• Published 1st Feb 2022
  • 1,955 Views, 115 Comments

Power Rangers: Harmony - ShootingStar25

All was quiet in the city of Canterlot. For years, this place was peaceful. Nothing major happens, that is... until a force from another dimension makes its presence known.

  • ...

Chapter 5: Zords

"Anything, Rachel?" asked Ash as he was in sitting in the chair.

"Scans show nothing, master."

"Boost output power by 5%. I want to find it before they do," instructed the boy.

The boy leaned back in his chair and let out a sigh. He wasn't alone in the command center as Twilight was near the lounge area. She was working on some assignments as the pair were waiting for the rest of the team.

"Let's see, apply this formula to this equation and... done," said the girl as she finished her assignment in less than 7 minutes.

"You're really smart, Twilight," said Ash as he turned around in his chair and looked at her.

"Thanks," said the girl as she blushed a bit from the compliment. "Though stuff like this is easy for me. I've been meaning to ask you something?"


"Why is your A.I. called Rachel?"

"Well, she's called Rachel cause that's the name that my parents wanted to call their child if it was a girl. Sorry to disappoint them, but as you can tell, I'm not a girl. So instead, my father helped my mother and the team by building an A.I. that would assist them during their missions."

"Wait? Your dad helped your mother?"

Yup, he wasn't a ranger per se. He was more of the technical guy behind the scenes. The one who would relay information and guide the team in the field."

"So, your dad built this?" said Twilight directing towards the computer program.

"Yeah, he built Rachel as a way for him and my mother to use that name. But he also built her so that in the case that neither should be around, she would take care of me. Can't tell you how right he was." said the boy.

"So, your father didn't make it either?"

"He wasn't gonna leave my mother's side. He loved so much that he'd meet his end with her by his side and vice versa. That's dedicated love if you ask me," said Ash as he couldn't help but wipe some tears.

"I'm sorry. I know it's tough being in a different dimension and not having anyone. But we're here. We may not know each other that much yet, but we're friends. We're your team. So, no matter what, we'll be here for you." said Twilight putting her hand on the boy's shoulder.

"I appreciate that thanks, Twilight." smiled the boy. "By the way, your math is wrong. You applied the wrong formula. You're supposed to use this set and then divide it by the estimation." Ash now scribbled his work as he showed the girl his math.

"That's ridiculous, I would know..." Twilight's eyes widen as she grabbed her notebook. She was now looking at her problem and comparing her work with that of Ash's. And to her surprise, he was right.

"How? How is this possible? I thought I checked my calculations, what step did I miss?"

"You missed when you ignored the second step. Yes, you were right that it was a useless number. But it's useless until you get the answer from solving the equation. Then you take the useless numbers and plug them into the formula and then the rest is what you did." stated Ash.

"Wow, you're correct. Huh? No offense, but I... I... um..."

"Didn't think I was knowledgeable in stuff about your dimension?" said the boy.

"Heh," said the girl, playing with her hair as she twirled it with her finger.

"Me being here, I had to know how things worked. Plus, I was sort of an honor roll student back in my dimension. So I know this kind of stuff that you're learning." said the teen boy.

Twilight then grabbed her leader as the pair was now sitting next to each other as the boy tutored the girl with some more of her problems. She was enjoying herself as she was not only getting a better understanding of the problems but also picking Ash's brain. The rest of their friends soon arrived as the elevator opened up.

"Sup, peeps," said Rainbow as she tossed her bag as one of the drones caught it and set it down by the coat rack. "Wait, Twilight? Are you the one who's getting tutored?"

"Why yes," said the bookworm with a smile. "I never pegged Ash to be smart." She then made a face as the boy had a raised eyebrow at that statement. "That came out wrong, what I meant to say was that I misjudged his knowledge that he had of our dimension."

"It's all good, Twilight," said the boy.

"Never thought I'd see the day where the egghead needs to be taught how to be smart."

"I am not an egghead. I am well-read!" shouted the lavender girl to her chromatic friend.

"Anyways, before we left, Rarity asked us to stop by tomorrow at her boutique. Seems she wants to make sure that we have our outfits ready for the party on Friday," said Sunset.

"What party?" asked Ash.

"A small school party. You know, a dance. Haven't you had one of those in your dimension?" asked the bacon-haired girl.

"Again, I became a ranger at age 11. And shortly after that, my whole dimension was destroyed. So... yeah, I've never experienced this whole dance thing."

"Well, maybe we can invite you. I mean, I'm sure Pinkie can put you on the list if we ask her," said Applejack.

"Not interested. Besides, we're rangers. This means that if duty happens on that night, you girls have to leave the party and come help." stated the boy.

"So we can't even enjoy our own school events cause we're rangers?!" said Rainbow.

"I told you all, there's a high price to pay for wielding such power and responsibility," stated Ash. "Anyways, now that you're all here. Time we get on with today's lesson. One that I think you'll find interesting."

The team was now outside of the command center in the forest as there was a drone floating about as Rachel was scanning the area for any activity. Also recording what Ash wanted to teach the girls. They were all in a line as in front of them was the boy.

"So, let me ask you all? Do you remember our recent fight?" asked the boy.

