• Published 1st Feb 2022
  • 1,954 Views, 115 Comments

Power Rangers: Harmony - ShootingStar25

All was quiet in the city of Canterlot. For years, this place was peaceful. Nothing major happens, that is... until a force from another dimension makes its presence known.

  • ...

Chapter 1: Arrival of a Vilgante

The city of Canterlot was dark. Darkness was all that laid as the only lights on were from the buildings and some streetlamps. In a part of the city, there was a parking lot. Standing at the entrance booth was a security guard who was leaned back in his chair, reading the newspaper. The night shift had been rather slow as most of the employees had left.

It was mostly quiet as soon as a sound was heard. This got the guard's attention, as he sat up and looked out of the window. He saw nothing, but he heard another sound. So he exited out of the booth and went to investigate. He began to follow the noise as it seemed to be coming from a few meters away. The trail led the guard to the only car that was in the parking lot as it belonged to the owner of the building across the street. He took a good look as he was seeing if there was anything that might cause the sound.

At that moment, he was then attacked by something. The guard felt himself being shoved to the floor as he saw some things that he couldn't describe. The best thing to describe them were some mutants as they served as the role of minions. The guard was shaken by what he saw as he heard some chuckling. He looked in front of him as he felt himself being held. The thing in front of the guard was also a mutant, but based on his appearance, he looked to have a different role. The mutant in charge had a sinister smile on his face as he pointed his claw arm at the guard.

"The beings of this dimension are so weak and puny. Conquering this for our leader will be a sinch," chuckled the mutant in charge. He then lifted his claw as he looked to bring it down on the guard.

At that moment, some blasters were shown traveling through the air. They made contact with the mutant as he stumbled back and clutched his chest.

"What the--"

Some more shots were fired as they took out the mutants holding the guard as they fell. They moved around a bit before they disappeared as they were defeated. The shots came from the shadows as only a blaster was shown.

"Who are you? Show yourself," said the head mutant.

The blaster then moved out of the shadows as it revealed the figure that was holding it. It turned out to be a person, more specifically a teenage boy, but his face was still hidden.

"A simple teen?"

The teen then made the blaster disappear as he got into a battle stance with his fists raised in front of him. The mutant laughed as he summoned a few more minions. They all charged towards the boy as he raced forward. The guard was still on the ground when he was seeing what was happening. The teenager that saved him was now taking on these things as he was moving about with ease.

The boy ducked the first two minions as he then blocked an attack from another with his arm as they then punched it several times in the chest. He then leaped into the air to deliver a flying kick as he took out another one. He turned around to see the mutants try to sweep him as he leaped into the air and then landed as he began to trade some fists with the rest of them. They managed to kick him into the car, as he rolled to his side when they tried to hit him. He opened the passenger side door to block a kick. He kicked the mutant and then immediately rolled onto the hood to avoid another attack. He then got on top as they followed the boy. He did some roundhouse kicks and tossed some by their arms off the car as they slammed into the ground.

He then did a parkour roll off the hood to avoid some shots aimed at him. He then pulled out his blaster again and took them out. It wasn't long as the boy took the remainder of the minions out as he ran towards the car and leaped. He managed to run along the side of it as he reached the end of it and then did headscissor as he flung the last one onto the ground as it groaned and disappeared.

"You'll pay for sticking your nose in our business," said the mutant as he slammed his claw into the ground. He created a shockwave attack as it was heading towards the guard.

The boy saw this and acted on his instincts. He managed to get the guard who was on the ground as they both rolled through as the attack missed them. The mutant looked to see the small cracks he made as he thought he took care of the problem. He then looked to the side to see them as the boy was checking on the guard.

"You okay?" asked the teen.

"Yeah, who are you?" asked the guard.

The teen didn't answer as he stood up and turned towards the mutant. He had a serious look on his face as he took a position in front of the thing.

"Who are you?!" demanded the mutant.

The boy just raised his left arm as a small device materialized on his wrist. He then brought his right two fingers as he touched the device. A bright light shined as it caused the guard to cover his eyes; the light died down as standing there was now a suit that was colored. The mutant had its eyes widen as he now pieced together who he was dealing with.

"You're a r..."

The boy now pulled out the weapon that he summoned as he held it. He then charged forward as did the mutant. The figure was now being surrounded in a light that matched his suit as the two met in the middle as another blinding light occurred. The security guard had been watching this as he was stunned by all that had been happening. He covered his eyes when the two figures met as it produced a bright light. It soon died down as the only thing standing there was the colored suit. The mutant was nowhere to be seen as only a small trail of flames was shown from where the person was standing.

