• Published 25th May 2024
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Escape from Arora Ridge Quarry - Glimbursts

Earth Ponies are mysteriously vanishing, and Sunny has the bright idea of playing bait. However, this backfires and she finds herself in over her head. Will her friends be able to rescue her and the other creatures trapped in the Arora Ridge Quarry?

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Chapter One – A Grand Opening

Sunny grinned as she skated along. The sun was beaming down over Maretime Bay, and it was a day she had been looking forward to for weeks. She’d even gone through the trouble of marking the days off on the calendar, she was that excited.

Unlike the last time she’d counted days, she wasn’t headed to CanterLogic. Nor to the CanterLove Studios that now inhabited the same building. Instead, she was on her way to the seafront and a newly completed building that had its grand opening today.

As she skated along the seafront the building in question was clear to see. Not only was it quite large. Its white rendered walls seemingly sparkled in the sunlight. A large sign proclaimed it to be the ‘Maretime Bay Museum of Equestrian History’.

Sunny grinned as she got closer and saw a familiar-looking Zebra pacing back and forth outside the building. She couldn’t help calling out to her, “Aunt Kendi!”

Kendi beamed as she turned and saw Sunny skating towards her. Sunny’s skates squealed in protest as she skidded to a stop in front of her surrogate Aunt. “I’m not late, am I?”

Kendi laughed as she pulled Sunny into a hug. “Not at all, Sunny,” she beamed. “It is I who is early. Come, you must see inside. I know you will love it.”

Sunny grinned with glee. “eee! I’ve been buzzing all week just thinking about it,” she admitted. “Just let me take my skates off first. I don’t want to put marks on the floor.”

It didn’t take Sunny long to remove her skates. She hung them over her barrel as they slowly walked into the entrance foyer. As she looked around, Sunny’s jaw dropped, and her eyes widened in awe.

This was no poky little museum, it was huge. The foyer was a massive cylinder reaching right to the top of the building, with a domed roof at the very top. Down the front, there was a series of windows which let in masses of light.

At ground level, there was a large curved desk to one side. This was set up with multiple stations for selling tickets. On the opposite side, was the bottom of a staircase that spiralled its way up the inside of the cylinder. It intersected with a balcony for each floor.

The desk was a light wood colour, whilst the walls were a gleaming white. The whole thing had a light and airy feel and was extremely impressive.

Kendi laughed as she watched Sunny look upwards and turn around and around. Her eyes were still wide, and her mouth was agape.

“Do you like it, Sunny?” Kendi smiled.

“Like it?” Sunny blinked. “This is amazing, how did you even afford all this?”

“Making it this large and impressive was Phyllis’s idea,” Kendi beamed. “She helped me apply for all sorts of grant funding. Before I knew it, there was more than enough money to make this museum the greatest it could be.”

“And you’ve really got enough to fill it?” Sunny blinked.

“Let us say there is room for much more,” Kendi grinned. “However, the Museum takes you on a journey through time. As well as the restaurant and gift shop, the ground floor has the earliest that we know about. Then the top floor has the most recent history, we can’t forget the individual histories from the Time of Separation. However, I suspect it is one of the middle floors you will like the most, come.”

Kendi led an excited Sunny up the staircase. It wasn’t long before they reached the floor in question. Sunny gasped as she saw ‘Time of Harmony’ written above an archway where the staircase met the floor’s balcony.

“This way, Sunny,” Kendi beamed as she headed onto the balcony. “The first room is the one I wish to show you.”

Sunny could already get a glimpse of what was inside as she walked off the staircase. They walked through another arched doorway and into a large circular exhibition room. She gasped and looked around in awe.

Straight ahead was a large image of Princess Twilight Sparkle. Clearly from partway through her reign. Her large body and long billowing mane clear indicators. There was a large area given over to describing her life and reign. The walls of this area being painted the same colour as her coat.

On either side of this, there were images and areas for each of her closest friends, the Guardians of Friendship. Each image was just as large as Twilights although their individual areas were smaller. Each one also being coloured the same as their primary coat colours.