"Yeah," responded the girl.

"Now, do you remember seeing some kind of wolf appear and attack Drilburg?"

"I was wonderin' bout that," stated the country girl.

"How do you summon that thing?" asked Rainbow.

"Okay, first, do you all know the animal symbol that's on your suit when you transform."

"Yeah, owl."



"Peregrine Falcon."

"And mine is a wolf. See, our gems allow us to sort create a mirage image of the animal that is on the suit. Sort of like a spirit in a way. So, let me show you," said the boy as he touched his morpher and changed into his yellow suit.

He now turned his back to the girls as he looked ahead. He put his hands together as he was concentrating. His topaz gem was responding to the boy as he was now gathering up energy. Once he had enough and his mind was focused, he did some quick arm movements as he thrust out a hand, and the animal spirit of his wolf appeared in a yellow light as it destroyed the trees in front of it.

"So awesome!" said Rainbow letting her inner fangirl come out.

"So, can we do that?" asked Twilight.

"Yup, you just have to concentrate. But keep in mind, it's something that requires a ton of energy and focus, which is why you should only use it when you see fit. Taking out a small horde of enemies, or trying to do a surprise attack on a foe. Either way, it's too much for you to do more than once a battle. Keep that in mind. Now then, let's see if you girls can do it." instructed the leader.

The girls nodded as they touched their morphers and changed into their ranger suits.

"Remember, focus and build up that energy. Let your gem respond to your mind," instructed Ash.

The girls put their hands together as they closed their eyes. They were listening to the instructions given to them by their leader as he was doing his best to offer encouragement. Safe to say, it wasn't as easy to do as in the girls' minds they were tons of things that distracted them. Even a simple sentence could derail their thoughts. They remembered to tune in with their gem and listen to its inner voice. On the outside, Ash was seeing the girls focused as soon their bodies began to glow with their respective colors. The auras from the girls were now getting in sync with the gems as they were now on the same wavelength.

"Now, let it out!!" shouted the boy.

The girls did that as they opened their eyes and thrust their hands out. From each of the girls came the animal depicted on their suits as they glowed in the same color as their gem. A falcon, owl, rhino, and phoenix appeared as they let out a cry as they each took down some trees as targets as pieces of wood went flying. The boy was impressed by how the girls were able to execute it on their first attempt as he saw the spirits disappear. He looked back at his team as the girls were out of breath as they were hunched over.

"Not bad, gonna take a while to get used to. But for first-timers, you girls did good," said Ash. "Now, that was just the first step. The other reason has to do with you all to your zords."

"Zords?" said Sunset.

"Let me show you," stated Ash as he now lifted his morpher so that he could speak into it. "Wolf zord, arise!"

The girls were confused by what their leader said.

"Wait for it," replied Ash.

Just then, they heard a sound. It was faint but, it sounded like a howl in the distance.

"What was that?!" said Rainbow as she was a bit scared as she looked around.

The ground now began to rumble a bit. When the boy spoke into his morpher, he was transmitting a message to a mechanical animal as it was on top of a peak. It let out a howl when the call was sounded as he leaped off the cliff and landed on the ground and took off at high speeds. It was now racing towards where its owner was as the girls could feel the creature getting closer. The ground shook as they could hear something coming through the forest. They looked up as they saw a shadow, but couldn't make it out due to the sun as it landed. The creature was giant as it appeared behind Ash as it let out a howl and a few growls.

"What the hell is that?!!" said Applejack.

She and the others were shocked by the giant creature that towered their leader.

"Girls, this is my zord," said Ash as he looked at his giant wolf as it let out some growls.

"Okay? What exactly is it?" asked Twilight as she and the others were still scared.

"He's a zord. Zords are colossal (bio-)mechanical robots. But they're more than that. The reason being is that serve a purpose."

"Which is?" asked Rainbow to Ash.

"You'll see. But first, you girls need to summon yours."

"Wait, you mean, each of us has one of... that?" said Sunset pointing at the giant creature that had now laid down behind its owner.

"Yup, just simply raise your morpher to speak and call on its name," said Ash as he sat on one of his wolf's front paws.

The girls all did as they were told. They cast one last glance at the creature their leader had summoned. They then lifted their morphers as they spoke.

"Falcon zord, arise!"

"Rhino zord, arise!"

"Phoenix zord, arise!"

"Owl zord, arise!"

All four girls initiated the call. Their signals were being sent out as in different places, the animals had their eyes shined with a flash of light. High above the clouds, there was a giant bird as it was scanning the area below. The signal was given as it let out a screech as it now descended as it tucked in its wings as it was like an arrow heading straight for the earth.

Emerging from deep within the forest, there was flame. That flame grew as it cracked and sizzled. It then shot out from its nest and spread out as the flames now burned up the grass and trees around it as a small ring of fire surrounded the thing. The flames were dying down, but it served as an aesthetic for the creature as it looked like some flashing armor. The avian then took off leaving a trail of fire behind it.

A cave was shown, as inside there was a creature. It had its eyes wide open as it was the only thing that was visible if you saw it in person. The eyes now rotated as they did a full 180 rotation as in the dark, the creature's face was upside down. It let out a hooting sound as it flapped its wings. It exited the cave and was now flying towards where it was being called.