The figure then put its weapon away as it was walking back towards the guard. He backed up a bit as he saw the figure, the light from the figure activated as it got rid of the suit and revealed the person inside was the boy that had rescued him. He was shocked as the teen bent down.

"It's alright, they won't bother you or anyone else," said the boy with a genuine smile on his face.

"Who are you?" asked the security guard.

The boy stood up and turned.

"Just passing by," said the person.

He then walked a few meters in front of him as he tapped his device again as a cycle now appeared. He got on it as he looked back at the guard who had his mind blown away literally. The teen gave a smile as he turned the handle of his bike and now zoomed out of the parking lot. During the ride, the same light from before occurred as the boy was now wearing his suit as he zoomed and disappeared in a flash.

Morning rose on the city. Cars bustling on the streets and people on the sidewalks as they were talking on their phones or to each other. The rhythm of the city, the way it flowed, was a distraction for all that was soon to come. The rays of the morning star now entered the room of a person as it shined on their faces. The person was revealed to be a girl of 15 years of age, she dark sapphire blue with moderate purple and brilliant raspberry streaks. The girl felt the warmth of the sun as it caused her to let out a yawn. She rubbed her eyes and stretched her limbs as she sat up. Her eyes were moderate violet as her skin was pale, light grayish orchid.

She looked to the table next to her as she saw it was time to get up. The girl now flung the covers and began to get dressed for school. She made her presence as she was wearing a dark purple skirt with a pink star-emblazoned over it covered her below the waist, from which stretched legs into dark purple and pink boots. A light blue, buttoned-up shirt with a magenta bow around the neck.

The girl grabbed her backpack as she put it on her shoulders and exited her room. She went downstairs and prepared to eat some breakfast as she saw the TV in the living room was on.

"And in other news, another reported sighting occurred in this parking lot at around 11:43 pm. The witness was a security guard who had said that he saw some strange-looking figures ambush him." said the news anchor as the screen now transitioned to a small interview video.

"Tell me, sir, what happened? What did you see?" asked the reporter.

"Well, I can't fully describe it. But it looked like some kind of weird mutation-ish enemy. I was caught off guard and I felt like my life was going to end. But then I was saved by some masked vigilante."

"Tell me, what did he look like?"

"He was wearing some kind of bright, colored suit. And he disposed of the foe."

"A bright, colored suit?" said the news anchor as the video stopped. "Seems someone has gotten an earlier start on Halloween."

"That's the third one this week," said the girl as she listened to the TV.

"This is why I tell you to not stay out late, Twilight. You never know what might happen on the streets."

"I understand, dad."

"Now then, best hurry along. Or else your mother is gonna scold you," said Night Light.

Twilight then finished her breakfast as she gave a kiss to her dad and left the house. She was now strolling down the sidewalk towards school.

Downtown in a police station, tons of phones were ringing. Officers answered them as they were trying to calm down and answer concerns people were having. Seems they heard the news and the latest incident involving the masked person. One officer was carrying a file as he stepped through a room.

"I've told you, madam, we'll get to the bottom of this. You have nothing to worry about," said a young man. He then hung up the phone as he let out a sigh and leaned back.

"Brought you the file you requested, Captain."

"Thanks, Spearhead," said the boy. "Can you believe this is happening? Canterlot has been quiet, nothing more than the usual thugs that commit crimes. Now a month ago, that changes. We get reports of people being attacked by some weird creature, and then that masked vigilante shows up at around the same time. It's no coincidence, the two are connected. But what I want to know is who he is? And why he's come to our city?"

"That's what we're all wondering as well, Shining Armor. With these attacks, people are starting to get worried. Worry leads to panic and panic can lead to chaos. We're all that stands in the way from law and order in our city."

"One thing is for certain, I will stop until I put this vigilante behind bars. I promised myself that I would keep this city safe from any harm. And no costume-wearing freak is gonna stop us from doing our duty. You bet my ass on that." spoked Shining Armor.

He then began to look over the file as behind him was a huge board filled with tons of paper and lines connected. On the wall were some images of the person he was looking for, but they were all either blurry or too dark to get a proper look.

Twilight had made it to school as she now stood in front of the building. She was about to enter when someone called out to her.

"Hey, Twilight."

"Hey, Sunset."

The girl she was addressing had moderate cyan eyes, brilliant amaranth hair with light apple green stripes, and light amber skin. She was wearing a dress under her leather jacket,

"So, did you hear about what occurred last night?" asked the bacon-haired girl.

"Yup, that's another this week."

"Seems these reports are turning out to be true. A masked vigilante roaming the streets. Maybe, we should find out who he is." asked the girl as the idea gave her some excitement.

"Maybe we should not don't want to get involved with something that has nothing to do with us," said Twilight as she didn't want to disobey her parent's wishes.

