• Published 18th Sep 2012
  • 848 Views, 28 Comments

One of a Kind - cpthitsugaya

Follow the life of a young Pegasus as he and his friends travel through the years before FiM

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Calm Before the Storm

--Calm Before the Storm--

Lightning looked down from the cloud overlooking his house.

“Its too high! Please dont do it!” Cried Spitfire.

Lightning looked down again and swallowed hard. Shortly after, he jumped. Spreading his wings out far flapping as hard as he could to land on the ground. The force of his wing flaps caused spitfire to cover her eyes and simply hope he doesn't kill himself, however Lightning manages to pull through. Even though he jumped off a cloud easily 50 feet in the air, he stuck his landing, and his friend’s heart attacks.

“Please don't do something like that again Lightning! That was just stupid!”

“Ok guys I won't, I just wanted to see how my training went.”

He was breathing heavily, as they all hoof bumped at their friend’s idiotic “stunt.” At this point in time, the three have been out of Ms.Starshine’s camp for about four weeks. Although it has been quite some time since, the three still manage to group up and practice different aerials and flying tricks with each other. The three then went on to fly around a couple clouds and through a few holes in them. Although they weren't in any kind of school, or camp, they all loved to practice and improve on their flying skills. Lunar had looked over to Lightning with a confident look and said,

“I bet that i can make a small tornado with these clouds!”

“Haha very funny Lunar,” replied Lightning.

At that moment, Lunar began to fly in small circles, trying fiercely to get the clouds to create a funnel shape of a sort. And to his luck, the clouds started to spiral upwards a few feet. The look of shock and awe bolted across the faces of Lightning, and Spitfire. Not only did their friend create a funnel cloud at the age of four, he did it so well it looked like legitimate tornado. Only a master of swift flight could create such a compact tornado, and Lunar did it without much more than a few weeks of practice.

Lunar had stopped, panting hard he turned to his friends and laughed in triumph. Spitfire ran over to the spot where the tornado once was, and patted the ground where it once spun. She then looked up and told them, It feels.... different. Like it had disrupted the cloud entirely. Wait... No... The cloud is... Shaking?" She then looked up to the horizon, and noticed a huge collection of dark clouds billowing. These clouds however, looked as if they were barreling towards Cloudsdale.

The three looked away, knowing the weather pegasi will kick it away. However after a few short minutes, heavy rains started to pour down on them, and once again, shocked them considerably. With a small, fearful hint in her voice, Spitfire had asked,

“Why is it raining? Rain wasn't scheduled for today was it?”

“I dont know, but its just rain right? How bad could it be?”

Mere moments after Spitfire muttered those words, a huge clash of thunder had struck their ears, followed by blinding lights of many sorts. They were startled by the loud thunder, and the voice of a weather pegasus shouting down at them. They all looked up together only to find that the whole group of pegasi were trying their hardest to kick away the cloud, all with no success.

“Get away! Get inside right now!”

His frantic voice was clear, the three had to get out of there right away. They spread their wings far and flew as fast as they could to the nearest shelter. All that was left was a small bakery that Lunar had visited periodically with his father before camp. They bolted inside and warned the shopkeepers about the impending storm.

“You have to close all your doors in windows quickly! A huge storm is coming!”

The shopkeepers chuckled at the group’s rather ridiculous warning. Although the shopkeepers did not believe them, they sure did believe the thunder coming through the window.

“Oh my... Could you fellas close the windows and doors please? There seems to be a big storm coming.”

The three turned to each other with annoyance in their eyes and let out a group sigh. They then began to close the door and windows, however the windows became so fierce that they all three had to work together to get each one closed. Rain flew in almost horizontally and stung their eyes. It was unimaginable! A storm, in Cloudsdale? The three and the bakers huddled in the oven room and began to question just what happened.

“Why the hoof is there a storm outside? I thought it was the weather pegasus’s job to keep them AWAY from Cloudsdale!”

They all jumped at the sound of thunder that couldn't be more than literally thirty feet away. The baker looked at his wife and thought,

“how bad will this storm be? I bet it's almost over.”

Minutes later however, sirens began to blare, and the group started to freak out.

“What's going on out there!?”

They were scared. Scared that their bakery might be destroyed, or even some pony might get hurt! A loud noise had approached the bakery. A noise that only a train could compare to, as if it could. The feeling of a tremendous wind had hit them as the loud object had seemed to roll by within mere feet of the bakery. The whole structure was shaking menacingly, as bread and other baked goods began to fall off the shelves and racks.