The last of the zords made the earth around it shake. It had been buried with dirt that upon being called it shook off the bits of the material. The feature that stood out was the longhorn on its nose as it let out a cry. It clawed at the ground as it was now charging forward.

The girls had been waiting for a bit when they spoke the words. Just as they were about to say something to Ash. They all heard some noises. Once again, the ground shook. The girls tried their best to not fall, but this time, it was a much bigger impact heading their way. The trees to their left were now falling over like dominos. They couldn't see what was coming, but they noticed the longhorn that was present. The creature then made its presence known as it stomped the last of the trees and let out a cry as it was a rhino.

Above, there were three bird calls as they appeared in the sky. The first one landed with such speed that it created a wind effect around its as it blew the leaves that fell from the trees around it. The next one to land had flames erupt as it landed and swirled around its body and tail feathers. The last avian creature decided to perch itself on a nearby tree that wasn't destroyed as it spun its entire head and stared at the group with its beady eyes.

The girls were at a loss for words as they saw the giant creatures. Ash had been watching them as he couldn't help but laugh at their reactions.

"Well, girls. Go meet your zords," instructed the boy as his wolf let out a howl.

The girls now got up as they went in different directions.

"Uh, hey there, big guy," said Applejack as she approached her zord.

She was up close to the creature as it lowered its nose as it was mere inches from the girl as it sniffed the country girl. It was taking in the scent of its new owner as it let out a breath through its nostrils as even with the helmet, Applejack was coughing.

"So, you're... big... and strong," said Aj as she didn't know what to say.

The rhino just put its horn against the girl as it moved its nose barely up and down. The girl saw the affection as she rubbed its horn.

"So, how fast can you go?" asked Rainbow to her falcon. The bird let out a screech. "That fast, huh. I like it," said the girl as she was already in love with her beast. Not to mention how cool it looked which was a necessity in her book.

Sunset had approached her bird as the flames could be heard. The girl put her hand out to show the giant mechanical beast that it meant no harm. The bird opened its beak and shot out some fire as it touched the girl's hand. However, she wasn't feeling the flame but rather it was now swirling around her wrist and then up her arm and soon around her entire body. For the girl, the flame was comforting and warm. It calmed her soul and mind as she let out a sigh as if she had departed from a massage parlor. She then closed her hand as the flames ceased as if on her command. The firebird let out a cry as it lowered its head for the girl to pet.

"No offense, but shouldn't owls be nocturnal?" asked Twilight to her zord. The response she got was a head turn by the bird as it looked at the nerdy girl. "Okay, um, if you're supposed to be my zord, does that mean you're the smartest of the group?" Once again, the owl turned its head to the side as its response. "Alright then, do you like me?"

Nothing was said as both looked at each other. Soon the owl gave its answer. Another head turn to the side as Twilight's eye twitched as she was starting to go a bit mental.

"Okay, I think my zord's broken," said Twilight as she was starting to have a breakdown.

"Relax, Twilight. That's just how he is, right?" said Ash to the owl as he got a hooting sound from the creature.

"So you do like me?" said the girl with some hope. The owl just turned its head to the side again. "AHH!!!!!" shouted Twilight as she put her hands to her helmet as she felt like she was gonna go insane with trying to understand her zord.

All around, the rangers were getting to know their zords as it seemed they all were taking a liking to their new owners. Ash was watching the girls as they seemed to be enjoying themselves, well apart from Twilight as she was still trying to fully understand her owl. He then looked at his zord as it growled; the teen was now thinking back to when he started as a ranger and how his interaction with his zord went.

"Alright, now that you've all had a chance to meet your zords. Do you like them?" asked Ash.

"Yeah!" said the girls.

"No!" said Twilight.

"By the way, Ash. Why do we have these things?" asked Applejack.

"You'll find out soon enough. For now, time to make them a bit easier to carry," Ash now got off the foot of his wolf zord as he turned to look at his beast.

He touched his morpher as he drew a symbol as the wolf in front of him now glowed with the yellow light. Once it died down, the boy turned around as his zord was a mini-version.

"Whenever these guys aren't in battle or scouting, you can turn them into pet versions. A great way for you to bond with them," said the boy as the small wolf let out a howl as it began to chase its tail by the boy's feet.

"Aww, so cute!" said the girls looking at the boy playing with his zord.

They all turned to their zords as the beasts let out some noises. They each touched their morphers and drew a symbol as it caused their beasts to glow. The creatures soon shrunk as they appeared in mini versions. Rainbow's falcon had decided to perch itself on her shoulder, Sunset had her perched on her wrist. Aj picked up her rhino as despite it being small, it still had some weight. Still, she held her zord like it was a stuffed animal as it let out an affection roar, the girl just made sure to avoid getting stabbed by the horn. As for Twilight, while she found her owl to be even cuter in its pet form, the owl turned its head to the side as it looked at the girl.

The owl then began to peck at the girl.

"Hey!" shouted Twilight as she was being attacked by her own zord. The purple ranger then grabbed her zord with both hands as she began to return the gesture. "You peck at me, and I'll peck at you back!!!"

