• Published 1st Feb 2022
  • 1,951 Views, 115 Comments

Power Rangers: Harmony - ShootingStar25

All was quiet in the city of Canterlot. For years, this place was peaceful. Nothing major happens, that is... until a force from another dimension makes its presence known.

  • ...

Chapter 6: Hidden Powers

"Okay, run it back on what happened?" asked Ash as he sat in a chair.

"Well..." spoke Rainbow as she began to recall what occurred a few hours ago.


The day started like normal. Rainbow was in the park as she was skateboarding. The girl was currently working on her tricks as she wanted to improve her skills. Especially, cause the teen girl was looking to execute a special maneuver. Only a small amount of people were able to complete the trick, but she wanted to be the one who could do it with ease. The trick was to get as much air as she can after reaching up from the top of the half-pipe skateboard ramp and then bring the skateboard up above her head and then quickly back under her feet and make the landing. It takes a lot of practice to get it just right and even more to land it without any bumps.

Rainbow Dash was making her way to the half-pipe to do the trick. she was going as fast as she possibly could, she was about to make the jump to do the nearly impossible trick so there was no turning back. She managed to get some air as she made sure to grab her skateboard and hold it above her head. After she completed that part of the combo, she tried to get her board back under her feet. As she had the board under her feet again, it was too late as it hit the corner of the half-pipe, and she fell. She was falling as she prepared herself to hit the ground. Her legs were swinging back and forth when suddenly the girl found herself from in the air to the ground in seconds. This shocked the girl as she was expecting to land on anything but her feet as her board then landed next to her.

Rainbow was unsure what happened. The reality of the situation was that her gem had saved her as it granted the girl superspeed as she was able to land safely.

"Woah, did I do that?"

(End of Flashback)

"And that's what happened?" said the chromatic girl.

"That's what happened to me. Well, not exactly," said Applejack as she was also present. Soon the girl began to recall her incident.


The country girl was with her family as she was doing some farm work. They had a big order for some cider by a client as each family member was looking to meet the deadline. Applejack was crushing some apples with her feet as she was in a tub of apples. Her little rhino zord was also present as the mechanical beast wanted to help its mistress as it took a liking to the girl's lifestyle. The two were hard at work as soon all the apples in the tub were turned to mush. The country girl then hopped out as she grabbed her zord and held it like a plushie as it was still a tad bit heavy despite being smaller than usual. She placed the small thing on the ground as she went to fetch the container.

The girl went to the nearby corner of the room as she bent down to sift through the many ones finding the right one. She was unaware of the cupboard above her as one of the screws that were used to hold the thing was loose. Soon it slowly came undone as it fell.

"Found it, ow!" said Aj as she felt the sharp thing hit her head as she wasn't wearing her signature Stenson hat.

She looked up and saw the many things falling. The girl didn't have time to move out of the way as put her arm over her in hopes to protect herself. The things crashed on the girl but to Applejack's surprise, she didn't feel any pain. The girl opened her eyes and looked around her feet.

Her rhino had walked slowly to where its owner was as it made a sound and nuzzled her leg. Aj bent down to pet her animal zord as she was still looking at all the clutter that lay before her. She then checked her arm for any cuts or bruises that she might have suffered, but to her surprise, her skin was fine. She checked it over several times but nothing on her smooth, fair skin. Her rhino let out a sound.

"You and me both, little guy," said Aj, petting her zord while still trying to fully understand what just happened.

"Applejack!" shouted a voice.

"It's Granny!" shouted the teen as she quickly yanked her zord and put him behind some boxes as she told it to stay quiet.

"Applejack! There you are, what happened here?" asked the elder person as she saw the clutter that lay on the floor.

"Oh, just... a screw came loose, Granny. All the stuff fell. Thankfully, I was able to get out of the way. I was gonna do a quick repair." said Aj coming up with a reasonable justification while not letting her family know what really happened.

"Well, alright. Glad you're safe, sugar."

With that, Aj's grandmother left to check on the rest of the cowgirl's siblings. The farmer made sure that her grandma was out of distance before turning back to the boxes and looking for her zord. The rhino then popped out as in its mouth was a toolbox. Applejack just smiled at how much she enjoyed having her zord help out. Still, she was trying to figure out what occurred and there was only one person who could explain it.

(End of Flashback)

"And that's what went down," stated Aj to her friend as she lifted her hat.