Sunny gasped as she walked from display to display. Looking at the items within with wonder. “It’s as though my dad’s research is coming to life. Your life’s work is all here.”

In the centre of the room, there was an area given over to their combined story. From how they first defeated Nightmare Moon to when they stopped Cozy Glow, Chrysalis and Tirek.

“Princess Twilight lived for such a long time,” Sunny gasped. “I didn’t really realise how long she spent without her friends.”

“I think she always had friends,” Kendi smiled.

Sunny finally spotted that below each image of the Guardians there was the artefact that they’d recovered from Opaline’s castle. Each being contained within a glistening display case.

A crown for Twilight. A hat for Applejack. A flight jacket for Rainbow Dash. A rubber chicken for Pinkie Pie. A sewing machine for Rarity, and finally. A set of tail extensions for Fluttershy.

“I still cannot quite believe the tail extensions have survived,” Kendi laughed.

“Are they all safe?” Sunny asked. “Nopony is going to be able to take them?”

“Your friend Misty made quite sure of it,” Kendi reassured. “She used that sealing book.”

“The prison sphere,” Sunny gasped.

“Exactly,” Kendi smiled. “The versions Misty has created here can only be removed by her magic. Come, I want to show you this room.”

Kendi led Sunny through another archway and into a smaller room. Sunny gasped as she found it was dedicated to two ponies she knew very well. To one side there was a large image of Sunset Shimmer. On the other there was an image of Starlight Glimmer. Like the main room, the walls of the two areas were painted the same colour as their coats.

“Each of the smaller rooms here will be dedicated to Twilight’s other friends,” Kendi explained. “Or in this case, two of her students.”

Sunny gasped as she noticed the area at the back of the room. It was dedicated to when the pair time-travelled to their time. She frowned as she spotted a screen. Then, as she moved towards it, she jumped as it suddenly burst into life.

It depicted an interview Kendi had held with both Sunset and Starlight. As she watched, Sunny frowned with confusion. “I don’t remember you filming this, Aunt Kendi.”

“I had some time with them after you defeated Opaline,” Kendi explained. “I think you were busy with your cart.”

Sunny looked back at the display. She didn’t quite understand why she felt bothered about not knowing. It was just a harmless interview about their lives.

However, then she realised, it wasn’t that which she was bothered about. There was something else Kendi had never told her, and this reminded her of it.

“Aunt Kendi,” she ventured. “Before Equestria was unified. Did you know about Bridlewood and Zephyr Heights and where they were located?”

Kendi sighed, her face falling and looking grave. “I did, Sunny,” she admitted. “I’d even visited them many times. I have friends in both of them, as well as you here in Maretime Bay.”

“So, why didn’t you tell me?” Sunny frowned.

Kendi sighed again, “Because your father made me promise not to. He didn’t want you to go running off trying to find them on your own.”

Sunny’s expression softened and she let out a sigh. “Would this be after the camping trip with Sprout and Hitch that ended in disaster?”

“Yes, yes it was,” Kendi nodded. “He didn’t want you to try following me and getting into more trouble.”

Sunny’s ears flattened against her head as she looked down sadly. “I can’t help but wonder what else he never told me,” she sighed. “There could be all sorts of stuff that could be really important.”

“I’m sure if anything was important, we would have found it in his research,” Kendi soothed.

“But I lost so much of it when the Lighthouse collapsed,” Sunny groaned before her eyes narrowed with determination. “I’m not losing hope though, I’ll find out what happened to him someday.”

Suddenly, Sunny gasped as she heard a beeping sound. She reached into her saddle bag and pulled out her phone. She smiled as she read the notification. “Oh, Hitch is back!”

“Back?” Kendi questioned.

“He’s been to the Dragon Lands,” Sunny explained. “He’s dropped Sparky off there. We learnt from Twilight’s journal that there are things that she could never teach Spike. So, Spike Junior suggested we leave Sparky with him every so often. Then he can learn dragon stuff. I just hope Hitch will be okay without him.”

