t need spells to be vetted before I can use them.”

She re-read the spell a few times. Then, with a confident smirk, she turned towards a Venus flytrap plant that was growing in a pot to one side of the lectern. She fired a beam of teal magic from her horn at the plant. Nothing happened.

Frowning, she tried again. The beam of magic hit the plant and she growled with annoyance as again nothing happened.

“Why isn’t it working?” she growled. “There’s got to be something wrong with this spell.”

With an angry scowl, Strawberry looked at the spell once more. Then with an angry cry, she fired one final beam of magic at the plant. This time, something happened, this time the plant started to grow.

“YES!” Strawberry shouted with a huge grin. “I knew Earth Ponies weren’t the only ones who can do plant-based magic.”

However, her grin suddenly changed to one of confusion. The flytrap was getting bigger and bigger. “Wait, that’s enough,” she said. “You don’t need to get any bigger than that.”

The flytrap seemingly didn’t hear her as it continued to increase in size. Even the pot was getting bigger and bigger. Strawberry desperately turned back to the book but yelped as one of the flytraps snapped out towards her. She jumped back just in time and gasped as the plant grew so large that it knocked the lectern over. The book flew off and onto the floor under the window.

“No, stay back,” Strawberry yelped.

She tried to run towards the door, however the flytrap snapped out again. Strawberry cried out in desperation as she dodged one of the traps. However, another lashed out and she couldn’t dodge it fast enough. It snapped closed around her, trapping her inside. “NO! SOMEPONY, HELP ME!”

Meanwhile, Alphabittle and Misty had finished their afternoon tea and were heading towards Izzy’s. Alphabittle smiled as they trotted along, “So, any idea what she’s been working on?”

“Not a clue,” Misty admitted. “I know she keeps coming back and forth between here and the Brighthouse on her scooter.”

They both frowned as they heard shouting in the distance. “Wait, what’s that?” Misty gasped.

“I don’t know but somepony shouting in Bridlewood normally means trouble,” Alphabittle frowned. “Come on.”

Misty squeaked as Alphabittle started to gallop, gasping she hurried to keep up. Her insides churned as she struggled between the urge to run in the other direction and to go and help somepony who could be in trouble.

They soon arrived at Strawberry’s house, both gasping in shock at what they saw. The flytrap had grown so large that it had erupted out of the door and windows. Its traps were wobbling around in the breeze, snapping out at anypony who dared get close.

The reason they dared get close was the unfortunate Strawberry who was pawing at the barbed bars of the trap she was caught within.

“Somepony, please help me!” Strawberry cried desperately. “I don’t want to become the first pony eaten by a plant.”

However, all of Strawberry’s cries for help were attracting ponies to come near enough to become trapped. Many had already fallen victim and Jasper gasped as he accidentally got too close. A trap lashed out towards him and snapped closed around him. “Aaah, help!” he cried.

“Everypony get back,” Alphabittle ordered. “Stay well back from it.”

Misty’s eyes were wide as she looked on in horror. She panted and panted as she struggled with conflicting emotions. She felt an urge to run away, to get well away from this beastly plant. However, she also saw the terrified expression on Strawberry’s face. The desperation on Jaspers.

Gulping, she knew in her heart she had to help. With a deep breath, her eyes narrowed, and she looked on with determination. “Dad, I’ve got this.”

Alphabittle gasped as Misty galloped forward. However, his look of shock quickly changed to one of admiration. “You can do it, Misty,” he breathed.

Misty narrowed her eyes as she saw a trap streaking towards her. Wide open, ready to snap closed around her. However, her horn glowed and she fired a powerful beam of magic at the trap. There was a boom as a huge hole appeared in the trap, right in the centre.

Misty dodged as the remains of the trap fell harmlessly to the floor. Another trap shot towards her, but this time she let it come. She teleported just as it got to her, appearing behind it. She fired a beam at the stem and cut it off. Once again, the severed trap fell harmlessly to the floor.

Strawberry blinked with shock as she watched Misty, dodging and effortlessly cutting off traps.

Then, Misty yelped as a trap appeared from behind her. This time, it slammed closed around her, and a cloud of dust was kicked up. All those watching gasped, thinking the worst.

However, the dust cleared and it was clear the trap wasn’t fully closed. Its barbed leaves were held open by a glistening shield. It trembled with effort as it tried in vain to break through this to the pony within.

Misty frowned and teleported, the shield disappearing, and the trap slamming shut in thin air. She reappeared before the now-closed trap, severing it from the plant with a swish of her horn.

It took some time, but Misty had eventually pruned away all the empty traps. All that remained were the traps that had successfully captured unfortunate ponies.

One by one, Misty began the task of cutting the ponies free. However, after she’d cut a thankful Jasper out, Misty gasped as more traps emerged from the treehouse.

Grimacing, Misty spotted that Strawberry was the only pony left. “Please don’t leave me here,” Strawberry said desperately.

“I’m not going to,” Misty reassured as she jumped back from a trap as it snapped out at her.

She cut the trap away before teleporting, appearing in the air above the trap that held Strawberry. She shot a beam at the stem of the trap, cutting through effortlessly.

Strawberry cried out in surprise as the trap fell with her still trapped within it. However, the trap took the brunt of the impact as it hit the floor.

“Oof,” Strawberry groaned. “What sort of a rescue is this?”

“A quick one,” Misty advised as she reappeared in front of the trap.

“Who are you?” Strawberry gasped.

“I’m Misty Brightdawn,” Misty replied as she took Strawberry’s hoof in her own and then teleported them both.

They reappeared in front of the crowd, a safe distance from the flytrap. Strawberry gasped with surprise, jumping to her hoofs, and looking around with confusion. “What, how, huh?”