"Strange, it seems like Applejack and Rainbow Dash have experienced some new form of powers," said Twilight as she had been taking down notes and details of her friend's stories.

"You think it has to do with any monsters we may have fought?" asked Sunset.

"No, it's not that. I know exactly what's happening," said Ash.

"Well, tell us!" stated Rainbow as she really wanted to know.

"The reason is because of your gems," stated Ash as he pointed at their wristbands with the stones in them.

"What about them?" asked Twilight.

"When you girls took the oath and chose to be rangers, you bonded with the stones. And in turn, the stones granted you all with some hidden powers, so to speak."

"Care to clarify?" asked Sunset to their leader.

"Alright, for Dash. Her gem's animal and zord is a peregrine falcon. They're the fastest birds on Planet Earth that reach up to speeds over 320 km/h or 200 mph. So as part of the bond you formed with the gem, it gave you a small ability to match that of your animal spirit. So that's why you have superspeed to some degree." explained Ash.

"So, how fast can I go?" asked Rainbow with her eyes going huge at hearing how much speed she could run.

"Best say that for another day," said the boy as he knew what would happen if he told the girl. "Now for Applejack, her gem's animal and zord is a rhino. As you know, not only are they heavy, but strong. Not to mention they have thick skin. So as you can see, not only is your strength slightly increased, but you can make your skin harder than normal, which means you can absorb some hits if someone tries to harm you."

"Can't wait to try that power out against those mutants," stated Aj.

"Well, what about us?" asked Sunset as she pointed to her and Twilight.

"Well, you're gem's animal is a phoenix. A mythical bird associated with Greek mythology. It symbolizes the idea of rebirth. As well as rising from the ashes. So for your power, it means you can withstand hot temperatures a little longer than us." stated Ash to Sunset. "And that's not all, your suit has some wings that you can use to sort of glide/fly."

"Why didn't you tell me that before?" asked Sunset as all this time, she had some secret features of her suit.

"Why does she get wings?!" shouted Rainbow as she was jealous.

"Stop being a bitch, Dash," replied Sunset.

"Relax, Skittles. You and Twilight also have some set of wings in your suit. And as for Twilight... well, I mean, you're gem's an owl. So your power there would be intelligence."

"But I'm already smart," said Twilight.

"Yeah, well, in the past. Every ranger who was picked by the sapphire stone wasn't a genius like you, to be fair. If anything, the gem made them increase their intelligence but, as far as I know, that's it."

"Oh, I get the short end of the stick?!!" shouted Twilight as she couldn't believe that the power her gem gave her was useless.

"Again, nobody's been a nerd when they were chosen to wield the owl," stated Ash.

"Don't call me that!!" pouted the bookworm.

"Look, if it makes you feel any better. Your belt has small feather darts that you can throw which create a small explosion upon impact."

"That still doesn't make me feel better about myself," mumbled Twilight as she felt like she was the one who had the weakest ability.

"Well, what's your power, sugarcube?" asked Aj.

"Well, since my animal is a wolf, it means my dexterity, stamina, and conditioning increases. Meaning that I got a bit more energy than most people before I get tired." stated the boy.

"Speaking of which, Ash. Are you doing anything come Friday?" asked Sunset.


"Well, there's a small party happening at our school. And seeing as how you've never attended a formal event due to... you know. Plus, it might give you a chance to meet some new people." said Sunset.

"Gonna have to take a raincheck on that," said the boy as he turned around to Rachel.

"Come on, Ash!" said Sunset as she grabbed her leader's hand and pulled him out of his chair. "Have fun. Live a little." stated the girl as she was pulling the boy towards the door.

"Let me go, Sunny!" stated Ash.

"What did you just call me?" said Sunset as she looked at the boy. Safe to say, she didn't expect her friend to give her a nickname.

"N-Nothing. Forget what I said," said Ash as he was now questioning why did he call the girl by that name.

It wasn't that Sunset hated that her leader called her by that name. If anything, she kind of enjoyed it. Regardless, it seemed Ash was being headstrong as he was focused on finding the rest of the zords and stopping the Dark Lords from destroying their dimension.

The zords came from above as Ash's wolf pup leaped down from the upper floor as it landed on some obstacles to get to the bottom floor. The others came in with the three birds flying down as Aj's rhino was forced to walk down the stairs as it was the one who didn't have much mobility like its comrades. The girls saw the zords as they couldn't help but smile and awe at how they acted like pets as they were playing with each other. They soon began to play with the zords themselves as Ash was at the computer inputting some commands.