The pair now entered the school as they soon were joined by some more of their friends.

"For the last time, Dash. That vigilante ain't an alien!" said a southern voice.

"Oh yeah! How do you know? You haven't seen his face," countered a girl who had chromatic hair.

"Because that's the dumbest shit I've heard," said the country girl.

"Figures they would be fighting as usual," said Sunset as she and Twilight made her presence known.

One of the girls wore a Stenson hat on her head; she had a pale, light grayish olive hair color, her skin was that of pale, light grayish gamboge and her eyes were moderate sap green. On her skirt were three apples sewed on. The other girl had light cerulean-ish gray skin color, rainbow-colored hair, moderate cerise eyes, and wore a t-shirt that bore a storm cloud with a lightning bolt coming out of it.

"I'm tryin' to tell Dash here, that the person who's been doing all these acts ain't an alien."

"What other explanation is there? I mean, for the past month, people say they've been attacked by some weird things and then all of sudden, the person shows up and saves them. I'm telling you he ain't from this world." said Rainbow.

"And you think that something as an extra-terrestrial is a justification on the identity of this masked figure," said Twilight.

"Yeah... whatever, you just said, egghead."

"I am not an egghead! I'm well-read," stated Twilight.

"I gotta agree with Twilight, Rainbow. That's a bit far-fetched. But I will admit, that whoever this person is, he's not out for blood. He seems to save the people who are in danger. So it's possible he could be misunderstood." answered Sunset.

At that moment, the school bell rang to signal the start of classes. The girls all broke off and said they would discuss this later with the rest of their group.

Sunset had entered her history class as two more of her friends were already seated. One of the girls had pale light grayish olive as her skin color and had a pale light grayish rose color in her hair. Her attire consisted of a skirt that had a picture of a butterfly on it. The other girl had pink skin which was matched by her pink puffy hair and possessed pale light grayish cerulean eyes.

"Hey, Sunset."

"Hey, Fluttershy."

"So, did you hear about the news?" asked the pink girl as she turned around in her seat with a huge smile on her face.

"Me and the others were talking about it in the hallway. It's been a month since these incidents had started to occur. Now, people are split on whether they think this person is friend or foe." said Sunset.

"Maybe he just wants to get to know people. Perhaps I should throw a party so that he feels welcomed."

"Might not be the best idea, Pinkie," said the bacon-haired girl with a smug smile.

"Maybe, he's just trying to hide from all the attention he's getting. I know I'd be scared of having that many eyes looking at me," said Fluttershy as she sank in her chair and hid behind her hair.

In another room, Aj and Twilight entered their English class as the last of their friends was busy sewing a piece of clothing. She had white skin, her hair was made up of moderate indigo/purple, and moderate azure eyes.

"Workin' on another design, Rares," said Applejack.

"Darling, inspiration cannot wait. They need to be taken care of at that exact moment they come to your mind," said the fashionista. "Besides, it takes my mind off of what's going on with everyone else."

"So you heard as well?" asked Twilight as she sat at the desk next to the marshmallow girl.

"Darling, Sweetie Belle, and the rest of the CMC had been constantly talking about this person. They see him as a superhero. As much as their little minds are filled with wonder and happiness, I've told her and the rest of the girls to not go poking for trouble. Whatever these things are that keep attacking, are certainly not to be trifled with. Not to mention that suit he wears from images, I've seen. I get color coordination but style it up a bit."

"I'm more concerned with who he is? And why all of sudden all of this is happening? Call me crazy, but I feel like things are about to change," said Twilight as she looked out of the glass window. She was looking up at the clouds as the sky was clear and the sun shined.

"By the way, Twilight? How's your brother handling this? From what I've heard, it seems the police are being bombarded with tons of calls since these incidents have occurred. Many people are questioning if they can trust the authorities to handle these monsters." said Rarity.

"My brother is having a tough time. He's dedicated to his job and it's no wonder he's gotten so many medals that the commissioner has given him. But lately, the way he's been. I'm worried he might be putting too much pressure on him."

Somewhere in an evil lair, there was a group of figures that were discussing the recent events. A sound was heard as a wall was punched with a hole in it.

"That's the third one, we've lost!" shouted a mutant as he retracted his fist. "And every time, he shows up!"

"Bear in mind, he's the only one who made it out alive from that dimension. Without the others, he doesn't pose much of a threat," spoke another mutant as he was polishing his weapon.

"But he's getting on our nerves, brother. Not to mention piss us off when it comes to making the beings of this dimension bow to our will." said the other mutant as he approached his brother.

"Then we take care of it the same as we did the others."

"It makes me filled with negativity to see my boys bonding with each other. I couldn't be a more proud mother," said another mutant as this one was a female who had a sinister smile on her face.

