• Published 25th Oct 2023
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Kingdom Hearts: The World's Reluctant Heroes - Blackdrag-rose

Sombra, Fluttershy, and Radiant find themselves in a strange world and join Sora, Donald, and Goofy in their quest to find their missing friends, unaware of the true evil lurking in the darkness.

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Nobody: Heartless War

Sombra found that they remained in Atlantica for a time, enough for Sora and the others to do a few songs and hang out with Ariel, to just relax and take their minds off the worries of the other worlds, before leaving for the return trip to Hollow Bastion, as to not overstay their welcome. With no Heartless to crush, and Ursula being too frightened to do anything right now, there wasn't anything for most of them to do other than dance and sing in Sebastian's songs, all meant to focus Ariel for the big event, eventually causing the group to leave. Such a thing allowed them to focus on their main objective while she and Ansem the Wise resumed their work in the lab, as there was something the sage wanted to do when they returned to the world they were heading towards, specially in the secret lab that was his destination. Sombra also resumed her study of the light half of Vanitas' heart and Seeker's heart, as the heart of the Seeker of Darkness had been acting strangely and she was curious to see what she could learn from it, even though it only caused him to smile in the end.

Since they didn't have to fly through waves upon waves of enemies, an improvement over how they flew around during their last adventure, Sora brought them to a stop near Hollow Bastion and warped them down to the market, though this time Ansem came with them so he could do his self appointed task, only to find that some Soldiers were being chased off by a few Dusks.

"Nobodies... chasing Heartless?" Sora commented, which was definitely odd when he thought about it, because both sides didn't like him and his friends and usually attacked them, meaning it was strange for the two opposing forces to be doing such a thing, instead of attacking them, "What is going on here?"

"I would have to guess that the Heartless army we spotted previously has grown too much and the Nobodies are trying to get rid of them in their own way." Sombra remarked, as that was the only thing she could think of, even though the majority of the remaining members of the Organization didn't have weapons that could get rid of the Heartless, save for Axel thanks to the training he had joined, "We had best hurry to Merlin's place."

Sora agreed with her and they headed out into the market, finding that everything was in order despite having two groups of enemies come through in the last minute, though that was around the time where they found Cloud, wearing a new set of clothing that was pure black with a single shoulder piece, again the opposite of Sephiroth, standing nearby. He seemed like he was ready to do battle with Sephiroth, though there was another reason for him to be here, that being the Heartless that were gathering near the dark castle, an army that could wash over this world if no one stopped them. With that in mind they headed down into the area that Merlin's house was in and found that the city's defenses were rushing around, blasting the Heartless that dared to stop on the walls or roads before they had a chance to move, allowing the group to deal the finishing blows to their foes as Sombra collected their hearts. She knew what was going on right now, these Soldiers were scouts, the eyes of Maleficent to be exact, so she could prepare her army accordingly, though once she realized that they were here, on this world again, there was a chance that she would blitz the city in an attempt to take them all out.

Upon entering the house that Merlin called home they discovered that Leon wasn't around, which made sense due to the fact that he was likely focused on the army that would be coming their way in the near future, before Cid informed them that they found Ansem's computer, causing the old man to chuckle and tell them that he had some work to do. Obviously this was a surprise for them, since they weren't expecting to meet the real Ansem the Wise, especially since it told them that the one they had thought was him was an imposter, before they turned their attention to Merlin for a couple of moments. He had Pooh's book to show them, apparently it was damaged by the Heartless again, giving Sora something to look forward to when they recovered the pages in the future, but for now they headed outside and followed Ansem's directions so they could track down where his computer was located. They also encountered three small winged ladies who seemed eager to meet them, or rather seemed eager to see what Leon was up to, though when Sombra asked them about their loyalties the trio flew off without a word, suggesting that they were working for Maleficent.

Along the way they also encountered two new Heartless, an armored one that was like a knight, hence 'Armored Knight' for it, and a bronze funnel shaped bot that flew around and just watched, causing Sombra to go with 'Watcher', where she and her friends found that the Armored Knights were definitely stronger than the Soldiers. Of course that wasn't much in the face of their power, since each of them had fought some really powerful Heartless before this point in time, but this told her that Maleficent had found a way to draw in more minions for her cause, without them getting in her way. It was hard to tell what their foe was up to, since these enemies seemed to be more than scouts, but Sombra assumed that the main event was about to come, the dark witch was likely trying to distract them so that she could move her army into position. Such a thing meant that they had to hurry and that was what they did as Sora nodded before tearing through the remaining foes that were in their way, allowing them to reach the main structure that was their destination, where Aerith was waiting for them to arrive.