Meanwhile, in the Dark Lords' lair...

"Once this device is done, the rangers will be one step closer to being destroyed," stated Thorax as he was at his computers working his digits.

"Shouldn't you be looking for the missing zords?!" shouted Starlight as she made her presence known as she walked through the door. Even in the hallway, she could hear her mutant friend ramble outloud.

"Unlike the zords that belong to the rangers, the rest of them can be controlled by us."

"Patience, Starlight. One thing at a time, besides this device, will benefit us in the long run when it comes to dealing with those meddlesome rangers."

"Best leave my son to do his work," stated the mutant that was Thorax's mother. "His inventions have served us well in the past. So I do not doubt him."

"Glad to hear that, mother. Especially, cause once this is done, I'll need your help for the final piece."

"Well, why you're busy playing with your toys. We need to cause some chaos out in the city," stated Starlight as she left through the door.

"Now I know why I broke up with her. She's too much of a control freak," stated Thorax as he was typing away at his keyboard.

With Starlight, she had entered the main room of their base as two figures were present. They were shadows as their identities remained hidden. The two officers saw the general approach them as they took a knee.

"While my 'ex-boyfriend' is busy playing with his inventions, I want you two to go out and create havoc on the city. Destroy anything you see in your path."

"Yes, general!" shouted the pair as they disappeared.

There comes a time in everyone's life when they must find the courage to seek out their destiny. But sometimes, what you seek isn't always what you find.

A voice spoke that line as soon the scene changed to that of the city during the night. Tons of lights from the buildings were shown. On top of a building, there was a figure who was overlooking the place as down below the lights from the cars also shined. The figure then turned around and walked as the only thing shown was the symbol of the wolf on the person's chest.

A figure was shown soaring through the air. On its back was a jet turbine as it was flying above the city. It zoomed up the side of a building as it landed. It ran a few meters as it looked to start its mission. It was soon stopped as a purple figure was shown who got the thing to stop in its tracks. The purple figure then pulled out their saber as they began to attack and slash at the thing in front of them as it was being pushed back. The thing was reaching the end of the ledge as the purple figure went for one more overhead attack when their hand was caught. The figure was then hit in the chest by the fist of the thing. It then took off as the turbine on its back allowed it to get over to another building as they looked back at the purple figure who saw the thing escape.

The thing was unaware of another figure as they used their legs to trip the thing. The thing went down as the figure grabbed it by the jet engines on its chest as a flash of green was shown. The green figure then began to run forward with the thing in its hand as it collided into the wall as the thing felt the impact. The green figure then used its powerful strength as it tossed the thing off the side of the building as it was now free-falling with its back towards the ground.

The thing hit a stack of boxes as they crumpled upon impact. Before it could get up to its feet, there was a surge of water that was shown as a figure came out of the water as if it was waiting for the thing to fall. A hint of blue was shown as the figure grabbed the thing by the engines on its chest and dragged it back into the water.

The battle in the water was shown as the figure that dragged the thing began to attack it using some sharp claws. The thing powered up the jet engines on its chest as it began to blow at the figure as the powerful airflow created caused the blue figure to be blown into the water as it allowed time for the thing to escape. It flew out of the water with the turbine on its back and lifted into the air.

At that moment, another figure was shown. It grabbed the thing with its hands and was now flying with the thing towards the top of a building. They landed as the figure made a flash of red appear in its hand as the small saber appeared as they began to slash at the thing. It retaliated by throwing a fist to which the figure hit another slash as both collided.

The thing only stumbled as the red figure was thrown to the ground from the punch. The thing jumped and looked to bring its fist down when it was stopped moments before as a shield was shown blocking it. It belonged to the same purple figure from before as it did some quick kicks to its midsection that pushed the thing away a few feet. Both figures got to their feet as they prepared to fight together. The thing then looked behind as, at that moment, the other two colored figures jumped down and surrounded it. The pair ran forward when they were suddenly stopped in their tracks by some lightning.

They were then hit dead-on by the voltage as a small explosion occurred from their chest as they fell. This prompted the other two figures to be concerned when they looked up in a direction as another bolt of thunder was shown aimed at them.

The attack hit creating an explosion as the girls managed to jump and roll at the last second over to a different section of the roof as they now looked. To their surprise, there was another thing that appeared as it had thunder coming from its battery hands as the thing with the turbines was smiling and laughing.

