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A Red Dragon

"Time to lunch," Sunset claps her claws as the purple duo is lying on the ground while Noleg is standing on them. Sunset analyzes them and sees that the purple duo has a lot of bruises, "Wow, he has no mercy to you, right?"

"Y..yes," Spike is trying to say, "He is too fast for me. This is not a dodge practice anymore,"

"H...how can a cat without the hind legs move that fast," Twilight breathes heavily, "I don't know if I can dodge any of his attacks,"

Sunset turns to Noleg and asks, "Noleg, I told you to throw objects to make them dodge, not attack." Noleg rubs his head as Sunset continues, "We can't jump like that. You are an expert while they are just newbies." The cat jumps on Sunset's head as the orange dragon sighs, "Fine, we will have lunch." Then Sunset takes the bruised purple duo as they feel so embarrassed but they have to accept due to their injury.

The lunch has been set on the table. Twilight and Spike are trying to take the spoon to eat, but they can. Spike can't even lift a claw and Twilight can't even lift a hoof. Sunset glares at Noleg as the cat just eats without looking at the dragon. Sunset sighs and levitates the spoon to feed them.

Spike sighs, "This is embarrassing. I feel like I am a baby,"

"I agree," Twilight eats some food, "But we have no choice since we can't even lift a thing."

Sunset giggles, "And I feel like I am a mother," The purple duo glares at the orange dragon, making her look away and smile nervously. "Okay... let... eh ... try to eat lunch and I will heal you."

The purple duo nods and they continue the lunch. When they finished, Sunset brings them to the sofa and starts healing them but a knock on the door interrupts her. Opening the door, she sees Celestia and Coral are standing in front of the door.

Sunset leans on the wall, "What are you doing here? I remember that you got a lot of work in your castle."

"Don't worry," Celestia waves her hoof, "I come here to visit Twilight. Where's Twilight?"

"She is lying on the sofa," Sunset points at the purple unicorn, "I doubt that she can stand up because my cat trains them so hard."

Celestia looks at Twilight and Spike as they are lying on the sofa together while Noleg is enjoying Spike's rub, they are in the heavy bruise. Celestia looks at Sunset and asks, "What happens?"

"Someone going too hard," Sunset looks at the cat, "They will be fine. Don't worry."

Celestia nods in understanding and walks inside the library with Coral Blade. The white alicorn sees the blue cat is wearing some armor, making her giggle. She decides to pick up the cat as Noleg has no struggling and accepts it. Celestia giggles and looks at Sunset, "This cat is cute. I really want to cuddle it."

"Wow, I'm surprised that you are not even hiding that attitude." Sunset waves her claw, "Is that really you?"

"Good job for hurting my feelings, Sunset," Celestia sits down and huffs, "With my best friend, I would never hide it." Sunset tilts her head and points at Coral as the captain is giggling, making the princess blush. Celestia coughs and turns to the purple duo, "Right, How is their training?"

"Not good," Spike whines, "Noleg has no mercy when we were training, and I can't hit him once."

"And he is so fast," Twilight continues, "I remember that he just passed through me, and after a few seconds, I got injured without knowing how I got hit?"

Celestia hears that and feels amazed about this cat. Sunset looks at Noleg, who is relaxing in Celestia's wing, and smiles. Celestia's horn is glowing and wraps an aura around the purple duo. Their bruises slowly disappear and then, the purple duo is fully healed. Twilight and Spike stretch their body and relax.

Twilight smiles, "Thank you, Princess Celestia. I thought that I would lie on the sofa all day."

"Your welcome, my faithful student," Celestia giggles, then looks at the cat, "Next time, just be gentle with those two." Noleg only replies with a 'meow', making Celestia smile. "Oh, I forgot this thing," Celestia takes out a transparent bottle with have red water inside, "This is a strawberry mocktail, I give it to you."

"Thanks," Sunset takes the bottle. The orange dragon goes to the kitchen and takes out many cups, then she puts it on the table and pours the drink in the bottle, "How about we take a sip from this bottle."

"Sure," Celestia smiles, "I like this idea," then she trips on the table, "Opps, sorry

Everyone in the room cheers and drinks the mocktail. Celestia and Coral stand up and say goodbye while Twilight and others just sit down and read the book. Suddenly, Sunset feels that she can't move anything in her body. Twilight and Spike look at her and feel something weird about her.

"What's wrong?" Spike asks, "Don't tell me that mocktail take you down,"

"I don't think," Sunset tries to say, "I can't move. Can you check my cup?"

Twilight looks at Sunset's cup and sees that some leaves inside it. Twilight starts to analyze them, "... this is the herb that makes the dragon parasitize in 24 hours." Then she looks at the orange dragon, "And looks like you have to stay there all day."

Spike hugs the orange dragon and smiles, "Oh, now we have to feed you. Hah, this is cool."

Sunset rolls her eyes, "Fair enough." then the orange dragon just lay on the sofa until the night. Twilight and Spike carry her to the bedroom as they sleep together.

Sunset opens her eyes and tries to move her body but she can't. Looking aside, she sees Spike is bringing the breakfast for her. The orange dragon is very embarrassing when someone feeds her like that. Spike puts the bowl of soup on the table.

