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Ifrit's Arrival

*Clarity's POV*

I was wandering around town, looking at all the happy families or couples.

I sigh "Ifrit, where the hell are you?"

Ifrit, that handsome hunk of a stallion… I couldn’t even think that my life would be worth living without him.

I started howling at the night sky.

But then I heard a voice. “Something wrong, Clarity?”

I looked behind me, and it was Rainbow Dash and Danyelle.

I spoke "I just miss somepony, that's all."

But then Danyelle realized something, before gaining a smirk. “Thinking of some stallion?”

Blushing, I stammer "Sh-shut up!"

Danyelle asks "Ah-ha! You do have a crush on someone! So, who’s the lucky stallion?"

I spoke "Shut up fuzzball! It's not your business!"

Danyelle spoke "Come on! You can tell me! I bet he’s a hot, handsome, hunk."

I mumble "Well he is half dog demon...."

Danyelle giggles "Ooh! Make that smokin’ hot!"

I think "Shit... I keep forgetting the fuzzball has keen hearing..."

Danyelle was still laughing.

I spoke "Don't make me get Ben."

Danyelle spoke "*Calming down from laughter* Sorry, couldn’t help myself."

“And Rainbow Dash still has a crush on Soarin.” I retorted with a smirk.

Rainbow's wings shot up on end.

Danyelle spoke "Hehe! You gotta admit, she got you there, Dash."

Rainbow spoke "Oh shut up fuzzball..."

Danyelle asks "Hmm? Would you look at that, a flaming red comet, coming right… this… way?"

Danyelle sounded a bit scared at that last part.

Twilight yells "SCATTER!!!!!!"

Rainbow bolted, as did Danyelle and I before the "comet" crashed down.

But I froze as I sensed something familiar from that “comet.”

Danyelle was behind a tree.

“Wait, this energy… Could it be…?” I wondered before the “comet” crashed.

Danyelle spoke "Move it dog bitch!"

But I didn’t hear her as I went closer to the crash site.

A half dog demon half alicorn stallion was out cold in the crater.

I recognized exactly who it was! “*Gasp!* Ifrit!”

The black stallion groans as he slowly woke up.

Ifrit asks "Rity? Is that... You?"

I couldn't help but sob in happiness with tears leaking from my eyes as I hugged Ifrit tightly. "Ifry! I'm so glad you're here! I was afraid I would never see you again!"

Ifrit spoke "Choking... Not breathing...."

"Oh! Sorry, Ifry!" I apologized as I let go of him.

Ifrit soon has me in a headlock as he gives me a noogie.

Ifrit spoke "I see someone has her cutie mark now after trying to figure out how to get one for the past 200 years."

"Aw, you!" I playfully pouted as I started tussling with Ifrit.

During the playfight, Ifrit pins me down.

Ifrit spoke "Pinned ya."

But then I turned the tables and pinned Ifrit. "Pinned ya back."

A silver ring had rolled out of Ifrit's mane, catching me by surprise.

I soon had tears in my eyes.

I spoke "You big dummy.... Of course I'll marry you...."

Ifrit chuckles "Heh, I was gonna ask ya. But eh, what the hay..."

Me and my boyfriend just passionately kissed each other on the lips, and neither of us could stop ourselves from moaning in pleasure, lust and bliss while our tongues were wrestling for dominance. It felt like we could go on like this for all of eternity.

Danyelle asks "uh... What is going on?"

Neither of us could hear that as we were completely and utterly lost in the moment, still kissing each other lovingly, lustfully and blissfully.

Danyelle pulled my tail with magic.

I yelp in pain since I hated having my tail pulled.

“Danyelle!” I pouted.

Danyelle spoke "Others are staring at you..."

That made me and Ifrit blush in embarrassment.

Emma was yipping at her adopted parents since she was hungry.

Rarity picks the pup up with magic before trotting off.

Breakfang asks "More alicorns huh?"

Rarity spoke "Yes."

Breakfang spoke "Oh wow..."

Twilight was busy with something though.

*Meanwhile in Canterlot,*

Quicksilver was galloping through the hallways to Celestia's room


But then Pyre showed up. “Did he seem to be half phoenix demon?”

Quicksilver spoke "No, he's half dog demon! Just like Clarity!"

Pyre just chuckled. “Ifrit. I didn’t expect him to be here.”

Quicksilver spoke "It's not funny Prince Pyre!"

Pyre spoke "And why’s that? He always told me about Clarity. He goes on and on about her.”

Quicksilver spoke "At this rate, Ponyville will be belly deep in alicorns!"

That made Celestia giggle. “Yes, we know.”

Quicksilver spoke "First was just Clarity... Then another Twilight shows up... then we got young Akari... Then Korra.... Then Zoey... then Twilight and Sunset both become alicorns.... Then Danyelle became the first gryphicorn.... Plus I heard rumors that Griffonstone has prospered again."

Celestia spoke "Yes indeed, since Ezekiel and Gilda are the new king and queen there."

Quicksilver spoke "If the strongest of the Mobian Guard hadn't helped, Ezekiel wouldn't have been able to reclaim the lost treasure."

Pyre spoke "Yep."

Quicksilver groans "One half dog demon was crazy enough, two is way more crazier than Pinkie and the Tri-Pies..."

But then Pyre started snickering. “Not to mention what’ll happen when Ifrit and Clarity start to have fun.”

Quicksilver spoke "And since demons have long lifespans.... Those two mutts will outlive Twilight and the others."

But something crept down Celestia’s spine, telling her that might not be the case.

Light asks "You okay mom?"

Celestia spoke "Oh, it’s just a have a feeling that Twilight, Clarity, all of their friends and family will always be together."

Light spoke "But we greater alicorns have longer lifespans than lesser alicorns though."

Celestia spoke "Who knows. Twilight and her friends might grow to be like us, Clarity, or any other creature."

Quicksilver spoke "Demons have long lifespans... Chakats live to about 150 years of age... Mobians tend to live to about 75 in human years.... Shadow doesn't age since he's immortal..."

Celestia spoke "Same being said for Maria."

Quicksilver spoke "I have a gut feeling that something or someone has changed the course of our lives...."

An unknown voice spoke "Your wish has been granted. Farewell."

Quicksilver pulled off her armor thus revealing a pair of wings.


Soon enough, a letter from Twilight had arrived.

Celestia asks "What’s this?"

The letter read "Can somepony explain what the floppa is going on? Alicorns are popping up like crazy! Your fellow alicorn, Twilight."

Celestia spoke "Something’s telling me that no one in existence would’ve expected this."

Quicksilver had tears in her eyes for some reason.

Pyre asks "Is something wrong?"

Quicksilver spoke "Just thinking about my twin, that's all. She's had a broken horn since she was a filly..."