Both owl and girl were now pecking at one another as if they were having a struggle. For the others, they couldn't help but laugh at seeing how the two were acting as soon a tussle in the dirt occurred. After a while, both Twilight and her owl were shown laying on the floor with swirls around their head as it seemed both managed to tire the other out.

Once they recovered, the rangers and their zords all entered the command center. Twilight's owl had decided to perch on top of her head as it had its head turned backward as to not look at the girl. Twilight was mumbling to herself at how she was given this zord as hers.

"One more thing, you got to make sure that these guys aren't seen by others. And no fooling around with them when they're in this size. Rainbow!!!"

"Why you got to single me out!!!" shouted the girl as she didn't like being targeted by her leader.

"Cause you're the one who likes to show off and soak in attention, dumbass!" stated Ash, which the girl stuck her tongue out at the boy.

"Don't worry, we promise we won't let anybody see them," said Sunset as she petted her phoenix.

"Anyways, time for you girls to get going," said Ash.

"There is plenty of room here, we could stay?" said the bacon-haired girl.

"Sorry, but... that's... no, you all need to leave. Your families will be worried," said Ash.

"Alright then," said Twilight.

The girls all grabbed their backpacks as each of their zords now hopped into their bags as they fit in comfortably. Even Twilight's owl gave a hoot as he entered the lavender girl's bag. They all waved goodbye to their leader as the boy turned. He sat down on the couch as his wolf zord jumped onto the furniture. It then got in the boy's lap as it looked at its owner with its paws being pressed to his shirt. Ash looked at his small pet as he smiled. He patted it on the head as he was reminded of some memories.

"I never thought that I would ever get to the see the rest of the zords. Ever since... well, now that the girls have access to their beasts. Time to find the rest of them." said the boy.

The girls all made it home as they entered their houses. Twilight waved hi to her parents and her brother who decided to take a break from sleeping in his office to relieve some stress from work. They told her that dinner was ready as she went to go drop off her stuff. The girl entered her room as she petted Spike who was on her bed. She put her bag on the floor and rushed downstairs.

The dog waved his tail when he heard a sound coming from Twilight's backpack. He then saw it fall to the floor as a thud was heard. The bag now began to shake a bit as it got the pet to be curious. He hopped off the bed and approached the bag with a growl preparing for the worst. Soon the zipper began to move, the bag opened and out popped the head of Twilight's zord. The mutt was confused by what he saw as the bird now exited from the bag and hopped around to take in its new surroundings. It was turned its head to the side and looked at the home of its owner.

Spike let out a growl as he saw the thing to which the owl simply turned its head backward as its body was still facing forward. That sight alone got the dog to be scared as if was something out of a horror film. The owl then turned its body to look at the weird animal that was also present. While the dog was growling, the owl then had its eyes scan the dog with lights and the whole room as it rotated its head. Once it finished, the data was being transferred to its memory bank. The owl then turned to Spike as it began to peck at the dog as it did with Twilight and then flew to sit on the girl's window still.

While this was happening upstairs, Twilight was having dinner with her family. They were currently listening to Shining Armor as he explained how things were going with his job.

"Ever since the incidents, people were scared. And then, the vigilante shows up. Claims he's here to get rid of these creatures," said the officer.

"He's a power ranger," said Twilight.

Her response got the attention of everyone as they all had raised eyebrows. Especially, Shining Armor at hearing what his own sister was referring to the vigilante.

"Uh, well, that's what the news reports are calling him," smiled the girl sheepishly.

"Right. And then... there's the incident from the other day. We had enough problems on our hands with one of them, turns out he's got friends. And these, so-called, Power Rangers managed to stop an attack at city hall." said the boy.

"Isn't that a good thing, though?" asked Twilight.

"I can't deny that they're taking care of these monsters. But at least they could do is work with us. We're officers, our job is to protect people from danger."

"Maybe there's a reason why they're hesitant about working with the law. Maybe it's best to trust they can handle it. I mean, nobody other than them has what it takes to defeat these monsters." said Twilight.

"Since when did you become so invested in these rangers, Twilight?" asked Night Light.

"Well, word has got out in school," said the girl coming up with a little white lie.

Sunset arrived at her home as she entered through the door. She opened her backpack as her phoenix zord emerged. It took a look around its mistress' room.

"Try not to burn anything valuable," said the bacon-haired girl as she left her zord.

The bird zord now looked around as it did the same thing Twilight's owl did. It was scanning its surroundings as it was inputting the data of its new home. Once it finished the download, it then hopped onto the girl's bed as it noticed a controller. It then began to peck at the many buttons as the TV came on. It tilted its head at the bright light as it then pecked at another button and the game started up.

With the farm girl, Applejack was hard at work in the barn as she was trying to push some barrels into the storage room. Despite being strong, even she had difficulty pushing them. So her tiny rhino zord walked over to its mistress's feet and gently pushed the barrel as it was moving with ease. The girl noticed this as she looked down to see her zord pushing it with its horn.

"Thanks, little guy," said the girl as she petted her zord's back.