“Strawberry, what spell did you use?” Alphabittle demanded.

Strawberry shook her head and looked at Alphabittle. “A growth spell, if Earth Ponies can do plant magic why not us Unicorns?”

“Where’s the book you used?” Misty asked.

“Why?” Strawberry asked defensively. “There’s nothing wrong with it.”

Misty sighed and lifted a hoof towards the plant. “Because it’s still growing,” she explained. “I need to see the book if I’m going to stop it.”

Strawberry looked back at the flytrap as there was a shattering of glass. One of the upstairs windows suddenly broke and another group of traps emerged from it.

She sighed and looked at Misty with resignation. “There’s a large round window in the main room. The book was on top of a lectern in front of that window. I think it fell to the floor directly below the window.”

Misty only nodded in reply and ran back towards the flytrap. A look of determination on her face despite her insides screaming at her to run the other way. However, she ignored them, she had come this far and needed to finish the job.

She fired a beam at the doorway, cutting through the multiple stems that were blocking her way. Creating enough space, she ran through and into the house.

There were so many stems that there was barely any space to move. She spotted the window and started squeezing her way through the stems towards it. Then she saw there was a gap low down and knelt down in front of it. Without thinking, she started crawling her way through the gap.

However, she realised too late that this had been a mistake. Misty squeaked in surprise as the trap she’d crawled into suddenly clamped closed around her from above.

Wide-eyed and desperate, Misty immediately began struggling. However, she quickly realised that wasn’t going to work. The trap was clamped tightly around her and seemingly squeezed her tighter as she struggled. Escaping via struggling would be impossible. Desperately, she fired a powerful blast of magic straight into the heart of the trap.

Outside, Strawberry squeaked in shock as the powerful beam shot through the wall of her home. “What is she doing in there?”

“Fighting the giant pony-eating plant you created,” Jasper retorted.

Strawberry looked on wide-eyed as a few more beams blasted through the walls of the house. Finally, there was a flash as Misty appeared, panting as she held a large tome. Dark brown with embossed inscriptions in gold shadowed by a dark green.

“Is this the book?” Misty panted.

“Y…yes,” Strawberry gasped. “But what did you do to my house?”

“That doesn’t matter now,” Alphabittle responded. “Which spell was it?”

Strawberry looked confused but Misty was already turning the pages of the book. Holding it in her levitation as she scanned them. Finally, she turned the book towards Strawberry, “This one?”

Strawberry looked and nodded, “Yes, yes that’s the one.”

Misty frowned as she turned the book back and studied the spell. “It’s not meant to be used on plants like flytraps,” she explained. “It’s supposed to be used on seeds. To make them bigger so they grow into bigger plants. If you use it on a fully grown plant they’ll keep getting bigger until you use the companion spell to make them stop.”

“So, is there one to make it smaller?” Alphabittle asked.

Misty turned the page and smiled, “Yes, there is.”

She studied the incantation and then turned around looking determined. Taking a wide stance, she placed the book down before she closed her eyes to concentrate. Then, opening her eyes she fired a beam of magic at the flytrap.

A glow of magic grew out through the plant from where Misty’s beam hit it. Then, it began to shrink and disappeared back inside the house. The gathered ponies suddenly cheered and applauded.

“Three cheers for Misty Brightdawn,” Jasper shouted. “Our Guardian of Unity.”

Misty gasped as she turned and looked around the gathered ponies in shock as they all shouted. “Hip, Hip. Hooray! Hip, Hip. Hooray! Hip, Hip. Hooray!”

Strawberry wasn’t listening, she was too fixated on the book. She picked it up in her levitation and moved it towards herself. Only to gasp as Alphabittle intercepted it and grabbed it with a hoof.

“No, I’m sorry Strawberry but this is clearly a book that’s not been vetted,” he frowned. “Where did you get it?”

“A lifelong friend gave it to me,” Strawberry growled. “One that a certain somepony used to call a friend too.”

Alphabittle’s eyes widened, and he gulped before he regained his composure. “Well, it’s going to be vetted now. Somepony could have been hurt because you didn’t know what spell you were using.”

“I did know,” Strawberry gasped. “I maybe skipped one tiny detail, but we can’t all learn magic if we restrict ourselves to the very basics.”

“The basics are all we should be working on right now,” Alphabittle sighed. “Somepony could get seriously hurt if the wrong spells are used. You’ve just proven that.”

Strawberry’s eyes narrowed as she scowled at Alphabittle. Then, she thrust an accusing hoof in Misty’s direction. “What? Like my poor house hasn’t been hurt by her random beams? Just how does she know shields, beams, and teleports anyway?”

“Because Starlight Glimmer taught me,” Misty responded.

Strawberry’s face went blank, and she blinked with surprise. “Y…You’re the one doing the vetting,” she gasped before her eyes narrowed again. “But you’re so young! I’m old enough to be your mother.”

“Age has nothing to do with it,” Alphabittle replied sternly as he stepped between Misty and Strawberry protectively.

Strawberry’s eyes widened as she looked between Alphabittle and Misty, putting two and two together. Then, she looked at Alphabittle with understanding before she headed back towards her home without another word.

After watching her go, Alphabittle sighed and held the book out towards Misty who looked on worriedly.

“I don’t know what we’d have done if you hadn’t been here, Misty,” Alphabittle admitted.

Misty gulped as she took the book and looked back at Strawberry’s house worriedly. She didn’t like the feeling that she’d just made an enemy.

Author's Note:

1 - For those who have not read Marking the Generations. Luna here is reference to Luna Brightdawn, Misty's mother.