“Well, let’s go and meet him,” Kendi suggested. “I’m certain you will be a frequent visitor here.”

“Oh, I plan to be, don’t you worry,” Sunny grinned.

As the pair made it outside, they spotted Hitch walking towards the building. He smiled as he spotted them and made a beeline straight to Sunny, holding out a hoof.

Sunny grinned as she held hers out towards him as well. As they met, they recited their friendship hoofshake and carried out the well-rehearsed actions.

“Up high, down low, hitch it to a post. Fip it sunny side up and on a piece of toast.”

Kendi couldn’t help laughing warmly, “I see you two are just as close as ever.”

“We save that for special occasions,” Hitch admitted. “Like me being away for a few days.”

“Speaking of, are you going to be okay without Sparky?” Sunny asked.

“Don’t worry Sunny, he’s only having an extended holiday,” Hitch smiled. “I love him to bits but if anything this is going to be a chance to have some me time. I hadn’t realised how long it had been since I’d done something for just myself.

“Oh, and Spike Junior says hi by the way. He’s going to come back with us when we pick Sparky up to check out the museum.”

“I will give him a personal tour,” Kendi smiled.

“Is Phyllis here yet?” Hitch asked.

“She isn’t and I am not sure she will make it,” Kendi sighed. “She told me that something has come up. She’s had to go out to one of the remote construction sites.”

“Ah, okay,” Hitch sighed.

“That’s a shame, she’s worked so hard,” Sunny agreed. “Ooh, Hitch, you have to see inside, it’s incredible, eee he he.”

“Indeed,” Kendi gasped. “Please come this way Hitch and let me show you.”

With that, Kendi led Hitch and Sunny back inside the museum.

As the time of the grand opening got closer, Kendi’s staff arrived and were soon setting up inside. Apart from the red ribbon and lectern, they also set up barriers to control the crowds. Which would be needed as crowds were already starting to build outside.

Fortunately, Skywalk had been expecting this and therefore both Frost Wing and Sprout were already in attendance. Ensuring that everypony remained safe and those who wanted to get by could do so and carry on with their day. However, it was soon clear that pretty much everypony in Maretime Bay had purchased tickets for the opening.

“Maybe it would have been better to hold the ceremony outside,” Hitch chuckled.

“And be at the mercy of the weather?” Sunny laughed. “I told you the report was for rain, even though it’s still not arrived.”

Hitch laughed but gasped as he saw a familiar figure at the door. “Speaking of arriving.”

They both looked to see Sprout had opened the main doors just enough so both he and Phyllis could squeeze inside. Phyllis looked rather more dishevelled than her normal pristine appearance. She huffed and puffed as she tried to catch her breath.

“Mammy, are you okay?” Sprout asked worriedly.

“I’m okay, Baby. I’m okay,” Phyllis panted. “I didn’t think I’d make it. Cobalt sends his apologies.”

“Phyllis, I’m sorry, you don’t look okay,” Sunny replied worriedly. “Is everything alright? Kendi mentioned you had to go out to a remote site. I presume one for the new hydroelectric plant?”

“Well, I’m physically fine if a little out of breath,” Phyllis explained. “As for the hydroelectric construction site. There is a situation that I think I’ll need both of you to assist with. If I could have some of your time after the opening that would be appreciated.”

“Oh, okay. No problem at all, Phyllis,” Hitch replied.

“Sure, anything you need,” Sunny added.

“Thank you. I’d tell you more, but I don’t want anything to get in the way of this opening,” Phyllis smiled. “I’ll just go freshen up.”

With that, she headed towards the ladies whilst Sunny and Hitch looked at each other worriedly.

A short time later, the doors were finally opened and the crowds of waiting ponies were allowed inside. The media were ushered into a prime location, Pipp grinning as she joined them. Making sure she got some shots of the crowd getting their first look at the inside.

Everypony looked around in awe at the size and scale of the building’s interior. Clearly, they were just as impressed as Sunny had been.

There was excited chatter as Sunny, Hitch, Kendi, and Phyllis approached the lectern. However, there was a collective groan as the others stopped and Hitch continued towards it alone.