The pair continued their evening chores as Applejack made sure to hide her zord in her room before she went down for dinner. Once she was gone, the zord now began to scan its environment as it was downloading the data of its new habitat. Once that was done, the rhino made its way to a small chest as it unlocked it with its horn and then crawled inside as it made its bed and caught a quick nap.

For Rainbow, she arrived at her house as she told her falcon to fly up to her window. It then soared away as the girl entered her home. Once she was able to get away from her parents, she entered her room and opened her window as there was her zord waiting for her. The bird flew in and landed on a nearby bookshelf as it took in the nest of its owner. Rainbow soon left as the falcon was downloading the data. It then noticed a nearby reptile as it was Rainbow's pet turtle, Tank. The shelled creature was moving about going for his evening stroll in Rainbow's room when he felt something on his back. He looked up and saw the falcon on its shell as he smiled and carried the two for a ride.

All in all, each of the girls' zords was comfortable with the new living arrangements they would have in this dimension. As well as who they had as their new owners, even if Twilight couldn't get a straight answer from her own beast.

The next day, CHS was preparing for the dance which was in two days. During that time, Pinkie had finally decided what theme she wanted to go with as she was having the rest of her friends help decorate the auditorium. While our heroes were going on about their lives, the dark lords were hatching a plan.

"Still no luck in trying to find it," asked Starlight.

"Did you expect it to be this easy?" replied Thorax with some snark in his voice. "Our Lord has entrusted me with finding it, you and the others don't have what it takes to get results."

"And you do, little brother!" shouted Pharynx as he made his presence.

"Finding out where the thing is a simple task."

"Then why is it taking you so long?" shouted Starlight.

"I said it was a simple task, not easy. When we destroyed Ash's dimension and everything in it, we failed to see that he and his teammates had a secret plan. He may have been a rookie and only 11 years old at the time, but they knew what they were doing. They couldn't stop the weapon we used to destroy everything, so they had a last resort. Unbeknownst to him, the team knew he had to be the one to survive. So before the final fight, they sent the remaining zords that weren't their personal ones through a portal. Not to mention the other thing that I'm trying to track down. Fast forward to the final moments before everything was gone, they sent the kid through a portal with their gems in hopes that he could stop us and form a new team."

"Yeah, and for five years he's been trying to track us down. Meanwhile, we were in hiding trying to recover our powers," said Starlight.

"Once I was able to locate which dimension the zords and the other thing was, we made our way here. However, we were unaware that he was alive and waiting for us to make the first move. Now to the present time, he's alive. He's formed a new team, and no doubt he's locating for the rest of the zords as well. If we're to take him down for good, we need to find the zords before they do." stated Thorax.

"Leave it to me, I'll search them out myself," said Pharynx as he prepared to head out.

"Please, you couldn't even handle him when he was by himself. I doubt you could now. I'll go," said Starlight as she made her weapon appear. "Besides, I've been waiting for my turn." The girl mutant now left Thorax's lab as she took one of the officer mutants named Whiplash.

People were shown walking on the sidewalk downtown as they were going about their day. A portal appeared in an alley as some minions, Whiplash and Starlight appeared.

"Let's see how fast these humans can run!" said the girl as she pointed her staff at a nearby building.

Whiplash now pulled out his chains as he flung them at where his general instructed. The whips hit the side of the building as it made people scream and run away. Parts of the building crumbled from the attack as they fell as nobody was getting hurt. The villains began to cackle as they kept on walking while causing some destruction. Cars being flipped and some more holes in the buildings the mutants were hell-bent on causing destruction.

"Master Ash, there's activity downtown," said Rachel.

"Bring it on screen," said Ash as the computer put the several images for the boy to see. Ash saw the villains attacking as he saw who was leading the attack.

"Starlight!" growled the boy.

"Should I contact the others?" asked Rachel.

"No, they're in school. Besides, I can handle this myself," stated the boy.

He then proceeded to head over to where the attack was as he hoped he could stop them. While the ranger was being transported, Starlight and her cronies had made it to a nearby park as they carried on their warpath.

"I haven't had this much fun in a long time," laughed the girl as she pointed her staff at some nearby patrons as she used her magic to hold them in sticky goo. "We should have come to dimension sooner, these humans are so weak."

"Harmony Gem, Power up!" shouted a voice.

The general raised her staff when she sense something. Coming from out of nowhere, Ash flipped forward and did a flying kick that took down the girl. He landed and then did a kip-up as he began to engage with Whiplash who was using his chains as he attempted to take down the yellow ranger. The boy was able to flip out of the attacks as he kept his distance from the mutant all the while he fired some blasts.

"Well, look who finally decided to show up and play Superman," said Starlight as it got Ash's attention when he kicked Whiplash to the side.

"Starlight," said the boy looking at the girl mutant.

"To think, that you of all people survived? At least it confirms that the others were dumbasses by allowing a rookie, a kid who was no more than 11 years old at the time to be the one they chose to survive. No wonder your mother deserved to die."

"Don't talk about my mother or any of my friends. You guys are gonna pay for what you did to my home!" shouted the teen.

"Then come get me," taunted Starlight as she gave the signal for some more minions to attack the boy.