Since time was of the essence she started to lead them inside and Ansem the Wise took over immediately, as he knew the layout of his lab and domain better than anyone else, eventually bringing them to a room that was slightly tarnished, which caused him to sigh as he tapped something on the left wall, causing a portion to disappear, revealing another passage.

"We must be swift, as there is no telling when the army will arrive." Ansem commented, where he brought them down the passage and they discovered that it allowed them to see a massive area that was like a lab of some kind, with machinery that Sora wasn't even smart enough to begin guessing what their purposes might be, causing him to approach the console as Leon stepped away from it in surprise before he slipped something into it, "I should be in in no time... Tron's going to be very upset with me, I imagine."

"And you'll have to talk with Even, Ienzo, and Aeleus." another voice said, where they found Mickey standing nearby, without his robe since he looked more like a warrior this time around, likely because he visited Yen Sid on his own time, while they knew that those who had been traveling with him were safe, as Kairi had insisted on joining them and Riku likely took her to be trained somewhere else.

"Yes, I would image so." Ansem stated, to which Sombra noticed that his fingers moved over the keys with precision, as in he was able to enter his commands without wasting time, powering up the systems he was interested in, modifying whatever part of the computer's programs was annoying him so the systems worked as intended, before he stopped as he found that the screen that was his target flashed a bright red, an alarm to be exact, as he started to sweat, "What... what are these numbers?! The Heartless army... their numbers are at least three times what we thought it was!"

"Where did Maleficent and Pete get the Heartless to do such a thing?" Sora asked, because even with how skilled he and his friends were, and they had decimated a smaller army in the past, he had no idea if they could bring down such an army of enemies, even with the skills.

"Pete didn't have to use a Gummi Ship to move from world to world, so he's had time to siphon off the Heartless native to the various worlds, and find others we wouldn't be visiting." Sombra remarked, as it made sense to her when she thought about it, that the World would have sent them to the worlds that were the most in need, so the others might be just fine in the grand scheme of things, before she nodded to Ansem, who bowed his head slightly and input a code that would be sent to their lab on the ship, "But there's one thing Maleficent wasn't planning on: us. You have four Equestrians, and It's time we showed her what we're really made of."

Radiant smiled at that, because Sombra had fully embraced working as a team, instead of being a loner and possibly going out to fight the army on her own, which was the moment that Sombra weaved her power into a portal, allowing the group that would be fighting the army to move to an area that was just outside the walls. Sure enough they found that there was a lot of Heartless gathering near the edge of the canyon that rested between their position and Maleficent's castle, meaning it wouldn't be long before the war was upon them, though as they studied the square shaped arena they had been brought to Sombra stood near the edge, observing their enemies for a time. While she did that Sombra made sure Mickey made Riku and the rest of their allies aware of what was going on, because right now it looked like they were going to need everyone on deck to deal with what was in front of them, not unless she used her full power and destroyed everything to get rid of the dark army. She also noticed something else while they gathered themselves, Fluttershy even returning to the ship so she could get some additional allies, and what she found was that the Organization was here, no doubt to observe the war and see how many hearts they could secure for their false Kingdom Hearts.

In the next moment Sombra turned around and walked up to the top of the stairs that were behind them, where Sora and the others watched as she withdrew an item from her bag, a six pointed crystalline star that was powered by the Light, she had made it to do such a thing, and when she held it out the star split into six points and formed a door of light, which just expanded into a large light barrier around the entire city.

"I heard from Minny and Merlin that you were given a new power, but I didn't realize you could do this." Mickey said, where Sombra found that the King had returned with Riku and Kairi, the latter wearing a pink dress that was similar to her old set of attire while also being suitable for battle, thanks to Yen Sid no doubt, plus their friends from the Gummi Ship had come down with Fluttershy.

"Benefits of training, really." Sombra replied, though in the next moment he felt a shift in the air and turned back towards the area she had been standing in before setting up the barrier that would power itself until one of the six points was dealt with, where she found a pair of black coats and discovered that it was Axel and Demyx, much to the surprise of the rest of the Organization, as Xigbar was utterly stunned by this move, "I take it you've had enough?"

"I've done what I can... now, I want to fight by Roxas and Xion's side once more." Axel stated, where he tapped what looked like a normal button and his robe faded away, revealing the black casual attire he had asked to be made before he returned to the Organization to aid Sombra in spying on them, before holding his hand out as his Keyblade materialized, "I'm ready to fight, for the sake of the World."