The new thing then powered up its electricity as it shot from its hands and head as the voltage hit the figures in front who did a backflip as they fell. The other two figures were picked up and thrown against the railing of the building before they could have a chance to fight back. With all of them laid out, the two things took the time to retreat as they disappeared into smokes. And just like that, they were gone.

The blue figure got up as it was pissed off. It stamped its foot in anger as the suit it was wearing powered down.

"Son of a bitch!!" yelled Rainbow as she took a step forward. "Man, those guys are tough. And they got away."

The figure next to it simply put its head down as it didn't go unnoticed by the chromatic girl.

"Aj, you okay?" asked the girl as she placed her hand on her friend's shoulder as she powered down.

"Yeah, it's just that we've never seen two of these monsters team-up. Seems things just got a lot tougher," stated the country girl as she dusted off her hat.

"Yeah, no joke," stated Twilight as she powered down. "Even with our combined efforts, they still managed to overpower us. Seems we need a better plan."

"Or better attacks," stated Sunset as she landed behind the trio and powered down. "I think we might need some new powers. Though I am liking these wings on my suit."

"Come in, guys. What happened?" asked Ash over their morphers.

"They escaped, sugarcube."

"And it wasn't just one of them, they teamed up," said Sunset.

"Not good. Usually, they only send one at a time. But if they're now sending multiple, then we're in more danger than I realized. In any case, nothing to do but wait till they strike again. Get some rest everyone, but stay on standby in case of emergencies." stated their leader.

"Understood," said the four girls.

They each touched their morphers as they turned into their respective lights and went in different directions.

Ash was shown walking in town as he was currently doing some errands. The boy had entered a grocery store as he had some shopping to do to refill the fridge at the command center. And because Rainbow would always eat whatever was in there and not leave anything for the rest of them. Despite not accepting Sunset's invitation to the girls' school event, the ranger did get out more than he let on.

Upon arriving in this dimension, he had Rachel inform him of how things worked here for the most part. One of those things was knowing where he could find nutrition as that required him to go to the stores to get different foods. Another thing was money, which served as no problem as the boy had some leftover gems from his dimension that when he turned into the bank for some cash, it was worth a lot more than he expected. That and cause Rachel was built by his father, the female program came with some currencies to suit where he might be.

Once he did the shopping, he then turned a corner as a flash of yellow was shown. The boy arrived at the command center as drones popped out and began to put the stuff away. He then touched his wristband as he teleported once more.

Fluttershy was shown at the animal rescue center as she was currently taking care of some animals. All around her were small dogs that they had finished taking a bath. The buttercup girl was singing a little tune to herself as she poured a bucket of water on the canine. Its fur was drenched as she then used a blow-dryer. The dog's hair then turned went poufy as the girl giggled.

"Don't worry, I'll take good care of you," smiled Fluttershy as she began to brush the dog's fur.

The teen had finished the last set of dogs as she began to do a headcount. At that moment, she noticed that one of them was missing.

"Oh my god, where's Mr. Pickles?" asked the girl as she began to frantically search the place. She was looking all over the place as she was hoping to find the little dog before its owner came by to pick him up.

"Oh no, this is terrible!" stated the girl in a panicked tone.

A throat clearing sound was heard as the girl turned around. Standing there was Ash as he held the small dog in his arms as the little thing had its tongue out in excitement.

"I believe this pup belongs to you," said Ash as he held the dog out in his hand as it barked.

"Mr. Pickles! Thank god you're safe," said Fluttershy as she grabbed the small dog from the boy's hand. She nuzzled it against her cheek as the dog began to lick her face. She then turned to address the teen.

"Thank you. I don't know what I would have done if I lost him."

"Don't mention."

"Where was he? If I may ask?" said the girl before hiding behind her hair.

"Outside. He was chasing a ball and was about to run into the street until I snatched him up," replied Ash.

"Well, thank you for saving him before anything... unfortunate might have occurred," stated the shy girl.

"Yeah, just... next time. Make sure you keep an eye on him. Pups need constant attention," said Ash as he felt a dog near his leg as he began to pet it.

Soon all the other dogs began to crowd the boy as he began to pet their heads.

"Seems you've caught their attention," said Fluttershy as she saw how all the canines flocked to Ash.

"Probably because of my animal zord being a wolf. And how they're related to dogs," muttered Ash that part to himself.

"Listen, I know this may be sudden. But... can you watch them for a few minutes while I tidy the place up?" asked Fluttershy.