Ash wasted no time in using his gem's power as he called on the spirit of his wolf and thrust his hand out. The mirage-like state of the creature in yellow light appeared and took out all the small fry. Starlight and Whiplash then began to retreat as Ash chased after them.

While Ash was dealing with the mutants, the girls were discussing their plans for Friday's dance. Rainbow had passed by some of her former teammates as they all gave the girl looks for what she did to them. The other six tried their best to say that they would forgive her.

"This is serious people, we need to discuss attire!" shouted Rarity to the rest of her friends as they were all gathered in the music room.

"For the millionth time, Rarity. Nobody will care what we're wearing!" shouted the country girl to her fashion friend.

"I care, Applejack!" shouted the fashionista.

"Okay, let's just take a moment to cool our heads," said Sunset as she put both of her hands on her friends' shoulders and separated them. "We know how much this means to you, Rarity. But I think finding the perfect attire might be going just a tad bit overboard."

"Darling, attire is everything. Fashion makes a statement. And if we are to the belles of the ball, we must assert our dominance," said the girl in a dramatic voice. A spotlight shined down on her as her hair began to blow in the wind.

"Pinkie!" shouted Rainbow as the party girl was the one who did the extra stuff.

"It's fun!" stated the pinked-haired girl.

"I'm just looking forward to having fun with you guys. Nothing like enjoying a dance with your friends," said Twilight.

"By the way, Pinkie. I've been meaning to ask you, is it too late to, you know, add someone to the list?" asked Sunset.

"Of course not, silly! Everybody is welcome to attend. Why?" asked the girl with a smile.

"Just asking... you know... in case, someone we know wants to attend," smiled the bacon-haired girl sheepishly.

"Just tell me their name, and I'll send a personal invitation," said Pinkie as she reached into her puffy hair and pulled out a card.

"We're not saying that they might agree. This is just us speculating," said Twilight.

Ash had managed to chase Starlight and Whiplash to another part o the city as they began to engage. The boy pulled out his saber as he leaped in between the two mutants and began to exchange some attacks. Starlight was determined to take down the boy who had been causing them problems. She was kicked back as she powered up her staff.

Ash saw this at the last second as Starlight shot out a ring of light as the boy leaned back. The attack barely grazed his helmet as he avoid it. However, Starlight wasn't attempting to hit the boy as it served as the distraction needed for Whiplash to wrap his chains around the ranger's body. He then flung him over his head as the boy hit the ground.

"Just give up and tell us where the rest of the zords are!" demanded Starlight as she put her foot on Ash's arm.

"Even if I did know where they were. I would never tell you. So you can kiss my ass, Starlight! You punk-ass bitch!" shouted the boy.

"Wrong answer," snickered the girl in a seductive tone. "Swing time!"

Whiplash knew what that meant as he planted his feet. He then began to rotate in a circle as his chains were still wrapped around Ash. Starlight removed her foot as the boy was now being lifted into the air as he was being spun around.

"Oh shit!!!" shouted Ash as his voice trailed when he was being spun around.

"Keep spinning!!!" shouted Starlight.

Whiplash understood as he began to spin faster. All the while Ash was holding in his breath as all this air sickness was starting to get to him. He was then flung into the air as he shot upwards. Gravity then did its thing as the ranger was descending. Starlight teleported into the air as she spun her staff quickly and pointed it at the boy. She fired an attack from her staff as it hit the boy when he collided onto the floor.

"Thanks for helping me out, Dash," said Fluttershy as she was with her childhood friend at the animal shelter.

"No problem, Fluttershy. Rarity already took care of my outfit, plus about now I would be... you know..." said the chromatic girl as she was thinking of Spitfire and the rest of her team.

"I know you're probably upset with how things went, but I'm sure they'll come around," said the buttercup girl as she was washing some dogs.

"I guess, anyways. Let's finish giving these guys their bath," said Dash as she began to help her friend.

While Rainbow was with Fluttershy, Applejack had to do some deliveries for her family. As for Twilight and Sunset, they were with Rarity at her boutique as they had to get fitted for their dresses. The pair stood on platforms as the fashionista was working her magic.

"We hope we're not being a bother, Rarity."

"Twilight, it's no bother at all. Designing outfits for you girls is what I live for. It's my passion." said the girl as she was taking some measurements.

"Once again, thanks Rarity. We've been so busy lately, that we kind of forgot to pick out outfits."

"It's no trouble at all, Sunset. Though I do ask, why have you four suddenly been so busy as of late?" asked the marshmallow girl.

Both girls made a face to each other as they knew of the scared rule they had to obey.

"We've been selected for a special program," said Twilight.

"What kind of program?"

"Special program," said Sunset with a sheepish smile.

"O-kay," said Rarity, "Well, can I also ask something?"

"Go ahead."

"Why did you ask Pinkie if it was alright to bring someone to the party?" asked the fashion designer as Sunset and Twilight were turning red. "Are you planning to bring a date to the dance on Friday?"

"Uh, well, he's not so much as a date per se..."

"Oh, it's a boy," said Rarity as she had a smile appear.