"I might not be able to harm our enemies, but you have my musical buffs as well." Demyx added, the water around him just twisting around and forming his sitar, though the look on his face told Sombra volumes in an instant, as she was the only one who knew his secret and she wasn't about to tell anyone else, while he smiled at Xion, who seemed happy to have him on the team again, "I even learned a new song that should be great for everyone: it's called 'The World calls for aid'..."

"Let me guess: 'and the Heroes respond'?" Sombra remarked, as it sounded more like a statement and less like a song name, a song that was basically a declaration of war against Xehanort and his plans, which caused her to chuckle, because it was an appropriate one, since it might be seen as a call to action, where Demyx nodded his head to show that she was right, which was followed by another light chuckle, "Go ahead, I'm all for it."

The theme of the song was either metal or something Sombra wasn't aware of, which was understandable since she wasn't fully used to musical instruments and the types of music that were out there in the World, yet it had an immediate effect as the others started to glow for a moment. As that happened she found that the Heartless had noticed that someone was up and were organizing themselves accordingly, with Maleficent somewhere right in the middle no less, causing Fluttershy to toss her creature sphere into the air as she called out Cerberus, the Hydra, and all of the other dangerous creatures she had gathered so far, who were also buffed by the music. Sombra stood there for a moment as she felt the energy in the air shift as well, as if the World and it's Speaker were actually watching them right now, and the clouds rippled as a capsule raced into the ground in front of the flat area that she was standing on, one that was big enough for a person to be inside. Sure enough the device opened as a dark force seized control of what was inside it, creating a torrent of dark energy for a couple of seconds before the darkness dispersed, revealing the Seeker of Darkness in all his glory, who stood there and took a deep breath, like those who have been without air for a long time.

In the next moment he did two things, the first was that he undid the black cloak that was part of his attire, like he had no need of it anymore, while the second thing happened to be that the halberd he used back before his defeat materialized by him, which he grabbed and spun before facing Sombra.

"So, what do I call you? And are you an enemy?" Sombra inquired, because while she knew that some change had taken his heart, no doubt because of her saving Terra in the way she did, she wanted to make sure her thoughts weren't wrong, that the Seeker was a changed person and that this was his chance to show all of them.

"All of you, here me now: I am not Ansem, Seeker of Darkness... I am Sairaine Salvatore, and I fight for the World!" the figure stated, which was quite the surprise for Sombra, as she was expecting him to be more attuned to Darkness, but realized that he must have observed her and how she used her dark power, despite being trapped in a heart and in that container for a long time, and was inspired to follow the same path, before they turned as a Dark Corridor opened and Xemnas stepped out, much to the surprise of the Organization, "Brother... will you join us?"

"Do you even need to ask.?" Xemnas remarked, like he was overjoyed to have his twin say such a thing, causing him to just hold his hands out as he faced the Heartless army, summoning the energy blades that he was known for using, while at the same time Sombra noticed that Sairaine was on her right and Xemnas was on her left, "I am Xemnas Salvatore, and we are the Salvatore Brothers... let our enemies taste our power!"

"You know, if we're going to go crazy with things, I might as well try something." Sombra said, where she dismissed her own weapon without delay as she drew on the power of Light that was inside her, this time fully and completely, while thinking on what she was trying to do, while the sky above them crackled with golden energy.

Radiant found that a light mist came out of Sombra's eyes this time around, while at the same time her hair shimmered for a moment as a wave of golden energy washed over her hair and tail, demonstrating a significant change in her heart, before a golden light erupted from the sky and rushed down to her position. What it was just amazed everyone, as it was a Keyblade, one made from the Light, the polar opposite of Sombra's Darkness Keyblade, which was similar to Roxas' Oblivion, where it was two halves connected by something else, in this case two identical golden segments with a light black core that had four diamond cutouts in it. At the top of the last diamond was the head of the weapon, a golden curve that appeared to be a C shape, with three spikes on the outer edge that held black spikes that connected both segments, which looked similar to a crown of some kind, with a slight curved spike pointing upward at the end. It's handle was spherical in nature, the outer bit being golden while the inner portion being the black color, and the part Sombra could grip was a transparent crystal that reminded Radiant of the Crystal Empire, meaning even the World was rooting for her by restoring a power she had been denied at the start of their adventure.

Instead of issuing a war cry, to incite everyone into battle, Sombra grabbed the new weapon and held it out towards the dark army, causing the Heartless to rush at them and the city, before she pointed it at the sky for a few seconds and the swung it, a bolt of golden lightning crashing into one of the Darksides as it crushed some Heartless as it fell.