“What? Don’t you like me?” Hitch smirked as he picked up a set of cards. “Welcome to the opening of, what I have to say is, the grandest building in Maretime Bay. The Maretime Bay Museum of Equestrian History is a credit to all those who worked on it. Not just the building itself but also putting together the wonderful displays that chart the history of our fair land.

“Now, it is my absolute honour as Sheriff of Maretime Bay to introduce a special pony to come up here and open this museum. Our very own, Sunny Starscout.”

There was a thankful and welcome round of applause as Hitch put the cards down and stepped to one side. Sunny grinned as she stepped forward, her powers activating with a flash as she came to the lectern. She laughed, shaking her head with a beaming smile.

“Looks like I’m doing this as an Alicorn then,” she grinned. “Thank you for the introduction, Hitch. Thank you everypony for the applause as well. I still wonder if I deserve it at times.

“Equestria’s History is something that has always been dear to my heart. It’s been a special part of my life for as long as I can remember. Thanks to the stories that my dad, Argyle Starshine, used to read to me as a filly.

“I owe so much of who I am today to those stories. They inspired me, they inspired me to do things that many thought just weren’t possible. My father’s research forms the backbone of what you will find within this wonderful museum. However, he didn’t do it all alone and I want you all to meet somepony who helped him in many ways. Please let me introduce you all to, Kendi.”

Sunny held out a hoof as Kendi stepped forward, coming alongside her.

“It was Kendi’s expeditions that found the artefacts and stories that my father researched,” Sunny continued. “It’s from those expeditions that the majority of the artefacts found here were recovered. She worked hoof in hoof with my father and became a special part of my fillyhood. It was always an extra special day when Aunt Kendi came to visit.”

Kendi beamed as Sunny stepped to one side and she took her place at the lectern.

“Thank you, my dear, Sunny,” Kendi smiled. “Everypony, this is truly my life’s work and dreams coming to fruition. I have long dreamed of this day, but Sunny is quite correct it would not have been possible without Argyle Starshine.

“It was his diligent research that allowed me to find so many wonderful artefacts. He was a close friend and I miss him dearly. However, the highlight of the museum and the reason you see this spectacular building is thanks to Sunny.

“On the floor dedicated to the Time of Harmony, you will find six precious objects. All are either worn or used by the Guardians of Friendship. It was Sunny and her fellow Guardians of Unity who found and recovered these items.

“I must also pay tribute to our two time-travelling friends. Sunset Shimmer and Starlight Glimmer. To actually meet ponies from the Time of Harmony was an absolute joy and their insight was invaluable. There is a section on the Time of Harmony floor dedicated to them.

“Finally, thank you. Thank you everypony for coming and being a part of this opening.”

There was a round of applause as Kendi stepped to one side and allowed Sunny to take centre stage again.

“So, before we cut the ribbon, there is one other pony here who needs a special mention,” Sunny smiled. “For us to have this impressive museum building somepony had to build it. The many construction ponies working for CanterBlocks did the work. However, it was Phyllis Cloverleaf who ensured the project remained on schedule, on budget and completed to the high standards you see before you.”

Sunny held out a hoof and there was a round of applause as Phyllis stepped forward and bowed.

“I think you’ll all agree that her teams have done a fantastic job,” Sunny smiled. “Now, it’s time I stopped talking and did some cutting with these fancy scissors.”

Sunny grinned as she picked up the golden scissors with her magic. She stepped towards the ribbon and waited as Phyllis and Kendi got into position as well. They then all posed for photographs to be taken before Sunny turned back to the ribbon.

“I declare this fantastic museum of Equestria history, open,” Sunny grinned as she cut the ribbon.

There was a loud applause as the gathered ponies stomped their hoofs with glee. Sunny and the others happily stepped to one side as the audience began making their way into the museum. Many stopping and shaking hoofs with Sunny, Kendi and Phyllis before doing so.

However, Sunny couldn’t help feeling that, behind her smile, Phyllis was a worried pony.