"We met him the other day and he's from out of town. So we'd figured if he wanted to make some new friends and have fun, he could attend the dance on Friday," said Sunset.

"Well now, I didn't expect you, girls, to be interested in a boy no less,"

"He's just a friend, Rarity. Besides, based on what he's been through, we were hoping we could cheer him up," said Twilight.

"Well, sorry for jumping to conclusions. If he does agree, I'll be the first to welcome him as a friend," smiled the fashionista.

"I'm going to ask you one more time. Where are the zords?" asked Starlight as she bent down to Ash who was still on the floor wrapped in Whiplash's chains.

"Go to hell, bitch!" shouted Ash as he gave Starlight a middle finger.

"Oh I will, but I'm taking you with me," said the mutant. "Whiplash, finish him."

The mutant heard the command by the general as he spun once more as he sent the boy crashing into a nearby window as he collided into some furniture. Ash felt himself being ragdoll as he could hear the mutants closing in. The boy struggled to get to his feet as his morpher was sending a signal. The signal was being received by Rachel as he was transmitting the distress call to the girls.

Rainbow had noticed her wristband beeping when she put her hand over it to avoid Fluttershy hearing it. The girl was busy with the animals as she quietly snuck a few meters away to answer it.

"What's up?" asked Rainbow.

"It's Ash. His morpher is transmitting a signal for help."

"Where is he?" asked Applejack as she also answered the call as she had finished her last delivery.

"He's by the central park. He's currently taking on some mutants," said Rachel.

"Then we'd better hurry to help him," said Rainbow.

"I'm on mah way," said Applejack as she turned the engine on and was driving towards where her leader was.

"Me too," said Rainbow as she ended the call. "Hey, Fluttershy. Sorry for this, but it turns out that I needed to take care of something for my parents."

"Oh, well, don't worry. I can handle the rest. Thanks for your help, Dash."

"No problem. See ya," said the girl as she grabbed her backpack and raced out of the animal shelter as she was making her way towards Ash.

Sunset and Twilight were being contacted by Rachel as their wristbands were beeping. They put their hands over it to silence the sound.

"What was that noise?" asked Rarity as she was at a desk looking over some measurements.

"What noise? I didn't hear anything, did you Twilight?"

"Nope, not a thing," smiled the girl with her friend putting on fake expressions.

"I could have sworn I heard a beeping sound," said the fashionista.

"Well, I think you've done a lot for us, Rarity. So why don't me and Sunset get out of here so that you can finalize the designs?"

"Not so fast, darling, I still have to do some final measurements."

"Uh, how long will that take?" asked Sunset sheepishly.

"Oh, several minutes. Maybe an hour."

"An hour?!!!" shouted both girls. They were now nervous as their morphers were transmitting the signal call for help. They hoped that at least Rainbow and Applejack could answer it.

"Come on now, Ash. Don't you want to see your old friends, your mother? I'm sure they're waiting to see their old comrade," snickered Starlight as she had her staff power up.

She and Whiplash entered the hole in the building as they saw the damage that was created when they flung the ranger into it. The chains could be heard as they dragged along the floor. Starlight's staff was powered up as they were hunting down the boy. They heard some noises as they followed the sound. They pushed some of the debris in their way as they were closing in on the boy. At that moment, Starlight saw the boy's mirage of his animal as she put up a barrier and fired an attack as it disappeared.

"Is that all you can do?" smiled Sunset.

"How about this?!" shouted a pair of voices.

"Huh?" said Starlight.

Now a rhino and a peregrine falcon spirit appeared as they managed to catch both mutants off guard as they were hit and flung out of the shop through the hole. Starlight and Whiplash landed on the ground as Aj and Dash had found Ash as they helped him out of the shop.

"Thanks, girls."

"Don't mention it, sugarcube."

"Now let's kick their asses," said Rainbow as Ash nodded. He got back to his feet as he stood in front of the girls.

"So, your team finally came to help their leader?" stated Starlight as she got up.

"Harmony Gem, power up!" shouted Rainbow and Applejack.

Both girls traced the symbol on their morphers as they now began to change. Their bodies were being encased with their gem as they landed on a platform. They lifted their heads as the vizor covered the last bit of their faces. Once it was complete, they did their pose as their animals were shown in the back as they let out a cry.

"With the speed of the falcon, Harmony Guardian, Blue Ranger!"

"With the strength of the rhino, Harmony Guardian, Green Ranger!"

"Like it matters!" stated Starlight. She snapped her fingers as Whiplash leaped into action.

The rangers now raced forward as they began to engage with the mutant. With the extra backup, they were able to divide and conquer. However, Starlight was a lot more difficult as she was engaged in another fight with Ash. Even with the Rainbow and Applejack backing up Ash, they were struggling to defeat both mutants.

Sunset and Twilight were still at Rarity's Boutique as the girl was trying to figure out the final colors she wanted to implement. They were told to stand still by the girl as she was looking over her selections.

"Rarity!!" shouted both girls.

"In a moment, darlings. You can't rush perfection," said the girl as she lifted her finger to make her choice but retracted it as she second-guessed herself.

"Rarity!!" shouted both of them once more.