That was all the signal they needed as the group rushed into battle, allowing Xigbar to observe the madness that unfolded before him, as Fluttershy and Seras crashed into some of the Heartless while the fierce animals actually tore into the dark beings that were coming at them, like the animals were stronger than the Heartless were. Radiant constantly shifted from her Keyblade to her bow and back, raining death of her targets while using her magic to harm her enemies, though that was when Xigbar noticed the Vampires had joined the battle, literally tearing through their foes. That wasn't the only thing he found to be worrying, as Roxas' trio made sure to work together while defending each other from incoming attacks, ending Heartless in rapid succession in their part of the battlefield, as everyone was fighting in different groups. It was still quite the surprise that Axel had a Keyblade and that he was able to hide such a thing for a long time, without anyone else noticing a change in his movements, before he noticed how Riku gracefully moved around the battlefield, as a werewolf, while Kairi provided support, despite her supposedly being a nobody.

What frustrated him was that Terra, Aqua, and Ventus were some of the more damaging warriors among the force that was opposing Maleficent's army, their great skills taking down multiple Heartless without missing a beat as Aqua channeled a fair bit of magical energy into blasting her way through her targets. The next frustrating thing was that Demyx was aiding the defense force, his music boosting their already incredible powers, almost like he was declaring war on Xehanort, or maybe it was the plan that the Organization had been working towards for a long time. And then he came to Xemnas and his twin, the one who now called himself Sairaine, where Xemnas spun around and used his energy blades to slash through some of his foes, weakening them since his weapons couldn't fully defeat Heartless, while at the same time Sairaine dashed around the area as he used both his weapon and his red magical energy to tear through his enemies. King Mickey followed in their wake as he ended the Heartless that were weakened, no doubt keeping an eye on them while making sure to free as many hearts as he could in the process, and yet neither figure seemed annoyed, rather they seemed to welcome his presence as he also used magic to wreck his enemies.

And yet that wasn't the worst thing that was happening right now, because most of Xigbar's focus was on Sombra, a force of Darkness who could give the Darknesses a run for their munny, a being so evil that she had the power to manipulate hearts in some manner... and yet, despite all that, the World itself had chosen to bestow onto her a Keyblade of Light, as if Sombra was the World's champion, and not Xehanort.

He couldn't believe what he was seeing right now, that she was able to wield the power of Light without harming herself, as Xigbar was sure that such a power would have crippled such a dark figure, and yet Sombra was gracefully moving around the battlefield, slashing at the enemies that were in her way, like she was a dancer. It was like she had found a way to use the power that should have destroyed her and was channeling it into all of her existing attacks, as when Sombra thrust the rip of the Light Keyblade into the ground and a series of golden spikes erupted around her, piercing the Heartless and crushing all of them in seconds. Of course the hearts that were freed disappeared, confirming that she was still doing something while the war was going on, yet Sombra seemed to pay that no mind as she worked on the Heartless, cutting them down, before Xigbar's eye widened in surprise and fear as she extended her left hand and grasped her Dark Keyblade. He couldn't believe what he was seeing, she had found a way to utilize both powers without destroying herself in the process, and when she came to a stop Sombra moved her arms, creating a horizontal line of energy with her dark weapon before creating a vertical one with her new weapon.

Such a thing created a large cross of magical energy, a medley of Light and Darkness, that tore through the ground, wiped out all of the Heartless that were in the way, and wrecked the dark castle in an explosion that took it off the face of the map, an attack that scared off Maleficent and caused the surviving Heartless to flee in an instant.

"Come... we're heading back to the castle." Xigbar stated, as it was clear that they weren't even needed anymore, at least that was how he chose to let the others see him right now, just someone who was retreating since their objective, to stop the army, had been completed by someone else.

"What about Xemnas?" Luxord asked, because he and the remaining members of the Organization were looking down at the battlefield and knew that it would be foolish to get involved, there were too many strong warriors in a single area and a fight would only end in their defeat, but it felt wrong to not go down and just be sure their companions were fine.

"You can ask him whenever he returns to the castle." Xigbar remarked, as he didn't want to deal with this right now, there was far too much going on and he had no idea how to go about understanding what he had just seen, so he needed time to think before worrying about anything else.

Luxord glanced at the others before they returned to the castle, knowing that Xemnas would be back in no time, though as he opened his own Xigbar frowned as he glanced down at the battlefield, only to find that Sombra was staring right at him, causing him to flee as he wondered what the future held in store for him, Xehanort, and their grand plans.

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