Everypony began to worry, and shake nervously as the loud object rolled by. The bakery began to stable out as chunks of wall had been removed from it. Spitfire took a look through one of the holes to find something that has only been seen by citizens in Cloudsdale once or twice on footage. A tornado. At least fifty feet wide, rolling down the very streets that had been dubbed, “safest city from a storm.” Groups of pegasi had been trying to vanquish the tornado, only to fail at it's natural might.

The bakers looked out of the hole in their wall only to be completely stunned at the sight of it.

“Why is there a twister ripping through Cloudsdale!?”

A question they were all thinking. Sirens continue to blare as the tornado continued its devastating course down towards the cloud factory. The factory had a section where rainbows were created, and sent through a tube, however the tornado began to rip by the factory, causing the tubes to vaporize. Rainbows began to spew from the open factory (rather funny no?) and the most peculiar scene had occurred. A dark sky above cloudsdale... with rainbows shooting into it.

Eventually, the tornado had made its way over the edge of the city, and had all but disappeared into the sky. The rain that was once flying horizontally now began to fall vertically, and the winds had died down drastically. At this point, the lightning had stopped, and other pegasi had rallied outside to try to figure out just what happened. A huge path, much like a trench, had appeared straight through the center of the city. The faces of terrified, or enraged pegasi had emerged from their homes, as they began investigation their surroundings.

“Lets go to my place,” said Spitfire. “I want to see if my parents are ok...”

The three flew cautiously to her parent’s house, and when they had arrived, only a few windows had been shattered, and a few chunks of wall were missing. They entered through the doorway and went to find her parents.

“Mom? Dad?”

“Be careful sweetie, the place is a mess.”

“What happened?” Asked Lightning.

“Well from what we heard, a group of pegasi had been out practicing weather drills, when the weather went haywire and blew them away. The paths of clouds they made had attracted the storm, and next thing we knew a tornado had touched down right here in Cloudsdale.”

“Oh wow... I never would have thought this could happen.” Said his wife.

“Lets go to the arena and see what everypony else is up to.”

“Sounds good. You guys want to go with us?”

The three had then joined together, and answered,


` They all then flew to the Cloudsdale Colosseum, (under close supervision of course) only to find that the whole Colosseum was filling up fast. The mayor was on the microphone, and trying to apologize to all the victims of the storm. Lightning had spotted his parents in the crowd and rushed to join them. He flew in fast, and gave his parents a hug, and asked them if they were doing fine.

“We’re fine son, just a little shaken from the storm.”

They had taken their seats, and saw Spitfire and Lunar sit close by. The mayor had gone on to explain on how the storm had started, and promised everypony full compensation on any property damages. Strangely, when the mayor promised reconstruction of the factory, the crowd booed. In fact, the citizens thought the rainbows were a nice new touch to the skyline of Cloudsdale, and they wanted it to remain that way. Lightning had flown over to Lunar and asked him where his dad may be. Lunar replied,

“he's probably at home like always.”

Lightning had turned to his parents, but before he could ask they both gave him a nod. Getting up from their seats, Lunar, Spitfire, and Lightning had began the flight over to Lunar's house. After a little flying, they came across Lunar’s house and landed near the door. Lightning had knocked twice, but Lunar had just peered through the doorway. There he was. Just sitting there, sipping tea like it was just another day at home.

They had entered the hole in the wall and were greeted by his father.

“Sup guys? Quite a breeze don't you think?”

They both looked at each other like he was crazy.

“Umm Lunar, lets go find something to do...”

They then tip hooved away from him, and made their way to Lunar’s room. The design had come to no surprise to Lightning. Dark walls, and pictures of storms that the pegasi caused out where there were no ponies. Lunar had jumped onto his bed and looked up at the ceiling while Lightning sat beside it, stirring up a chat.

“It was lucky your room wasn't too heavily damaged Lunar.”

“Yeah good thing too, its the only place i can get away from my crazy father.”

In that same moment, Spitfire had trotted in, and had the most puzzled look on her face. It was as if she was trying to say something, but just couldn't find it. Lunar and Lightning had turned to each other and laughed.

“Yeah... we don't know either.”

Soon, all thre were laughing, and chatting about the things they could do to help their city. Although Lunar didn't seem too pleased with doing work that wasn't his responsibility, the others got him to come to. They then flew out to the living room, and out the hole in the wall, trying to keep from laughing at his father, whom seemed so interested at the gaping hole in the wall. When they flew to the help center, they were immediately stopped by larger pegasi.

“Woah there, we know you want to help but this is just for bigger ponies.”

“Hey, we're great fliers! Just let us try to help!”

“Hmm, well i suppose you could help some of the neighbors fix their homes.”

The three hoof bumped, and went to the nearest neighbor’s house to offer any help they could. Although the storm had caused serious damage around town, at least it gave some ponies things to do.