"I've got it!" shouted the girl as she grabbed the materials and began to sketch the final product as she showed it to the girls. "Well, what do you think?"

"Great! Love it, bye!!" shouted both girls as they zoomed out of the place.

"Well, rude!" shouted the girl at seeing how fast the pair left.

"Constellation Slash!" shouted Starlight as she powered up her staff and did a wave attack as it hit all three rangers as down they went.

They fell hard as she smiled.

"You couldn't beat us before, what chance do you have now?" asked the mutant as she stood over Ash. She planted a foot on him as the boy felt the weight. "Time to say hello to your parents."

She then lifted her staff and turned it upside down. Through his helmet, the boy had a scared look as the staff was charging up. Rainbow and Applejack were being held by Whiplash as the girls struggled to break free. They saw their leader in trouble as they called out to him. At that moment, blaster shots were heard as they collided with the mutant as she was thrown onto the floor. An owl and phoenix spirit appeared as they charged forward as they attacked Whiplash which caused him to be thrown back as the girls were released.

"Not again," groaned the mutant.

"You guys okay," shouted Sunset as she and Twilight appeared in their ranger outfits as they rushed over.

"What took you so long?" asked Rainbow as she and Aj were being helped up by Twilight.

"Sorry, but Rarity got carried away with the dresses," said Sunset as she helped Ash up.

"Figures," stated the country girl.

"Well, now that you're both here. Time we end this," stated Ash as he dusted himself off.

"Harmony weapons!" shouted all of them as each of their weapons appeared before them.

"Whiplash! End them."

"Of course, general," said the mutant as he began to power up his attacks as he swung them downwards.

They all saw it coming as they each rolled out of the way. Ash rolled through as he saw Starlight opening up a portal as she smiled. She stepped through as she waved goodbye

"Wait!" shouted the boy as he had his arm out and the portal closed shut.

With Starlight gone, he punched the ground at letting his target escape. The girls were trying their best to hit Whiplash as he was dodging all their shots and strikes as he hit them before they could react. He then did a tornado spin as the girls were being picked up by the massive wind effect as they swirled in the air and let out a shout.

"That's it!" shouted Ash as he had enough. He leaped into the air as his blade was charging from the power of his gem. "Topaz Slash!!" The boy did a diagonal slash as he managed to cut through the tornado, it caused Whiplash to be thrown back and hit the floor.

The girls noticed the tornado stopped as they all fell to the ground.

"Thanks," said Rainbow as she was getting to her knees.

"No problem, now... let's finish this," stated the yellow ranger.

All five now stood as their bodies began to glow as they prepared to deliver their finishing move. They felt the power of their weapons up as a light shot from each of them as it was rainbow-colored. The lights now held Whiplash in place as he couldn't move.

"Full power!" shouted all of them.

They each began to slide towards the mutant as they had finished charging up. Each of the girls did an attack as they passed by their foe.

"Charging Lance!" shouted Rainbow as she was the first one to slid by as she did her attack.

"Meteor Spike!" shouted Applejack as she slid by and swung her ax upwards.

"Blitz Flare!" shouted Sunset as she pulled back on her bow and shot an arrow of red light.

"Shield Splice!" said Twilight as she did her attack sliding by the mutant.

The scene now changed as it spun around Whiplash as Ash was now in the air as his weapon was charged. It froze for a few seconds as he resumed the attack as he dealt the final blow of their team finisher.

"Harmony Blade, Strike!!!" shouted Ash as he did a downward slash as it cut the mutant in half as he stood still for a sec.

The boy was now behind the mutant as was the girls as they did their pose. The mutant now fell forward which resulted in an explosion as the ranger shifted their stances as they acknowledged their victory.

The team made it back to the command center as both Twilight and Sunset were checking on Ash to see if he suffered any major injuries.

"So, who was that?" asked Rainbow.

"Her name is Starlight, she's the dark lords' strategist. And she's tough," stated Ash as he now sat up on the couch as he made his way to the computer.

"What did she want?" asked Aj.

"She asked me about something."

"Which is?" said Sunset rolling her hand.

"She was talking about our zords. And how they are trying to find them."

"But, we have them. And they can't control them," said Twilight.

"I'm not talking about our personal zords. Guess it's time I told you, girls. See before my dimension was destroyed, my team all sent the other zords that we had through a dimension portal. I guess you could say, they knew we couldn't save our home. So they made sure to save the things that would help me to defeat the dark lords."

"So, you're saying that there are more zords?!!" said Rainbow as she was pretty excited about hearing that.

"There are ten zords in total. Ours and then five more. A bear zord, a panther, a tiger shark, a fox, and a snake. Together those are the zords that me and my team commanded. And it seems like Starlight and her cronies are seeking them out. But unlike our zords, whoever can get their power, they belong to." stated Ash.

"So, we just have to find them before they do. Sounds like a challenge," smiled Rainbow.

"We'll help in any way we can," stated Sunset as she put her hand on Ash's shoulder.

"Thanks, girls," said Ash as he looked at his team.

They all turned to look at the main screen as Rachel was pulling up the whole map of the world as they began to search for the missing zords. It was now a race against the dark lords to see who could get to the great beasts first.