"Why me? You don't even know who I am," stated Ash as he stood up.

"True, but... they seem to trust you. So, if they trust you. Then I so do I."

"That's not a particularly compelling argument," said Ash bluntly.

"Please," said Fluttershy as she gave the puppy dog eyes.

Ash saw how the girl was acting as he could see she wanted his help. Not to mention, her shy demeanor added more cuteness than she already had both due to her eyes and beauty. So he knew that if he declined, it would make him have a guilty conscience. The boy gave a heavy sigh as he agreed. Fluttershy immediately perked up as she gave Ash a hug which caught him completely off guard. The girl then left to clean up as the boy was left in the lobby with the many dogs. Once the girl left, the canines began to make noises.

"Alright, settle down everyone. She'll be back. For now, just be quiet," stated Ash.

His response was just a couple of barks.

"Ok, not the response I was looking for, but better than nothing."

He then grabbed a ball and he held it high as it got the attention of the crowd. He tossed it as the dogs now began to chase it in hopes of getting it first. Ash now leaned up against the wall as the dogs came back with the ball returned. He grabbed it and began to play fetch. For the next moments, the boy was playing with the group.

"Boy, you guys really know how to keep me on my toes don't cha?" said Ash with a tired voice.

"They sure do, looks like they did fine with you being around."

At that moment, Fluttershy had returned as she saw how much fun the dogs had with the boy.

"So, you done?" asked Ash.

"Yeah, thanks."

"No worries. Well, I need to leave. I got things to do." stated Ash as he stood up and headed towards the door.

"Thank you... what's your name?"

"It's Ash."

"Thanks, Ash. I'm Fluttershy."

"Fluttershy? Cute name. I'll make sure to remember it. See you around." stated the boy as he exited through the door.

The boy had only made it a few meters away when his wristband went off. He looked around as nobody was nearby as he answered it.

"What is it?"

"Master Ash. It seems we've picked up some activity."


"By Daedalus Bridge."

"We're on it!" stated Sunset as she and the others also heard the message. "Ash, we'll meet you there."

"Make sure you get there as fast as you can!" replied the ranger as he turned his communicator off and began to run.

At the Daedalus Bridge, people were walking on the massive structure. Standing on one end of the bridge was one of the monsters that the girls chased.

"Soon this dimension will fall into chaos. And once again, we'll rule them all!" stated the mutant who was named Jet Stream.

He then began to power up the turbines on his chest as he was blowing a massive wind storm in the face of the people walking. They noticed the mutant as the wind he created was now pushing them back, even so far as take them off their feet as they were flying backward.

"Now for some real fireworks!" shouted the other mutant named Thundercrash as he charged up his battery hand and shot a bolt of electricity to a nearby column as it exploded.

This got the people under the bridge to now run while avoiding the falling debris. They weren't the only ones running for their lives as the nearby birds and small animals were also scared as they too booked it. The girls were shown running from one end as Ash arrived from the other. They all met in the middle as they looked over the railing and saw the destruction the two monsters were doing.

"It's the mutants from the other night," stated Twilight as their enemies were back.

Ash took a step forward as he placed his hand over the railing. He closed his eyes as the cries of the animals that were running could be heard. The boy was now reminded of a similar scenario of what occurred in his dimension as caused him to clench his fist.

"What's the plan, sugar?" asked Aj as they were still looking over the bridge.

"We take them out! But this time, we do it together," said the ranger looking at his team. "You all ready to do this?"

"We're ready," stated Rainbow as the others nodded.

"Rangers, time to save the day. It's Morphin' time!" shouted Ash as he stood in front of the girls as his wristband changed into his Morpher. The girls did the same as they faced their leader.

"Harmony Gem!" shouted Ash as he touched his Morpher.

"Harmony Gem!" responded the girls doing the same.

"Power up!" stated the boy as he traced his symbol.

"Power up!" yelled the girls as they did the same.

Go, Go, Power Rangers!

The transformation now began to take place with a bit of background music to accompany our heroes. Ash now began to trace the symbol that his topaz gem showed as it recognized it. It then had the gem encase the boy as he landed on a platform as his whole body turned into the suit with bits of his gem on his shoulders. He lifted his head as vizor covered the last bit of him as he did his pose with the animal that was on it appeared behind the boy and let out a howl.

