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When you want to write but procrastination is winning | A Starlight fan since 2020 | Christ is King!


This story is a sequel to Unforgettable and Unforgivable

Days after the attack, and finally starting to accept her place as Twilight's pupil, Starlight is now ready to take on her first friendship lesson: communicate with the friendly ponies of Ponyville. So that Starlight would not only know the community better, but also to help improve her socialising skills.

But these ponies also know of what Starlight had done just months ago, and most ponies even distrust her at first, and they do not hesitate to let Starlight know about it.

Despite the rumors and gossips, will Starlight continue her path of accepting her past, or go back to the mindset that she used to have?

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 42 )

Haha, loving this already. I like the way you captured her anxiety

Thank you! For some reason that's the easy part about writing this story. Probably due to either being relatable, or that I love her so much that I can picture how she's feeling.

"Whatever. I'm surprised that a pony like her is running amok in this town. Why didn't you send her to prison like how Celestia did to her own sister?" Lily asked Twilight.

You really DON'T want Celestia herself to hear that. Because she will heavily disagree with you.

Wow, this is pretty intense already, and it's only the second chapter lol. Hah, Starlight's even more relatable than before!

xD yes, very.

"Rose, you should've known by now that even reformed villains can turn their back onto us. Why don't you ask Discord?" Lily told her. "What makes you think she wouldn't do the same?"


Wait a minute. The name of this character… it’s so familiar.

Okay, I get not trusting her, that’s totally fine but actively treating her like trash is something I will not tolerate.

Where’s Discord?! He needs to make up for this!

During this time, a lot of ponies had a lot of trust issues towards reformed villains thanks to Discord's actions in the Season 4 finale. Since Starlight is a reformed villain like Discord, they are just taking out their anger onto Starlight.

The only reason that they didn't have trust issues towards Luna is because they know that she won't turn on them. Meanwhile in their eyes, Discord might betray them again (which kinda came true in The Ending of the End), and Starlight might also betray them as well.

Also I don't think Discord would help in this situation. It's all up to Twilight, Spike, and Starlight to sort them out

Mhm... it's so familiar too... and the funny part is that it wasn't even intended.

You conveyed the emotions perfectly. I'm also worried, the story is getting more and more tense.

Thanks so much!

Aww, more cute pony feels. I wonder what's going to happen next.

Hopefully good lol

Sludge is now number two on my list of Top 10 Hated Incarnations, welcome to number one CARAMEL!

He's that bad? I never thought he would reach those levels. Even if he did act very rude in this one.

"Oh, Spike." Twilight stood there. She now started to tremble. "I thought the lesson would be easy, but instead, I made it more stressful for Starlight." she shook her head. "When did it all go wrong?"

When the ponies decided to be f***ing pricks and treat Starlight like scum for no reason.

Too bad they weren't there to see it :/

They have severe trust issues. Well, at least one does.

I like the self-hatred there, don't ask me why, but I do. Maybe because it captures her pure emotions and is so relatable.

Oh, and, yay! She made her first friend! Nice chapter as always lol

Actually I like reading stories about Starlight's self hatred. Makes me feel sorry for her.

Ty! And yes, she did technically meet her first friend. I wonder now the StarTrix fans will react. Hopefully calmly.

Finally. The hatred is ending. Glad that Starlight’s doing better.

I'm sure that Discord wouldn't have a problem explaining why Starlight isn't going to be a threat to Fluttershy or other ponies. At least if Fluttershy asked him to do it. and comparing her to Nightmare Moon isn't going to go over well with anypony least of all Luna herself.

That waiter was very rude and if Fluttershy heard him say that she would give him the Stare.

Caramel wasn't very nice to Starlight but I also doubt Discord would agree with being considered harmless before his betrayal. The mane 6 with the exception of Fluttershy certainly didn't think he was harmless even though the betrayal did surprise them.

But then she remembered that all Starlight did during her reformation was sit in her room, and did nothing but blame herself.

