Starlight and Twilight entered inside one of the many libraries that were inside the castle. Twilight was bubbling with excitement, while Starlight still felt nervous about what the lesson was going to be like.
It wasn't long ago that Starlight had anxiety and kept doubting if she deserved to be forgiven. But now that she had calmed down and lowered the negative thoughts, she just hoped that whatever Twilight had in mind, it wouldn't make her feel the same way all over again.
"I believe that you have gotten used to the castle life here." Twilight told her after moments of silence.
"Uh, yeah I guess." Starlight answered. Nervousness tainted her tone.
"Well, how would you feel if you adjusted to life outside the castle?" Twilight asked her with her head tilted.
Starlight's gaze narrowed. "What do you mean?"
"Well, I've never seen you talk to anyone except me, Spike, and our friends." She explained. "Since I believe that you have gotten over your anxiety, this will be your first friendship lesson: you have to talk to the locals of Ponyville, and try to make a connection with them."
Starlight's heart lurched. "Wait, wait, wait. Isn't that a bit overdone? I mean, I've finally started getting used to being forgiven by you and your friends. But other ponies is a different story."
"Don't worry, you won't do this alone. Me and Spike will be by your side during this time." Twilight told her. "The key is to try to have you feel connected to the ponies of Ponyville. Just so you don't feel isolated all the time."
"Are you sure this is right?" Starlight beckoned her. "Maybe teach me how to be kind, brave, or something like that."
Twilight looked confused. "But you're already these things. I know you're a kind pony, and you showed off you bravery when you figure off that dangerous bugbear."
"Oh." Starlight sighed, remembering her fight with the bugbear.
"Starlight, I know you can do this." Twilight said. "Why else would I do this if I thought otherwise?"
Starlight lowered her ears, still feeling uneasy. But she closed her eyes. What am I doing? She's doing this for me, and it seems like I'm not grateful for it. She thought, angry at herself.
She opened her eyes. "Fine, I'll do it."
"Are you sure?" Twilight asked her, suddenly starting to sound dismissive. "Now that I thought about it, maybe I did get a bit overboard with this. Maybe we should do this another time—"
"No." Starlight said firmly as she raised her hoof. "It's fine. You're right, I do need to get used to the non-castle life. After all, I do want to explore the sights or Ponyville, and be friendly to the locals."
"Only if you're sure about it. You're not being forced to do this." Twilight looked at her sadly.
She nodded. "I'm sure."
Let's hope I don't regret that decision.
Once afternoon came, Starlight, along with Twilight and Spike, were walking down the streets of Ponyville.
As they did, they were immediately greeted by numerous ponies. Starlight looked and saw that Twilight looked a bit weirded out.
"Strange, that never happens." Spike whispered to Twilight. To which she nodded in agreement.
"Well, it's to be expected." Starlight told him. "She is a princess after all."
However, unlike Twilight, Starlight didn't receive any positive looks. Most of them just stared at her blankly, and the others just whispered to their friends with their eyes narrowed in distrust.
Twilight noticed this and she looked at Spike nervously.
"It's ok. Normally ponies are friendly here." Twilight told a discouraged Starlight.
"Yeah, friendly to those who didn't almost destroy a timeline." Starlight muttered with a little bitterness.
"Hey Twilight!" All their gazes were fixed on a few mares that trotted up to the princess. "The flowers that you requested for the castle are ready for delivery!" A mare with a red mane spoke to her.
"Thanks, Rose." Twilight smiled. "I'll pick them up today now that I'm here."
Rose smiled. Meanwhile, a pink pony next to her stared at Starlight. "Who are you? I don't think I've seen you around before."
"S-Starlight Glimmer." Starlight stammered at her name. She felt very nervous around these ponies, and it only gotten worse once they started talking to her.
"She's new here." Spike told the mares. "She's Twilight's new student!"
"Ooh Twilight! You're very first pupil! Congrats!" Rose exclaimed.
As Twilight was about to say "thank you", a pony with an amber mane pointed at Starlight in an accusing manner. "Aren't you the pony that enslaved a village?"
Caught immediately off-guard by the question, Starlight didn't even say anything. All she did was look down at her hooves in shame.
"So you are!" Lily gasped.
"Lily! That's rude!" Rose exclaimed. She looked at Starlight with an apologetic gaze. "I'm so sorry for that."
Starlight still said nothing.
"Yeah, Lily, shame on you!" The other pink pony exclaimed, but then she whispered in her friend's ear. But it wasn't very quiet, since Starlight could hear what she said.
"Don't be rude to her, or else she'll steal your cutie mark once Twilight isn't looking." she said in her friends ear. To which Lily scoffed and said, "I would like to see her try."
Starlight's gaze narrowed angrily. Then she sent out tiny sparks out of her horn.
"Stop! You'll make her angry." Rose told her friends.
"Girls, calm down." Twilight told them. She then shifted her gaze towards the pink pony, called Daisy. "I've heard what you've said. Starlight isn't like that anymore. There is no reason to be scared."
"Didn't you see those sparks that came out of her horn?" Lily asked her. "She used that as an intimidation."
Starlight rolled her eyes as she turned away angrily.
"That's no reason to be rude." Twilight told her. "You shouldn't have said that when she was right in front of you."
Rose nodded her head in agreement. Daisy looked apologetic at Twilight, and Lily looked at Starlight, still skeptical.
"Whatever. I'm surprised that a pony like her is running amok in this town. Why didn't you send her to prison like how Celestia did to her own sister?" Lily asked Twilight.
Twilight looked nervously at Starlight. She saw that Starlight lowered her ears, and her eyes were narrowed.
Twilight started sweating under the pressure. "Uh... I'll discuss that with the girls another time." she grinned widely.
With a nod, she turned the other way and walked away from the mares. Starlight was a little startled by the sudden direction, but she eventually followed her. She didn't even look back at the mares.
"That was unnecessary, Lily." Starlight heard Rose, who was clearly disappointed by her friend. "You never know. She might've actually changed."
"Rose, you should've known by now that even reformed villains can turn their back onto us. Why don't you ask Discord?" Lily told her. "What makes you think she wouldn't do the same?"
Then she heard her voice trail away.
Haha, loving this already. I like the way you captured her anxiety
Thank you! For some reason that's the easy part about writing this story. Probably due to either being relatable, or that I love her so much that I can picture how she's feeling.
You really DON'T want Celestia herself to hear that. Because she will heavily disagree with you.
Wait a minute. The name of this character… it’s so familiar.
I'm sure that Discord wouldn't have a problem explaining why Starlight isn't going to be a threat to Fluttershy or other ponies. At least if Fluttershy asked him to do it. and comparing her to Nightmare Moon isn't going to go over well with anypony least of all Luna herself.