The girls also transformed at the same time as each was undergoing their process. They traced the symbol as their gems now encased them as they landed on a platform as their bodies turned into their suits. Each having bits of their gem on their shoulders. They lifted their heads as the vizor configured to cover the last bit of them as they each did their pose with their animal behind them as they let out noises.

"Let's do it!" shouted Ash as they all stood in a line.

"Phoenix wings!" shouted Sunset as she leaped off the ground as the wings on her suit popped out. She was now heading towards where Jet Stream was located.

"Huh?" shouted the mutant as he saw the girl above him.

"Harmony saber!" shouted Sunset as she pulled out her small weapon and did a slash attack as she passed by and did a twist in mid-air as she landed on one knee.

"Didn't you learn your lesson?!!" shouted Jet Stream as he reminded the girl of what happened last time as he got up.

"I guess not! But let me teach you something, mutant! I'm the Harmony Guardian Red Ranger!" shouted Sunset putting her hand out and then bringing it near her face. The scene then transitioned quickly between the different parts of her suit with the last shot being the animal in the middle.

"And Power Rangers never give up!" shouted Sunset doing her pose.

"Hyah!" shouted Rainbow as she managed to attack Jet Stream from behind as he was distracted by Sunset.

The chromatic girl managed to have her suit pulled out the sharp talons on her gloves as she did a quick scratch attack before backing off. She was in the air as she did several backflips before landing perfecting on her knees and standing up.

"Turbine mutant, I'm the Harmony Guardian Blue Ranger!" shouted Rainbow doing the same thing with her hand by thrusting it out and then bringing it in close to her face. The scene transitions between the different parts of her suit as the last shot of her animal in the middle.

"And you're gonna feel my bite!" taunted Rainbow doing her pose.

With the other mutant, Applejack had managed to grab him as she was running with the thing in her hands. She then gave it a great big toss as he landed hard on the ground forward next to some trees as the country girl came to a stop.

"Thunder mutant! Meet the Harmony Guardian Green Ranger!" shouted Aj as she did the same action as her friends. The scene quickly transitioned between the different parts of her suits with her animal being the last one.

"Prepare to be stomped!" stated the farm girl as she did her pose.

"Hyah!" shouted Twilight as she attacked from the trees where Thundercrash was as she used her saber to do some attack as she backflip several times to get some distance.

"Who do you think you are?" shouted Thundercrash as he wobbled a bit from Twilight's sneak attack.

"Thanks for asking. Harmony Guardian Purple Ranger." stated the girl doing the same action. Her different parts of her suit were quickly shown with her animal being last as she finished by doing her pose.

On the ground, heading towards Thundercrash was Ash as he was running on all fours. He slid past him as he used his legs to sweep the mutant as he now stood a few meters away standing tall.

"I'm the Harmony Guardian Yellow Ranger, and your rampage ends here!" shouted the leader as he too did the same as the girls. The different parts of his suit were shown off bit by bit as the boy did his pose.

"Harmony Guardian Power Rangers!" shouted all five of them.

Jet Stream now fired up the turbines on his chest as he was currently dealing with Sunset and Rainbow as they were now in the mountains for their fight. The girls felt the power of the wind as it was like one of the wind tunnels that was used to test planes. The girls were being pushed back with ease as they landed hard on the dirt.

"You guys okay?" asked Ash as he and the rest of them appeared by their friends' side.

"Let's double up!" shouted Thundercrash as he appeared next to Jet Stream.

"I'm down!" snickered Jet Stream as he and Thundercrash had their fists touch as they charged up.

"Fire!" shouted both mutants as they shot out two attacks as they hit the group of five.

The attacks then combined as explosions occurred for our heroes as they were flung into the air as they forward flipped onto the ground in pain. The rangers were hurt from the attack as the villains merely laughed at how easily they were able to fall. Ash was starting to sit up when the image of his animal on his suit began to glow. It shined quickly as a howl was heard that only the boy could hear it. He put his hand over his heart as he began to listen and communicate with his animal.

"Yeah, I hear you," said the yellow ranger as he understood what his zord told him.

"Guys, listen!"

"This is no time to talk!" shouted Rainbow as she was the first to get up as the rest were getting to their knees. "I'm gonna destroy those son of a bitches myself!"

"Wait! You've got to listen. My wolf zord told me what to do." said Ash as he was holding back Rainbow when he said that.

"What?" said Rainbow as she stopped to turn her head to look at the boy.

"What did you say?" asked Twilight as she didn't believe the words coming out of her leader's mouth.