Here Starlight is thinking about herself in third person which looks rather strange.

At least Starlight is getting better thanks to BonBon. Hopefully the ponies will withhold judgement until Starlight has at least had a chance to prove herself.

At least Caramel had the decency to apologize to Starlight. Though I doubt Discord will care about the consequences his actions had for Starlight unless Fluttershy makes him care.

"A tad?" A purple pony named Berry Punch objected. "I'm sure it was more than a tad. "

Oh, so Bon Bon isn't the only pony who's on her side :)

Nice way to sum up the story!

I didn't want to make everyone an asshole besides Bon Bon so I wanted some other pony to come to her defense. Berry Punch was the winner when it came to picking background ponies for that.

Thank you, I enjoyed writing it!

Apparently that waiter has never heard of the phrase 'the customer is Always Right' before, and frankly if he were working for a real restaurant and was behaving that way he would have likely gotten fired for his actions. After all, Starlight is still a paying customer. She deserves the same treatment as anypony else in the establishment. Behaving like that in front of a crown Princess is even more egregious.
Imagine of Celestia or Luna hears about that....

Also, Catpaw616, I am really liking this story so far. It is a nice sequel to your previous story, showcasing Starlight's inner anxieties. It really shows why I love her as a character so much.

And, the fact that Starlight Fan talks here so much makes me wonder: what if you two collaborated on a story? I think that could be a lot of fun to see.

Hm..this has been quite an interesting story. It seems like you have turned Starlight into the proverbial punching bag of the post-S4 brony fandom, when that community got to be so incredibly toxic that they all wanted her head chopped off and served on a silver platter. I don't know if that was intentional, bit it certainly is quite an interesting use for Starlight if that's the case.
Still, all things considered, Starlight is taking the abuse quite well. She hasn't really lashed out at anyone, and every time she felt like she would she left the room. It really shows how far she has grown as a character. The other ponies don't realize how hard it is for poor Starlight to have to go through that level of abuse. Hopefully this will all get resolved by the end of this story.

Once again, this is really well written. I love seeing Starlight's inner conflict over time. Also, it's nice to know that there is at least one other pony that will stand up for Starlight outside of Twilight (Trixie naturally would also stand up for her, but I don't think Starlight has met Trixie yet in this timeline). Hopefully Starlight can also meet Fluttershy as well. After all, Fluttershy loves everypony, including Discord (a being whom everypony hates here despite the fact that he was also responsible for magic being restored and Tirek losing his powers). I think that Starlight would really enjoy talking with her.

And...this story is brought to a close. Honestly, all around I had a lot of fun reading it. I loved seeing Starlight develop as a character so much through the course of this story. It's also nice to see that not everypony in Ponyville is so mean spirited outside of the Mane Six. I can't wait to see how all of this plays out in your next story with Starlight, Catpaw616. Hopefully the next one will finally bring Trixie into the mix in some way (I know you have written Starlight/Trixie stories in the past, as I have seen your library, lol).

Still, one interesting thing to note is that Caramel never did tell Twilight what he said, about how he actually believed that Starlight defeating the bugbear was all made up by Starlight to make herself somehow look better. It does make me wonder what Twilight would have thought if she heard that. Oh well, at the very least he was man enough to apologize for that. It makes me like him a little bit more.


Apparently that waiter has never heard of the phrase 'the customer is Always Right' before, and frankly if he were working for a real restaurant and was behaving that way he would have likely gotten fired for his actions. After all, Starlight is still a paying customer. She deserves the same treatment as anypony else in the establishment. Behaving like that in front of a crown Princess is even more egregious.
Imagine of Celestia or Luna hears about that....

Honestly he would've been fired. But alas, Twilight is too kind to point out the firing rule onto him.

Also, Catpaw616, I am really liking this story so far. It is a nice sequel to your previous story, showcasing Starlight's inner anxieties. It really shows why I love her as a character so much.