"Your sarcasm is truly wonderful, mom," said the mutant that punched the wall.

"Now then, what's the latest on our pest?" asked the female mutant.

"I sent out one of my sergeants on a mission. But based on the reports that these beings of this dimension have, it seems our old foe has been busy ruining our plans."

"Humans, brother. They're called humans," said the mutant who was now examining his weapon. "You would know that if you actually left the lair and took the time to scout the dimension we're in. You'll find that they have a lot to offer, and it's a shame that we have to destroy it. I'm rather fond of a few things that they were able to create."

"You were always the sentimental one, little brother. No wonder, you don't have the courage to get out on the battlefield like a true warrior."

"Or, it might be that I pick my battles carefully. You're just hungry for a challenge when it comes to fighting. That recklessness will be the downfall of you, big brother."

"Ahh, such hatred. I'm a proud mother," said the mutant looking at her sons.

"In case, I'm interrupting a bonding moment between family, the boss wants to see us," said another mutant as they appeared. This one was also a female mutant. "He just vaporized another section of his troops, if anything he's doing us a favor."

With that, all three mutants began to follow their comrade to the throne room. They all stood before their leader as they immediately bowed. The thing that was in front of them was another mutant as he wore dark black armor on its body. It had some kind of crystals forming out of it as by its throne was a sword. He had his fingers tapping the arm of its throne as it could be heard.

"What do you ask, master?" asked all of them.

"Why? Why is a simple, no good, teenager causing us problems?!" growled the leader in a dark, brooding, low voice. His face was hidden by the shadows.

"It's far from that, master. Turns out, that hero is one that we've encountered before," said the mutant who punched the wall.

"So, he's here? He followed us from the other dimension," said the leader.

"We had thought we had gotten rid of him with the others when we destroyed it all. But turns out, he survived. We have yet to figure out where he is," said the mutant that got the other three when she walked into the room.

"Then find him. Bring him to me. I shall dispose of him myself," said the leader. "The last remnant shall be killed. And once he joins his friends, then there will be nothing to stop us from destroying this world as well."

"Yes, sir!" shouted all four generals.

A cycle was shown riding through a tunnel. It then exited it as it was making its way to a destination. The person on the cycle was the same boy from before as he was heading back to his headquarters. A part of the forest near the city was shown as the teen stopped in front of some rocks. He pushed a button as the rocks now pulled apart as they acted as a door. He then drove down the ramp into the dark as it closed behind him.

He was now on an elevator as he was being taken upwards. The doors opened as he was standing there. He then walked into the room as it lit up; it was filled with tons of panels and computers. All the sounds of dials and whirs were heard. He passed by some containers as they contained some gems that shined. The boy made it to the main computer as he began to type in some commands.

"Identification processing," said the computer. "Scanning... Welcome back, sir."

"Rachel, boost the scanners up by 12%. Based on last night's incident, I want to make sure that we can figure out where the enemy will strike. That way we can be prepared," said the boy to the A.I.

"At once, sir." said the computer as it began to scan.

The boy now sat back in his chair. He let out a sigh as he looked to his wrist and saw his morpher. His attention was then turned towards the containers where four gems resided. He wheeled himself over to the shelf as he saw the stones as well as above them were portraits of people.

At that moment, he broke down in tears. He put his hands on the table as his mind was given horrible memories.

There's no time. You need to leave!

Get going now! Don't worry about us!

You're the last hope, kid. It's up to you now.

The rest of the mission falls to you. Make me proud, my son.

The boy had his eyes closed as he felt tears streaming down from his face. They fell on the desk as small puddles formed. For the teen, he was looking at the portraits of his fallen comrades as he was reminded of what happened. And how he had failed. All of it, they failed, and now... as the sole survivor, he had to live with that. That burden was now on his shoulders. And his mother... mother.

"I couldn't do much cause I was just a rookie. I let you down, I should have done more. My life was the one that should have been taken, mine was worthless. You all had things waiting for you. I shouldn't be here." said the boy as he put his hand on the photo as he saw the images of his friends.

"I would wish nothing more than for you all to be here, and it's my fault. But I swear, on my life, and my duty as a ranger. I will complete the mission. No matter what, I will complete the mission by any means necessary. And then... one day, one day. We'll be reunited, we'll finally all be together. I will not let you guys down. And if I can't complete the mission, then I'll die trying."

The boy then let the last tears out as he wiped them away. He looked at the cases that the four gems were in as he could feel the last bit of essence of his fallen comrades in them. At that moment, he decided to retreat to his room as he told the computer to continue its search as he decided to get some rest. He left as behind him the gems shined as if the light that was to repel the coming darkness shined the brightest.