"I said my wolf zord spoke with me, and we agreed," said Ash as he had the girls listen. "He told me that only one can defeat two. That means we have to combine our weapons and work together."

"Is that even possible?" asked Sunset.

"It is, but you girls need to trust me," stated Ash.

"Makes sense, I say let's try it," stated Twilight.

"Let's do it!" stated Applejack.

"Rhino, Phoenix, Wolf, Falcon, Owl!" stated each of the rangers as they pulled out their weapons seconds apart from each other as they said the name of their animal.

"Topaz Harmony Blade!"

"Ruby Harmony Bow!"

"Cobalt Harmony Lance!"

"Emerald Harmony Axe!"

"Sapphire Harmony Shield!"

They all then began to combine each of their weapons as they fitted within one or another. Once completed, their weapons now formed a cannon as they all had their hands on it ready to transform their power.

"Harmony Cannon!" shouted Ash as he was at the trigger.

"That won't help you!" shouted Thundercrash as he began to run towards them.

"Wait!" shouted Jet Stream as he knew what our heroes were doing.

"Power it up, girls!" instructed Ash as they were all concentrating as their gems were transforming their powers to make the cannon function. All the while, Thundercrash was still heading towards them as they held their position.

"Hold," stated Ash as he was making sure their aim was on point. With the cannon now reached max power.

"Now! Harmony Cannon, Final Shot!" shouted the boy as he pulled the trigger as their weapon shot out a sphere of energy as it was covered with the colors of their gems.

It made contact with Thundercrash as he stopped dead in his tracks as he felt the power.

"That did it!" shouted Ash.

The rangers now had their weapons back in their hands as they turned around. Behind them, Thundercrash fell in defeat as a huge explosion went off as our heroes did their victory pose. In the background, Jet Stream saw what happened as he took off to regroup himself.

"Now that was some cool shit!" shouted Rainbow as she couldn't believe what they did.

"Nothing like a little teamwork," stated Twilight with the girl having a smile under her helmet.

"It's not over, we need to go after Jet Stream," stated Sunset as they looked behind to see the mutant was gone.

"Let's hurry and find him!" shouted Ash as all five began to scout for their missing foe.

"Why didn't that fool wait?!" shouted Jet Stream as he couldn't believe that Thundercrash didn't listen. "We could have had them. This is not good."

He had clutched his side a bit as he sustained some damage during the fight with the rangers. The monster had taken a few steps after leaning against a railing when suddenly two flashes of light appeared in front of him. They dissipated and standing before him were two of the generals.

"Where do you think you're going?!"

"General Starlight!" stated Jet Stream as he was a bit terrified by the higher-ranking commander. "Please, forgive. You have to understand, I would have been destroyed had I not retreated."

"And you think you're safer by running away from a fight. The rangers show mercy, but you won't get any from me!" shouted Starlight as she turned on her staff as she looked to get rid of the mutant herself.

"General, please!" pleaded Jet Stream.

"Come now, Starlight. Can't you see our fellow comrade needs some assistance," stated the other general with a wicked tone in her voice. "I say we give him the help he needs."


"Fear not, for I have a way to help you," stated the girl mutant as her hands began to glow.

"Are you sure he went this way?" asked Ash as they had made it to the overpass that looked towards the mountain range that surrounded Canterlot City on the west side.

"I saw him run towards here," stated Rainbow.

"Then where did he go?" said Twilight as they were looking around.

They only saw a few buildings and some junk on top of the overpass as they were trying to find their target.

"Keep your eyes open. He couldn't have gone far," responded Sunset.

The rangers were unaware of the something popping up from behind the railing as they heard a burst of laughter. They all turned around in shock at what they saw. Standing before the was Jet Stream, but he was ten times their size. So much so that the buildings on the overpass looked minuscule. They all jumped back as they took in the sight of their foe.

"You puny rangers don't stand a chance me now!" shouted Jet Stream as he cackled. He swept his arm out as he took out the buildings next to the rangers as they just barely managed to get out of the way as they rolled.

"What the hell!!!" shouted Aj putting her hand on her helmet.

"What... Why... How did it get that big?!!!" shouted Twilight.

"I don't know. But I've got to stop it," said Ash as he pulled out his saber and leaped into the air.

The ranger did a few slashes to the giant foe to which Jet Stream merely swatted away the tiny person as the boy now hit the ground on his back.