Yeah that's my favorite part about writing this story. I like writing about Starlight's inner anxiety and I have no idea why 👍

And, the fact that Starlight Fan talks here so much makes me wonder: what if you two collaborated on a story? I think that could be a lot of fun to see.

Heh that would probably be another day. If we want too, of course


Hm..this has been quite an interesting story. It seems like you have turned Starlight into the proverbial punching bag of the post-S4 brony fandom, when that community got to be so incredibly toxic that they all wanted her head chopped off and served on a silver platter. I don't know if that was intentional, bit it certainly is quite an interesting use for Starlight if that's the case.

Lmao ah yes, I remember those days. In fact I used to not like her too much. Not to the point where I hated her. But I just didn't like her. Now look where I am. I have no regrets now lol

Still, all things considered, Starlight is taking the abuse quite well. She hasn't really lashed out at anyone, and every time she felt like she would she left the room. It really shows how far she has grown as a character. The other ponies don't realize how hard it is for poor Starlight to have to go through that level of abuse. Hopefully this will all get resolved by the end of this story.

If I made her a crybaby and kept attacking people, I would feel that readers would not sympathetic towards her. Hell I was worried that if I did that, they would call her a brat, for some reason. So I simply left it off with "shrug it off and leave even though its hard".


Once again, this is really well written. I love seeing Starlight's inner conflict over time. Also, it's nice to know that there is at least one other pony that will stand up for Starlight outside of Twilight (Trixie naturally would also stand up for her, but I don't think Starlight has met Trixie yet in this timeline).

It was about time she had at least one pony to stand by her side. I don't want to make everyone a jackass.

Hopefully Starlight can also meet Fluttershy as well. After all, Fluttershy loves everypony, including Discord (a being whom everypony hates here despite the fact that he was also responsible for magic being restored and Tirek losing his powers). I think that Starlight would really enjoy talking with her.

One day :)


And...this story is brought to a close. Honestly, all around I had a lot of fun reading it. I loved seeing Starlight develop as a character so much through the course of this story. It's also nice to see that not everypony in Ponyville is so mean spirited outside of the Mane Six.

Yeah that was the intention. Glad it played out swell lol

I can't wait to see how all of this plays out in your next story with Starlight, Catpaw616. Hopefully the next one will finally bring Trixie into the mix in some way (I know you have written Starlight/Trixie stories in the past, as I have seen your library, lol).

Currently I am making a new one-shot story, but it won't feature Trixie, unfortunately. But don't worry, I will add her to more future stories soon ;)

Still, one interesting thing to note is that Caramel never did tell Twilight what he said, about how he actually believed that Starlight defeating the bugbear was all made up by Starlight to make herself somehow look better. It does make me wonder what Twilight would have thought if she heard that. Oh well, at the very least he was man enough to apologize for that. It makes me like him a little bit more.

He thought that it wouldn't make the situation better if he told her what he said. He knew what he did was wrong, and was regretful. No need to rub the salt into the wound by telling Twilight all the cruel things he said. At least that was my intention when writing that scene

"Yeah, I'm done being in that phase." Starlight told the two of them with determination. "I've realized that I can't keep running whenever a pony doesn't like me. I have to accept it and move on. Some may forgive me, and some might take some time to forgive me, or others will never forgive my deeds. But either way, I will be ok."

Uh… they were treating you like crap. I think you were entirely justified. Good for you though.

Okay, maybe I was too harsh on Caramel. I guess he’s not NEARLY as bad as Sludge. He did a good job apologizing.

I’m glad Starlight’s starting to come to terms with ponies not liking her. At least now she can move forward.

Rose was nice to her, it was just daisy and Lily who weren't

This should have been her first lesson in the show or at least acknowledged openly without rendering it something of a somewhat dark running gag (that punk rock bedroom aesthetic in "The Parent Map", for instance. Seriously?) Not everyone is going to treat you good no matter how much you atone. It isn’t an easy lesson, but it’s essential. Great story.

Thanks so much! Greatly appreciate it

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