Spike puts the spoon near Sunset's mouth, "Now, open the mouth and eat it. You will need it." Sunset opens her mouth as Spike puts the spoon inside the orange dragon's mouth, making her blush as the green dragon giggles and teases her, "I found a baby dragon."

"Thanks a lot," Sunset rolls her eyes, "Anyway, where's Twilight and Noleg? I didn't see her today."

"Well, Twilight goes outside to help Applejack in the morning," Spike answers, "she told me that I have to stay here to take care of you. Noleg is..." Spike rubs his neck, " Guarding the library."

"I see," Sunset lies on the sofa, "My back is aching when I am lying here too long."

"Just don't whine," Spike keeps feeding here, "You will be normal,"

"I will get Celestia after this," Sunset stands up and stretches her body, "Just wait for it, Celly. Oh hey, I'm being normal here." Then the orange dragon goes downstairs, "Hey, we have to help Twilight outhere."

"You go," Spike denies, "I'm staying here."

"Why," Sunset tilts her head, "Doesn't you want to go outside?"

"I'm feeling that Twilight will come back soon," Spike rubs his neck, "Sorry but living with her for 20 years makes me feel it."

"I see," Sunset nods and smiles, "See you soon." Then the orange dragon runs out of the library to go to the blacksmith.

When the orange dragon just comes out of the library, she sees the caro floor with many buildings floating in the sky. Looking up, Sunset sees many buildings upside down. The orange dragon decides to walk around and sees if she is really in another world or something. After walking for a while, she sees everypony in the town is arguing with each other. Some of them even fight each other.

"Weird." Sunset rubs her head, "Am I in 'Alice in the Wonderland' or something?". The dragon decides to walk for more. She sees some brown creature is sitting on the throne. When she looks at the creature, he has many parts of the animals mixing with each other. Sunset walks to him but he teleports in front of her.

"Ho ho ho," The creature laughs, "Look what I have here,"

"Who are you?" Sunset tilts her head, "You look like a monster who is taking some animals part and attracting each other,"

"Oh no no no," The creature waves his paw to reject, "I am Discord. I am recalling myself as God of Chaos."

Sunset faceclaws," Really? Did you just claim yourself as a god?"

"No," Discord laughs, "You just see the world I have made."

"You mean your ridiculous world. The one doesn't have anything but only the children play with them?" Sunset says in the sacram tone, making Discord glare at her. Sunset continues," Seriously, your world is nothing but just a children's book."

"How about you play a game with me?" Discord suggests, "If you win, I can make the world become normal."

Sunset looks at him and knows that he is going to do something, but she decides to play along. "All right, bring it on. I am free anyway."

Discord snaps his fingers and many walls of leaves are rising from the ground and surround the orange dragon. Sunset looks at the sky as Discord announces to her, "Now the game begins."

Sunset walks inside the maze with a boring tone while Discord is watching her from the sky. When Sunset just walks for a while, in front of her eyes are many bookshelves. Feeling weird, Sunset decides to walk past them. Suddenly, many papers from the book surround her and form something like her friends' faces.

The 'faces' start talking. Sunset hears a face with Twilight's voice saying, "You think your magic is superior to others?" With those words, Sunset just shakes her head and keeps moving forward. One of the faces says with Rainbow Dash's voice, " You think you are a hero, 'Heroes don't need fame. Huh, just a coward talk." then all of the 'faces' come around and talk and talk and talk.

Sunset takes the headphone and puts it on her ears because she doesn't want to hear these fake voices. Discord is trying to read her past but he can only read the time she is in Equestria. Trying one more time, Discord finds an awful memory of her. He feels so victorious and snaps his fingers to perform the dragon that Sunset used to love.

Sunset keeps walking and she feels something in the bush. The figure walks out and reveals the familiar white dragon. Sunset's eyes widen and steps back, she doesn't believe what she is seeing.

Sunset looks at him, "How... How can you be alive like that?" Then she yells at him, "You're supposed to be dead. You do not exist anymore."

"What are you saying?" 'Whitty' says calmly, "I am here because I love you so much. How can I be dead and leave you alone like that? "

Sunset shakes her head, "No... You do not exist." Then she kneels down and her tears are falling, "No."

"What's wrong, my love," 'Whitty' walks to the orange dragon, "I am here. With you." Then the white dragon gives her a claw, "Come, we can live together."

Sunset silents for a while as Discord laughs at this when he sees the orange dragon pain and suffers. Suddenly, the black flame surrounds the orange dragon as she takes out the staff and slashes off 'Whitty' head, revealing that it is just leaves. Discord is surprised as he doesn't see so much strong power like that. The black flame covers the orange dragon. After that, the orange dragon becomes a red dragon, and her blue eyes become red eyes, then Sunset roars in the sky, making the ground shake and the wind is blasting. Discord has to use a shield to cover him as the gust is too strong. Sunset looks at Discord and points the staff at the God of Chaos, "You... even you are a god or something. I will never forgive you."

Celestia is lying on the floor because Discord has trapped her in a cage. Suddenly, she hears the dragon roar, and the cage is blown away, freeing the princess of the Sun. Feeling something is not right, Celestia quickly flies to Ponyville at a fast speed.