"Ash!!" said the girls as they all bent around their leader.

"Okay... in my head, that worked out differently," grunted the yellow ranger as he began to sit up.

"I'm having fun now!" stated Jet Stream as he was looking forward to taking out the rangers with ease.

"This isn't good," said Sunset.

"How the hell do we beat him now?" asked Rainbow.

All five were in a line looking up at their giant foe. Ash's suit then began to glow as the symbol of his animal began to speak one more. The boy was listening to it as the animal was telling him what they needed to do.

"You're right. I guess it's time," said the boy as he turned to look at the girls who were still looking at their foe.

"Girls, listen up. Time I show you all another power we have."

"Another power. Are you serious?!" shouted Rainbow as she was kind of excited.

"Is it one that's gonna help us take him down?" asked Sunset.

"Yes," answered Ash as the girls looked between each other and nodded.

"Then follow my lead," said the boy as they all got in position.

They stood in a line as Ash touched his Morpher as he drew a symbol.

"Wolf zord, arise!" shouted the boy.

His voice echoed as his Morpher recognized the different symbol that was drawn. Then an animal call was ushered as it was sending out a signal. Off in the forest, the sound was being received by the animal it was calling as it let out a howl and raced off.

The girls were unaware of what their leader did when soon they heard a howl. They looked at the forest surrounding Jet Stream as racing forward was Ash's wolf as this time he was in his zord mode.

"Girls, the time has come. Remember how I told you we have these guys to help us. Well, time to show them off!" stated Ash as they nodded.

"Phoenix zord, arise!"

"Owl zord, arise!"

"Rhino zord, arise!"

"Falcon zord, arise!"

Each of the girls touched their morphers as they said that while drawing a different symbol. Soon their zords were receiving the call as they too were shown alongside Ash's wolf zord as they were all racing towards the giant monster.

"Here they come!" said Sunset as she and the others saw them.

"This is amazing!" stated Rainbow as she saw the five zords appear.

Ash's wolf zord let out a howl as it picked up speed and ran ahead of the others as it leaped into the air. It tackled Jet Stream to the ground as it began to bite at it. It was clawing and using its mouth like it was a piece of meat. The giant mutant managed to get its fist under the wolf as it flung the zord away. The boy's zord recovered from being tossed as it flipped itself to land on its feet safely. At that moment, Twilight's owl appeared as it began to attack the giant mutant.

"Go for it, bud!" said Twilight as she cheered on her zord.

Her zord fired a set of energy beams from its huge eyes as it got Jet Stream to fumble when he tried to swat away the feathered creature. Aj's rhino and Dash's falcon were now charging forward in unison with the latter's zord flying above the huge creature.

"Alright, let him have it, falcon!"

"Come on Rhino, don't let that overgrown turkey steal your thunder!"

Seems both of the girl's competitiveness had transferred over to their zords as well as both wanted to prove they were the better zord. Both let out a roar as they both hit the giant monster at once as he was pushed back a few feet as the impact of the attack hurt. The last of the zord was Sunset as her phoenix turned itself on fire.

"Rain from above, Phoenix!" exclaimed Sunset as her bird let out a screech.

The phoenix then began to shower the giant mutant with fire from above as explosions occurred around Jet Stream. The fire then turned into an air vortex that surrounded him as he was trapped in an inferno tornado.

"He's still standing," stated Twilight as even after all their attacks, the giant foe was on his knees.

The zords appeared behind the rangers as they let out a unison sound.

"Remember how we defeated the first one. By working as one. Let's do it again!" stated Ash as the girls nodded and the zords all heard his command.

"Who are you?" asked Jet Stream as he was slowly getting to his feet as he was weak.

"Us? We're just five teenagers with attitude," smirked Ash through his helmet as their zords charged up their final attack.

"Fire!" commanded all five of them as their zords opened their mouths and fired an energy beam that resembled their owners' color.

The rainbow beam hit Jet Stream as he was taken off his feet. He was flung back even more as he slid along the floor as he stopped and a huge explosion occurred as it then changed into a huge rainbow that appeared over the entire mountain and valley range. Our heroes all cheered as they began to high-five each other. A few moments passed as all of them looked ahead overwatching the scenery before them as the rainbow they made was still shining. The voice from before began to speak as our heroes stood before and did one last fist pump to the air as their zords were behind them still as they all let out a unison roar.

And so the journey begins. Destiny has brought five young people together, and now they set out on their adventures.